コード例 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Transfers up to <paramref name="length"/> data from the <paramref name="easy"/>'s
            /// request content (non-memory) stream to the buffer.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>The number of bytes transferred.</returns>
            private static ulong TransferDataFromRequestStream(IntPtr buffer, int length, EasyRequest easy)
                MultiAgent multi = easy._associatedMultiAgent;

                // First check to see whether there's any data available from a previous asynchronous read request.
                // If there is, the transfer state's Task field will be non-null, with its Result representing
                // the number of bytes read.  The Buffer will then contain all of that read data.  If the Count
                // is 0, then this is the first time we're checking that Task, and so we populate the Count
                // from that read result.  After that, we can transfer as much data remains between Offset and
                // Count.  Multiple callbacks may pull from that one read.

                EasyRequest.SendTransferState sts = easy._sendTransferState;
                if (sts != null)
                    // Is there a previous read that may still have data to be consumed?
                    if (sts._task != null)
                        if (!sts._task.IsCompleted)
                            // We have a previous read that's not yet completed.  This should be quite rare, but it can
                            // happen when we're unpaused prematurely, potentially due to the request still finishing
                            // being sent as the server starts to send a response.  Since we still have the outstanding
                            // read, we simply re-pause.  When the task completes (which could have happened immediately
                            // after the check). the continuation we previously created will fire and queue an unpause.
                            // Since all of this processing is single-threaded on the current thread, that unpause request 
                            // is guaranteed to happen after this re-pause.
                            multi.VerboseTrace("Re-pausing reading after a spurious un-pause", easy: easy);
                            return Interop.Http.CURL_READFUNC_PAUSE;

                        // Determine how many bytes were read on the last asynchronous read.
                        // If nothing was read, then we're done and can simply return 0 to indicate
                        // the end of the stream.
                        int bytesRead = sts._task.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // will throw if read failed
                        Debug.Assert(bytesRead >= 0 && bytesRead <= sts._buffer.Length, "ReadAsync returned an invalid result length: " + bytesRead);
                        if (bytesRead == 0)
                            multi.VerboseTrace("End of stream from stored task", easy: easy);
                            sts.SetTaskOffsetCount(null, 0, 0);
                            return 0;

                        // If Count is still 0, then this is the first time after the task completed
                        // that we're examining the data: transfer the bytesRead to the Count.
                        if (sts._count == 0)
                            multi.VerboseTrace("ReadAsync completed with bytes: " + bytesRead, easy: easy);
                            sts._count = bytesRead;

                        // Now Offset and Count are both accurate.  Determine how much data we can copy to libcurl...
                        int availableData = sts._count - sts._offset;
                        Debug.Assert(availableData > 0, "There must be some data still available.");

                        // ... and copy as much of that as libcurl will allow.
                        int bytesToCopy = Math.Min(availableData, length);
                        Marshal.Copy(sts._buffer, sts._offset, buffer, bytesToCopy);
                        multi.VerboseTrace("Copied " + bytesToCopy + " bytes from request stream", easy: easy);

                        // Update the offset.  If we've gone through all of the data, reset the state 
                        // so that the next time we're called back we'll do a new read.
                        sts._offset += bytesToCopy;
                        Debug.Assert(sts._offset <= sts._count, "Offset should never exceed count");
                        if (sts._offset == sts._count)
                            sts.SetTaskOffsetCount(null, 0, 0);

                        // Return the amount of data copied
                        Debug.Assert(bytesToCopy > 0, "We should never return 0 bytes here.");
                        return (ulong)bytesToCopy;

                    // sts was non-null but sts.Task was null, meaning there was no previous task/data
                    // from which to satisfy any of this request.
                else // sts == null
                    // Allocate a transfer state object to use for the remainder of this request.
                    easy._sendTransferState = sts = new EasyRequest.SendTransferState();

                Debug.Assert(sts != null, "By this point we should have a transfer object");
                Debug.Assert(sts._task == null, "There shouldn't be a task now.");
                Debug.Assert(sts._count == 0, "Count should be zero.");
                Debug.Assert(sts._offset == 0, "Offset should be zero.");

                // If we get here, there was no previously read data available to copy.
                // Initiate a new asynchronous read.
                Task<int> asyncRead = easy._requestContentStream.ReadAsyncInternal(
                    sts._buffer, 0, Math.Min(sts._buffer.Length, length), easy._cancellationToken);
                Debug.Assert(asyncRead != null, "Badly implemented stream returned a null task from ReadAsync");

                // Even though it's "Async", it's possible this read could complete synchronously or extremely quickly.  
                // Check to see if it did, in which case we can also satisfy the libcurl request synchronously in this callback.
                if (asyncRead.IsCompleted)
                    multi.VerboseTrace("ReadAsync completed immediately", easy: easy);

                    // Get the amount of data read.
                    int bytesRead = asyncRead.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // will throw if read failed
                    if (bytesRead == 0)
                        multi.VerboseTrace("End of stream from quick returning ReadAsync", easy: easy);
                        return 0;

                    // Copy as much as we can.
                    int bytesToCopy = Math.Min(bytesRead, length);
                    Debug.Assert(bytesToCopy > 0 && bytesToCopy <= sts._buffer.Length, "ReadAsync quickly returned an invalid result length: " + bytesToCopy);
                    Marshal.Copy(sts._buffer, 0, buffer, bytesToCopy);
                    multi.VerboseTrace("Copied " + bytesToCopy + " from quick returning ReadAsync", easy: easy);

                    // If we read more than we were able to copy, stash it away for the next read.
                    if (bytesToCopy < bytesRead)
                        multi.VerboseTrace("Stashing away " + (bytesRead - bytesToCopy) + " bytes for next read.", easy: easy);
                        sts.SetTaskOffsetCount(asyncRead, bytesToCopy, bytesRead);

                    // Return the number of bytes read.
                    return (ulong)bytesToCopy;

                // Otherwise, the read completed asynchronously.  Store the task, and hook up a continuation 
                // such that the connection will be unpaused once the task completes.
                sts.SetTaskOffsetCount(asyncRead, 0, 0);
                asyncRead.ContinueWith((t, s) =>
                    EasyRequest easyRef = (EasyRequest)s;
                }, easy, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, TaskScheduler.Default);

                // Then pause the connection.
                multi.VerboseTrace("Pausing the connection", easy: easy);
                return Interop.Http.CURL_READFUNC_PAUSE;