ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string
コード例 #1
        public void ToString_UseDifferentRanges_AllSerializedCorrectly()
            ContentRangeHeaderValue range = new ContentRangeHeaderValue(1, 2, 3);
            range.Unit = "myunit";
            Assert.Equal("myunit 1-2/3", range.ToString()); // "Range with all fields set"

            range = new ContentRangeHeaderValue(123456789012345678, 123456789012345679);
            Assert.Equal("bytes 123456789012345678-123456789012345679/*", range.ToString()); // "Only range, no length"

            range = new ContentRangeHeaderValue(150);
            Assert.Equal("bytes */150", range.ToString()); // "Only length, no range"
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Run a simple HTTP server that listens for a few test URIs.
        /// The server exits when a client requests "/Quit".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prefix">Prefix at which the server should listen</param>
        private async Task RunTestServer(string prefix)
            using (var httpListener = new HttpListener())

                while (httpListener.IsListening)
                    var context = await httpListener.GetContextAsync();

                    var requestUri = context.Request.Url;
                    var response = context.Response;

                    if (requestUri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith("/Quit"))
                        // Shut down the HTTP server.

                    // All downloader requests should include ?alt=media.
                    Assert.AreEqual("media", context.Request.QueryString["alt"]);

                    response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                    response.SendChunked = true;  // Avoid having to set Content-Length.

                    Stream outStream = new MemoryStream();

                    if (requestUri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith("/EchoUrl"))
                        // Return the URL that we saw.
                        byte[] uriBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestUri.AbsoluteUri);
                        outStream.Write(uriBytes, 0, uriBytes.Length);
                    else if (requestUri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith("/BadRequestJson"))
                        // Return 400 with a JSON-encoded error.
                        var apiResponse = new StandardResponse<object> { Error = BadRequestError };
                        var apiResponseText = new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer().Serialize(apiResponse);
                        byte[] apiResponseBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(apiResponseText);

                        response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                        outStream.Write(apiResponseBytes, 0, apiResponseBytes.Length);
                    else if (requestUri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith("/NotFoundPlainText"))
                        // Return 404 with a plaintext error.
                        response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                        byte[] errorBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(NotFoundError);
                        outStream.Write(errorBytes, 0, errorBytes.Length);
                    else if (requestUri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith("/GzipContent"))
                        // Return gzip-compressed content.
                        using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(outStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true))
                            gzipStream.Write(MediaContent, 0, MediaContent.Length);
                        response.AddHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
                        // Return plaintext content.
                        outStream.Write(MediaContent, 0, MediaContent.Length);

                    outStream.Position = 0;

                    // Provide rudimentary, non-robust support for Range.
                    // MediaDownloader doesn't exercise this code anymore, but it was useful for
                    // testing previous implementations that did. It remains for posterity.
                    string rangeHeader = context.Request.Headers["Range"];
                    if (rangeHeader != null && response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        var range = RangeHeaderValue.Parse(rangeHeader);
                        var firstRange = range.Ranges.First();

                        long from = firstRange.From ?? 0;
                        long to = Math.Min(outStream.Length - 1, firstRange.To ?? long.MaxValue);

                        var contentRangeHeader = new ContentRangeHeaderValue(from, to, outStream.Length);
                        response.AddHeader("Content-Range", contentRangeHeader.ToString());

                        outStream.Position = from;
                        outStream.SetLength(to + 1);

                    await outStream.CopyToAsync(response.OutputStream);
