private PathInfo ResolvePath(string pathToResolve, bool isLiteralPath, bool allowNonexistingPaths, PSCmdlet cmdlet) { CmdletProviderContext context = new CmdletProviderContext(cmdlet) { SuppressWildcardExpansion = isLiteralPath }; Collection<PathInfo> targetObject = new Collection<PathInfo>(); try { foreach (PathInfo info in cmdlet.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath(pathToResolve, context)) { targetObject.Add(info); } } catch (PSNotSupportedException exception) { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(exception.ErrorRecord, exception)); } catch (DriveNotFoundException exception2) { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(exception2.ErrorRecord, exception2)); } catch (ProviderNotFoundException exception3) { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(exception3.ErrorRecord, exception3)); } catch (ItemNotFoundException exception4) { if (allowNonexistingPaths) { ProviderInfo provider = null; PSDriveInfo drive = null; string path = cmdlet.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(pathToResolve, context, out provider, out drive); PathInfo item = new PathInfo(drive, provider, path, cmdlet.SessionState); targetObject.Add(item); } else { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(exception4.ErrorRecord, exception4)); } } if (targetObject.Count == 1) { return targetObject[0]; } Exception exception5 = PSTraceSource.NewNotSupportedException(); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(exception5, "NotSupported", ErrorCategory.NotImplemented, targetObject)); return null; }
/// <summary> /// To generate Catalog for the folder /// </summary> /// <param name="Path"> Path to folder or File </param> /// <param name="catalogFilePath"> Catalog File Path </param> /// <param name="catalogVersion"> Catalog File Path </param> /// <param name="cmdlet"> Instance of cmdlet calling this method </param> /// <returns> true if able to generate .cat file or false </returns> internal static FileInfo GenerateCatalog(PSCmdlet cmdlet, Collection <string> Path, string catalogFilePath, int catalogVersion) { _cmdlet = cmdlet; string hashAlgorithm = GetCatalogHashAlgorithm(catalogVersion); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hashAlgorithm)) { // Generate Path for Catalog Definition File string cdfFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName()); cdfFilePath = cdfFilePath + ".cdf"; try { cdfFilePath = GenerateCDFFile(Path, catalogFilePath, cdfFilePath, catalogVersion, hashAlgorithm); if (!File.Exists(cdfFilePath)) { // If we are not able to generate catalog definition file we can not continue generating catalog // throw PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException("catalog", CatalogStrings.CatalogDefinitionFileNotGenerated); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(CatalogStrings.CatalogDefinitionFileNotGenerated), "CatalogDefinitionFileNotGenerated", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null); _cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } GenerateCatalogFile(cdfFilePath); if (File.Exists(catalogFilePath)) { return(new FileInfo(catalogFilePath)); } } finally { File.Delete(cdfFilePath); } } return(null); }
internal void IncrementModuleNestingDepth(PSCmdlet cmdlet, string path) { if (++this._moduleNestingDepth > 10) { InvalidOperationException exception = new InvalidOperationException(StringUtil.Format(Modules.ModuleTooDeeplyNested, path, 10)); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(exception, "Modules_ModuleTooDeeplyNested", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, path); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } }
internal void IncrementModuleNestingDepth(PSCmdlet cmdlet, string path) { if (++this._moduleNestingDepth <= ModuleIntrinsics.MaxModuleNestingDepth) { return; } ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord((Exception) new InvalidOperationException(ResourceManagerCache.FormatResourceString("Modules", "ModuleTooDeeplyNested", (object)path, (object)ModuleIntrinsics.MaxModuleNestingDepth)), "Modules_ModuleTooDeeplyNested", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, (object)path); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); }
internal static DirectoryInfo CreateModuleDirectory(PSCmdlet cmdlet, string moduleNameOrPath, bool force) { DirectoryInfo targetObject = null; try { string str = ModuleCmdletBase.ResolveRootedFilePath(moduleNameOrPath, cmdlet.Context); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && moduleNameOrPath.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { str = Path.Combine(cmdlet.CurrentProviderLocation(cmdlet.Context.ProviderNames.FileSystem).ProviderPath, moduleNameOrPath); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { str = Path.Combine(ModuleIntrinsics.GetPersonalModulePath(), moduleNameOrPath); } targetObject = new DirectoryInfo(str); if (targetObject.Exists) { if (!force) { ErrorDetails details = new ErrorDetails(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_ErrorDirectoryExists, new object[] { targetObject.FullName })); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(new ArgumentException(details.Message), "ExportProxyCommand_OutputDirectoryExists", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, targetObject); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } return(targetObject); } targetObject.Create(); } catch (Exception exception) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(exception); ErrorDetails details2 = new ErrorDetails(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_CannotCreateOutputDirectory, new object[] { moduleNameOrPath, exception.Message })); ErrorRecord record2 = new ErrorRecord(new ArgumentException(details2.Message, exception), "ExportProxyCommand_CannotCreateOutputDirectory", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, moduleNameOrPath); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(record2); } return(targetObject); }
internal static GraphicalHostReflectionWrapper GetGraphicalHostReflectionWrapper(PSCmdlet parentCmdlet, string graphicalHostHelperTypeName, string featureName) { GraphicalHostReflectionWrapper wrapper = new GraphicalHostReflectionWrapper(); if (IsInputFromRemoting(parentCmdlet)) { ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(new NotSupportedException(StringUtil.Format(HelpErrors.RemotingNotSupportedForFeature, featureName)), "RemotingNotSupported", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, parentCmdlet); parentCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } AssemblyName assemblyRef = new AssemblyName { Name = "Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalHost", Version = new Version(3, 0, 0, 0), CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(string.Empty) }; assemblyRef.SetPublicKeyToken(new byte[] { 0x31, 0xbf, 0x38, 0x56, 0xad, 0x36, 0x4e, 0x35 }); try { wrapper.graphicalHostAssembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyRef); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { string message = StringUtil.Format(HelpErrors.GraphicalHostAssemblyIsNotFound, featureName, exception.Message); parentCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new NotSupportedException(message, exception), "ErrorLoadingAssembly", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, assemblyRef)); } catch (Exception exception2) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(exception2); parentCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(exception2, "ErrorLoadingAssembly", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, assemblyRef)); } wrapper.graphicalHostHelperType = wrapper.graphicalHostAssembly.GetType(graphicalHostHelperTypeName); ConstructorInfo info = wrapper.graphicalHostHelperType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[0], null); if (info != null) { wrapper.graphicalHostHelperObject = info.Invoke(new object[0]); } return wrapper; }
internal static DirectoryInfo CreateModuleDirectory(PSCmdlet cmdlet, string moduleNameOrPath, bool force) { DirectoryInfo targetObject = null; try { string str = ModuleCmdletBase.ResolveRootedFilePath(moduleNameOrPath, cmdlet.Context); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && moduleNameOrPath.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { str = Path.Combine(cmdlet.CurrentProviderLocation(cmdlet.Context.ProviderNames.FileSystem).ProviderPath, moduleNameOrPath); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { str = Path.Combine(ModuleIntrinsics.GetPersonalModulePath(), moduleNameOrPath); } targetObject = new DirectoryInfo(str); if (targetObject.Exists) { if (!force) { ErrorDetails details = new ErrorDetails(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_ErrorDirectoryExists, new object[] { targetObject.FullName })); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(new ArgumentException(details.Message), "ExportProxyCommand_OutputDirectoryExists", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, targetObject); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } return targetObject; } targetObject.Create(); } catch (Exception exception) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(exception); ErrorDetails details2 = new ErrorDetails(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_CannotCreateOutputDirectory, new object[] { moduleNameOrPath, exception.Message })); ErrorRecord record2 = new ErrorRecord(new ArgumentException(details2.Message, exception), "ExportProxyCommand_CannotCreateOutputDirectory", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, moduleNameOrPath); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(record2); } return targetObject; }
internal static void MasterStreamOpen(PSCmdlet cmdlet, string filePath, Encoding resolvedEncoding, bool defaultEncoding, bool Append, bool Force, bool NoClobber, out FileStream fileStream, out StreamWriter streamWriter, out FileInfo readOnlyFileInfo, bool isLiteralPath) { fileStream = null; streamWriter = null; readOnlyFileInfo = null; string path = ResolveFilePath(filePath, cmdlet, isLiteralPath); try { FileMode create = FileMode.Create; if (Append) { create = FileMode.Append; } else if (NoClobber) { create = FileMode.CreateNew; } if ((Force && (Append || !NoClobber)) && File.Exists(path)) { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(path); if ((info.Attributes & System.IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == System.IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly) { readOnlyFileInfo = info; info.Attributes &= ~System.IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly; } } FileShare share = Force ? FileShare.ReadWrite : FileShare.Read; fileStream = new FileStream(path, create, FileAccess.Write, share); if (defaultEncoding) { streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream); } else { streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, resolvedEncoding); } } catch (ArgumentException exception) { ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, path, exception); } catch (IOException exception2) { if (NoClobber && File.Exists(path)) { ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(exception2, "NoClobber", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, path) { ErrorDetails = new ErrorDetails(cmdlet, "PathUtilsStrings", "UtilityFileExistsNoClobber", new object[] { filePath, "NoClobber" }) }; cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, path, exception2); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException exception3) { ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, path, exception3); } catch (NotSupportedException exception4) { ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, path, exception4); } catch (SecurityException exception5) { ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, path, exception5); } }
internal static void MasterStreamOpen( PSCmdlet cmdlet, string filePath, string encoding, bool defaultEncoding, bool Append, bool Force, bool NoClobber, out FileStream fileStream, out StreamWriter streamWriter, out FileInfo readOnlyFileInfo) { fileStream = (FileStream)null; streamWriter = (StreamWriter)null; readOnlyFileInfo = (FileInfo)null; string str = PathUtils.ResolveFilePath(filePath, cmdlet); Encoding encoding1 = EncodingConversion.Convert((Cmdlet)cmdlet, encoding); try { FileMode mode = FileMode.Create; if (Append) { mode = FileMode.Append; } else if (NoClobber) { mode = FileMode.CreateNew; } if (Force && (Append || !NoClobber) && File.Exists(str)) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(str); if ((fileInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly) { readOnlyFileInfo = fileInfo; fileInfo.Attributes &= ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly; } } FileShare share = Force ? FileShare.ReadWrite : FileShare.Read; fileStream = new FileStream(str, mode, FileAccess.Write, share); if (defaultEncoding) { streamWriter = new StreamWriter((Stream)fileStream); } else { streamWriter = new StreamWriter((Stream)fileStream, encoding1); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { PathUtils.ReportFileOpenFailure((Cmdlet)cmdlet, str, (Exception)ex); } catch (IOException ex) { if (NoClobber && File.Exists(str)) { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord((Exception)ex, nameof(NoClobber), ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, (object)str) { ErrorDetails = new ErrorDetails((Cmdlet)cmdlet, nameof(PathUtils), "UtilityFileExistsNoClobber", new object[2] { (object)filePath, (object)nameof(NoClobber) }) }); } PathUtils.ReportFileOpenFailure((Cmdlet)cmdlet, str, (Exception)ex); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { PathUtils.ReportFileOpenFailure((Cmdlet)cmdlet, str, (Exception)ex); } catch (NotSupportedException ex) { PathUtils.ReportFileOpenFailure((Cmdlet)cmdlet, str, (Exception)ex); } catch (SecurityException ex) { PathUtils.ReportFileOpenFailure((Cmdlet)cmdlet, str, (Exception)ex); } }
/// <summary> /// THE method for opening a file for writing. /// Should be used by all cmdlets that write to a file. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmdlet">cmdlet that is opening the file (used mainly for error reporting)</param> /// <param name="filePath">path to the file (as specified on the command line - this method will resolve the path)</param> /// <param name="resolvedEncoding">encoding (this method will convert the command line string to an Encoding instance)</param> /// <param name="defaultEncoding">if <c>true</c>, then we will use default .NET encoding instead of the encoding specified in <paramref name="encoding"/> parameter</param> /// <param name="Append"></param> /// <param name="Force"></param> /// <param name="NoClobber"></param> /// <param name="fileStream">Result1: <see cref="FileStream"/> opened for writing</param> /// <param name="streamWriter">Result2: <see cref="StreamWriter"/> (inherits from <see cref="TextWriter"/>) opened for writing</param> /// <param name="readOnlyFileInfo">Result3: file info that should be used to restore file attributes after done with the file (<c>null</c> is this is not needed)</param> /// <param name="isLiteralPath">True if wildcard expansion should be bypassed.</param> internal static void MasterStreamOpen( PSCmdlet cmdlet, string filePath, Encoding resolvedEncoding, bool defaultEncoding, bool Append, bool Force, bool NoClobber, out FileStream fileStream, out StreamWriter streamWriter, out FileInfo readOnlyFileInfo, bool isLiteralPath) { fileStream = null; streamWriter = null; readOnlyFileInfo = null; // resolve the path and the encoding string resolvedPath = ResolveFilePath(filePath, cmdlet, isLiteralPath); try { // variable to track file open mode // this is controlled by append/force parameters FileMode mode = FileMode.Create; if (Append) { mode = FileMode.Append; } else if (NoClobber) { // throw IOException if file exists mode = FileMode.CreateNew; } if (Force && (Append || !NoClobber)) { if (File.Exists(resolvedPath)) { FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(resolvedPath); if ((fInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly) { // remember to reset the read-only attribute later readOnlyFileInfo = fInfo; // Clear the read-only attribute fInfo.Attributes &= ~(FileAttributes.ReadOnly); } } } // if the user knows what he/she is doing and uses "-Force" switch, // then we let more than 1 process write to the same file at the same time FileShare fileShare = Force ? FileShare.ReadWrite : FileShare.Read; // mode is controlled by force and ShouldContinue() fileStream = new FileStream(resolvedPath, mode, FileAccess.Write, fileShare); // create stream writer // NTRAID#Windows Out Of Band Releases-931008-2006/03/27 // For some reason, calling this without specifying // the encoding is different from passing Encoding.Default. if (defaultEncoding) streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream); else streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, resolvedEncoding); } // These are the known exceptions for File.Load and StreamWriter.ctor catch (ArgumentException e) { // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } catch (IOException e) { if (NoClobber && File.Exists(resolvedPath)) { // This probably happened because the file already exists ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord( e, "NoClobber", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, resolvedPath); errorRecord.ErrorDetails = new ErrorDetails( cmdlet, "PathUtilsStrings", "UtilityFileExistsNoClobber", filePath, "NoClobber"); // prevents localization // NOTE: this call will throw cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) { // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } catch (NotSupportedException e) { // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } catch (System.Security.SecurityException e) { // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } } // void MasterStreamOpen
internal static void ResetMachineAccountPassword(string domain, string localMachineName, string server, PSCredential credential, PSCmdlet cmdlet) { // Get domain directory entry and reset the password on the machine account of the local machine string newPassword = null; string domainOrServerName = server ?? domain; try { string dUserName = credential != null ? credential.UserName : null; string dPassword = credential != null ? Utils.GetStringFromSecureString(credential.Password) : null; using (var domainEntry = new DirectoryEntry( "LDAP://" + domainOrServerName, dUserName, dPassword, AuthenticationTypes.Secure)) { using (var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(domainEntry)) { searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=computer)(|(cn=" + localMachineName + ")(dn=" + localMachineName + ")))"; SearchResult result = searcher.FindOne(); if (result == null) { string format = server != null ? ComputerResources.CannotFindMachineAccountFromServer : ComputerResources.CannotFindMachineAccountFromDomain; string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(format, domainOrServerName); ErrorRecord error = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "CannotFindMachineAccount", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(error); } else { // Generate a random password of length 120, and reset the password on the machine account using (var targetEntry = result.GetDirectoryEntry()) { newPassword = ComputerWMIHelper.GetRandomPassword(PasswordLength); targetEntry.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { newPassword }); targetEntry.Properties["LockOutTime"].Value = 0; } } } } } catch (DirectoryServicesCOMException ex) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToResetPasswordOnDomain, ex.Message); ErrorRecord error = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "FailToResetPasswordOnDomain", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(error); } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToResetPasswordOnDomain, ex.InnerException.Message); ErrorRecord error = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "FailToResetPasswordOnDomain", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(error); } catch (COMException ex) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToResetPasswordOnDomain, ex.Message); ErrorRecord error = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "FailToResetPasswordOnDomain", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(error); } // Set the same password to the local machine Dbg.Diagnostics.Assert(newPassword != null, "the newPassword should not be null at this point"); // A direct translation of function NetpManageMachineSecret2 in //depot/winmain/ds/netapi/netjoin/joinutl.c // Initialize the LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES var lsaAttr = new SAMAPI.LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES(); lsaAttr.RootDirectory = IntPtr.Zero; lsaAttr.ObjectName = IntPtr.Zero; lsaAttr.Attributes = 0; lsaAttr.SecurityDescriptor = IntPtr.Zero; lsaAttr.SecurityQualityOfService = IntPtr.Zero; lsaAttr.Length = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SAMAPI.LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES)); // Initialize the policy handle and secret handle IntPtr policyHandle = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr secretHandle = IntPtr.Zero; // Initialize variables for LsaQuerySecret call IntPtr currentPassword = IntPtr.Zero; // Declare the key, newData and currentData var key = new SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING { Buffer = IntPtr.Zero }; var newData = new SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING { Buffer = IntPtr.Zero }; // Initialize the systemName for the localhost var localhost = new SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING(); localhost.Buffer = IntPtr.Zero; localhost.Length = 0; localhost.MaximumLength = 0; try { // Open the LSA policy uint ret = SAMAPI.LsaOpenPolicy(ref localhost, ref lsaAttr, (int)SAMAPI.LSA_ACCESS.AllAccess, out policyHandle); if (ret == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) { string errMsg = ComputerResources.NeedAdminPrivilegeToResetPassword; ErrorRecord error = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "UnauthorizedAccessException", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(error); } if (ret != 0) { ThrowOutLsaError(ret, cmdlet); } // Initialize secret key, new secret SAMAPI.InitLsaString(SecretKey, ref key); SAMAPI.InitLsaString(newPassword, ref newData); bool secretCreated = false; // Open the secret. If the secret is not found, create the secret ret = SAMAPI.LsaOpenSecret(policyHandle, ref key, SECRET_SET_VALUE | SECRET_QUERY_VALUE, out secretHandle); if (ret == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ret = SAMAPI.LsaCreateSecret(policyHandle, ref key, SECRET_SET_VALUE, out secretHandle); secretCreated = true; } if (ret != 0) { ThrowOutLsaError(ret, cmdlet); } SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING currentData; // Get the current password if (secretCreated) { // Use the new password as the current one currentData = newData; } else { // Query for the current password ret = SAMAPI.LsaQuerySecret(secretHandle, out currentPassword, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != 0) { ThrowOutLsaError(ret, cmdlet); } currentData = (SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPassword, typeof(SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING)); } ret = SAMAPI.LsaSetSecret(secretHandle, ref newData, ref currentData); if (ret != 0) { ThrowOutLsaError(ret, cmdlet); } } finally { // Release pointers if (currentPassword != IntPtr.Zero) { int releaseResult = SAMAPI.LsaFreeMemory(currentPassword); Dbg.Diagnostics.Assert(releaseResult == 0, "LsaFreeMemory returned non-zero value"); } // Release handles if (policyHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { int releaseResult = SAMAPI.LsaClose(policyHandle); Dbg.Diagnostics.Assert(releaseResult == 0, "LsaClose returned non-zero value"); } if (secretHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { int releaseResult = SAMAPI.LsaClose(secretHandle); Dbg.Diagnostics.Assert(releaseResult == 0, "LsaClose returned non-zero value"); } // Release LSA_UNICODE_STRING SAMAPI.FreeLsaString(ref key); SAMAPI.FreeLsaString(ref newData); } }
internal static GraphicalHostReflectionWrapper GetGraphicalHostReflectionWrapper(PSCmdlet parentCmdlet, string graphicalHostHelperTypeName, string featureName) { GraphicalHostReflectionWrapper returnValue = new GraphicalHostReflectionWrapper(); if (GraphicalHostReflectionWrapper.IsInputFromRemoting(parentCmdlet)) { ErrorRecord error = new ErrorRecord( new NotSupportedException(StringUtil.Format(HelpErrors.RemotingNotSupportedForFeature, featureName)), "RemotingNotSupported", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, parentCmdlet); parentCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(error); } // Prepare the full assembly name. AssemblyName graphicalHostAssemblyName = new AssemblyName(); graphicalHostAssemblyName.Name = "Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalHost"; graphicalHostAssemblyName.Version = new Version(3, 0, 0, 0); graphicalHostAssemblyName.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(String.Empty); // Neutral culture graphicalHostAssemblyName.SetPublicKeyToken(new byte[] { 0x31, 0xbf, 0x38, 0x56, 0xad, 0x36, 0x4e, 0x35 }); try { returnValue._graphicalHostAssembly = Assembly.Load(graphicalHostAssemblyName); } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundEx) { // This exception is thrown if the Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalHost.dll could not be found (was not installed). string errorMessage = StringUtil.Format( HelpErrors.GraphicalHostAssemblyIsNotFound, featureName, fileNotFoundEx.Message); parentCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( new ErrorRecord( new NotSupportedException(errorMessage, fileNotFoundEx), "ErrorLoadingAssembly", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, graphicalHostAssemblyName)); } catch (Exception e) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(e); parentCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( new ErrorRecord( e, "ErrorLoadingAssembly", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, graphicalHostAssemblyName)); } returnValue._graphicalHostHelperType = returnValue._graphicalHostAssembly.GetType(graphicalHostHelperTypeName); Diagnostics.Assert(returnValue._graphicalHostHelperType != null, "the type exists in Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalHost"); ConstructorInfo constructor = returnValue._graphicalHostHelperType.GetConstructor( BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { }, null); if (constructor != null) { returnValue._graphicalHostHelperObject = constructor.Invoke(new object[] { }); Diagnostics.Assert(returnValue._graphicalHostHelperObject != null, "the constructor does not throw anything"); } return returnValue; }
/// <summary> /// Combines an array of strings or hashtables into a single string block /// </summary> internal static string CombineHashTableOrStringArray(object[] values, StreamWriter writer, PSCmdlet caller) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { string strVal = values[i] as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strVal)) { sb.Append(QuoteName(strVal)); } else { Hashtable hashVal = values[i] as Hashtable; if (null == hashVal) { string message = StringUtil.Format(RemotingErrorIdStrings.DISCTypeMustBeStringOrHashtableArray, ConfigFileConstants.ModulesToImport); PSArgumentException e = new PSArgumentException(message); caller.ThrowTerminatingError(e.ErrorRecord); } sb.Append(CombineHashtable(hashVal, writer)); } if (i < (values.Length - 1)) { sb.Append(", "); } } return sb.ToString(); }
internal static void MasterStreamOpen( PSCmdlet cmdlet, string filePath, Encoding resolvedEncoding, bool defaultEncoding, bool append, bool force, bool noClobber, out FileStream fileStream, out StreamWriter streamWriter, out FileInfo readOnlyFileInfo, bool isLiteralPath) { fileStream = null; streamWriter = null; readOnlyFileInfo = null; var str = ResolveFilePath(filePath, cmdlet, isLiteralPath); try { var mode = FileMode.Create; if (append) { mode = FileMode.Append; } else if (noClobber) { mode = FileMode.CreateNew; } if (force && (append || !noClobber) && File.Exists(str)) { var fileInfo1 = new FileInfo(str); if ((fileInfo1.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly) { readOnlyFileInfo = fileInfo1; var fileInfo2 = fileInfo1; var num = (int) (fileInfo2.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly); fileInfo2.Attributes = (FileAttributes) num; } } var share = force ? FileShare.ReadWrite : FileShare.Read; fileStream = new FileStream(str, mode, FileAccess.Write, share); streamWriter = defaultEncoding ? new StreamWriter(fileStream) : new StreamWriter(fileStream, resolvedEncoding); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, str, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { if (noClobber && File.Exists(str)) { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( new ErrorRecord(ex, "NoClobber", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, str) { ErrorDetails = new ErrorDetails( cmdlet, "PathUtilsStrings", "UtilityFileExistsNoClobber", new object[] { filePath, "NoClobber" }) }); } ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, str, ex); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, str, ex); } catch (NotSupportedException ex) { ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, str, ex); } catch (SecurityException ex) { ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, str, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// To generate Catalog for the folder /// </summary> /// /// <param name="Path"> Path to folder or File </param> /// <param name="catalogFilePath"> Catalog File Path </param> /// <param name="catalogVersion"> Catalog File Path </param> /// <param name="cmdlet"> Instance of cmdlet calling this method </param> /// <returns> true if able to generate .cat file or false </returns> internal static FileInfo GenerateCatalog(PSCmdlet cmdlet, Collection<string> Path, string catalogFilePath, int catalogVersion) { _cmdlet = cmdlet; string hashAlgorithm = GetCatalogHashAlgorithm(catalogVersion); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hashAlgorithm)) { // Generate Path for Catalog Definition File string cdfFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName()); cdfFilePath = cdfFilePath + ".cdf"; try { cdfFilePath = GenerateCDFFile(Path, catalogFilePath, cdfFilePath, catalogVersion, hashAlgorithm); if (!File.Exists(cdfFilePath)) { // If we are not able to generate catalog definition file we can not continue generating catalog // throw PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException("catalog", CatalogStrings.CatalogDefinitionFileNotGenerated); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(CatalogStrings.CatalogDefinitionFileNotGenerated), "CatalogDefinitionFileNotGenerated", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null); _cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } GenerateCatalogFile(cdfFilePath); if (File.Exists(catalogFilePath)) { return new FileInfo(catalogFilePath); } } finally { File.Delete(cdfFilePath); } } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Resolves the specified path to PathInfo objects /// </summary> /// /// <param name="pathToResolve"> /// The path to be resolved. Each path may contain glob characters. /// </param> /// /// <param name="isLiteralPath"> /// True if wildcard expansion should be suppressed for pathToResolve. /// </param> /// /// <param name="allowNonexistingPaths"> /// If true, resolves the path even if it doesn't exist. /// </param> /// /// <param name="cmdlet"> /// Calling cmdlet /// </param> /// /// <returns> /// A string representing the resolved path. /// </returns> /// private static PathInfo ResolvePath( string pathToResolve, bool isLiteralPath, bool allowNonexistingPaths, PSCmdlet cmdlet) { // Construct cmdletprovidercontext CmdletProviderContext cmdContext = new CmdletProviderContext(cmdlet); cmdContext.SuppressWildcardExpansion = isLiteralPath; Collection<PathInfo> results = new Collection<PathInfo>(); try { // First resolve path Collection<PathInfo> pathInfos = cmdlet.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath( pathToResolve, cmdContext); foreach (PathInfo pathInfo in pathInfos) { results.Add(pathInfo); } } catch (PSNotSupportedException notSupported) { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( new ErrorRecord( notSupported.ErrorRecord, notSupported)); } catch (System.Management.Automation.DriveNotFoundException driveNotFound) { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( new ErrorRecord( driveNotFound.ErrorRecord, driveNotFound)); } catch (ProviderNotFoundException providerNotFound) { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( new ErrorRecord( providerNotFound.ErrorRecord, providerNotFound)); } catch (ItemNotFoundException pathNotFound) { if (allowNonexistingPaths) { ProviderInfo provider = null; System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo drive = null; string unresolvedPath = cmdlet.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath( pathToResolve, cmdContext, out provider, out drive); PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo( drive, provider, unresolvedPath, cmdlet.SessionState); results.Add(pathInfo); } else { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( new ErrorRecord( pathNotFound.ErrorRecord, pathNotFound)); } } if (results.Count == 1) { return results[0]; } else //if (results.Count > 1) { Exception e = PSTraceSource.NewNotSupportedException(); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( new ErrorRecord(e, "NotSupported", ErrorCategory.NotImplemented, results)); return null; } } // ResolvePath
internal static DirectoryInfo CreateModuleDirectory(PSCmdlet cmdlet, string moduleNameOrPath, bool force) { Dbg.Assert(cmdlet != null, "Caller should verify cmdlet != null"); Dbg.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleNameOrPath), "Caller should verify !string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleNameOrPath)"); DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = null; try { string rootedPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.ResolveRootedFilePath(moduleNameOrPath, cmdlet.Context); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootedPath) && moduleNameOrPath.StartsWith('.')) { PathInfo currentPath = cmdlet.CurrentProviderLocation(cmdlet.Context.ProviderNames.FileSystem); rootedPath = Path.Combine(currentPath.ProviderPath, moduleNameOrPath); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootedPath)) { string personalModuleRoot = ModuleIntrinsics.GetPersonalModulePath(); rootedPath = Path.Combine(personalModuleRoot, moduleNameOrPath); } directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(rootedPath); if (directoryInfo.Exists) { if (!force) { string errorMessage = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, // directory name should be treated as culture-invariant PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_ErrorDirectoryExists, directoryInfo.FullName); ErrorDetails details = new ErrorDetails(errorMessage); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord( new ArgumentException(details.Message), "ExportProxyCommand_OutputDirectoryExists", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, directoryInfo); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } } else { directoryInfo.Create(); } } catch (Exception e) { string errorMessage = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, // directory name should be treated as culture-invariant PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_CannotCreateOutputDirectory, moduleNameOrPath, e.Message); ErrorDetails details = new ErrorDetails(errorMessage); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord( new ArgumentException(details.Message, e), "ExportProxyCommand_CannotCreateOutputDirectory", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, moduleNameOrPath); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } return(directoryInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Throw out terminating error for LSA function invocations /// </summary> /// <param name="ret"></param> /// <param name="cmdlet"></param> private static void ThrowOutLsaError(uint ret, PSCmdlet cmdlet) { var ex = new Win32Exception(SAMAPI.LsaNtStatusToWinError((int)ret)); string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToResetPasswordOnLocalMachine, ex.Message); ErrorRecord error = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "FailToResetPasswordOnLocalMachine", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, Dns.GetHostName()); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(error); }
internal static DirectoryInfo CreateModuleDirectory(PSCmdlet cmdlet, string moduleNameOrPath, bool force) { Dbg.Assert(cmdlet != null, "Caller should verify cmdlet != null"); Dbg.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleNameOrPath), "Caller should verify !string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleNameOrPath)"); DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = null; try { string rootedPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.ResolveRootedFilePath(moduleNameOrPath, cmdlet.Context); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootedPath) && moduleNameOrPath.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { PathInfo currentPath = cmdlet.CurrentProviderLocation(cmdlet.Context.ProviderNames.FileSystem); rootedPath = Path.Combine(currentPath.ProviderPath, moduleNameOrPath); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootedPath)) { string personalModuleRoot = ModuleIntrinsics.GetPersonalModulePath(); rootedPath = Path.Combine(personalModuleRoot, moduleNameOrPath); } directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(rootedPath); if (directoryInfo.Exists) { if (!force) { string errorMessage = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, // directory name should be treated as culture-invariant PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_ErrorDirectoryExists, directoryInfo.FullName); ErrorDetails details = new ErrorDetails(errorMessage); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord( new ArgumentException(details.Message), "ExportProxyCommand_OutputDirectoryExists", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, directoryInfo); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } } else { directoryInfo.Create(); } } catch (Exception e) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(e); string errorMessage = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, // directory name should be treated as culture-invariant PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_CannotCreateOutputDirectory, moduleNameOrPath, e.Message); ErrorDetails details = new ErrorDetails(errorMessage); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord( new ArgumentException(details.Message, e), "ExportProxyCommand_CannotCreateOutputDirectory", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, moduleNameOrPath); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } return directoryInfo; }
/// <summary> /// Find out the Version of Catalog by reading its Meta data. We can have either version 1 or version 2 catalog /// </summary> /// <param name="catalogHandle">Handle to open catalog file.</param> /// <returns>Version of the catalog.</returns> private static int GetCatalogVersion(IntPtr catalogHandle) { int catalogVersion = -1; IntPtr catalogData = NativeMethods.CryptCATStoreFromHandle(catalogHandle); NativeMethods.CRYPTCATSTORE catalogInfo = Marshal.PtrToStructure <NativeMethods.CRYPTCATSTORE>(catalogData); if (catalogInfo.dwPublicVersion == catalogVersion2) { catalogVersion = 2; } // One Windows 7 this API sent version information as decimal 1 not hex (0X100 = 256) // so we are checking for that value as well. Reason we are not checking for version 2 above in // this scenario because catalog version 2 is not supported on win7. else if ((catalogInfo.dwPublicVersion == catalogVersion1) || (catalogInfo.dwPublicVersion == 1)) { catalogVersion = 1; } else { // catalog version we don't understand Exception exception = new InvalidOperationException(StringUtil.Format(CatalogStrings.UnKnownCatalogVersion, catalogVersion1.ToString("X"), catalogVersion2.ToString("X"))); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(exception, "UnKnownCatalogVersion", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null); _cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } return(catalogVersion); }
internal static void ResetMachineAccountPassword(string domain, string localMachineName, string server, PSCredential credential, PSCmdlet cmdlet) { SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING structure; string userName; string stringFromSecureString; string cannotFindMachineAccountFromServer; DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = null; DirectoryEntry directoryEntry1 = null; DirectorySearcher directorySearcher = null; string randomPassword = null; string str = server; string str1 = str; if (str == null) { str1 = domain; } string str2 = str1; try { try { if (credential != null) { userName = credential.UserName; } else { userName = null; } string str3 = userName; if (credential != null) { stringFromSecureString = Utils.GetStringFromSecureString(credential.Password); } else { stringFromSecureString = null; } string str4 = stringFromSecureString; directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(string.Concat("LDAP://", str2), str3, str4, AuthenticationTypes.Secure); directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry); string[] strArrays = new string[5]; strArrays[0] = "(&(objectClass=computer)(|(cn="; strArrays[1] = localMachineName; strArrays[2] = ")(dn="; strArrays[3] = localMachineName; strArrays[4] = ")))"; directorySearcher.Filter = string.Concat(strArrays); SearchResult searchResult = directorySearcher.FindOne(); if (searchResult != null) { directoryEntry1 = searchResult.GetDirectoryEntry(); randomPassword = ComputerWMIHelper.GetRandomPassword(120); object[] objArray = new object[1]; objArray[0] = randomPassword; directoryEntry1.Invoke("SetPassword", objArray); directoryEntry1.Properties["LockOutTime"].Value = 0; } else { if (server != null) { cannotFindMachineAccountFromServer = ComputerResources.CannotFindMachineAccountFromServer; } else { cannotFindMachineAccountFromServer = ComputerResources.CannotFindMachineAccountFromDomain; } string str5 = cannotFindMachineAccountFromServer; string str6 = StringUtil.Format(str5, str2); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(str6), "CannotFindMachineAccount", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } } #if !MONO catch (DirectoryServicesCOMException directoryServicesCOMException1) { DirectoryServicesCOMException directoryServicesCOMException = directoryServicesCOMException1; string str7 = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToResetPasswordOnDomain, directoryServicesCOMException.Message); ErrorRecord errorRecord1 = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(str7), "FailToResetPasswordOnDomain", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord1); } #endif catch (TargetInvocationException targetInvocationException1) { TargetInvocationException targetInvocationException = targetInvocationException1; string str8 = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToResetPasswordOnDomain, targetInvocationException.InnerException.Message); ErrorRecord errorRecord2 = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(str8), "FailToResetPasswordOnDomain", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord2); } catch (COMException cOMException1) { COMException cOMException = cOMException1; string str9 = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToResetPasswordOnDomain, cOMException.Message); ErrorRecord errorRecord3 = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(str9), "FailToResetPasswordOnDomain", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord3); } } finally { if (directoryEntry != null) { directoryEntry.Close(); directoryEntry.Dispose(); } if (directorySearcher != null) { directorySearcher.Dispose(); } if (directoryEntry1 != null) { directoryEntry1.Close(); directoryEntry1.Dispose(); } } SAMAPI.LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES zero = new SAMAPI.LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES(); zero.RootDirectory = IntPtr.Zero; zero.ObjectName = IntPtr.Zero; zero.Attributes = 0; zero.SecurityDescriptor = IntPtr.Zero; zero.SecurityQualityOfService = IntPtr.Zero; zero.Length = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SAMAPI.LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES)); IntPtr intPtr = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr zero1 = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr intPtr1 = IntPtr.Zero; SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING lSAUNICODESTRING = new SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING(); lSAUNICODESTRING.Buffer = IntPtr.Zero; SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING lSAUNICODESTRING1 = lSAUNICODESTRING; SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING zero2 = new SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING(); zero2.Buffer = IntPtr.Zero; SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING lSAUNICODESTRING2 = zero2; SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING zero3 = new SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING(); zero3.Buffer = IntPtr.Zero; zero3.Length = 0; zero3.MaximumLength = 0; try { uint num = SAMAPI.LsaOpenPolicy(ref zero3, ref zero, 0xf0fff, out intPtr); if (num == -1073741790) { string needAdminPrivilegeToResetPassword = ComputerResources.NeedAdminPrivilegeToResetPassword; ErrorRecord errorRecord4 = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(needAdminPrivilegeToResetPassword), "UnauthorizedAccessException", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, localMachineName); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord4); } if (num != 0) { ResetComputerMachinePasswordCommand.ThrowOutLsaError(num, cmdlet); } SAMAPI.InitLsaString("$MACHINE.ACC", ref lSAUNICODESTRING1); SAMAPI.InitLsaString(randomPassword, ref lSAUNICODESTRING2); bool flag = false; num = SAMAPI.LsaOpenSecret(intPtr, ref lSAUNICODESTRING1, 3, out zero1); if (num == -1073741772) { num = SAMAPI.LsaCreateSecret(intPtr, ref lSAUNICODESTRING1, 1, out zero1); flag = true; } if (num != 0) { ResetComputerMachinePasswordCommand.ThrowOutLsaError(num, cmdlet); } if (!flag) { num = SAMAPI.LsaQuerySecret(zero1, out intPtr1, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if (num != 0) { ResetComputerMachinePasswordCommand.ThrowOutLsaError(num, cmdlet); } structure = (SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING)Marshal.PtrToStructure(intPtr1, typeof(SAMAPI.LSA_UNICODE_STRING)); } else { structure = lSAUNICODESTRING2; } num = SAMAPI.LsaSetSecret(zero1, ref lSAUNICODESTRING2, ref structure); if (num != 0) { ResetComputerMachinePasswordCommand.ThrowOutLsaError(num, cmdlet); } } finally { if (intPtr1 != IntPtr.Zero) { SAMAPI.LsaFreeMemory(intPtr1); } if (intPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { SAMAPI.LsaClose(intPtr); } if (zero1 != IntPtr.Zero) { SAMAPI.LsaClose(zero1); } SAMAPI.FreeLsaString(ref lSAUNICODESTRING1); SAMAPI.FreeLsaString(ref lSAUNICODESTRING2); } }
/// <summary> /// THE method for opening a file for writing. /// Should be used by all cmdlets that write to a file. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmdlet">Cmdlet that is opening the file (used mainly for error reporting).</param> /// <param name="filePath">Path to the file (as specified on the command line - this method will resolve the path).</param> /// <param name="resolvedEncoding">Encoding (this method will convert the command line string to an Encoding instance).</param> /// <param name="defaultEncoding">If <see langword="true"/>, then we will use default .NET encoding instead of the encoding specified in <paramref name="encoding"/> parameter.</param> /// <param name="Append"></param> /// <param name="Force"></param> /// <param name="NoClobber"></param> /// <param name="fileStream">Result1: <see cref="FileStream"/> opened for writing.</param> /// <param name="streamWriter">Result2: <see cref="StreamWriter"/> (inherits from <see cref="TextWriter"/>) opened for writing.</param> /// <param name="readOnlyFileInfo">Result3: file info that should be used to restore file attributes after done with the file (<see langword="null"/> is this is not needed).</param> /// <param name="isLiteralPath">True if wildcard expansion should be bypassed.</param> internal static void MasterStreamOpen( PSCmdlet cmdlet, string filePath, Encoding resolvedEncoding, bool defaultEncoding, bool Append, bool Force, bool NoClobber, out FileStream fileStream, out StreamWriter streamWriter, out FileInfo readOnlyFileInfo, bool isLiteralPath) { fileStream = null; streamWriter = null; readOnlyFileInfo = null; // resolve the path and the encoding string resolvedPath = ResolveFilePath(filePath, cmdlet, isLiteralPath); try { // variable to track file open mode // this is controlled by append/force parameters FileMode mode = FileMode.Create; if (Append) { mode = FileMode.Append; } else if (NoClobber) { // throw IOException if file exists mode = FileMode.CreateNew; } if (Force && (Append || !NoClobber)) { if (File.Exists(resolvedPath)) { FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(resolvedPath); if ((fInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly) { // remember to reset the read-only attribute later readOnlyFileInfo = fInfo; // Clear the read-only attribute fInfo.Attributes &= ~(FileAttributes.ReadOnly); } } } // if the user knows what he/she is doing and uses "-Force" switch, // then we let more than 1 process write to the same file at the same time FileShare fileShare = Force ? FileShare.ReadWrite : FileShare.Read; // mode is controlled by force and ShouldContinue() fileStream = new FileStream(resolvedPath, mode, FileAccess.Write, fileShare); // create stream writer // NTRAID#Windows Out Of Band Releases-931008-2006/03/27 // For some reason, calling this without specifying // the encoding is different from passing Encoding.Default. if (defaultEncoding) { streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream); } else { streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, resolvedEncoding); } } // These are the known exceptions for File.Load and StreamWriter.ctor catch (ArgumentException e) { // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } catch (IOException e) { if (NoClobber && File.Exists(resolvedPath)) { // This probably happened because the file already exists ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord( e, "NoClobber", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, resolvedPath); errorRecord.ErrorDetails = new ErrorDetails( cmdlet, "PathUtilsStrings", "UtilityFileExistsNoClobber", filePath, "NoClobber"); // prevents localization // NOTE: this call will throw cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) { // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } catch (NotSupportedException e) { // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } catch (System.Security.SecurityException e) { // NOTE: this call will throw ReportFileOpenFailure(cmdlet, resolvedPath, e); } }
internal static DirectoryInfo CreateModuleDirectory(PSCmdlet cmdlet, string moduleNameOrPath, bool force) { Dbg.Assert(cmdlet != null, "Caller should verify cmdlet != null"); Dbg.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleNameOrPath), "Caller should verify !string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleNameOrPath)"); DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = null; try { // Even if 'moduleNameOrPath' is a rooted path, 'ResolveRootedFilePath' may return null when the path doesn't exist yet, // or when it contains wildcards but cannot be resolved to a single path. string rootedPath = ModuleCmdletBase.ResolveRootedFilePath(moduleNameOrPath, cmdlet.Context); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootedPath) && moduleNameOrPath.StartsWith('.')) { PathInfo currentPath = cmdlet.CurrentProviderLocation(cmdlet.Context.ProviderNames.FileSystem); rootedPath = Path.Combine(currentPath.ProviderPath, moduleNameOrPath); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootedPath)) { if (Path.IsPathRooted(moduleNameOrPath)) { rootedPath = moduleNameOrPath; } else { string personalModuleRoot = ModuleIntrinsics.GetPersonalModulePath(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personalModuleRoot)) { cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( new ErrorRecord( new ArgumentException(StringUtil.Format(PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_ErrorModuleNameOrPath, moduleNameOrPath)), "ExportPSSession_ErrorModuleNameOrPath", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, cmdlet)); } rootedPath = Path.Combine(personalModuleRoot, moduleNameOrPath); } } directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(rootedPath); if (directoryInfo.Exists) { if (!force) { string errorMessage = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, // directory name should be treated as culture-invariant PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_ErrorDirectoryExists, directoryInfo.FullName); ErrorDetails details = new ErrorDetails(errorMessage); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord( new ArgumentException(details.Message), "ExportProxyCommand_OutputDirectoryExists", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, directoryInfo); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } } else { directoryInfo.Create(); } } catch (Exception e) { string errorMessage = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, // directory name should be treated as culture-invariant PathUtilsStrings.ExportPSSession_CannotCreateOutputDirectory, moduleNameOrPath, e.Message); ErrorDetails details = new ErrorDetails(errorMessage); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord( new ArgumentException(details.Message, e), "ExportProxyCommand_CannotCreateOutputDirectory", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, moduleNameOrPath); cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(errorRecord); } return(directoryInfo); }