コード例 #1
        public string GetScript(System.Management.ManagementClass c, string query)
            StringBuilder s       = new StringBuilder();
            var           lookups = new Dictionary <String, PropertyDataValueMap>();

            bool isEvent   = c.IsEvent();
            bool hasArrays = false;

            string escapedQuery = query.ToString().Replace("\"", "\"\"");

            string[] comments = new string[] {
                "' Connect to WMI service\r\n",
                "' Start Watching for Instances of this Class\r\n",
                "' Loop indefinately to keep the script alive so callbacks can be processed\r\n",
                "' This routine is callby objWMIService when an instance of this Class is being raised\r\n",
                "' Print each query result\r\n",
                "' This routine is called by objWMIService when (if) the Notification Listener closes\r\n",
                "' Execute WMI query to return instances of this class\r\n",
                "' Returns members of an array as a line separated string\r\n"

            if (!this.ShowComments)
                for (int i = 0; i < comments.Length; i++)
                    comments[i] = String.Empty;


            s.AppendLine("Option Explicit");

            if (this.IgnoreErrors)
                s.AppendLine(@"On Error Resume Next");

            if (this.EnableRemoteConnections)
Const strServer = ""{0}"" 'Change strServer to query a remote server
Const strUserName = ""{1}"" 'Make sure you provide credentials for remote servers
Const strPassWord = ""ABC123""

Dim objWMIService, objLocator, objCallBack, objInstances, objInstance

{2}WScript.Echo ""Connecting to WMI Service...""
Set objLocator = CreateObject(""WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"") 'Used to create a connection to the WMI Server
If strServer = ""."" Or LCase(strServer) = ""localhost"" Then
	Set objWMIService = objLocator.ConnectServer(strServer, ""{3}"") 'No credentials for local connections
	Set objWMIService = objLocator.ConnectServer(strServer, ""{3}"", strUserName, strPassWord) 'Secure remote connection
End If

", c.Scope.Path.Server, c.Scope.Options.Username, comments[0], c.Scope.Path.NamespacePath);

Dim objWMIService, objCallBack, objInstances, objInstance
Set objWMIService = GetObject(""winmgmts:{{impersonationLevel=impersonate}}!\\localhost\{0}"")

", c.Scope.Path.NamespacePath);

            if (isEvent)
                    @"Set objCallBack = WScript.CreateObject(""WbemScripting.SWbemSink"",""CallBack_"") 'Create a Call Back pointer for Event Notifications to call.
WScript.Echo ""Watching for Instances of {0}...""
WScript.Echo ""(Press Ctrl+C to cancel.)""
objWMIService.ExecNotificationQueryAsync objCallBack, ""{1}""

	wscript.sleep(1000) 'in ms. 1 CPU cycle per x'ms

{4}Sub CallBack_OnObjectReady(objInstance, objAsyncContext)
	WScript.Echo ""Instance :"" & objInstance.Path_.Relpath
	WScript.Echo ""===============================================================================""
", c.Path.ClassName, escapedQuery, comments[1], comments[2], comments[3]);

                s.AppendFormat(@"{2}WScript.Echo ""Searching for Instances of {0}...""
Set objInstances = objWMIService.ExecQuery(""{1}"") 'Search for instances
WScript.Echo ""Found "" & objInstances.Count & "" results:""

{3}For Each objInstance in objInstances
    WScript.Echo ""Instance: "" & objInstance.Path_.Relpath
    WScript.Echo ""===============================================================================""
", c.Path.ClassName, escapedQuery, comments[6], comments[4]);

            foreach (PropertyData p in c.Properties)
                bool addConvertor = false;

                if (this.PrintTranlatedValues)
                    var map = p.GetValueMap();
                    if (map.Count > 0 && !lookups.ContainsKey(p.Name))
                        lookups.Add(p.Name, map);
                        addConvertor = true;

                if (this.ShowDocumentation)
                    string[] description = p.GetDescription().Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (description.Length > 0)
                        foreach (string line in description)
                            s.AppendFormat("    '{0}\r\n", line);

                if (addConvertor)
                    s.AppendFormat("    WScript.Echo \"{0}: \" & Lookup{0}(objInstance.{0})", p.Name);

                else if (p.IsArray)
                    hasArrays = true;
                    s.AppendFormat("    WScript.Echo \"{0}: \" & ExpandArray(objInstance.{0})", p.Name);

                    s.AppendFormat("    WScript.Echo \"{0}: \" & objInstance.{0}", p.Name);

                if (this.PrintUnitTypes && p.Qualifiers.Exists("Units"))
                    s.AppendFormat(" & \" {0}\"", p.Qualifiers["Units"].Value);


            if (isEvent)
                s.AppendFormat(@"    WScript.Echo
End Sub

{0}Sub CallBack_OnCompleted(objObject, objAsyncContext)
    WScript.Echo ""Watcher Closed.""
End Sub", comments[5], (this.ConfirmExit ? "WScript.StdIn.ReadLine\r\n\t" : String.Empty));

                s.Append(@"    WScript.Echo

                if (this.ConfirmExit)

WScript.StdOut.Write ""Press Enter to Exit...""
WScript.StdIn.ReadLine 'Pause");

            // Add array expander
            if (hasArrays)

{0}Function ExpandArray(array)
	Dim i
	If IsNull(array) Then
		ExpandArray = """"
		Exit Function
	    ExpandArray = ""Array["" & (UBound(array) + 1) & ""]""
	    For i = 0 To UBound(array)
		    ExpandArray = ExpandArray & VbCrLf & ""  "" & array(i)
	End If
End Function", comments[7]);

            // Add Lookup functions
            if (lookups.Count > 0)
                foreach (string field in lookups.Keys)
                    var           map      = lookups[field];
                    List <String> values   = new List <string>(map.Count);
                    List <string> mappings = new List <string>(map.Count);
                    foreach (string key in map.Keys)
                        mappings.Add(String.Format("{0} ({1})", map[key], key));
                    string strValues = c.Properties[field].IsNumeric() ?
                                       String.Join(", ", values.ToArray()) :
                                       String.Format("\"{0}\"", String.Join("\", \"", values.ToArray()));

                    string strMappings = String.Join("\", \"", mappings.ToArray());
                    string description = this.ShowComments ? String.Format("'Returns the value map translation of a '{0}.{1}' member\r\n", c.ClassPath.ClassName, field) : String.Empty;


{3}Function Lookup{0}(key)
    Dim Keys, Values, i
	Keys = Array({1})
	Values = Array(""{2}"")
	For i = 0 To UBound(Keys)
		If Keys(i) = key Then
			Lookup{0} = Values(i)
			Exit Function
		End If
	Lookup{0} = key
End Function", field, strValues, strMappings, description);
