public int PutFile(string filename) { byte[] txBuf = new byte[516]; int txCount; string s = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename); System.IO.StringReader sr = new System.IO.StringReader(s); short blockNumber; ASCIIEncoding ae = new ASCIIEncoding(); sendTftpPacket(Client.OP_CODE.WRQ, filename, null, -1);//send WRQ char[] chunk = new char[512]; int dataLength = sr.ReadBlock(chunk, 0, 512); do { txCount = recvTftpPacket(ref txBuf); OP_CODE op = (OP_CODE)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt16(txBuf, 0)); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(op == OP_CODE.ACK); blockNumber = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt16(txBuf, 2)); //s += new string(ae.GetChars(rxBuf, sizeof(short) * 2, rxCount - 4 >= 4 ? rxCount - 4 : 0)); byte[] data = new byte[dataLength]; int chrCount, byteCount; bool completed; ae.GetEncoder().Convert(chunk, 0, dataLength, data, 0, data.Length, true, out chrCount, out byteCount, out completed); sendTftpPacket(Client.OP_CODE.DATA, string.Empty, data, ++blockNumber); } while ((dataLength = sr.ReadBlock(chunk, 0, 512)) == 512); //sendTftpPacket(Client.OP_CODE.ACK, string.Empty, null, blockNumber);//final ACK return(txCount); }
public static double[][][] LoadAllText(string textPath) { double[][][] dio = new double[2][][]; string input = File.ReadAllText(textPath); StringReader reader = new StringReader(input); char[] buffer = new char[(32 + 1) * 32]; int count = 0; List<double[]> ldi = new List<double[]>(); List<double[]> ldo = new List<double[]>(); while (true) { int read = reader.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string label = reader.ReadLine(); if (read < buffer.Length || label == null) break; double[] d = LoadText(new String(buffer)); double[] o = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; o[int.Parse(label)] = 1; ldi.Add(d); ldo.Add(o); count++; } dio[0] = ldi.ToArray(); dio[1] = ldo.ToArray(); return dio; }
/// <summary> /// Formats the message string to appear exactly within /// the defined number of characters in the ApplicationLog /// class' "fileWidth" parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GenerateFormatedString(string message) { string formatedText = ""; if (message.Length < fileWidth) { formatedText = message.PadRight(fileWidth); } else { int numCharsRead = -1; char[] buffer = new char[fileWidth]; using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(message)) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (reader.Peek() != (-1)) { numCharsRead = reader.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (numCharsRead > 0) { builder.Append(buffer, 0, numCharsRead); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } } formatedText = builder.ToString(); } } return formatedText; }
public void Load() { string input = Properties.Resources.optdigits_tra; // Load optdigits dataset into the DataGridView StringReader reader = new StringReader(input); Training = new ObservableCollection<Sample>(); Testing = new ObservableCollection<Sample>(); char[] buffer = new char[(32 + 1) * 32]; // 32 chars + \n int count = 0; while (true) { int read = reader.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string label = reader.ReadLine(); if (read < buffer.Length || label == null) break; ObservableCollection<Sample> set = (count < 1000) ? Training : Testing; set.Add(extractSample(buffer, label)); count++; } if (IsNormalized) { double[][] training; Training.GetInstances(out training); mean = training.Mean(); dev = training.StandardDeviation(); double[][] testing; Testing.GetInstances(out testing); Normalize(training); Normalize(testing); } }
/// Generate source code of the snippet public string GenerateSourceCode(ScriptContext context,bool embedSourceCode, bool isPublic) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.Append( @" {public}class {class} : {base} { public override object Execute() "); sb .Replace("{class}", GetClassName()) .Replace("{public}", isPublic?"public ":"") .Replace("{ctxclass}", context.Compiler.GetTypeName(context.GetType())) .Replace("{base}", context.Compiler.GetTypeName(typeof(ExecutableScriptBase))); sb.AppendLine(); string text = GetTransformedValueStr() ?? string.Empty; sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t// ---- User code ----- "); var t = text.Trim(); if (!t.StartsWith("{", StringComparison.Ordinal)) sb.AppendLine("{"); sb.Append(t); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t// ---- End of user code ----- "); if (!t.StartsWith("{", StringComparison.Ordinal)) sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t;return null;}"); if (Methods!=null) foreach (IScriptAction c in Methods.Items) { sb.AppendLine(""); string par = "",par2="null"; if (c is Sub) { par = "params object[] par"; par2 = "par"; } sb.AppendLine("\tprivate object " + c.Id + "(" + par + ") { return XS.ReturnValue.Unwrap(((" + GetType().FullName + ")c.CallStack.Peek().ScriptAction).ExecuteMember(XS.CallIsolation.Default,\"" + c.Id + "\", " + par2 + "));}"); sb.AppendLine("\tprivate object " + c.Id + "_inline(" + par + ") { return ((" + GetType().FullName + ")c.CallStack.Peek().ScriptAction).ExecuteMember(XS.CallIsolation.None,\"" + c.Id + "\", " + par2 + ");}"); sb.AppendLine("\tprivate object " + c.Id + "<T>(" + par + ") { return XS.Utils.To<T>(XS.ReturnValue.Unwrap(((" + GetType().FullName + ")c.CallStack.Peek().ScriptAction).ExecuteMember(XS.CallIsolation.None,\"" + c.Id + "\", " + par2 + ")));}"); } if (embedSourceCode) { sb.AppendLine("\t\t\tpublic override string GetSourceCode() {"); sb.Append("\t\t\t\treturn "); sb.Append("@\""); StringReader reader = new StringReader(Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text))); char[] buf = new char[80]; int n; while ((n = reader.ReadBlock(buf, 0, buf.Length)) != 0) { sb.Append(buf, 0, n); if (n == buf.Length) { sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append("\t\t\t\t"); } } sb.Append("\""); sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t;}"); } sb.AppendLine("\t\t}"); return Utils.TransformStr(sb.ToString(), TransformRules.NewLineToCRLF); }
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lbStatus.Text = "Loading data. This may take a while..."; Application.DoEvents(); // Load optdigits dataset into the DataGridView StringReader reader = new StringReader(Resources.optdigits_tra); int trainingStart = 0; int trainingCount = 500; int testingStart = 1000; int testingCount = 500; dgvAnalysisSource.Rows.Clear(); dgvAnalysisTesting.Rows.Clear(); int c = 0; while (true) { char[] buffer = new char[(32 + 1) * 32]; // 32 chars + \n int read = reader.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string label = reader.ReadLine(); if (read < buffer.Length || label == null) break; if (c > trainingStart && c <= trainingStart + trainingCount) { Bitmap bitmap = Extract(new String(buffer)); double[] features = Extract(bitmap); int clabel = Int32.Parse(label); dgvAnalysisSource.Rows.Add(bitmap, clabel, features); } else if (c > testingStart && c <= testingStart + testingCount) { Bitmap bitmap = Extract(new String(buffer)); double[] features = Extract(bitmap); int clabel = Int32.Parse(label); dgvAnalysisTesting.Rows.Add(bitmap, clabel, null, features); } c++; } lbStatus.Text = String.Format( "Dataset loaded. Click Run analysis to start the analysis.", trainingCount, testingCount); btnSampleRunAnalysis.Enabled = true; }
public static void MemoryBufferCopy(string source, string destin) { var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string content; using (var textReader = (TextReader)new StreamReader(new FileStream(source, FileMode.Open))) // TODO: use StreamReader here { // TODO: read entire file content = textReader.ReadToEnd(); } using (var sourceReader = new StringReader(content)) // TODO: Use StringReader here with content using (var sourceWriter = new StringWriter(stringBuilder)) // TODO: Use StringWriter here with stringBuilder { string line = null; do { line = sourceReader.ReadLine(); // TODO: read line if (line != null) { sourceWriter.WriteLine(line); // TODO: write line } } while (line != null); } Console.WriteLine("MemoryBufferCopy(): chars in StringBuilder {0}", stringBuilder.Length); const int blockSize = 1024; using (var stringReader = new StringReader(stringBuilder.ToString())) // TODO: Use StringReader to read from stringBuilder. using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(blockSize)) using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(memoryStream)) // TODO: Compose StreamWriter with memory stream. using (var destinStream = new FileStream(destin, FileMode.Append)) // TODO: Use file stream. { char[] buffer = new char[blockSize]; int bytesRead; do { bytesRead = stringReader.ReadBlock(buffer,0, blockSize); // TODO: Read block from stringReader to buffer. streamWriter.WriteLine(buffer); // TODO: Write buffer to streamWriter. //TODO: After implementing everythin check the content of NewTextFile. What's wrong with it, and how this may be fixed? // TODO: write memoryStream.GetBuffer() content to destination stream. destinStream.Write(memoryStream.GetBuffer(), 0, blockSize); } while (bytesRead == blockSize); } }
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Application.DoEvents(); // Load optdigits dataset into the DataGridView var trainingReader = new StringReader(Properties.Resources.optdigits_tra); var testingReader = new StringReader(Properties.Resources.optdigits_test); var trainingCount = 500; var testingCount = 500; dgvAnalysisSource.Rows.Clear(); dgvAnalysisTesting.Rows.Clear(); var trainingSet = new List<DigitData>(); //Load training data for (var i = 0; i < trainingCount;i++ ) { char[] buffer = new char[(32 + 2) * 32]; int read = trainingReader.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string label = trainingReader.ReadLine(); if (read < buffer.Length || label == null) break; var bitmap = _dataExtractionService.Extract(new String(buffer)); var features = _dataExtractionService.Extract(bitmap); var clabel = label; dgvAnalysisSource.Rows.Add(bitmap, clabel, features); if (features != null) trainingSet.Add(new DigitData { Label = label, Feature = features }); } //Load testing data for (var i = 0; i < testingCount;i++ ) { char[] buffer = new char[(32 + 2) * 32]; int read = testingReader.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string label = testingReader.ReadLine(); if (read < buffer.Length || label == null) break; var bitmap = _dataExtractionService.Extract(new String(buffer)); var features = _dataExtractionService.Extract(bitmap); var clabel = label; dgvAnalysisTesting.Rows.Add(bitmap, clabel, null, features); } //Assign training set to KNN Service _kNNService.SetTrainingSet(trainingSet); Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
/// <summary> /// Updates the application. /// </summary> public void Update(Action<UpdateStatus, object> callback) { callback(UpdateStatus.Starting, null); diff_match_patch dmf = new diff_match_patch(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); callback(UpdateStatus.RetrievingFileList, null); string state = client.DownloadString(this.m_UpdateUri + "/initial"); string[] lines = state.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); callback(UpdateStatus.RetrievedFileList, lines.Length); int opers = 0; foreach (string line in lines) { Hash hash = Hash.FromString(line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2)[0]); string file = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2)[1]; callback(UpdateStatus.DeterminingOperation, file); // See if file already exists. if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.m_LocalPath, file)) || hash == Hash.Empty) { if (hash == Hash.Empty) { // Delete the local file if it exists. if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.m_LocalPath, file))) { callback(UpdateStatus.DeletionStart, file); File.Delete(Path.Combine(this.m_LocalPath, file)); callback(UpdateStatus.DeletionFinish, file); opers++; } } else { // Compare hashes, ignore if same. Hash current = Hash.FromFile(Path.Combine(this.m_LocalPath, file)); if (current == hash) continue; // Download patch. string patchstream; try { patchstream = client.DownloadString(this.m_UpdateUri + "/patch/" + current + "/" + hash + "/" + file); callback(UpdateStatus.PatchStart, file); int a = 1; using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(patchstream)) { while (true) { string header = reader.ReadLine(); if (header == "--- END OF PATCHES ---") break; else if (header.StartsWith("--- NEXT PATCH (")) { int count = Convert.ToInt32(header.Substring("--- NEXT PATCH (".Length, header.Length - "--- NEXT PATCH () ---".Length)); char[] data = new char[count]; reader.ReadBlock(data, 0, count); List<Patch> patches = dmf.patch_fromText(new string(data)); string newText; using (StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(this.m_LocalPath, file))) { newText = (string)dmf.patch_apply(patches, stream.ReadToEnd())[0]; } using (StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(this.m_LocalPath, file))) { stream.Write(newText); } callback(UpdateStatus.PatchApplied, a); a++; // Read the empty terminator line. reader.ReadLine(); } else throw new DataMisalignedException(); } } callback(UpdateStatus.PatchFinish, file); opers++; } catch (WebException) { // There's no patch list for this file, redownload. string[] coms = file.Split('/'); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(this.m_LocalPath); for (int i = 0; i < coms.Length - 1; i++) { DirectoryInfo[] dis = di.GetDirectories(coms[i]); if (dis.Length == 0) di = di.CreateSubdirectory(coms[i]); else di = dis[0]; } callback(UpdateStatus.DownloadFreshStart, file); client.DownloadFile(this.m_UpdateUri + "/file/" + file, Path.Combine(this.m_LocalPath, file)); callback(UpdateStatus.DownloadFreshFinish, file); opers++; } } } else { // File does not exist, download fresh. string[] coms = file.Split('/'); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(this.m_LocalPath); for (int i = 0; i < coms.Length - 1; i++) { DirectoryInfo[] dis = di.GetDirectories(coms[i]); if (dis.Length == 0) di = di.CreateSubdirectory(coms[i]); else di = dis[0]; } callback(UpdateStatus.DownloadNewStart, file); client.DownloadFile(this.m_UpdateUri + "/file/" + file, Path.Combine(this.m_LocalPath, file)); callback(UpdateStatus.DownloadNewFinish, file); opers++; } } callback(UpdateStatus.Complete, opers); return; }
public int PutFile(string filename) { byte[] txBuf = new byte[516]; int txCount; string s = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename); System.IO.StringReader sr = new System.IO.StringReader(s); short blockNumber; ASCIIEncoding ae = new ASCIIEncoding(); sendTftpPacket(Client.OP_CODE.WRQ, filename, null, -1);//send WRQ char[] chunk = new char[512]; int dataLength = sr.ReadBlock(chunk,0,512); do { txCount = recvTftpPacket(ref txBuf); OP_CODE op = (OP_CODE)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt16(txBuf, 0)); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(op==OP_CODE.ACK); blockNumber = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt16(txBuf, 2)); //s += new string(ae.GetChars(rxBuf, sizeof(short) * 2, rxCount - 4 >= 4 ? rxCount - 4 : 0)); byte[] data = new byte[dataLength]; int chrCount,byteCount; bool completed; ae.GetEncoder().Convert(chunk,0,dataLength,data,0,data.Length,true,out chrCount,out byteCount,out completed); sendTftpPacket(Client.OP_CODE.DATA, string.Empty, data, ++blockNumber); } while ((dataLength=sr.ReadBlock(chunk, 0, 512)) == 512); //sendTftpPacket(Client.OP_CODE.ACK, string.Empty, null, blockNumber);//final ACK return txCount; }
public static string Subsection(string original, int length) { if (original == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("original"); } if (original.Length < length) { return original; } StringReader reader = null; StringBuilder builder = null; try { builder = new StringBuilder(); reader = new StringReader(original); char[] buffer = new char[length]; while (true) { int num = reader.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (num == 0) { goto Label_0070; } builder.Append(new string(buffer, 0, num)); builder.Append("\r\n"); } } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.Close(); } catch { } reader = null; } } Label_0070: return builder.ToString(); }
public static string CalDAV_FoldLines(string s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using ( TextReader rdr = new StringReader(s) ) { char[] arr = new char[75]; int n = 0; while ( (n = rdr.ReadBlock(arr, 0, 75)) > 0 ) { if ( sb.Length > 0 ) sb.Append("\r\n "); sb.Append(arr, 0, n); } } return sb.ToString(); }