public string GetPathForNewVideo() { var tempFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName()); var tempVideoFile = Path.ChangeExtension(tempFile, CommonConstants.VIDEO_EXTENSION); return(Path.Combine(LOCAL_VIDEO_LOCATION, tempVideoFile)); }
private void OpenExhaustedReasons(string fileName) { string info = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".exh"); if (File.Exists(info)) { using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(File.Open(info, FileMode.Open))) { var reasons = r.ReadToEnd(); foreach (var reason in reasons.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None)) { if (reason != "") { var chunks = reason.Split('|'); var number = Int32.Parse(chunks[0]); var reasonString = chunks[1]; exhaustedReasons.Add(number, reasonString); } } } } }
public void NewProject() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { using (var newProjDialog = NewProjectDialog.FromDte(app)) { newProjDialog.FocusLanguageNode(); var consoleApp = newProjDialog.ProjectTypes.FindItem("Python Application"); consoleApp.Select(); newProjDialog.OK(); } // wait for new solution to load... for (int i = 0; i < 10 && app.Dte.Solution.Projects.Count == 0; i++) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } Assert.AreEqual(1, app.Dte.Solution.Projects.Count); var project = app.Dte.Solution.Projects.Item(1); Console.WriteLine("Project.Name: {0}", project.Name ?? "(null)"); var itemName = Path.ChangeExtension(project.Name, ".py"); Console.WriteLine("Expected item: {0}", itemName); Console.WriteLine("Items:"); foreach (var item in project.ProjectItems.OfType <ProjectItem>()) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", item.Name ?? "(null)"); } Assert.IsNotNull(project.ProjectItems.Item(itemName)); } }
public MainWindow() { App applic = (App)(App.Current); String source = string.Empty; string dest = string.Empty; if (applic.Arguments.Length > 0) { source = applic.Arguments[0]; dest = Path.ChangeExtension(source, ".epub"); } this.InitializeComponent(); Options = new ConversionOptions() { SourceFilename = source, DestinationFilename = dest, MaxSplitSizeInBytes = 100 * 1024, StripHeader = new Pattern() { Enable = true, LineCount = 2, RegEx = EncodeString("(<b>[IVX0-9]*?</b><br>\r\n[^<]*?<br>\r\n)|([^<]*?<br>\r\n<b>[IVX0-9]*?</b><br>\r\n)") }, StripFooter = new Pattern() { Enable = true, LineCount = 1, RegEx = EncodeString("<b>[IVX0-9]*?</b><br>") } }; DataContext = Options; }
private void OnConvertFtcxClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "FFX Picture (*.ftcx)|*.ftcx", Multiselect = true }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() != true) { return; } foreach (string filePath in dlg.FileNames) { using (FileStream input = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { FtcxFileReader fileReader = new FtcxFileReader(input); FtcxFileHeader header = fileReader.ReadHeader(); int width = header.BlockSize * 2; short height = header.BlockCount; fileReader.SkipUnknownSubHeader(); using (SafeHGlobalHandle image = fileReader.ReadImage()) using (UnmanagedMemoryStream imageInput = image.OpenStream(FileAccess.Read)) using (FileStream output = File.Create(Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, String.Format(".{0}x{1}.raw", width, height)))) imageInput.CopyTo(output); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void BatchExportTranslationMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var sfd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = GenerateFilters(false), FileName = "Select a file type and folder to store all the text files and press Save", Title = "Batch Export" }; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == true) { // Path to the directory which will contain all the translation files string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(sfd.FileName); // Gets the index of the filetype var index = sfd.FilterIndex - 1; foreach (var entry in ScriptArchive.FileEntries) { var script = new STSCFile(); using (var stream = ScriptArchive.GetFileStream(entry.FileName)) script.Load(stream); string filepath = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(dir, entry.FileName), TranslationSTSCHandler.FileTypes[index].TypeExtension); // Create the directory Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath)); File.WriteAllText(filepath, TranslationSTSCHandler.ExportTranslation(index, script, ScriptDB, App.StringProcess), new UTF8Encoding(true)); } } }
private void DoBatch() { var logFile = Path.ChangeExtension(TargetFile, ".log"); var batchFile = Path.ChangeExtension(TargetFile, ".bat"); var batch = ""; batch += "cd " + '"' + Path.GetDirectoryName(TargetFile) + '"' + "\n"; foreach (var step in Steps) { batch += '"' + step.Operation + '"' + ' ' + step.Flags + "\n"; } File.WriteAllText(batchFile, batch); var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(batchFile) { WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(TargetFile) } }; CompileLogTracer.AddLine("Compile started (not redirected; output in console window)"); process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); if (File.Exists(logFile)) { using (var fs = new StreamReader(File.Open(logFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))) { var str = fs.ReadToEnd(); CompileLogTracer.Add(str); } } CompileLogTracer.AddLine("Compilation complete."); }
void buttonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var selectedRows = gridSaves.SelectedRows; if (selectedRows.Count > 0) { gridSaves.ClearSelection(); if (!Directory.Exists(UserSettings.DeletedSaveFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(UserSettings.DeletedSaveFolder); } for (var i = 0; i < selectedRows.Count; i++) { var save = selectedRows[i].DataBoundItem as Save; foreach (var fileName in new[] { Path.GetFileName(save.File), Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(save.File), "png") }) { try { File.Move(Path.Combine(UserSettings.UserDataFolder, fileName), Path.Combine(UserSettings.DeletedSaveFolder, fileName)); } catch { } } } LoadSaves(); } }
void buttonDeleteInvalid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { gridSaves.ClearSelection(); var directory = UserSettings.UserDataFolder; if (Directory.Exists(directory)) { var deletes = 0; foreach (var saveFile in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.save")) { var save = new Save(saveFile, Settings.YoungestVersionFailedToRestore); if (save.Valid == false) { foreach (var fileName in new[] { save.File, Path.ChangeExtension(save.File, "png"), Path.ChangeExtension(save.File, "txt"), Path.ChangeExtension(save.File, "replay") } ) { try { File.Delete(fileName); } catch { } } deletes++; } } MessageBox.Show(catalog.GetStringFmt("{0} invalid saves have been deleted.", deletes), Application.ProductName + " " + VersionInfo.VersionOrBuild); } LoadSaves(); }
public async void Play(Uri file) { vlcPlayer.LoadMedia(file); _cdgFile = await GraphicsFile.LoadAsync(Path.ChangeExtension(file.LocalPath, "cdg")); vlcPlayer.Play(); }
public static void RunTestExample <T>(string filePartName) where T : IXLExample, new() { // Make sure tests run on a deterministic culture Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); var example = new T(); string[] pathParts = filePartName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); string filePath1 = Path.Combine(new List <string>() { TestsExampleOutputDirectory }.Concat(pathParts).ToArray()); var extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath1); var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath1); var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath1); fileName += ActualTestResultPostFix; fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, extension); filePath1 = Path.Combine(directory, "z" + fileName); var filePath2 = Path.Combine(directory, fileName); //Run test example.Create(filePath1); new XLWorkbook(filePath1).SaveAs(filePath2, true); bool success = true; #pragma warning disable 162 try { //Compare // ReSharper disable ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse if (CompareWithResources) // ReSharper restore ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse { string resourcePath = filePartName.Replace('\\', '.').TrimStart('.'); using (var streamExpected = _extractor.ReadFileFromResToStream(resourcePath)) using (var streamActual = File.OpenRead(filePath2)) { string message; success = ExcelDocsComparer.Compare(streamActual, streamExpected, TestHelper.IsRunningOnUnix, out message); var formattedMessage = String.Format( "Actual file '{0}' is different than the expected file '{1}'. The difference is: '{2}'", filePath2, resourcePath, message); Assert.IsTrue(success, formattedMessage); } } } finally { //if (success && File.Exists(filePath)) File.Delete(filePath); } #pragma warning restore 162 }
/// <summary> /// 复制文件(夹)(每次一条信息/文件) /// </summary> /// <param name="info">音乐信息</param> /// <returns>复制到的文件目录(包含文件名)</returns> private string CopyFileFunc(MusicInfo info) { string finalPath; if (isCopyFolder) { string relativeAddr = info.Path.Split(new string[] { ChoiseAddr }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; string[] minAddr = ChoiseAddr.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); finalPath = rootPath + @"\Music\" + minAddr[minAddr.Length - 1] + relativeAddr; CreatePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(finalPath)); } else { if (Setting.Default.BuildFolderMode == 0) { finalPath = rootPath + @"\Music\" + Path.GetFileName(info.Path); } else if (Setting.Default.BuildFolderMode == 1) { finalPath = CheckArtist(info, rootPath) + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(info.Path); } else { finalPath = CheckAlbum(info, rootPath) + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(info.Path); } } File.Copy(info.Path, finalPath); if (CheckLyric(info.Path)) { File.Copy(Path.ChangeExtension(info.Path, "lrc"), Path.ChangeExtension(finalPath, "lrc")); } return(finalPath); }
static string ConvertAig(AlImage img, string path) { foreach (var converter in imageConverters) { if (converter.CanConvert(img.PixelFormat)) { string outPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, converter.FileExtension); using (FileStream ofs = File.Create(outPath)) { converter.ConvertFromAl(img, ofs); } if (converter.HasAlternativeFile(img)) { outPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, null); outPath = $"{outPath}_alt{converter.FileExtension}"; using (FileStream ofs = File.Create(outPath)) { converter.ConvertFromAlAlt(img, ofs); } } return(converter.FileExtension); } } throw new Exception($"Cannot find converter for {img.PixelFormat}"); }
public static Stream LoadNMSFileStream(string filepath, ref ResourceManager resMgr) { int load_mode = 0; string conv_filepath = filepath.TrimStart('/'); filepath = filepath.Replace('\\', '/'); string effective_filepath = filepath; string exmlpath = Path.ChangeExtension(filepath, "exml"); exmlpath = exmlpath.ToUpper(); //Make upper case if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(RenderState.settings.UnpackDir, exmlpath))) { load_mode = 0; //Load Exml } else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(RenderState.settings.UnpackDir, filepath))) { load_mode = 1; //Load MBIN from file } else if (resMgr.NMSFileToArchiveMap.ContainsKey(filepath)) { load_mode = 2; //Extract file from archive } else if (resMgr.NMSFileToArchiveMap.ContainsKey("/" + filepath)) { effective_filepath = "/" + filepath; load_mode = 2; //Extract file from archive } else { CallBacks.Log("File: " + filepath + " Not found in PAKs or local folders. "); Util.showError("File: " + filepath + " Not found in PAKs or local folders. ", "Error"); throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found\n " + filepath); } switch (load_mode) { case 0: //Load EXML return(new FileStream(Path.Combine(RenderState.settings.UnpackDir, exmlpath), FileMode.Open)); case 1: //Load MBIN return(new FileStream(Path.Combine(RenderState.settings.UnpackDir, filepath), FileMode.Open)); case 2: //Load File from Archive { CallBacks.Log("Trying to export File" + effective_filepath); if (resMgr.NMSFileToArchiveMap.ContainsKey(effective_filepath)) { CallBacks.Log("File was found in archives. File Index: " + resMgr.NMSFileToArchiveMap[effective_filepath].GetFileIndex(effective_filepath)); } int fileIndex = resMgr.NMSFileToArchiveMap[effective_filepath].GetFileIndex(effective_filepath); return(resMgr.NMSFileToArchiveMap[effective_filepath].ExtractFile(fileIndex)); } } return(null); }
public PythonScript(string filename, string content, PythonAst ast) { Filename = filename; Namespace = "Scripts"; ClassName = CreateClassName(Path.ChangeExtension(filename, null)); Content = content; AST = ast; Type = ScriptType.Module; ScriptId = -1; OutputPath = ClassName + ".cs"; // Check if the filename matches the pattern for "attached" scripts that will contain san_ events. var match = PythonScriptNamePattern.Match(filename); if (match.Success) { Type = ScriptType.Object; ScriptId = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value); ClassName = CreateClassName(match.Groups[2].Value); OutputPath = ClassName + ".cs"; Namespace = "Scripts"; } else { match = SpellNamePattern.Match(filename); if (match.Success) { Type = ScriptType.Spell; SpellId = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value); ClassName = CreateClassName(match.Groups[2].Value); OutputPath = "Spells/" + ClassName + ".cs"; Namespace = "Scripts.Spells"; } } // Find imported modules var importedWalker = new ImportedModulesWalker(); ast.Walk(importedWalker); ImportedModules = importedWalker.ImportedModules; ImportedModules.Remove("toee"); ImportedModules.Remove("__main__"); ImportedModules.Remove("math"); ImportedModules.Remove("sys"); ImportedModules.Remove("array"); ImportedModules.Remove("t"); // because it has a circular dependency ImportedModules.Remove("co8Util"); ImportedModules.Remove("co8Util.Logger"); ImportedModules.Remove("co8Util.PersistentData"); ImportedModules.Remove("co8Util.TimedEvent"); ImportedModules.Remove("co8Util.ObjHandling"); ImportedModules.Remove("co8Util.Enum"); ImportedModules.Remove("_include"); // Co8 hack if (ModuleName != "utilities") { ImportedModules.Add("utilities"); // Implicitly imported by C++ code into __main__ } }
static string GetWorkflowPath(string path) { if (SystemPath.GetExtension(path) == string.Empty) { return(SystemPath.ChangeExtension(path, Constants.BonsaiExtension)); } return(path); }
static void BulkConvertTxm(string inPath, string filter, bool recursive) { foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(inPath, filter, recursive ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { string outPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".png"); Console.WriteLine(outPath); ConvertTxm(path); } }
private void BatchImportTranslationMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string tag = ((MenuItem)sender)?.Tag as string; var sfd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = GenerateFilters(false), FileName = "Select a file type and the folder which contains the translation files (the folder containing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd folder) and press Save", Title = "Batch Import" }; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == true) { // Path to the directory which contains all the translation files string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(sfd.FileName); // Gets the index of the filetype int index = sfd.FilterIndex - 1; foreach (var entry in ScriptArchive.FileEntries) { var script = new STSCFile(); using (var stream = ScriptArchive.GetFileStream(entry.FileName)) script.Load(stream); // Path to the script file string filepath = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(dir, entry.FileName), TranslationSTSCHandler.FileTypes[index].TypeExtension); // Skip script if file does not exist if (!File.Exists(filepath)) { continue; } // Import translation try { string data = ""; using (var stream = File.Open(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) data = reader.ReadToEnd(); TranslationSTSCHandler.ImportTranslation(index, script, data, !tag.Contains("nokey"), App.StringProcess); // Save the script back into the archive using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { script.Save(stream); ScriptArchive.ReplaceFile(entry.FileName, stream.ToArray()); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to open file! Possible another program is using it.", "Import Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } } // Reload the current script if (ScriptListBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } LoadScript(ScriptArchive.FileEntries[ScriptListBox.SelectedIndex].FileName); }
public UploadFile(FileState state = FileState.Normal, string extension = null) { State = state; if (state == FileState.Temporary) { Path = IOPath.GetTempFileName(); FileName = IOPath.ChangeExtension(FileName, extension); } }
public void Convert1() { var testRootDir = TestContext.WorkDirectory; var xpsFile = Path.Combine(testRootDir, "XpsConverterTest/xps", "page1.xps"); var pdfFile = Path.ChangeExtension(xpsFile, ".pdf"); XpsConverter.Convert(xpsFile); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(pdfFile)); }
static void ConvertTxm(string path, string outPath = null) { using (Stream fs = Utils.CheckDecompress(File.OpenRead(path))) { if (outPath == null) { outPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".png"); } TxmConversion.ConvertTxmToPng(fs, outPath); } }
public bool ChangeExtension(string extension) { BuildExceptions.NotNullNotEmpty(extension, "extension"); if (this.IsValid) { _path = IoPath.ChangeExtension(_path, extension); return(true); } return(false); }
public static NMSTemplate LoadNMSFileOLD(string filepath) { int load_mode = 0; NMSTemplate template; string exmlpath = Path.ChangeExtension(filepath, "exml"); exmlpath = exmlpath.ToUpper(); //Make upper case if (File.Exists(exmlpath)) { load_mode = 0; } else { load_mode = 1; } //Load Exml try { if (load_mode == 0) { string xml = File.ReadAllText(exmlpath); template = EXmlFile.ReadTemplateFromString(xml); } else { if (!File.Exists(filepath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found\n " + filepath); } libMBIN.MBINFile mbinf = new libMBIN.MBINFile(filepath); mbinf.Load(); template = mbinf.GetData(); mbinf.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException || ex is System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { Util.showError("File " + filepath + " Not Found...", "Error"); } else if (ex is System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException) { Util.showError("libMBIN failed to decompile the file. Try to update the libMBIN.dll (File->updateLibMBIN). If the issue persists contact the developer", "Error"); } return(null); } return(template); }
public static void RunTestExample <T>(string filePartName, bool evaluateFormulae = false) where T : IXLExample, new() { // Make sure tests run on a deterministic culture Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); var example = new T(); string[] pathParts = filePartName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); string filePath1 = Path.Combine(new List <string>() { ExampleTestsOutputDirectory }.Concat(pathParts).ToArray()); var extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath1); var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath1); var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath1); fileName += ActualTestResultPostFix; fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, extension); filePath1 = Path.Combine(directory, "z" + fileName); var filePath2 = Path.Combine(directory, fileName); //Run test example.Create(filePath1); using (var wb = new XLWorkbook(filePath1)) wb.SaveAs(filePath2, validate: true, evaluateFormulae); // Also load from template and save it again - but not necessary to test against reference file // We're just testing that it can save. using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) using (var wb = XLWorkbook.OpenFromTemplate(filePath1)) wb.SaveAs(ms, validate: true, evaluateFormulae); if (CompareWithResources) { string resourcePath = "Examples." + filePartName.Replace('\\', '.').TrimStart('.'); using (var streamExpected = _extractor.ReadFileFromResourceToStream(resourcePath)) using (var streamActual = File.OpenRead(filePath2)) { var success = ExcelDocsComparer.Compare(streamActual, streamExpected, out string message); var formattedMessage = String.Format( "Actual file '{0}' is different than the expected file '{1}'. The difference is: '{2}'", filePath2, resourcePath, message); Assert.IsTrue(success, formattedMessage); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates the encrypted archive. /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedFolder">The selected folder.</param> /// <param name="archiveName">Name of the archive.</param> /// <externalUnit/> /// <revision revisor="dev13" date="11/18/2009" version=""> /// Added documentation header /// </revision> private void CreateEncryptedArchive( string selectedFolder, string archiveName) { try { string publicKey = string.Empty; string archiveFileName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(archiveName) ? "TestEncryptedArchive" : archiveName; string fullArchiveFilename = archiveFileName + ".zip"; using (var encryptedArchive = new EncryptedArchive( selectedFolder, fullArchiveFilename, new SequoiaCryptoProvider())) { encryptedArchive.OpenWrite(DateTime.Now, true); foreach ( string pathName in Directory.GetFiles(selectedFolder)) { string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(pathName); if (fileName == fullArchiveFilename) { continue; } // encryptedArchive.AddFile(fileName); byte[] fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(pathName); encryptedArchive.AddFile(fileData, fileName); } } var sequoiaProvider = new SequoiaCryptoProvider(); sequoiaProvider.CreateSignature( Path.Combine( selectedFolder, Path.ChangeExtension(fullArchiveFilename, "enc"))); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show( string.Format( "Error creating encrypted archive: {0}", exception.Message), "Encrypted Archive Creation Failure", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private void ButtonSource_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "Portable Document Files|*.pdf"; bool?result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { Options.SourceFilename = dialog.FileName; Options.DestinationFilename = Path.ChangeExtension(Options.SourceFilename, ".epub"); } }
static void ExtractBg(string bgPath, string basePath = null) { if (basePath == null) { basePath = Path.ChangeExtension(bgPath, null); } else { basePath = Path.Combine(basePath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bgPath)); } DatReader dat = new DatReader(Utils.CheckDecompress(File.OpenRead(bgPath))); using ObjConverter converter = new ObjConverter(dat); string mtlPath = basePath + ".mtl"; string mtlName = Path.GetFileName(mtlPath); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { using MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(dat.GetData(i)); DatReader innerDat = new DatReader(ms); for (int j = 0; j < innerDat.EntriesCount; ++j) { using BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(innerDat.GetData(j))); Tdb tdb = new Tdb(); tdb.Read(br); // Remap textures (only known for Windows version, PS2 todo when files obtained) if (i == 0) { tdb.Textures[0].DatIndex = 4; tdb.Textures[1].DatIndex = 3; } else { tdb.Textures[0].DatIndex = 5; } using StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText($"{basePath}.{i}_{j}.obj"); sw.WriteLine($"mtllib {mtlName}"); sw.WriteLine(); converter.ConvertObj(tdb, sw); } } using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(mtlPath)) { converter.ExportTextures(sw, basePath + ".", true); } }
private static void Convert(Options options) { var converter = new SvgToVectorDocumentConverter(options.BlankVectorDrawablePath, options.FixFillType); foreach (var inputFile in Directory.GetFiles(options.InputDirectory, options.InputMask + ".pdf", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Console.Write("."); var subpath = PathHelper.Subpath(inputFile, options.InputDirectory); var tempFile = PathHelper.GenerateTempFileName("svg"); try { Inkscape.ConvertPdfToSvg(Inkscape.FindAppPath(), inputFile, tempFile); SvgO.OptimizeSvg(options.SvgOPath, tempFile, tempFile); SvgPreprocessor.Preprocess(tempFile, tempFile); var svgDocument = SvgDocumentWrapper.CreateFromFile(tempFile); var outputDocument = converter.Convert(svgDocument).WrappedDocument; PrintWarnings(subpath, converter.Warnings); var outputFile = Path.Combine(options.OutputDirectory, subpath); outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(outputFile, "xml"); outputFile = PathHelper.NormalizeFileName(outputFile); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile)); var settings = new XmlWriterSettings { Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false), Indent = true, IndentChars = new string(' ', 4), NewLineOnAttributes = true }; using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(outputFile, settings)) { outputDocument.Save(writer); } } catch (FixFillTypeException e) { PrintError($"{subpath}: Failure due to the --fix-fill-type option. {e.InnerException.Message}"); } catch (Exception e) { PrintError($"{subpath}: {e.Message}"); } File.Delete(tempFile); } }
public void PIK_ExportTemplateToJson() { CommandStart.Start(doc => { if (!doc.IsNamedDrawing) { throw new Exception("Чертеж не сохранен на диске"); } var tData = TemplateManager.LoadFromDb(doc.Database); var file = Path.ChangeExtension(doc.Name, "json"); tData.ExportToJson(file ?? throw new InvalidOperationException()); Process.Start(file); }); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a <see cref="MapFile"/> for the supplied asset. /// </summary> public static MapFile LoadMapFile(string assetPath) { string mapPath = ConfigurationManager <WorldServerConfiguration> .Config.Map.MapPath; string asset = Path.Combine(mapPath, Path.GetFileName(assetPath)); string filePath = Path.ChangeExtension(asset, ".nfmap"); using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(filePath)) using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { var mapFile = new MapFile(); mapFile.Read(reader); return(mapFile); } }