public void Compile(string fileName) { var parent = Directory.GetParent(fileName); var dir = Directory.CreateDirectory($"output_{parent.Name}"); var fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); var tacFilePath = $"{dir.FullName}/{fileNameWithoutExtension}.tac"; var asmFilePath = $"{dir.FullName}/{fileNameWithoutExtension}.asm"; try { FileIn = File.CreateText(tacFilePath); var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileName); var lexAnalyzer = new LexicalAnalyzerService(streamReader); var symbolTable = new SymbolTable { Printer = (val) => { Console.WriteLine(val); } }; var syntaxParser = new SyntaxParserService(lexAnalyzer, symbolTable); PrintSourceCode(File.ReadAllText(fileName)); syntaxParser.Parse(); FileIn.Close(); Intelx86GeneratorService.Generate( File.ReadAllLines(tacFilePath), syntaxParser.GlobalStrings, syntaxParser.MethodLocalSize, syntaxParser.MethodParamSize, (str) => { if (File.Exists(asmFilePath)) { File.Delete(asmFilePath); } File.AppendAllText(asmFilePath, str); Console.WriteLine(str); }); } catch (Exception ex) { // Delete out file if (File.Exists(tacFilePath)) { FileIn.Close(); File.Delete(tacFilePath); } Print("Oops, there seems to be something wrong.\n\n", ErrorColor); Print(ex.Message, ErrorColor); } }
public LogTextWriter(string filePath, string prefix = null, string suffix = null, string newline = "\n") { _outputQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<string>(); _outputRun = 1; _outputThread = new Thread(() => { string o; using (FileStream _fs = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read)) { _innerWriter = new StreamWriter(_fs); _innerWriter.NewLine = newline; while (Thread.VolatileRead(ref _outputRun) == 1 || _outputQueue.Count > 0) { if (_outputQueue.Count > 0) { while (_outputQueue.TryDequeue(out o)) _innerWriter.Write(o); _innerWriter.Flush(); } else Thread.Sleep(_outputThreadDelay); } // _fs.Close(); _innerWriter.Close(); } }); _outputThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; _outputThread.Start(); _prefix = prefix; _suffix = suffix; }
public void ValidateFile(Stream stream, TextWriter outstream, Action<int> progress, Action<string> status) { try { MZTabErrorList errorList = new MZTabErrorList(Level.Info); try { validate(stream, outstream, errorList, progress, status); //refine(); } catch (MZTabException e) { outstream.Write(MZTabProperties.MZTabExceptionMessage); errorList.Add(e.Error); } catch (MZTabErrorOverflowException) { outstream.Write(MZTabProperties.MZTabErrorOverflowExceptionMessage); } errorList.print(outstream); if (errorList.IsNullOrEmpty()) { outstream.Write("No errors in this section!" + MZTabConstants.NEW_LINE); } outstream.Close(); //stream.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } }
/*************************************************************************************************************************/ public void flush_save_file() { int anz_lines; Log.PushStackInfo("FMRS_Util.flush_save_file", "enter flush_save_file()"); Log.dbg("flush save file"); string[] lines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(FILES.SAVE_TXT); anz_lines = lines.Length; Log.dbg("delete {0} lines", anz_lines); IO.TextWriter file = IO.File.CreateText(FILES.SAVE_TXT); while (anz_lines != 0) { file.WriteLine(""); anz_lines--; } file.Close(); foreach (KeyValuePair <save_cat, Dictionary <string, string> > content in Save_File_Content) { Save_File_Content[content.Key].Clear(); } bflush_save_file = false; init_save_file(); read_save_file(); Log.PopStackInfo("leave flush_save_file()"); }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { if (!EventLog.SourceExists("SSISIncomingDirectoryWatcher", ".")) { EventLog.CreateEventSource("SSISIncomingDirectoryWatcher", "Application"); } Lg = new EventLog("Application", ".", "SSISIncomingDirectoryWatcher"); Lg.WriteEntry("Service started at " + DateTime.Now, EventLogEntryType.Information); try { tw = File.CreateText(logFilePath); tw.WriteLine("Service started at {0}", DateTime.Now); readInConfigValues(); Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); Watcher.Path = dirToWatch; Watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = false; Watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(watcherChange); Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Lg.WriteEntry(ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } finally { tw.Close(); } }
public static void GenerateResult (TextReader sr, TextWriter sw, Uri baseUri) { while (sr.Peek () > 0) { string uriString = sr.ReadLine (); if (uriString.Length == 0 || uriString [0] == '#') continue; Uri uri = (baseUri == null) ? new Uri (uriString) : new Uri (baseUri, uriString); sw.WriteLine ("-------------------------"); sw.WriteLine (uriString); sw.WriteLine (uri.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine (uri.AbsoluteUri); sw.WriteLine (uri.Scheme); sw.WriteLine (uri.Host); sw.WriteLine (uri.LocalPath); sw.WriteLine (uri.Query); sw.WriteLine (uri.Port); sw.WriteLine (uri.IsFile); sw.WriteLine (uri.IsUnc); sw.WriteLine (uri.IsLoopback); sw.WriteLine (uri.UserEscaped); sw.WriteLine (uri.HostNameType); sw.WriteLine (uri.AbsolutePath); sw.WriteLine (uri.PathAndQuery); sw.WriteLine (uri.Authority); sw.WriteLine (uri.Fragment); sw.WriteLine (uri.UserInfo); sw.Flush (); } sr.Close (); sw.Close (); }
protected override void RunPostCompile() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MapFile)) return; using (writer = new StreamWriter(MapFile)) { // Emit map file header writer.WriteLine(CompilerOptions.OutputFile); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("Timestamp is {0}", DateTime.Now); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("Preferred load address is {0:x16}", (object)Linker.BaseAddress); writer.WriteLine(); // Emit the sections EmitSections(Linker); writer.WriteLine(); // Emit all symbols EmitSymbols(Linker); writer.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Método que gera o arquivo fora perfil /// </summary> /// <param name="pTexto">Texto que irá ser gravado no arquivo fora perfil</param> public void GerarArquivo(StringBuilder pTexto) { try { string lNomeArquivo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PathFORAPERFIL"].ToString() + "FORA_PERFIL.prn"; string lRenamedArquivo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PathFORAPERFIL"].ToString() + "FORA_PERFIL_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".prn"; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(lNomeArquivo)) { System.IO.File.Create(lNomeArquivo).Close(); } else { System.IO.File.Move(lNomeArquivo, lRenamedArquivo); System.IO.File.Create(lNomeArquivo).Close(); } System.IO.TextWriter lArquivo = System.IO.File.AppendText(lNomeArquivo); lArquivo.Write(pTexto); lArquivo.Close(); this.EnviarEmailForaPerfil(lNomeArquivo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Write all settings to file. Only server should call this! /// </summary> private void writeAll() { try { settingsWriter = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.WriteFileInLocalStorage(settings_file_name, typeof(ServerSettings)); write(strVersion, m_currentVersion.ToString()); // must be first line // write settings foreach (KeyValuePair <SettingName, Setting> pair in AllSettings) { write(pair.Key.ToString(), pair.Value.ValueAsString()); } settingsWriter.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.AlwaysLog("Failed to write settings to " + settings_file_name + ": " + ex, Rynchodon.Logger.severity.WARNING); } finally { if (settingsWriter != null) { settingsWriter.Close(); settingsWriter = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Método que gera arquivo de suitability para a fato /// </summary> /// <param name="pTexto">Texto com o conteúdo di arquivo que irá ser gravado na pasta específica</param> public void GerarArquivoSuitability(StringBuilder pTexto) { try { string lNomeArquivo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PathSUITABILITYFATO"].ToString() + "SUITABILITY" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt"; //string lRenamedArquivo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PathSUITABILITYFATO"].ToString() + "suitability_clientes_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt"; //if (!System.IO.File.Exists(lNomeArquivo)) //{ System.IO.File.Create(lNomeArquivo).Close(); //} //else //{ // System.IO.File.Move(lNomeArquivo, lRenamedArquivo); // System.IO.File.Create(lNomeArquivo).Close(); //} System.IO.TextWriter lArquivo = System.IO.File.AppendText(lNomeArquivo); lArquivo.Write(pTexto); lArquivo.Close(); //this.EnviarEmailForaPerfil(lNomeArquivo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { output = Console.Out; output = new StreamWriter(@"Assignment2.smt"); start("P Int Int Int", "QF_UFLIA"); int[] chip = new int[2] {29,22}; int[] powerComponent = new int[2] {4,2}; int[,] components = new int[8, 2] {{9,7},{12,6},{10,7},{18,5},{20,4},{10,6},{8,6},{10,8}}; int powerDist = 17; //All components must occur for (int i = 2; i < components.Length + 2; i++) { output.WriteLine("(or"); for (int x = 0; x < chip [0]; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < chip [1]; y++) { output.WriteLine("(= (P {0} {1}) {2})", x, y, i); } } output.WriteLine(")"); } end(); output.Close(); //Console.ReadKey(); }
public void Output(TextWriter writer) { var outputList = new List<AuditResultsOutput>(); foreach (var result in _results) { if (_auditEventTypes.HasFlag(AuditEventTypes.ResolvedAssemblyReferences)) outputList.AddRange(result.ResolvedAssemblyReferences.Select(u => new AuditResultsOutput {PackageName = result.Package.Id, Category = "Resolved Assembly", Item = u.Name})); if (_auditEventTypes.HasFlag(AuditEventTypes.UnloadablePackageFiles)) outputList.AddRange(result.UnloadablePackageFiles.Select(u => new AuditResultsOutput { PackageName = result.Package.Id, Category = "Unloadable Package File", Item = u })); if (_auditEventTypes.HasFlag(AuditEventTypes.UnresolvedAssemblyReferences)) outputList.AddRange(result.UnresolvedAssemblyReferences.Select(u => new AuditResultsOutput { PackageName = result.Package.Id, Category = "Unresolved Assembly", Item = u.Name })); if (_auditEventTypes.HasFlag(AuditEventTypes.UnresolvedDependencies)) outputList.AddRange(result.UnresolvedDependencies.Select(u => new AuditResultsOutput { PackageName = result.Package.Id, Category = "Unresolved Package Dependency", Item = u.Id })); if (_auditEventTypes.HasFlag(AuditEventTypes.UnusedPackageDependencies)) outputList.AddRange(result.UnusedPackageDependencies.Select(u => new AuditResultsOutput { PackageName = result.Package.Id, Category = "Unused Package Dependency", Item = u.Id })); if (_auditEventTypes.HasFlag(AuditEventTypes.UsedPackageDependencies)) outputList.AddRange(result.UsedPackageDependencies.Select(u => new AuditResultsOutput { PackageName = result.Package.Id, Category = "Used Package Dependency", Item = u.Id })); if (_auditEventTypes.HasFlag(AuditEventTypes.FeedResolvableReferences)) outputList.AddRange(result.FeedResolvableReferences.Select(u => new AuditResultsOutput { PackageName = result.Package.Id, Category = "Feed Resolvable Assembly", Item = u.Name })); if (_auditEventTypes.HasFlag(AuditEventTypes.GacResolvableReferences)) outputList.AddRange(result.GacResolvableReferences.Select(u => new AuditResultsOutput { PackageName = result.Package.Id, Category = "GAC Resolvable Assembly", Item = u.Name })); if (_auditEventTypes.HasFlag(AuditEventTypes.UnresolvableAssemblyReferences)) outputList.AddRange(result.UnresolvableReferences.Select(u => new AuditResultsOutput { PackageName = result.Package.Id, Category = "Unresolvable Assembly Reference (not on feed or in GAC)", Item = u.Name })); } foreach (var output in outputList) writer.WriteLine(output.ToString()); writer.Close(); }
private static void AdicionarNoXML(string filename) { if (data.Columns.Count == 0) data.Columns.Add("CaminhoArquivo"); if (data.Rows.Count > 10) { int iterador = data.Rows.Count - 1; while (iterador > 10) { data.Rows.Remove(data.Rows[iterador]); iterador--; } } int posicao = VerificaLista(filename); if (posicao != -1) { data.Rows[posicao].Delete(); } data.Rows.Add(filename); writer = File.CreateText(xml); data.WriteXml(writer); writer.Close(); }
protected void btnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string msgDeclaracao = string.Format("Eu, {0} portador do Rg {1} , CPF {2} Adoro estudar {3} porque é uma Linguagem {4} </br> {5} , {6} , {7} </br> Declaro ser {8} de idade</br></br>" , txtNome.Text , txtRg.Text , txtCpf.Text , txtLing.Text , txtAdj.Text , txtCidade.Text , txtxDia.Text , txtAno.Text , txtMaior.Text); lblDeclaracao.Text = msgDeclaracao; string declaracao = "C:\\Users\\damia\\Documents\\Faculdade Logatti\\carta.txt"; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(declaracao)) { System.IO.File.Create(declaracao).Close(); } System.IO.TextWriter arquivo = System.IO.File.AppendText(declaracao); arquivo.WriteLine(msgDeclaracao); arquivo.Close(); //InserirBanco(txtNome.Text); }
/// <summary> /// Saves a Graph to CSV format /// </summary> /// <param name="g">Graph</param> /// <param name="output">Writer to save to</param> public void Save(IGraph g, TextWriter output) { try { foreach (Triple t in g.Triples) { this.GenerateNodeOutput(output, t.Subject, TripleSegment.Subject); output.Write(','); this.GenerateNodeOutput(output, t.Predicate, TripleSegment.Predicate); output.Write(','); this.GenerateNodeOutput(output, t.Object, TripleSegment.Object); output.Write("\r\n"); } output.Close(); } catch { try { output.Close(); } catch { //No error handling, just trying to clean up } throw; } }
public void log(String value) { writer = new StreamWriter(fileName,true); writer.WriteLine(" "); writer.WriteLine("[ "+System.DateTime.UtcNow+" ] "+value); writer.Close(); }
public void GerandoArquivoLogPeloServico(string strDescrição) { try { DateTime data = DateTime.Now; string CaminhoArquivoLog = ""; CaminhoArquivoLog = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString()) + "\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Modulos\\Log\\Log-" + data.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + ".txt"; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(CaminhoArquivoLog)) { FileStream file = new FileStream(CaminhoArquivoLog, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(file); bw.Close(); } string nomeArquivo = CaminhoArquivoLog; System.IO.TextWriter arquivo = System.IO.File.AppendText(nomeArquivo); // Agora é só sair escrevendo arquivo.WriteLine(data.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + " - " + strDescrição); arquivo.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message.ToString()); } }
public static bool WriteInLog(string textoLog) { try { //Cria mensagem de log var mensagem = DateTime.Now.ToString("G") + " | " + textoLog; //Escreve na tela (console) System.Console.WriteLine(mensagem); //Abre o arquivo para a escrita System.IO.TextWriter arquivo = System.IO.File.AppendText(_caminhoArquivo); //Escreve no arquivo arquivo.WriteLine(mensagem); //Fecha o arquivo arquivo.Close(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) //Ocorreu algum erro na escrita do arquivo, portanto retorna false { return(false); } }
public void GerandoArquivoLog(string strDescrição, int CodCaminho) { DateTime data = DateTime.Now; string CaminhoArquivoLog = ""; if (CodCaminho == 1)//HabilServiceNFSe { CaminhoArquivoLog = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString()) + "\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Modulos\\Log\\Log-" + data.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + ".txt"; } else//HabilInformatica { CaminhoArquivoLog = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString()) + "\\Log\\Log-" + data.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + ".txt"; } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(CaminhoArquivoLog)) { FileStream file = new FileStream(CaminhoArquivoLog, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(file); bw.Close(); } string nomeArquivo = CaminhoArquivoLog; System.IO.TextWriter arquivo = System.IO.File.AppendText(nomeArquivo); // Agora é só sair escrevendo arquivo.WriteLine(data.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + " - " + strDescrição); arquivo.Close(); }
public static void doDiagnostic() { System.IO.TextWriter stream = getDiagnosticFile(); if (stream != null) { stream.WriteLine("Diagnostic le " + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " à " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); stream.WriteLine(); stream.WriteLine("== XP Nessecaire par niveau =="); stream.WriteLine("."); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { stream.WriteLine("Niveau {0}: {1}xp", i.ToString(), XPHelper.GetXpForLevel(i).ToString()); if (i == 20) { stream.WriteLine("-- Niveaux de prestiges --"); } } stream.WriteLine("."); int xplvlmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { xplvlmax += XPHelper.GetXpForLevel(i); } stream.WriteLine("XP Total Nessecaire pour level 20 : " + xplvlmax); } Console.WriteLine("Diagnostic terminé, voir " + fileName); stream.Close(); }
public static void WriteToStream(TextWriter stream, DataTable table, bool header, bool quoteall) { if (header) { for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { WriteItem(stream, table.Columns[i].Caption, quoteall); if (i < table.Columns.Count - 1) stream.Write(','); else stream.Write("\r\n"); } } foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { WriteItem(stream, row[i], quoteall); if (i < table.Columns.Count - 1) stream.Write(','); else stream.Write("\r\n"); } } stream.Flush(); stream.Close(); }
static int Main(string[] args) { try { if (!File.Exists(templateName)) { Console.WriteLine(templateName + " not found."); return 1; } try { fStream = new FileStream(@"FreeImage.cs", FileMode.Create); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unable to create output file."); return 2; } textOut = new StreamWriter(fStream); string[] content = File.ReadAllLines(templateName); for (int lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < content.Length; lineNumber++) { string line = content[lineNumber].Trim(); Match match = searchPattern.Match(line); if (match.Success && match.Groups.Count == 2 && match.Groups[1].Value != null) { if (!File.Exists(baseFolder + match.Groups[1].Value)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(baseFolder + match.Groups[1].Value + " does not exist."); } ParseFile(baseFolder + match.Groups[1].Value); } else { textOut.WriteLine(content[lineNumber]); } } return 0; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Error while parsing."); return 3; } finally { if (textOut != null) { textOut.Flush(); textOut.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a profiler object /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Name of file to save profiling log to</param> /// <param name="append">True if the file should not be overwritten</param> public Profiler(string filename, bool append) { // done to make sure file path is writeable – each time logging used new streamwriter opened & closed to prevent file locking for entire AWB session log = new StreamWriter(filename, append, Encoding.Unicode); log.Close(); FileName = filename; Append = append; }
/// <summary> /// Writes to log. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The text.</param> protected void WriteToLog(string text) { using (System.IO.TextWriter tw = System.IO.File.AppendText(string.Format("{0}\\CachingProvider_Errors.txt", this.logPath))) { tw.WriteLine(text); tw.Close(); } }
public static void Write(TextWriter writer, bool ownsStream, Action<JsonWriter.Item> resolver, JsonWriterOptions options = null) { JsonWriter w = new JsonWriter(writer, options); if (options == null) options = defaultOptions; resolver(w.itemWriter); if (ownsStream) writer.Close(); }
protected override void OnShutdown() { EventLog Lg = new EventLog("Application", ".", "SSISIncomingDirectoryWatcher"); tw = (TextWriter)File.AppendText(logFilePath); Lg.WriteEntry("Service shutdown at " + DateTime.Now, EventLogEntryType.Information); tw.WriteLine("Service shutdown at {0}", DateTime.Now); tw.Close(); }
public void OnDestroy() { if (Tw != null) { Tw.Close(); } GameEvents.onGameSceneLoadRequested.Remove(logSceneSwitch); }
public Tracer() { m_traceFileName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "trace.txt"); FileStream fs = new FileStream(m_traceFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); m_tw = new StreamWriter(fs); m_tw.WriteLine("Started " + DateTime.Now); m_tw.WriteLine("Framework: " + Environment.Version + " Program: " + Project.PROGRAM_NAME_HUMAN + " " + Project.PROGRAM_VERSION_HUMAN + " Build: " + Project.PROGRAM_VERSION_RELEASEDATE); m_tw.Close(); }
public static void LogCria() { try { File.Delete(D.AplicacaoDiretorio + D.LogImportacaoArquivo); } catch { } log = new StreamWriter(D.AplicacaoDiretorio + D.LogImportacaoArquivo); log.Close(); }
public void Close() { lock (iolock) { if (writer != null) { writer.Close(); } } }
/*************************************************************************************************************************/ public void init_recover_file() { Log.PushStackInfo("FMRS_Util.init_recover_file", "enter init_recover_file()"); Log.dbg("init recover file"); IO.TextWriter file = IO.File.CreateText(FILES.RECOVER_TXT); file.Close(); Log.PopStackInfo("leave init_recover_file()"); }
public static void LogCria() { try { File.Delete(D.AplicacaoDiretorio + D.DEPRECIADO_APP_LOGFILENAME); } catch { } log = new StreamWriter(D.AplicacaoDiretorio + D.DEPRECIADO_APP_LOGFILENAME); log.Close(); }
public static void LogCria() { try { File.Delete(D.ApplicationDirectory + D.NeoDebug_LogFile); } catch { } log = new StreamWriter(D.ApplicationDirectory + D.NeoDebug_LogFile); log.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Shows an error message. /// </summary> public static void ShowError(IWin32Window parent, string title, Exception ex) { try { while (ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; } if (ex.StackTrace != null) { Gurux.Common.GXCommon.TraceWrite(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } string path = ApplicationDataPath; if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) { path = Path.Combine(path, ".Gurux"); } else { path = Path.Combine(path, "Gurux"); } path = Path.Combine(path, "LastError.txt"); try { using (System.IO.TextWriter tw = System.IO.File.CreateText(path)) { tw.Write(ex.ToString()); if (ex.StackTrace != null) { tw.Write("----------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); tw.Write(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } tw.Close(); } GXFileSystemSecurity.UpdateFileSecurity(path); } catch (Exception) { //Skip error. } if (parent != null && !((Control)parent).IsDisposed && !((Control)parent).InvokeRequired) { MessageBox.Show(parent, ex.Message, title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch { //Do nothing. Fatal exception blew up message box. } }
public void WriteCsSources(EntityApp app, DbFirstConfig config) { _app = app; _config = config; HasErrors = false; var fileStream = File.Create(_config.OutputPath); _output = new StreamWriter(fileStream); WriteSource(); _output.Flush(); _output.Close(); }
public void GuardarCambios(TextBox ma, RichTextBox so) { ma.Text = turuta; String mensaje; mensaje = so.Text; archivo = new StreamWriter(turuta); archivo.Write(mensaje); archivo.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Edicion correcta"); }
public static void SavePath(string src, Path p) { output = File.CreateText(src); foreach (var point in p.CurrentPath) { output.WriteLine(point); } output.Close(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox2.Text=rutal; String mensaje; mensaje = richTextBox1.Text; archivo = new StreamWriter(rutal); archivo.Write(mensaje); archivo.Close(); MessageBox.Show("perfecto"); }
private void OnApplicationQuit() { if (!writtenFile & file != null) { file.Close(); writtenFile = true; } EmailObject.gameObject.SetActive(true); EmailObject.GetComponent <SendEmail>().Emailer(fileName); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the Result Set to the given Stream in the SPARQL Results JSON Format /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set to save</param> /// <param name="output">Stream to save to</param> public void Save(SparqlResultSet results, TextWriter output) { try { this.GenerateOutput(results, output); output.Close(); } catch { try { output.Close(); } catch { //No Catch Actions } throw; } }
private Log() { fileName = "Log.txt"; writer = new StreamWriter(fileName); writer.WriteLine("Types of Log:"); writer.WriteLine("Error Log: There is a problem with the program that needs to be fixed.\n This error mostly occurs due to the fact that an error occured with the scripting or loading a file and not due to the fact that there is something wrong with the library."); writer.WriteLine("Program Run Log: This log means that everything pertaining to this line of log has loaded itself sucessfully"); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Starting to log...."); writer.Close(); }
public void DecompileFile(string input, TextWriter writer) { var assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(input, new ReaderParameters() { AssemblyResolver = new IgnoringExceptionsAssemblyResolver() }); var decompiler = new AstBuilder(new DecompilerContext(assembly.MainModule)); decompiler.AddAssembly(assembly); decompiler.GenerateCode(new PlainTextOutput(writer)); writer.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the Result Set to the given Stream in the Sparql Results XML Format /// </summary> /// <param name="results"></param> /// <param name="output"></param> public virtual void Save(SparqlResultSet results, TextWriter output) { try { XmlDocument doc = this.GenerateOutput(results); doc.Save(output); output.Close(); } catch { try { output.Close(); } catch { //No Catch Actions } throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the Result Set to the given Stream as an XHTML Table with embedded RDFa /// </summary> /// <param name="g">Graph to save</param> /// <param name="output">Stream to save to</param> public void Save(IGraph g, TextWriter output) { try { HtmlWriterContext context = new HtmlWriterContext(g, output); this.GenerateOutput(context); output.Close(); } catch { try { output.Close(); } catch { //No Catch Actions } throw; } }
public void WriteCsSources(EntityApp app, DbFirstConfig config) { _app = app; _config = config; HasErrors = false; var fileStream = File.Create(_config.OutputPath); _output = new StreamWriter(fileStream); WriteSource(); _output.Flush(); _output.Close(); }//method
public override void CreateIndexFile(string path) { using (System.IO.TextWriter texList = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(path, "index.txt"))) { foreach (gcaxMLTEntry entry in Entries) { texList.WriteLine("{0},{1}", entry.Name, entry.BankID.ToString("D2")); } texList.Flush(); texList.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// 写日志 /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> public void WriteLog(string str) { try { output = File.AppendText(strFileName); output.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now + "\n" + str); output.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
/*************************************************************************************************************************/ public void write_save_values_to_file() { Log.PushStackInfo("FMRS_Util.write_save_values_to_file", "entering write_save_values_to_file()"); set_save_value(save_cat.SETTING, "Window_X", Convert.ToInt32(windowPos.x).ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SETTING, "Window_Y", Convert.ToInt32(windowPos.y).ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SETTING, "Armed", _SETTING_Armed.ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SETTING, "Minimized", _SETTING_Minimize.ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SETTING, "Enabled", _SETTING_Enabled.ToString()); //set_save_value(save_cat.SETTING, "Messages", _SETTING_Messages.ToString()); //set_save_value(save_cat.SETTING, "Auto_Cut_Off", _SETTING_Auto_Cut_Off.ToString()); //set_save_value(save_cat.SETTING, "Auto_Recover", _SETTING_Auto_Recover.ToString()); //set_save_value(save_cat.SETTING, "Throttle_Log", _SETTING_Throttle_Log.ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SAVE, "Main_Vessel", _SAVE_Main_Vessel.ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SAVE, "Has_Launched", _SAVE_Has_Launched.ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SAVE, "Launched_At", _SAVE_Launched_At.ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SAVE, "Flight_Reset", _SAVE_Flight_Reset.ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SAVE, "Kick_To_Main", _SAVE_Kick_To_Main.ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SAVE, "Switched_To_Dropped", _SAVE_Switched_To_Dropped.ToString()); set_save_value(save_cat.SAVE, "Switched_To_Savefile", _SAVE_Switched_To_Savefile); set_save_value(save_cat.SAVE, "SaveFolder", _SAVE_SaveFolder); write_vessel_dict_to_Save_File_Content(); IO.TextWriter file = IO.File.CreateText(FILES.SAVE_TXT); file.Flush(); file.Close(); file = IO.File.CreateText(FILES.SAVE_TXT); foreach (KeyValuePair <save_cat, Dictionary <string, string> > save_cat_block in Save_File_Content) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> writevalue in save_cat_block.Value) { file.WriteLine(save_cat_toString(save_cat_block.Key) + "=" + writevalue.Key + "=" + writevalue.Value); } } file.Close(); Log.dbg("Save File written in private void write_save_values_to_file()"); Log.PopStackInfo("leaving save_values_to_file()"); }
/// <summary> /// 写txt /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> public void WriteLine(string str) { try { output = File.AppendText(strFileName); output.WriteLine(str); output.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { err = ex.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// 写日志 /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> public void WriteLog(string str) { if (!Neusoft.FrameWork.Management.Connection.IsWeb) { try { output = File.AppendText(strFileName); output.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now + "\n" + str); output.Close(); } catch {} } }
/// <summary> /// closes the static log file /// </summary> private static void close() { if (logWriter == null) { return; } using (lock_log.AcquireExclusiveUsing()) { logWriter.Flush(); logWriter.Close(); logWriter = null; closed = true; } }
public static void LogEntry(String logMessage, TextWriter w) { w.Write("Log Entry :\r\n"); //w.WriteLine("{0} {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); w.WriteLine(logMessage); w.WriteLine("---------------------------------------"); // Update the underlying file. w.Flush(); // Close the writer and underlying file. w.Close(); //Update the tbLog //tb.AppendText(File.ReadAllText(Common.MainLog)); }
/*************************************************************************************************************************/ public void write_record_file() { Log.PushStackInfo("FMRS_THL.write_record_file", "FMRS_THL_Log: entering write_record_file()"); Log.dbg("FMRS_THL_Log: write to record file"); writing = true; Throttle_Log_Buffer.Sort(delegate(entry x, entry y) { if (x.time > y.time) { return(1); } else { return(-1); } }); IO.TextWriter writer = null; try { writer = IO.File.AppendText(FMRS.FILES.RECORD_TXT); writer.WriteLine("##########################################"); foreach (entry temp in Throttle_Log_Buffer) { writer.WriteLine(temp.ToString()); } if (!started) { writer.WriteLine("####EOF####"); } } finally { writer?.Close(); } Throttle_Log_Buffer.Clear(); writing = false; foreach (entry temp in temp_buffer) { Throttle_Log_Buffer.Add(temp); } temp_buffer.Clear(); FMRS.Log.PopStackInfo("FMRS_THL_Log: leave write_record_file()"); }
/*************************************************************************************************************************/ public void flush_record_file() { Log.PushStackInfo("FMRS_THL.flush_record_file", "FMRS_THL_Log: entering flush_record_file()"); Log.dbg("FMRS_THL_Log: flush record file"); IO.TextWriter writer = IO.File.CreateText(FMRS.FILES.RECORD_TXT); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); Throttle_Log_Buffer.Clear(); temp_buffer.Clear(); Log.PopStackInfo("FMRS_THL_Log: leave flush_record_file()"); }
/// <summary> /// Make sure that a dictionary exists for the specified writing system. /// </summary> public static Dictionary EnsureDictionary(int ws, string icuLocale, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf) { Enchant.Dictionary result = EnchantHelper.GetDictionary(ws, wsf); if (result != null) { return(result); } string dirPath = GetSpellingDirectoryPath(); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dirPath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); } string dicPath = GetDicPath(dirPath, icuLocale); System.IO.TextWriter writer = System.IO.File.CreateText(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(dicPath, ".aff")); writer.WriteLine("SET UTF-8"); writer.Close(); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(dicPath)) { // If it already exists, probably we disabled it by deleting the .aff file--an approach we // no longer use; re-creating it should reinstate it. writer = System.IO.File.CreateText(dicPath); writer.WriteLine("0"); writer.Close(); } // Apparently, although the broker will find the new dictionary when asked for it explicitly, // it doesn't appear in the list of possible dictionaries (Enchant.Broker.Default.Dictionaries) // which is used to populate the spelling dictionary combo box in the writing system dialog // unless we dispose the old broker (which causes a new one to be created). // Note: I (JohnT) have a vague recollection that disposing the broker can cause problems for // any existing dictionaries we hang on to. So don't dispose it more than necessary. Enchant.Broker.Default.Dispose(); // Now it should exist! return(EnchantHelper.GetDictionary(ws, wsf)); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a Package XML File containing all informations needed to recreate the Package /// </summary> /// <param name="flname">The Filename for the File</param> public void GeneratePackageXML(string flname) { System.IO.TextWriter fs = System.IO.File.CreateText(flname); try { fs.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + fs.Encoding.HeaderName + "\" ?>"); fs.Write(GeneratePackageXML(false)); } finally { fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); fs = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Finalize the logging stream for termination. /// </summary> private void Shutdown() { // We need to stop listening for the shutdown signal. MyAPIGateway.Entities.OnCloseAll -= Shutdown; // We need to check if there is unwritten content in the cache. if (m_cache.Length > 0) { // Write the remaining content. m_writer.WriteLine(m_cache); } // Empty the writer's buffer out. m_writer.Flush(); // Now shut the writer down. m_writer.Close(); // Mark the logger as unavailable. isTerminated = true; }
/// <summary> /// Saves Metainformations about a PackedFile as xml output /// </summary> /// <param name="flname">The Filename</param> /// <param name="pfd">The description of the File</param> protected void SaveMetaInfo(string flname, PackedFileDescriptor pfd) { System.IO.TextWriter fs = System.IO.File.CreateText(flname); try { fs.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + fs.Encoding.HeaderName + "\" ?>"); fs.WriteLine("<package type=\"" + ((uint)Header.IndexType).ToString() + "\">"); fs.Write(pfd.GenerateXmlMetaInfo()); fs.WriteLine("</package>"); } finally { fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); fs = null; } }
/*************************************************************************************************************************/ public void write_recover_file() { Log.PushStackInfo("FMRS_Util.write_recover_file", "enter write_recover_file()"); flush_recover_file(); Log.dbg("write recover file"); IO.TextWriter file = IO.File.CreateText(FILES.RECOVER_TXT); foreach (recover_value writevalue in recover_values) { file.WriteLine( + "=" + writevalue.key + "=" + writevalue.value); } file.Close(); Log.PopStackInfo("leave write_recover_file()"); }
public static string CreateFileLog() { //Pega diretorio atual e concatena com o nome do arquivo //Se nao existe, cria o arquivo if (!System.IO.File.Exists(_caminhoArquivo)) { System.IO.File.Create(_caminhoArquivo).Close(); } //Abre o arquivo para a escrita System.IO.TextWriter arquivo = System.IO.File.AppendText(_caminhoArquivo); arquivo.Close(); //Retorna o caminho do arquivo de log return(_caminhoArquivo); }