FillRectangles() public method

public FillRectangles ( Brush brush, Rectangle rects ) : void
brush Brush
rects Rectangle
return void
コード例 #1
ファイル: RenderUtils.cs プロジェクト: zlynn1990/SpaceSim
        public static void DrawRectangles(Graphics graphics, List<RectangleF> rectangles, Color color)
            if (rectangles.Count > 0)
                var brush = new SolidBrush(color);

                graphics.FillRectangles(brush, rectangles.ToArray());
コード例 #2
        public void DrawRectangles(Pen pen, RectD[] rects, bool fill = false)
            if (pen == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pen");
            if (rects == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rects");

            lock (bitmapLock) {
                double maxX = 0.0d;
                double maxY = 0.0d;

                for (long i = 0L; i < rects.LongLength; i++)
                    if (rects[i].X + rects[i].Width > maxX)
                        maxX = rects[i].X + rects[i].Width;
                    if (rects[i].Y + rects[i].Height > maxY)
                        maxY = rects[i].Y + rects[i].Height;

                TryExpand(0.0d, 0.0d, maxX, maxY, pen.Width);
                using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) {
                    g.SmoothingMode = (Antialiasing) ? SmoothingMode.AntiAlias : SmoothingMode.None;
                    if (fill)
                        g.FillRectangles(pen.Brush, ToRectangleFArray(rects));
                        g.DrawRectangles(pen, ToRectangleFArray(rects));
コード例 #3
ファイル: ImageBox.cs プロジェクト: Behzadkhosravifar/SignalR
        /// <summary>
        ///   Draws a drop shadow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">The graphics. </param>
        /// <param name="viewPort"> The view port. </param>
        protected virtual void DrawDropShadow(Graphics g, Rectangle viewPort)
            Rectangle rightEdge;
            Rectangle bottomEdge;

            rightEdge = new Rectangle(viewPort.Right + 1, viewPort.Top + this.DropShadowSize, this.DropShadowSize, viewPort.Height);
            bottomEdge = new Rectangle(viewPort.Left + this.DropShadowSize, viewPort.Bottom + 1, viewPort.Width + 1, this.DropShadowSize);

            using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(this.ImageBorderColor))
                g.FillRectangles(brush, new[]
                                  rightEdge, bottomEdge
コード例 #4
ファイル: Print.cs プロジェクト: huamanhtuyen/VNACCS
 private void drawNodeRect(Graphics g, XmlNode source, PointF margin)
     Pen pen;
     PointF location = this.getLocationAttribute(source);
     location.X += margin.X;
     location.Y += margin.Y;
     SizeF size = this.getSizeAttribute(source);
     bool flag = true;
     if (source.Name != "rectangle")
         string str = XmlFunc.getStringAttribute(source, "BorderStyle").Trim();
         if (str.Length == 0)
             str = this.defaultProerty(source.Name, "BorderStyle");
             if (str == null)
                 str = BorderStyle.None.ToString();
         flag = !(str == BorderStyle.None.ToString());
     if (source.Name == "rectangle")
         pen = this.getPenAttribute(source);
         pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
     using (pen)
         using (SolidBrush brush = this.getBrushAttribute(source))
             if (brush != null)
                 RectangleF ef2 = new RectangleF(location, size);
                 RectangleF[] rects = new RectangleF[] { ef2 };
                 g.FillRectangles(brush, rects);
         if (flag)
             g.DrawRectangle(pen, location.X, location.Y, size.Width, size.Height);
コード例 #5
ファイル: LabelNode.cs プロジェクト: wsrf2009/KnxUiEditor
        public override void DrawAt(Point basePoint, Graphics g)
            base.DrawAt(basePoint, g);

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.RectInPage.Size);
            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(this.RectInPage.Width, this.RectInPage.Height);
            Graphics gp = Graphics.FromImage(bm);

            Color backColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(this.Alpha * 255), this.BackgroundColor);
            if ((null == this.BackgroundImage) || (string.Empty == this.BackgroundImage))
                if (EFlatStyle.Stereo == this.FlatStyle)
                    /* 绘制立体效果,三色渐变 */
                    LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, LinearGradientMode.Vertical);
                    Color[] colors = new Color[3];
                    colors[0] = ColorHelper.changeBrightnessOfColor(backColor, 100);
                    colors[1] = backColor;
                    colors[2] = ColorHelper.changeBrightnessOfColor(backColor, -50);
                    ColorBlend blend = new ColorBlend();
                    blend.Positions = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f };
                    blend.Colors = colors;
                    brush.InterpolationColors = blend;
                    FillRoundRectangle(gp, brush, rect, this.Radius, 1.0f);
                else if (EFlatStyle.Flat == this.FlatStyle)
                    SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(backColor);
                    FillRoundRectangle(gp, brush, rect, this.Radius, 1.0f);

            /* 文本 */
            if (null != this.Text)
                int x = 5;
                int y = 5;
                int width = rect.Width - 2 * x;
                int height = rect.Height - 2 * y;

                Rectangle stateRect = new Rectangle(rect.X + x, rect.Y + y, width, height);
                StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
                sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                Color fontColor = this.FontColor;
                gp.DrawString(this.Text, new Font("宋体", this.FontSize), new SolidBrush(fontColor), stateRect, sf);

            if (EBool.Yes == this.DisplayBorder)
                Color borderColor = this.BorderColor;
                DrawRoundRectangle(gp, new Pen(borderColor, 1), rect, this.Radius, 1.0f);

                new Rectangle(new Point(this.VisibleRectInPage.X-this.RectInPage.X, this.VisibleRectInPage.Y-this.RectInPage.Y), this.VisibleRectInPage.Size),

            this.FrameIsVisible = false;
            if (ControlState.Move == this.State)
                Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Navy, 2.0f);
                DrawRoundRectangle(g, pen, this.RectInPage, this.Radius, 1.0f);
            else if (this.IsSelected)
                Pen pen = new Pen(Color.LightGray, 1.0f);
                pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;//设置为虚线,用虚线画四边,模拟微软效果
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[0], this.LinePoints[1]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[2], this.LinePoints[3]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[4], this.LinePoints[5]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[6], this.LinePoints[7]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[8], this.LinePoints[9]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[10], this.LinePoints[11]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[12], this.LinePoints[13]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[14], this.LinePoints[15]);

                g.FillRectangles(Brushes.White, this.SmallRects); //填充8个小矩形的内部
                g.DrawRectangles(Pens.Black, this.SmallRects);  //绘制8个小矩形的黑色边线

                this.FrameIsVisible = true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: mapCustomControl.cs プロジェクト: jamafyna/park
 private void DrawBorder(Graphics gr, Image im)
     TextureBrush br = new TextureBrush(im, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode.Tile);
     gr.FillRectangles(br, borderRects);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Snake.cs プロジェクト: Froggy293/Snake
 public void Draw(Graphics graphics)
     graphics.FillRectangles(Brushes.Green, Body);
コード例 #8
ファイル: GraphBuilderBase.cs プロジェクト: dgis/CodeTV
        protected virtual void PaintBlackBands(Graphics g)
            if (this.videoRenderer != null)
                Trace.WriteLineIf(trace.TraceInfo, "PaintBlackBands()");

                Rectangle[] alRectangles = GetBlackBands();
                if (alRectangles.Length > 0)
                    g.FillRectangles(new SolidBrush(Settings.VideoBackgroundColor), alRectangles);
                    g.DrawRectangles(new System.Drawing.Pen(Settings.VideoBackgroundColor), alRectangles);
コード例 #9
ファイル: AeroForm.cs プロジェクト: schakko/bootstrap-net
        protected void PaintDecoration(Graphics graphics)
            // Paint the glass effect.
            Brush brush = null;
            Pen pen = null;

                var rectangles = new Rectangle[4];

                brush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.Control);
                pen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(223, 223, 223)));

                // Gibt die höhe des/der linken und rechten Rechteckes/Linie an
                int sideHeight = ClientRectangle.Height - this.decorationMargin.Top - this.decorationMargin.Bottom;
                int bottomY = ClientRectangle.Height - this.decorationMargin.Bottom;
                int rightX = ClientRectangle.Width - this.decorationMargin.Right;

                // Top
                rectangles[0] = new Rectangle(0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width, this.decorationMargin.Top);
                // Bottom
                rectangles[1] = new Rectangle(0, bottomY, ClientRectangle.Width, this.decorationMargin.Bottom);
                // Left
                rectangles[2] = new Rectangle(0, this.decorationMargin.Top, this.decorationMargin.Left, sideHeight);
                // Right
                rectangles[3] = new Rectangle(rightX, this.decorationMargin.Top, this.decorationMargin.Right, sideHeight);

                graphics.FillRectangles(brush, rectangles);

                if (bottomY > this.decorationMargin.Top && rightX > this.decorationMargin.Left)
                    // Top-Left to Top-Right
                    if (this.decorationMargin.Top > 0)
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(this.decorationMargin.Left, this.decorationMargin.Top), new Point(rightX, this.decorationMargin.Top));
                    // Top-Right To Bottom-Right
                    if (this.decorationMargin.Right > 0)
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(rightX, this.decorationMargin.Top), new Point(rightX, bottomY));

                    // Bottom-Right To BottomLeft
                    if (this.decorationMargin.Bottom > 0)
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(rightX, bottomY), new Point(this.decorationMargin.Left, bottomY));
                    // Bottom-Left To Top-Left
                    if (this.decorationMargin.Left > 0)
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(this.decorationMargin.Left, bottomY), new Point(this.decorationMargin.Left, this.decorationMargin.Top));
                if (brush != null)
                if (pen != null)
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the grid to the graphics device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The graphics for drawing</param>
        public void Draw(Graphics graphics)
            // Clear the old set of states
            for(int s = 1; s < CellState.NUM_STATES; s++)

            // Concurrently determine which batch each cell should
            // be drawn in.
            GridLoopParallel((x, y) =>
                Cell currentCell = cells[x, y];
                int stateId = currentCell.state;

                if (stateId == 0)

                lock (cellRectangles) { cellRectangles[stateId].Add(currentCell.visualRect); }

            // Concurrently convert each list to an array
            // Skip element 0
            Rectangle[][] rectArray = new Rectangle[CellState.NUM_STATES][];
            Parallel.For(1, CellState.NUM_STATES, s =>
                rectArray[s] = cellRectangles[s].ToArray();

            // Linearly draw each rectangle brush with the
            // appropriate colour from the palette
            for(int s = 0; s < CellState.NUM_STATES; s++)
                // If this is the lowest depth, fill the entire screen,
                // instead, fill the set of rectangles
                if (s == 0)
                else if (rectArray[s] != null && rectArray[s].Length > 0)
                    graphics.FillRectangles(palette.StateToBrush(s), rectArray[s]);
コード例 #11
ファイル: ShowFull.cs プロジェクト: tommiv/Artwork-Stack
        private void ProcessPaint(Graphics gfx = null)
            bool needDispose = gfx == null;
            if (gfx == null) gfx = Placeholder.CreateGraphics();

            // draw background
            var backRect = new Rectangle(Placeholder.Location.X, Placeholder.Location.Y, Placeholder.Width, Placeholder.Height);
            gfx.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, backRect);

            // draw main image
            var imgRect = new Rectangle();
            if (mainImage.Width > Placeholder.Width || mainImage.Height > Placeholder.Height)
                imgRect.X = imgRect.X = 0;
                imgRect.Width = imgRect.Height = Placeholder.Width;
                imgRect.X = (Placeholder.Width  - mainImage.Width) / 2;
                imgRect.Y = (Placeholder.Height - mainImage.Height) / 2;
                imgRect.Width  = mainImage.Width;
                imgRect.Height = mainImage.Height;
            gfx.DrawImage(mainImage, imgRect);

            // draw crop rectangles
            if (!crop || Math.Abs(mainImage.Width - mainImage.Height) <= 1) return;

            using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0, 0)))
                var r = new Rectangle[2];
                int unused = Math.Abs(mainImage.Width - mainImage.Height);
                if (mainImage.Width > mainImage.Height)
                    r[0] = new Rectangle(imgRect.Location.X,                                   imgRect.Location.Y, unused / 2, mainImage.Height);
                    r[1] = new Rectangle(imgRect.Location.X + imgRect.Size.Width - unused / 2, imgRect.Location.Y, unused / 2, mainImage.Height);
                    r[0] = new Rectangle(imgRect.Location.X, imgRect.Location.Y,                                    mainImage.Width, unused / 2);
                    r[1] = new Rectangle(imgRect.Location.X, imgRect.Location.Y + imgRect.Size.Height - unused / 2, mainImage.Width, unused / 2);

                gfx.FillRectangles(brush, r);

            if(needDispose) gfx.Dispose();
コード例 #12
ファイル: EllipseObj.cs プロジェクト: sntree/ZedGraph
        /// <summary>
        /// Render this object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method
        /// of the parent <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            // Convert the arrow coordinates from the user coordinate system
            // to the screen coordinate system
            RectangleF pixRect = this.Location.TransformRect(pane);

            //GraphPane gPane = pane as GraphPane;

            //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("XScale " + gPane.XAxis.Scale);
            //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("YScale " + gPane.YAxis.Scale);


            if (Math.Abs(pixRect.Left) < 100000 &&
                    Math.Abs(pixRect.Top) < 100000 &&
                    Math.Abs(pixRect.Right) < 100000 &&
                    Math.Abs(pixRect.Bottom) < 100000)
                GraphicsState state = g.Save();

                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                Matrix matrix = g.Transform;

                matrix.RotateAt(Angle, Center(pixRect));

                g.Transform = matrix;
                if (_fill.IsVisible)
                    using (Brush brush = _fill.MakeBrush(pixRect))
                        g.FillEllipse(brush, pixRect);

                if (_border.IsVisible)
                    using (Pen pen = _border.GetPen(pane, scaleFactor))
                        if (IsMoving)
                            // Set the DashCap to round.
                            pen.DashCap = DashCap.Round;

                            // Create a custom dash pattern.
                            pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 4.0F, 4.0F };

                        g.DrawEllipse(pen, pixRect);

                        if (IsSelected)
                            Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

                            g.FillRectangles(brush, EdgeRects(pane));

                            pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;

                            g.DrawRectangles(pen, EdgeRects(pane));

コード例 #13
        private void drawNodes(IEnumerable<ICoordinate> nodes, Graphics g, MapToClientDelegate MapToClient, Color color, int offsetX, int offsetY)
            if (nodes.Count() <= 0)

            using (Pen p = new Pen(color))
                Point[] points = new Point[nodes.Count()];

                int i = 0;
                foreach (ICoordinate c in nodes)
                    points[i] = MapToClient(c);
                    points[i].X += offsetX;
                    points[i].Y += offsetY;

                Rectangle[] rectangles = new Rectangle[points.Length];

                int ns = this.NodeSize;
                for (i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    rectangles[i] = new Rectangle((int)points[i].X - ns,
                        (int)points[i].Y - ns, ns * 2, ns * 2);

                using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(color))
                    g.FillRectangles(b, rectangles);
                g.DrawRectangles(p, rectangles);
コード例 #14
ファイル: HUD.cs プロジェクト: culiniac/quavs
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the HUD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The SRC.</param>
        /// <param name="dst">The DST.</param>
        public void DrawHUD(Bitmap src, Bitmap dst)
                _transparentBrush.Color = _color;
                _pen1.Color = _color;
                _pen2.Color = _color;

                //_brush.Color = _color_brush;

                //Initialize Graphics
                _g = Graphics.FromImage(src);
                _g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                _g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;
                _g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit; //.ClearTypeGridFit;

                // Draw top and bottom black bands
                _rectangleTextBkg[0] = new Rectangle(0, 0, _videoWidth, 20);
                _rectangleTextBkg[1] = new Rectangle(0, _videoHeight - 20, _videoWidth, _videoHeight);
                _g.FillRectangles(_brush, _rectangleTextBkg);
                _s = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                _s += " " + _message;
                _g.DrawString(_s, _fontOverlay, _transparentBrush, (RectangleF)_rectangleTextBkg[1], _format2);

                // Draw numeric boxes for:
                // 1. Heading
                _rectangleHUD[0] = new Rectangle((_videoWidth / 2) - 25, 30, 50, 15);
                // 2. Altitude
                _rectangleHUD[1] = new Rectangle(_videoWidth - 95, (_videoHeight / 2) - 8, 50, 15);
                // 3. Speed
                _rectangleHUD[2] = new Rectangle(45, (_videoHeight / 2) - 8, 50, 15);
                //_g.DrawRectangles(_pen1, _rectangleHUD);
                _g.FillRectangles(_brush, _rectangleHUD);

                //Draw numeric values inside each box:
                // 1. Heading
                _g.DrawString(_headingMagneticNorth.ToString(), _transparentFont, _transparentBrush, (RectangleF)_rectangleHUD[0], _format1);
                // 2. Altitude
                _g.DrawString(_altitude.ToString(), _transparentFont, _transparentBrush, (RectangleF)_rectangleHUD[1], _format1);
                //3. Speed
                _g.DrawString(_speed.ToString(), _transparentFont, _transparentBrush, (RectangleF)_rectangleHUD[2], _format1);

                //Draw aircraft indicator
                _pointsHUD3[0].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 20;
                _pointsHUD3[0].Y = _videoHeight / 2;

                _pointsHUD3[1].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 10;
                _pointsHUD3[1].Y = _videoHeight / 2;

                _pointsHUD3[2].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 5;
                _pointsHUD3[2].Y = _videoHeight / 2 + 10;

                _pointsHUD3[3].X = _videoWidth / 2;
                _pointsHUD3[3].Y = _videoHeight / 2 + 3;

                _pointsHUD3[4].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 5;
                _pointsHUD3[4].Y = _videoHeight / 2 + 10;

                _pointsHUD3[5].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 10;
                _pointsHUD3[5].Y = _videoHeight / 2;

                _pointsHUD3[6].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 20;
                _pointsHUD3[6].Y = _videoHeight / 2;
                _g.DrawLines(_pen1, _pointsHUD3);

                // Draw horizontal speed indicator
                Rectangle rectangleObj = new Rectangle(_videoWidth / 2 - _reticlesize / 2, _videoHeight / 2 - _reticlesize / 2, _reticlesize, _reticlesize);
                _g.DrawEllipse(_pen1, rectangleObj);
                // this line should represent the horizontal direction and speed up to X m/s
                _pointsHUD1[0].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 20;
                _pointsHUD1[0].Y = _videoHeight / 2 - 30;
                _pointsHUD1[1].X = _videoWidth / 2;
                _pointsHUD1[1].Y = _videoHeight / 2;
                _g.DrawLines(_pen1, _pointsHUD1);

                double pitch = _pitch;
                if (_pitch >= 90)
                    pitch = 180 - _pitch;
                if (_pitch <= -90)
                    pitch = -180 - _pitch;

                // save existing matrices
                _oldState = _g.Save();

                _g.TranslateTransform((float)_yaw * _yaw_resolution, 0, MatrixOrder.Append);

                _g.TranslateTransform(0, (float)pitch * _pitch_resolution, MatrixOrder.Append);
                if (_pitch >= 90 || _pitch <= -90)
                    _g.RotateTransform((float)180, MatrixOrder.Append);

                // make rotation point the origin
                _g.TranslateTransform(-_videoWidth / 2, -_videoHeight / 2);
                // roll
                _g.RotateTransform((float)-_roll, MatrixOrder.Append);
                // translate back
                _g.TranslateTransform(_videoWidth / 2, _videoHeight / 2, MatrixOrder.Append);

                //DrawHUD horizont line
                _pointsHUD1[0].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 150;
                _pointsHUD1[0].Y = _videoHeight / 2;
                _pointsHUD1[1].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 25;
                _pointsHUD1[1].Y = _videoHeight / 2;
                _g.DrawLines(_pen1, _pointsHUD1);
                _pointsHUD1[0].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 150;
                _pointsHUD1[0].Y = _videoHeight / 2;
                _pointsHUD1[1].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 25;
                _pointsHUD1[1].Y = _videoHeight / 2;
                _g.DrawLines(_pen1, _pointsHUD1);

                rectangleObj = new Rectangle(_videoWidth / 2 - _reticlesize1 / 2, _videoHeight / 2 - _reticlesize1 / 2, _reticlesize1, _reticlesize1);
                _g.DrawEllipse(_pen1, rectangleObj);

                for (int i = 1; i <= 36; i++)
                    _pointsHUD2[0].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 75;
                    _pointsHUD2[0].Y = _videoHeight / 2 + _pitch_resolution * 10 * i - 10;
                    _pointsHUD2[1].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 75;
                    _pointsHUD2[1].Y = _videoHeight / 2 + _pitch_resolution * 10 * i;
                    _pointsHUD2[2].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 25;
                    _pointsHUD2[2].Y = _videoHeight / 2 + _pitch_resolution * 10 * i;
                    _g.DrawLines(_pen2, _pointsHUD2);
                    _pointsHUD2[0].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 75;
                    _pointsHUD2[0].Y = _videoHeight / 2 + _pitch_resolution * 10 * i - 10;
                    _pointsHUD2[1].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 75;
                    _pointsHUD2[1].Y = _videoHeight / 2 + _pitch_resolution * 10 * i;
                    _pointsHUD2[2].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 25;
                    _pointsHUD2[2].Y = _videoHeight / 2 + _pitch_resolution * 10 * i;
                    _g.DrawLines(_pen2, _pointsHUD2);

                    _pointsHUD2[0].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 75;
                    _pointsHUD2[0].Y = _videoHeight / 2 - _pitch_resolution * 10 * i + 10;
                    _pointsHUD2[1].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 75;
                    _pointsHUD2[1].Y = _videoHeight / 2 - _pitch_resolution * 10 * i;
                    _pointsHUD2[2].X = _videoWidth / 2 - 25;
                    _pointsHUD2[2].Y = _videoHeight / 2 - _pitch_resolution * 10 * i;
                    _g.DrawLines(_pen1, _pointsHUD2);
                    _pointsHUD2[0].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 75;
                    _pointsHUD2[0].Y = _videoHeight / 2 - _pitch_resolution * 10 * i + 10;
                    _pointsHUD2[1].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 75;
                    _pointsHUD2[1].Y = _videoHeight / 2 - _pitch_resolution * 10 * i;
                    _pointsHUD2[2].X = _videoWidth / 2 + 25;
                    _pointsHUD2[2].Y = _videoHeight / 2 - _pitch_resolution * 10 * i;
                    _g.DrawLines(_pen1, _pointsHUD2);

                    // Draw numeric boxes

                    _rectanglePitch[0] = new Rectangle(_videoWidth / 2 - 125, _videoHeight / 2 + _pitch_resolution * 10 * i - 15, 50, 15);
                    _rectanglePitch[1] = new Rectangle(_videoWidth / 2 + 75, _videoHeight / 2 + _pitch_resolution * 10 * i - 15, 50, 15);

                    _g.DrawString((-i * 10).ToString(), _fontOverlay, _transparentBrush, (RectangleF)_rectanglePitch[0], _format1);
                    _g.DrawString((-i * 10).ToString(), _fontOverlay, _transparentBrush, (RectangleF)_rectanglePitch[1], _format1);

                    _rectanglePitch[2] = new Rectangle(_videoWidth / 2 - 125, _videoHeight / 2 - _pitch_resolution * 10 * i, 50, 15);
                    _rectanglePitch[3] = new Rectangle(_videoWidth / 2 + 75, _videoHeight / 2 - _pitch_resolution * 10 * i, 50, 15);

                    _g.DrawString((i * 10).ToString(), _fontOverlay, _transparentBrush, (RectangleF)_rectanglePitch[2], _format1);
                    _g.DrawString((i * 10).ToString(), _fontOverlay, _transparentBrush, (RectangleF)_rectanglePitch[3], _format1);
                _g.Restore(_oldState); // restore old

                _oldState = _g.Save(); // save existing matrices
                // make rotation point the origin
                _g.TranslateTransform(-_videoWidth / 2, -_videoHeight + 100);
                // roll
                _g.RotateTransform((float)_roll, MatrixOrder.Append);
                // translate back
                _g.TranslateTransform(_videoWidth / 2, _videoHeight - 100, MatrixOrder.Append);



                _g = Graphics.FromImage(dst);
                _g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                // draw the overlay bitmap over the video's bitmap
                _g.DrawImage(src, 0, 0, src.Width, src.Height);
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #15
ファイル: TextView.cs プロジェクト: hxhlb/wordlight
        private void DrawMarks(Graphics g, MarkCollection marks, Color markColor)
            Rectangle[] rectangles = marks.GetRectanglesForVisibleMarks(this);

            if (rectangles == null || rectangles.Length == 0)

            if (AddinSettings.Instance.FilledMarks)
                List<Rectangle> rectsToFilling = new List<Rectangle>();

                uint nativeBorderColor = (uint)markColor.R | (uint)markColor.G << 8 | (uint)markColor.B << 16;

                IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc();

                for (int i = 0; i < rectangles.Length; i++)
                    var rect = rectangles[i];

                    int score = 0;
                    if (Gdi32.GetPixel(hdc, rect.Left, rect.Top) == nativeBorderColor) score++;
                    if (Gdi32.GetPixel(hdc, rect.Left, rect.Bottom) == nativeBorderColor) score++;
                    if (score < 2 && Gdi32.GetPixel(hdc, rect.Right, rect.Bottom) == nativeBorderColor) score++;
                    if (score < 2 && Gdi32.GetPixel(hdc, rect.Right, rect.Top) == nativeBorderColor) score++;

                    bool isBorderDrawn = score >= 2;

                    if (!isBorderDrawn)


                if (rectsToFilling.Count > 0)
                    using (var bodyBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(32, markColor)))
                        g.FillRectangles(bodyBrush, rectsToFilling.ToArray());

                    //using (var borderPen = new Pen(markColor))
                    //    g.DrawRectangles(borderPen, rectsToFilling.ToArray());

            //Draw borders
            using (var borderPen = new Pen(markColor))
                g.DrawRectangles(borderPen, rectangles);
コード例 #16
ファイル: LabelLayer.cs プロジェクト: lishxi/_SharpMap
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object reference</param>
        /// <param name="map">Map which is rendered</param>
        public override void Render(Graphics g, Map map)
            if (Style.Enabled && Style.MaxVisible >= map.Zoom && Style.MinVisible < map.Zoom)
                if (DataSource == null)
                    throw (new ApplicationException("DataSource property not set on layer '" + LayerName + "'"));
                g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint;
                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode;

                BoundingBox envelope = map.Envelope; //View to render
                var lineClipping = new CohenSutherlandLineClipping(envelope.Min.X, envelope.Min.Y,
                                                                   envelope.Max.X, envelope.Max.Y);

                if (CoordinateTransformation != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                    if (ReverseCoordinateTransformation != null)
                        envelope = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(envelope, ReverseCoordinateTransformation.MathTransform);
                        envelope = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(envelope, CoordinateTransformation.MathTransform);
                    envelope = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(envelope, CoordinateTransformation.Target, CoordinateTransformation.Source);
                FeatureDataSet ds = new FeatureDataSet();
                DataSource.ExecuteIntersectionQuery(envelope, ds);
                if (ds.Tables.Count == 0)
                    base.Render(g, map);

                FeatureDataTable features = ds.Tables[0];

                //Initialize label collection
                List<BaseLabel> labels = new List<BaseLabel>();

                //List<System.Drawing.Rectangle> LabelBoxes; //Used for collision detection
                //Render labels
                for (int i = 0; i < features.Count; i++)
                    FeatureDataRow feature = features[i];
                    if (CoordinateTransformation != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                        features[i].Geometry = GeometryTransform.TransformGeometry(features[i].Geometry,
                        features[i].Geometry = GeometryTransform.TransformGeometry(features[i].Geometry,
                    LabelStyle style;
                    if (Theme != null) //If thematics is enabled, lets override the style
                        style = Theme.GetStyle(feature) as LabelStyle;
                        style = Style;

                    float rotationStyle = style != null ? style.Rotation : 0f;
                    float rotationColumn = 0f;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RotationColumn))
                        Single.TryParse(feature[RotationColumn].ToString(), NumberStyles.Any, Map.NumberFormatEnUs,
                                       out rotationColumn);
                    float rotation = rotationStyle + rotationColumn;

                    int priority = Priority;
                    if (_getPriorityMethod != null)
                        priority = _getPriorityMethod(feature);
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PriorityColumn))
                        Int32.TryParse(feature[PriorityColumn].ToString(), NumberStyles.Any, Map.NumberFormatEnUs,
                                     out priority);

                    string text;
                    if (_getLabelMethod != null)
                        text = _getLabelMethod(feature);
                        text = feature[LabelColumn].ToString();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        // for lineal geometries, try clipping to ensure proper labeling
                        if (feature.Geometry is ILineal)
                            if (feature.Geometry is LineString)
                                feature.Geometry = lineClipping.ClipLineString(feature.Geometry as LineString);
                            else if (feature.Geometry is MultiLineString)
                                feature.Geometry = lineClipping.ClipLineString(feature.Geometry as MultiLineString);

                        if (feature.Geometry is GeometryCollection)
                            if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.All)
                                foreach (Geometry geom in (feature.Geometry as GeometryCollection))
                                    BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature,geom, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                                    if (lbl != null)
                            else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.CommonCenter)
                                BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, feature.Geometry, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                                if (lbl != null)
                            else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.First)
                                if ((feature.Geometry as GeometryCollection).Collection.Count > 0)
                                    BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, (feature.Geometry as GeometryCollection).Collection[0], text,
                                                            rotation, style, map, g);
                                    if (lbl != null)
                            else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.Largest)
                                GeometryCollection coll = (feature.Geometry as GeometryCollection);
                                if (coll.NumGeometries > 0)
                                    double largestVal = 0;
                                    int idxOfLargest = 0;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < coll.NumGeometries; j++)
                                        Geometry geom = coll.Geometry(j);
                                        if (geom is LineString && ((LineString) geom).Length > largestVal)
                                            largestVal = ((LineString) geom).Length;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;
                                        if (geom is MultiLineString && ((MultiLineString) geom).Length > largestVal)
                                            largestVal = ((MultiLineString)geom).Length;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;
                                        if (geom is Polygon && ((Polygon) geom).Area > largestVal)
                                            largestVal = ((Polygon) geom).Area;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;
                                        if (geom is MultiPolygon && ((MultiPolygon) geom).Area > largestVal)
                                            largestVal = ((MultiPolygon) geom).Area;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;

                                    BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, coll.Geometry(idxOfLargest), text, rotation, priority, style,
                                                            map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                                    if (lbl != null)
                            BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, feature.Geometry, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                            if (lbl != null)
                if (labels.Count > 0) //We have labels to render...
                    if (Style.CollisionDetection && _labelFilter != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < labels.Count; i++)
                        // Don't show the label if not necessary
                        if (!labels[i].Show)

                        if (labels[i] is Label)
                            var label = labels[i] as Label;
                            if (label.Style.IsTextOnPath == false || label.TextOnPathLabel==null)
                                VectorRenderer.DrawLabel(g, label.Location, label.Style.Offset,
                                                            label.Style.Font, label.Style.ForeColor,
                                                            label.Style.BackColor, Style.Halo, label.Rotation,
                                                            label.Text, map);
                                if (label.Style.BackColor != null && label.Style.BackColor != System.Drawing.Brushes.Transparent)
                                    //draw background
                                    if (label.TextOnPathLabel.RegionList.Count > 0)
                                        g.FillRectangles(labels[i].Style.BackColor, labels[i].TextOnPathLabel.RegionList.ToArray());
                                        //g.FillPolygon(labels[i].Style.BackColor, labels[i].TextOnPathLabel.PointsText.ToArray());
                        else if (labels[i] is PathLabel)
                            var plbl = labels[i] as PathLabel;
                            var lblStyle = plbl.Style;
                            g.DrawString(lblStyle.Halo, new SolidBrush(lblStyle.ForeColor), plbl.Text,
                                         lblStyle.Font.FontFamily, (int) lblStyle.Font.Style, lblStyle.Font.Size,
                                         lblStyle.GetStringFormat(), lblStyle.IgnoreLength, plbl.Location);
            base.Render(g, map);
コード例 #17
        public override void DrawAt(Point basePoint, Graphics g)
            base.DrawAt(basePoint, g);

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.RectInPage.Size);
            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(this.RectInPage.Width, this.RectInPage.Height);
            Graphics gp = Graphics.FromImage(bm);

            Color backColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(this.Alpha * 255), this.BackgroundColor);

            /* SliderSwitch的长条形主体 */
            int x = 0;
            int y = SLIDER_EDGE_WIDTH;  // 
            int width = rect.Width;
            int height = rect.Height - 2 * y;
            Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(rect.X+x, rect.Y+y, width, height);
            if ((null == this.BackgroundImage) || (string.Empty == this.BackgroundImage))
                if (EFlatStyle.Stereo == this.FlatStyle)
                    /* 绘制立体效果,三色渐变 */
                    LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect1, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, LinearGradientMode.Vertical);
                    Color[] colors = new Color[3];
                    colors[0] = ColorHelper.changeBrightnessOfColor(backColor, 100);
                    colors[1] = backColor;
                    colors[2] = ColorHelper.changeBrightnessOfColor(backColor, -50);
                    ColorBlend blend = new ColorBlend();
                    blend.Positions = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f };
                    blend.Colors = colors;
                    brush.InterpolationColors = blend;
                    FillRoundRectangle(gp, brush, rect1, this.Radius, 1.0f);
                else if (EFlatStyle.Flat == this.FlatStyle)
                    SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(backColor);
                    FillRoundRectangle(gp, brush, rect1, this.Radius, 1.0f);

            /* 左图标 */
            x = PADDING;  // 偏移为5
            y = SLIDER_EDGE_WIDTH + PADDING;  // 
            height = rect.Height - 2 * y;   // 计算出高度
            width = height;     // 计算出宽度
            Image img = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.LeftImage))
                img = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(MyCache.ProjImagePath, this.LeftImage));
            if (null != img)
                gp.DrawImage(ImageHelper.Resize(img, new Size(width, height), false), rect.X+x, rect.Y+y);

            /* 右图标 */
            x = rect.Width - PADDING - width;
            img = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RightImage))
                img = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(MyCache.ProjImagePath, this.RightImage));
            if (null != img)
                gp.DrawImage(ImageHelper.Resize(img, new Size(width, height), false), rect.X+x, rect.Y+y);

            /* 中间滑块 */
            width = SLIDER_WIDTH;
            x = rect.Width / 2 - width / 2;
            y = 0;
            height = rect.Height;
            Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(rect.X+x,rect.Y+y, width, height);
            Color sliderColor = ColorHelper.changeBrightnessOfColor(backColor, 70);
            LinearGradientBrush sliderBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect2, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, LinearGradientMode.Vertical);
            Color[] sliderColors = new Color[3];
            sliderColors[0] = ColorHelper.changeBrightnessOfColor(sliderColor, 100);
            sliderColors[1] = sliderColor;
            sliderColors[2] = ColorHelper.changeBrightnessOfColor(sliderColor, -30);
            ColorBlend sliderBlend = new ColorBlend();
            sliderBlend.Positions = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f };
            sliderBlend.Colors = sliderColors;
            sliderBrush.InterpolationColors = sliderBlend;
            FillRoundRectangle(gp, sliderBrush, rect2, this.Radius, .0f);

            if (EBool.Yes == this.DisplayBorder)
                Color borderColor = this.BorderColor;
                DrawRoundRectangle(gp, new Pen(borderColor, 1), rect, this.Radius, 1.0f);

                new Rectangle(new Point(this.VisibleRectInPage.X - this.RectInPage.X, this.VisibleRectInPage.Y - this.RectInPage.Y), this.VisibleRectInPage.Size), 

            this.FrameIsVisible = false;
            if (ControlState.Move == this.State)
                Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Navy, 2.0f);
                DrawRoundRectangle(g, pen, this.RectInPage, this.Radius, 1.0f);
            else if (this.IsSelected)
                Pen pen = new Pen(Color.LightGray, 1.0f);
                pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;//设置为虚线,用虚线画四边,模拟微软效果
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[0], this.LinePoints[1]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[2], this.LinePoints[3]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[4], this.LinePoints[5]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[6], this.LinePoints[7]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[8], this.LinePoints[9]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[10], this.LinePoints[11]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[12], this.LinePoints[13]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[14], this.LinePoints[15]);

                g.FillRectangles(Brushes.White, this.SmallRects); //填充8个小矩形的内部
                g.DrawRectangles(Pens.Black, this.SmallRects);  //绘制8个小矩形的黑色边线

                this.FrameIsVisible = true;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Map.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        public void DrawMap(string p_FileName, Graphics g)
                //*** Create New Graphics object for web version, For Desktop version Graphics Object of a control shall be passed
                System.Drawing.Bitmap _BitMap;
                if (p_FileName.Length > 0)
                    _BitMap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap((int)m_Width, (int)m_Height);
                    g = Graphics.FromImage(_BitMap);
                { _BitMap = null; }   // _BitMap is assigned some default values but has no relevance.

                //- Allow AntiAliasing for smooth Text Labels
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                //*** Set the background color of Graphics
                if (m_CanvasColor.ToArgb() != Color.Transparent.ToArgb())
                //*** Clearing with transparent color sets the backgolor to black in web

                //*** Set Transformation Variables
                Matrix mTransMatrix = GetTransMatrix();
                RectangleF CurExt = GetCurrentExtent();

                //*** Draw Themes (Base layer + Feature Layer)
                Theme _Theme;
                _Theme = m_Themes.GetActiveTheme();
                //$$$ Assuming that at any point of time Only one Color Theme will be visible
                if ((_Theme == null))
                    DrawBaseLayer(ref g, mTransMatrix, CurExt);
                    //*** Base Layers '*** If no color theme then draw boundaries of map

                foreach (Theme _TempTheme in Themes)
                    if (_TempTheme.Visible == true)
                        switch (_TempTheme.Type)
                            case ThemeType.Color:
                            case ThemeType.Hatch:
                                DrawColorTheme(ref g, _TempTheme, mTransMatrix, CurExt);
                                //*** Color Theme + Hatch Theme
                            case ThemeType.DotDensity:
                                DrawDotDensity(ref g, _TempTheme, mTransMatrix, CurExt);
                                //*** Dot Density
                            case ThemeType.Chart:
                                DrawChart(ref g, _TempTheme, mTransMatrix, CurExt);
                                //*** Chart Theme
                            case ThemeType.Symbol:
                                DrawSymbolTheme(ref g, _TempTheme, mTransMatrix, CurExt);
                                //*** Symbol Theme
                            case ThemeType.Label:
                                DrawLabelTheme(ref g, _TempTheme, mTransMatrix, CurExt);
                                //*** Label Theme

                //*** Draw Custom Feature Layers
                if (m_CFLCol.Count > 0)
                    DrawCustomFeatureLayers(ref g, mTransMatrix, CurExt);

                //*** Draw North Symbol only for Main Map not for Insets
                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                if (m_NorthSymbol == true)
                    Font _Font = new Font("Webdings", m_NorthSymbolSize);
                    SolidBrush _Brush = new SolidBrush(m_NorthSymbolColor);
                    //g.DrawString("l", _Font, _Brush, m_NorthSymbolPosition.X, m_NorthSymbolPosition.Y)
                    g.DrawString("l", _Font, _Brush, m_Width - 60, m_Height - 60);
                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;

                //*** Display Map Scale Enhancement 11 May 2006
                    if (m_Scale == true)
                        int iScaleWidth = (int)(m_Width / 2.5);
                        int iScaleHeight = 5;
                        int iBlockCount = 5;
                        int iBlockWidth = (int)iScaleWidth / iBlockCount;
                        int iOrgX = 10;
                        int iOrgY = (int)(m_Height - 20);
                        double dMapWidth;
                        double dBlockWidth;

                            dMapWidth = GetDistance(m_CurrentExtent.X, m_CurrentExtent.Y, m_CurrentExtent.X + m_CurrentExtent.Width, m_CurrentExtent.Y);

                        dBlockWidth = dMapWidth / m_Width * iBlockWidth;
                        if (dBlockWidth > 2)
                            dBlockWidth = (int)dBlockWidth;
                            dBlockWidth = Math.Round(dBlockWidth, 1);

                        //*** Create array of rectagle to be filled with alternate colors
                        Rectangle[] Rect1 = new Rectangle[3];
                        Rectangle[] Rect2 = new Rectangle[2];
                        Rect1[0] = new Rectangle(iOrgX, iOrgY, iBlockWidth, iScaleHeight);
                        Rect2[0] = new Rectangle(iOrgX + iBlockWidth, iOrgY, iBlockWidth, iScaleHeight);
                        Rect1[1] = new Rectangle(iOrgX + iBlockWidth * 2, iOrgY, iBlockWidth, iScaleHeight);
                        Rect2[1] = new Rectangle(iOrgX + iBlockWidth * 3, iOrgY, iBlockWidth, iScaleHeight);
                        Rect1[2] = new Rectangle(iOrgX + iBlockWidth * 4, iOrgY, iBlockWidth, iScaleHeight);

                        //*** Fill alternate band of rectangles
                        g.FillRectangles(Brushes.Red, Rect1);
                        g.FillRectangles(Brushes.Blue, Rect2);

                        //*** Draw Text for Scale measurements
                        Font oFont = new Font("Arial", 7);
                        StringFormat oStringFormat = new StringFormat();
                        oStringFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip;
                        oStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                        g.DrawString(m_ScaleUnitText, oFont, Brushes.Black, iOrgX, iOrgY + iScaleHeight + 1, oStringFormat);
                        g.DrawString(dBlockWidth.ToString(), oFont, Brushes.Black, iOrgX + iBlockWidth, iOrgY + iScaleHeight + 1, oStringFormat);
                        g.DrawString((dBlockWidth * 2).ToString(), oFont, Brushes.Black, iOrgX + iBlockWidth * 2, iOrgY + iScaleHeight + 1, oStringFormat);
                        g.DrawString((dBlockWidth * 3).ToString(), oFont, Brushes.Black, iOrgX + iBlockWidth * 3, iOrgY + iScaleHeight + 1, oStringFormat);
                        g.DrawString((dBlockWidth * 4).ToString(), oFont, Brushes.Black, iOrgX + iBlockWidth * 4, iOrgY + iScaleHeight + 1, oStringFormat);
                        g.DrawString((dBlockWidth * 5).ToString(), oFont, Brushes.Black, iOrgX + iBlockWidth * 5, iOrgY + iScaleHeight + 1, oStringFormat);

                catch (Exception ex)


                //*** Draw Label
                DrawLabel(ref g, mTransMatrix, CurExt);

                //*** For Web Version Save Image File to the specified path
                if (p_FileName.Length > 0)
                    if (File.Exists(p_FileName))
                    FileStream _File = new FileStream(p_FileName, FileMode.Create);
                    _BitMap.Save(_File, ImageFormat.Png);
                    //_BitMap.Save(p_FileName, Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #19
 public void draw(Graphics gfx)
     if (_container != null)
         gfx.DrawRectangle(resizeBoxPen, _container.bounds);
         gfx.DrawRectangle(resizeBoxPen, _rectangle);
     if (_boxType == boxTypes.resize)
コード例 #20
        private void PaintGrid(Graphics graphics, Brush cellBrush, Pen gridPen)
            isDrawing = true;

            if (state.State == null)

            int cellSize = PowerTwos.Get(tbZoom.Value);
            int padding = PowerTwos.Get(tbZoom.Value - 2);

            int totalSize = cellSize + padding;
            int width = state.State.GetLength(0) * totalSize;

            int xOffset = -(int)(scrollH.Value * width * 0.01f);
            int yOffset = -(int)(scrollV.Value * width * 0.01f);

            graphics.DrawRectangle(gridPen, xOffset, yOffset, width, width);

            Rectangle[] cells = new Rectangle[state.Population + 50];
            int index = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < state.State.GetLength(0); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < state.State.GetLength(1); x++)
                    if (state.State[y, x])
                        cells[index++] = new Rectangle(x * totalSize + xOffset,
                            y * totalSize + yOffset, cellSize, cellSize);

            graphics.FillRectangles(cellBrush, cells);

            isDrawing = false;
コード例 #21
ファイル: FrameControl.cs プロジェクト: wsrf2009/KnxUiEditor
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘图
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw()
            Console.WriteLine("FrameControl:" + "InitializeComponent:");

            g = this.CreateGraphics();

            SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
            g.FillRegion(brush, Region);


            Pen pen = new Pen(Color.LightGray, 0.8f);
            pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;//设置为虚线,用虚线画四边,模拟微软效果
            g.DrawLine(pen, linePoints[0], linePoints[1]);
            g.DrawLine(pen, linePoints[2], linePoints[3]);
            g.DrawLine(pen, linePoints[4], linePoints[5]);
            g.DrawLine(pen, linePoints[6], linePoints[7]);
            g.DrawLine(pen, linePoints[8], linePoints[9]);
            g.DrawLine(pen, linePoints[10], linePoints[11]);
            g.DrawLine(pen, linePoints[12], linePoints[13]);
            g.DrawLine(pen, linePoints[14], linePoints[15]);

            g.FillRectangles(Brushes.White, smallRects); //填充8个小矩形的内部

            pen.Width = 2.0f;
            pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
            pen.Color = Color.Black;
            g.DrawRectangles(pen, smallRects);  //绘制8个小矩形的黑色边线
コード例 #22
ファイル: MainForm.cs プロジェクト: esonghori/NQueensGenetic
 private void DrawBoard(Graphics graphics)
     int board_box_size = (int)(BoardPicBox.Width / size_);
     Brush white = Brushes.SandyBrown;
     Brush black = Brushes.Brown;
     for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
         for (int j = 0; j < size_; j++) {
             Brush brush;
             if ((i + j) % 2 == 0) {
                 brush = white;
             } else {
                 brush = black;
             Rectangle r = new Rectangle(i * board_box_size, j * board_box_size, board_box_size, board_box_size);
             graphics.FillRectangles(brush,new Rectangle[]{r});
コード例 #23
ファイル: BoxObj.cs プロジェクト: sntree/ZedGraph
        /// <summary>
        /// Render this object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method
        /// of the parent <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            // Convert the arrow coordinates from the user coordinate system
            // to the screen coordinate system
            PointF pix1 = this.Location.TransformTopLeft(pane);
            PointF pix2 = this.Location.TransformBottomRight(pane);

            //RectangleF pixRect = this.Location.TransformRect(pane);
            RectangleF pixRect = new RectangleF(Math.Min(pix1.X, pix2.X), Math.Min(pix1.Y, pix2.Y),
                            Math.Abs(pix2.X - pix1.X), Math.Abs(pix2.Y - pix1.Y));

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("box {0} {1}", pix1, pix2));

            // Clip the rect to just outside the PaneRect so we don't end up with wild coordinates.
            RectangleF tmpRect = pane.Rect;
            tmpRect.Inflate(20, 20);

            if (Math.Abs(pixRect.Left) < 100000 &&
                Math.Abs(pixRect.Top) < 100000 &&
                Math.Abs(pixRect.Right) < 100000 &&
                Math.Abs(pixRect.Bottom) < 100000)
                // If the box is to be filled, fill it
                _fill.Draw(g, pixRect);

                // Draw the border around the box if required
                //_border.Draw( g, pane, scaleFactor, pixRect );

                if (_border.IsVisible)
                    var smode = g.SmoothingMode;
                    g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                    RectangleF tRect = pixRect;

                    float scaledInflate = (float)(_border.InflateFactor * scaleFactor);
                    tRect.Inflate(scaledInflate, scaledInflate);

                    using (Pen pen = _border.GetPen(pane, scaleFactor))
                        if (IsMoving)
                            // Set the DashCap to round.
                            pen.DashCap = DashCap.Round;

                            // Create a custom dash pattern.
                            pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 4.0F, 4.0F };

                        g.DrawRectangle(pen, tRect.X, tRect.Y, tRect.Width, tRect.Height);

                        if (IsSelected)
                            Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

                            g.FillRectangles(brush, EdgeRects(pane));

                            pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;

                            g.DrawRectangles(pen, EdgeRects(pane));

                    g.SmoothingMode = smode;
コード例 #24
        public override void DrawAt(Point basePoint, Graphics g)
            base.DrawAt(basePoint, g);

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.RectInPage.Size);
            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(this.RectInPage.Width, this.RectInPage.Height);
            Graphics gp = Graphics.FromImage(bm);

            Color backColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(this.Alpha * 255), this.BackgroundColor);

            /* SliderSwitch的长条形主体 */
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;
            int width = 0;
            int height = 0;
            if ((null == this.BackgroundImage) || (string.Empty == this.BackgroundImage))
                if (EFlatStyle.Stereo == this.FlatStyle)
                    /* 绘制立体效果,三色渐变 */
                    LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, LinearGradientMode.Vertical);
                    Color[] colors = new Color[3];
                    colors[0] = ColorHelper.changeBrightnessOfColor(backColor, 100);
                    colors[1] = backColor;
                    colors[2] = ColorHelper.changeBrightnessOfColor(backColor, -50);
                    ColorBlend blend = new ColorBlend();
                    blend.Positions = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f };
                    blend.Colors = colors;
                    brush.InterpolationColors = blend;
                    FillRoundRectangle(gp, brush, rect, this.Radius, 1.0f);
                else if (EFlatStyle.Flat == this.FlatStyle)
                    SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(backColor);
                    FillRoundRectangle(gp, brush, rect, this.Radius, 1.0f);

            /* 左图标 */
            x = PADDING;  // 偏移为5
            y = PADDING;  // 
            height = rect.Height - 2 * y;   // 计算出高度
            width = rect.Height > SUBVIEW_WIDTH ? rect.Height : SUBVIEW_WIDTH;     // 计算出宽度
            width -= 2 * x;
            Image img = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.LeftImage))
                img = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(MyCache.ProjImagePath, this.LeftImage));

            if (null != img)
                gp.DrawImage(ImageHelper.Resize(img, new Size(width, height), false), rect.X+x, rect.Y+y);

            /* 右图标 */
            x = rect.Width - PADDING - width;
            img = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RightImage))
                img = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(MyCache.ProjImagePath, this.RightImage));

            if (null != img)
                gp.DrawImage(ImageHelper.Resize(img, new Size(width, height), false), rect.X+x, rect.Y+y);

            /* 中间数字 */
            string valueString = null;
            if (KNXDigitalAdjustment.EDigitalNumber.OneDigit == this.DigitalNumber)
                valueString = "8";
            else if (KNXDigitalAdjustment.EDigitalNumber.TwoDigit == this.DigitalNumber)
                valueString = "88";
            else if (KNXDigitalAdjustment.EDigitalNumber.ThreeDigit == this.DigitalNumber)
                valueString = "888";

            if (null != valueString)
                valueString += this.Unit.GetDescription();

                Color fontColor = this.FontColor;
                Font font = new Font("宋体", this.FontSize);
                StringFormat format = new StringFormat();

                format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(valueString, font);
                x = PADDING;
                y = PADDING;
                width = rect.Width - 2 * x;
                height = rect.Height - 2 * y;
                Rectangle rectText = new Rectangle(rect.X+x, rect.Y+y, width, height);
                gp.DrawString(valueString, font, new SolidBrush(fontColor), rectText, format);

            if (EBool.Yes == this.DisplayBorder)
                Color borderColor = this.BorderColor;
                DrawRoundRectangle(gp, new Pen(borderColor, 1), rect, this.Radius, 1.0f);

                new Rectangle(new Point(this.VisibleRectInPage.X - this.RectInPage.X, this.VisibleRectInPage.Y - this.RectInPage.Y), this.VisibleRectInPage.Size),

            this.FrameIsVisible = false;
            if (ControlState.Move == this.State)
                Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Navy, 2.0f);
                DrawRoundRectangle(g, pen, this.RectInPage, this.Radius, 1.0f);
            else if (this.IsSelected)
                Pen pen = new Pen(Color.LightGray, 1.0f);
                pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;//设置为虚线,用虚线画四边,模拟微软效果
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[0], this.LinePoints[1]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[2], this.LinePoints[3]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[4], this.LinePoints[5]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[6], this.LinePoints[7]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[8], this.LinePoints[9]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[10], this.LinePoints[11]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[12], this.LinePoints[13]);
                g.DrawLine(pen, this.LinePoints[14], this.LinePoints[15]);

                g.FillRectangles(Brushes.White, this.SmallRects); //填充8个小矩形的内部
                g.DrawRectangles(Pens.Black, this.SmallRects);  //绘制8个小矩形的黑色边线

                this.FrameIsVisible = true;
コード例 #25
ファイル: GlassForm.cs プロジェクト: schakko/bootstrap-net
        private void PaintGlass(Graphics graphics)
            Brush brush = null;

                this.glassRectangles = new Rectangle[4];

                if (this.windowMode == WindowMode.Aero)
                    // Wenn der TransparencyKey nicht an dieser Stelle auf einen einen anderen Wert
                    // als auf dem beim Laden der Form gesetzt wird, erscheint für einen kurzen Augenblick
                    // ein Balken in der Farbe mit der man das „Glas“ malt.
                    // Alternativ kann der TransparencyKey unangetastet bleiben, dann muss man das „Glas“
                    // mit Color.Black malen. Diese Lösung hat den Nachteil, dass auch schwarze Schrift
                    // transparent wird, wenn nicht UseCompatibleTextRendering auf true gesetzt wurde.
                    TransparencyKey = this.glassColor;
                    //glassColor = TransparencyKey = Color.Black;

                brush = new SolidBrush(this.glassColor);

                if (this.fullWindow)
                    graphics.FillRectangle(brush, ClientRectangle);
                    // Gibt die höhe des/der linken und rechten Rechteckes/Linie an
                    int sideHeight = ClientRectangle.Height - this.glassMargin.Top - this.glassMargin.Bottom;
                    int bottomY = ClientRectangle.Height - this.glassMargin.Bottom;
                    int rightX = ClientRectangle.Width - this.glassMargin.Right;
                    // Top
                    this.glassRectangles[0] = new Rectangle(0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width, this.glassMargin.Top);
                    // Bottom
                    this.glassRectangles[1] = new Rectangle(0, bottomY, ClientRectangle.Width, this.glassMargin.Bottom);
                    // Left
                    this.glassRectangles[2] = new Rectangle(0, this.glassMargin.Top, this.glassMargin.Left, sideHeight);
                    // Right
                    this.glassRectangles[3] = new Rectangle(rightX, this.glassMargin.Top, this.glassMargin.Right, sideHeight);

                    graphics.FillRectangles(brush, this.glassRectangles);
                if (brush != null)
コード例 #26
ファイル: BrowseDialog.cs プロジェクト: killbug2004/WSProf
		/// <summary>
		/// Paints the glass effect on the screen.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g"></param>
		protected virtual void PaintGlass(Graphics g)
			if (!GlassUtility.IsGlassEnabled)

			if (!this.DesignMode)
				// Paint the glass effect.
				NativeMethods.MARGINS m = new NativeMethods.MARGINS(_margin);
				NativeMethods.DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(this.Handle, ref m);

			// Paint the glass effect.
			using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
				if (_fullWindow)
					g.FillRectangle(b, this.ClientRectangle);
					_rects[0] = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, _margin.Top);
					_rects[1] = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Width - _margin.Right, 0, _margin.Right, this.Height);
					_rects[2] = new Rectangle(0, this.ClientRectangle.Height - _margin.Bottom, this.Width, _margin.Bottom);
					_rects[3] = new Rectangle(0, 0, _margin.Left, this.Height);

					g.FillRectangles(b, _rects);
コード例 #27
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: DeLeneMirouze/NeuralNetwork
        private void DisposerBonbons(Graphics g, int b)
            Random rnd = new Random();
            bonbonRects = new Rectangle[b];
            bonbons = new Point[b];
            int trouve = 0;

            while (trouve != b)
                int index = rnd.Next(Largeur);
                int y = rnd.Next(Largeur);
                int x = rnd.Next(Largeur);

                // on ne place pas de bonbon sur la case en bas à gauche
                // car c'est d'ici que démarre le robot
                if (piece[y][x] == 0 && !(x == 0 && y == Largeur - 1) && piece[y][x] != 2)
                    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x * pasX, y * pasY, pasX, pasY);
                    bonbonRects[trouve] = r;

                    Point point = new Point(x, y);
                    bonbons[trouve] = point;

                    piece[y][x] = 2;

                    string message = string.Format("({0},{1})", x, y);

            g.FillRectangles(Brushes.Pink, bonbonRects);
コード例 #28
        public void Draw(Graphics g, PointF p, float scale)
            PointF hip = new PointF(p.X + (float)P[0].X * scale, p.Y - (float)P[0].Y * scale);
            PointF kneel = new PointF(p.X + (float)P[2].X * scale, p.Y - (float)P[2].Y * scale);
            PointF kneer = new PointF(p.X + (float)P[1].X * scale, p.Y - (float)P[1].Y * scale);
            PointF anklel = new PointF(p.X + (float)P[4].X * scale, p.Y - (float)P[4].Y * scale);
            PointF ankler = new PointF(p.X + (float)P[3].X * scale, p.Y - (float)P[3].Y * scale);
            PointF centerofmass = new PointF(p.X + (float)CenterOfMass.X * scale, p.Y - (float)CenterOfMass.Y * scale);

            PointD h = PointD.FromPoint(P[0], Theta[0], 0.07);
            PointF head = new PointF(p.X + (float)h.X * scale, p.Y - (float)h.Y * scale);

            g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, centerofmass.X - 3, centerofmass.Y - 3, 6, 6);

            g.DrawLine(PenGround, hip, head);

            g.DrawLine(PenLeft, hip, kneel);
            g.DrawLine(PenLeft, kneel, anklel);
            g.FillEllipse(BrushLeft, kneel.X - 5, kneel.Y - 5, 10, 10);

            g.FillEllipse(BrushRight, hip.X - 5, hip.Y - 5, 10, 10);

            g.DrawLine(PenRight, hip, kneer);
            g.DrawLine(PenRight, kneer, ankler);
            g.FillEllipse(BrushRight, kneer.X - 5, kneer.Y - 5, 10, 10);

            if (HipFix)
                g.DrawEllipse(PenRight, hip.X - 8, hip.Y - 8, 16, 16);

            if (LOnGround)
                LSteps.Add(new RectangleF(anklel.X, p.Y + 3, 1, 1));
            if (ROnGround)
                RSteps.Add(new RectangleF(ankler.X, p.Y + 6, 1, 1));

            RectangleF[] ls = new RectangleF[LSteps.Count];
            if (ls.Length > 0)
                g.FillRectangles(BrushLeft, ls);
            RectangleF[] rs = new RectangleF[RSteps.Count];
            if (rs.Length > 0)
                g.FillRectangles(BrushRight, rs);
コード例 #29
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: DeLeneMirouze/NeuralNetwork
        /// <summary>
        /// Implémente le cycle d'acions à réaliser à chaque itération
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nbIterations"></param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="t"></param>
        private void Passer(int nbIterations, Graphics g, int t)
            double[] senseurs = CapturerSenseurs(robot);
            int action = reseau.Entrainer(senseurs, t, nbIterations);

            g.FillRectangles(Brushes.Pink, bonbonRects);
            AfficherVisites(g, robot.Visites);
            DessinerRobot(g, robot);

            senseurs = CapturerSenseurs(robot);
            Liste.Text += string.Format("* Action: {0}", (Action)action) + Environment.NewLine;
            Liste.Text += string.Format("Senseur: {0}/{1}/{2}", senseurs[0].ToString("0.0000;-0.0000"), senseurs[1].ToString("0.0000;-0.0000"), senseurs[2].ToString("0.0000;-0.0000")) + Environment.NewLine;
            Liste.Text += "Robot: " + robot.Direction.ToString() + "; " + robot.X + ";" + robot.Y + Environment.NewLine;

            Sensor.Text = string.Format("Senseur: {0}/{1}/{2}", senseurs[0].ToString("0.0000;-0.0000"), senseurs[1].ToString("0.0000;-0.0000"), senseurs[2].ToString("0.0000;-0.0000"));

            Helper.AfficherVecteur(senseurs, "Senseurs");
コード例 #30
ファイル: Page.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Draw as much of this page as will fit in the clip rectangle.
		/// We must draw something in every part of the clip rectangle (unless fScreen is false),
		/// because (to avoid flicker drawing selections) we don't erase the window before
		/// drawing. We do this by stretching the element horizontally, and separately
		/// erasing the areas between elements (and before and after them).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="gr">graphics object to draw with</param>
		/// <param name="rectClip">rectangle to draw in (in target device pixels)</param>
		/// <param name="zoom">The zoom.</param>
		/// <param name="fScreen">true if drawing to screen, false for printers</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal void Draw(Graphics gr, Rectangle rectClip, float zoom, bool fScreen)

			float targetDpiX = gr.DpiX;
			float targetDpiY = gr.DpiY;
			int dpiXScreen = (int)(targetDpiX * zoom);
			int dpiYScreen = (int)(targetDpiY * zoom);
			Point unprintableAdjustment = new Point(0, 0);
			Point gutterAdjustment = new Point(0, 0);

			// for printing, calculate the amount of space to adjust each object placement by
			// to account for the unprintable area of a page.  NOTE: this must be done before
			// getting the hDC because the Graphics object will then be locked.
			int autoscrollY = PubControl.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
			if (!fScreen)
				unprintableAdjustment.X = -(rectClip.Width - (int)(gr.VisibleClipBounds.Width * targetDpiX) / 100) / 2;
				unprintableAdjustment.Y = -(rectClip.Height - (int)(gr.VisibleClipBounds.Height * (int)targetDpiY) / 100) / 2;
				// Make an adjustment for the gutter.
				if (PubControl.Publication.BindingEdge == BindingSide.Top)
					if (PageNumber % 2 == 1 || PubControl.Publication.SheetLayout == MultiPageLayout.Simplex)
						// Top gutter only comes into play if we're printing the page whose
						// top edge is the binding edge (i.e., normally the odd pages)
						gutterAdjustment.Y = (int)(PubControl.Publication.GutterMargin * targetDpiY / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch);
					else if (PubControl.Publication.SheetLayout == MultiPageLayout.Duplex)
						// This calculation attempts to deal with printing the "backside" page when
						// doing duplex. If the logical page size is smaller than the physical sheet size
						// onto which we're printing, we need to shift the printing origin so the backside
						// lines up with the frontside.
						// TODO: We're still off by a little.
						gutterAdjustment.Y = rectClip.Height -
							(int)((PubControl.Publication.PageHeight + PubControl.Publication.GutterMargin) *
							targetDpiY / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch);
					if ((PageNumber % 2 == 1 && PubControl.Publication.BindingEdge == BindingSide.Left) ||
						(PageNumber % 2 == 0 && PubControl.Publication.BindingEdge == BindingSide.Right) ||
						PubControl.Publication.SheetLayout == MultiPageLayout.Simplex ||
						PubControl.Publication.PageWidth == 0) // 0 => full-page
						// Side gutter only comes into play if we're printing the page whose
						// left edge is the binding edge (i.e., normally the odd pages)
						gutterAdjustment.X = (int)(PubControl.Publication.GutterMargin * targetDpiX / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch);
					else if (PubControl.Publication.SheetLayout == MultiPageLayout.Duplex)
						// This calculation attempts to deal with printing the "backside" page when
						// doing duplex. If the logical page size is smaller than the physical sheet size
						// onto which we're printing, we need to shift the printing origin so the backside
						// lines up with the frontside.
						// TODO: We're still off by a little, however not we're off by the same amount as
						// Microsoft Word when doing duplex, justified printing. We may need to provide
						// a printer-specific adjustment.
						gutterAdjustment.X = rectClip.Width -
							(int)((PubControl.Publication.PageWidth + PubControl.Publication.GutterMargin) *
							targetDpiX / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch);

				autoscrollY = 0;

			int indexOfThisPage = PubControl.IndexOfPage(this);

			int bottomOfPage = PubControl.PageHeightPlusGapInScreenPixels * (indexOfThisPage + 1)
				- PubControl.Gap + autoscrollY;
			if (!fScreen)
				bottomOfPage = Int32.MaxValue;

			List<Rectangle> backgroundRects = new List<Rectangle>();
			// This is the bottom of the area drawn or erased by the previous element.
			// to begin with, it can be the very top of the page.
			int bottomPrev = PubControl.PageHeightPlusGapInScreenPixels * (indexOfThisPage)
				+ autoscrollY;
			if (!fScreen)
				bottomPrev = 0;

			IntPtr hdc = gr.GetHdc();
			IVwGraphicsWin32 vg = VwGraphicsWin32Class.Create();
				if (fScreen)
					vg.XUnitsPerInch = dpiXScreen;
					vg.YUnitsPerInch = dpiYScreen;
				IVwDrawRootBuffered vdrb = VwDrawRootBufferedClass.Create();
				uint rgbBackColor = ColorUtil.ConvertColorToBGR(PubControl.BackColor);

				Debug.Assert(PageElements != null);
				foreach (PageElement element in PageElements)
					IVwRootBox rootb = (IVwRootBox)element.m_stream;

					// Compute the part of this element that intersects the ClipRect.
					Rectangle rectElement = element.PositionInLayout(indexOfThisPage, PubControl,
						targetDpiX, targetDpiY, unprintableAdjustment, gutterAdjustment, fScreen);

					if (fScreen)
						// If drawing on the screen expand this to the width of the clip rectangle
						Rectangle rectClipElt = GetElementClipBounds(element, rectElement);

						// If it doesn't intersect the clip rect skip this element.
						if (!rectClipElt.IntersectsWith(rectClip))

						// We need to draw the space between the bottom of the previous element
						// and the top of the current element with the background color.
						if (bottomPrev < rectClipElt.Top)
							Rectangle rectErase = new Rectangle(rectClip.X, bottomPrev,
								rectClip.Width, rectClipElt.Top - bottomPrev);
							if (rectErase.IntersectsWith(rectClip))
								// Unfortunately we can't erase the background right away
								// because we obtained the HDC above. Need to do it later.
						bottomPrev = rectClipElt.Bottom;

						// It just works!
						// The origin of this rectangle is the offset from the origin of this rootbox's
						// data to the origin of this element (in printer pixels).
						Rectangle rectSrc = new Rectangle(0, element.OffsetToTopPageBoundary - element.OverlapWithPreviousElement,
							(int)(PubControl.DpiXPrinter), (int)(PubControl.DpiYPrinter));

						// The origin of this rectangle is the offset from the origin of this element
						// to the origin of the clip rectangle (the part of the rc that
						// actually pertains to this element) (in screen pixels)
						Rectangle rectDst = new Rectangle(rectElement.Left - rectClipElt.Left,
							rectElement.Top - rectClipElt.Top, dpiXScreen, dpiYScreen);

						// By "adding" the origins of the source and destination rectangles together
						// (each in its respective context, printer or screen), we get the overall
						// offset to the bit of data we actually want to draw in the clip rectangle.
						vdrb.DrawTheRootAt(rootb, hdc, rectClipElt, rgbBackColor, true, vg, rectSrc,
							rectDst, element.OffsetToTopPageBoundary, element.ColumnHeight);

						vg.ForeColor = (int)ColorUtil.ConvertColorToBGR(Color.Red);
						vg.DrawLine(rectElement.Left, rectElement.Top, rectElement.Left, rectElement.Bottom);
						vg.DrawLine(rectElement.Left, rectElement.Top, rectElement.Right, rectElement.Top);
						vg.DrawLine(rectElement.Right, rectElement.Top, rectElement.Right,
						vg.DrawLine(rectElement.Left, rectElement.Bottom, rectElement.Right,

						// This version is for the printer.
						// (a) it uses a simpler interface for drawing, since it doesn't need to
						// fill in the background first, nor use double-buffering, nor do clipping.
						// (b) therefore it doesn't create a clip rectangle.
						// (c) but, it does need a dst rectangle at printer resolution.
						// (d) because we aren't drawing just in a clip rectangle, but the whole page,
						//		the offset of each element is just the page element offsets.
						// As well as being much faster, this doesn't try to paint the page with the
						// window background color, and creates mdi files around 35 times smaller.

						// The origin of this rectangle is the offset from the origin of this rootbox's
						// data to the origin of this element (in printer pixels).
						Rectangle rectSrc = new Rectangle(0, element.OffsetToTopPageBoundary,
							(int)(PubControl.DpiXPrinter), (int)(PubControl.DpiYPrinter));

						// The origin of this rectangle is the offset from the origin of this element
						// to the origin of the clip rectangle (the part of the rc that
						// actually pertains to this element) (in screen pixels)
						Rectangle rectDst = new Rectangle(rectElement.Left,
							rectElement.Top, (int)(PubControl.DpiXPrinter), (int)(PubControl.DpiYPrinter));

						rootb.DrawRoot2(vg, rectSrc, rectDst, false, element.OffsetToTopPageBoundary,
					catch /*(Exception ex)*/
						//TODO: GiveDrawErrMsg(ex, false);

			if (fScreen)
				// We also need to erase the background between the bottom of the last
				// element and the bottom of the page
				if (bottomPrev < bottomOfPage)
					Rectangle rectErase = new Rectangle(rectClip.X, bottomPrev,
						rectClip.Width, bottomOfPage - bottomPrev);
					if (rectErase.IntersectsWith(rectClip))

				if (backgroundRects.Count > 0)
					gr.FillRectangles(new SolidBrush(PubControl.BackColor), backgroundRects.ToArray());

				// Draw the gap to show page break.
				int bottomOfPageInDoc = PubControl.PageHeightPlusGapInScreenPixels * (indexOfThisPage + 1) - PubControl.Gap;

				Rectangle rectGap = new Rectangle(0,
					PubControl.PageWidth * dpiXScreen / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch,
				gr.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ControlDark)), rectGap);

				// Todo: draw the 3d effect around the page.

			// Make a separator line above subordinate streams according to publication settings.
			foreach (PageElement element in PageElements)
				if (!element.IsSubordinateStream || PubControl == null ||
					PubControl.Publication.FootnoteSepWidth == 0)

				// Compute the part of this element that intersects the ClipRect.
				Rectangle rectElement = element.PositionInLayout(indexOfThisPage, PubControl,
					targetDpiX, targetDpiY, unprintableAdjustment, gutterAdjustment, fScreen);
				int dpiX = fScreen ? dpiXScreen : (int)(PubControl.DpiXPrinter);
				int dpiY = fScreen ? dpiYScreen : (int)(PubControl.DpiYPrinter);
				Rectangle rectDst = new Rectangle(rectElement.Left,
					rectElement.Top + 1, dpiX, dpiY);
				AddSeparatorForDependentStream(gr, element, rectElement, rectDst);

//			m_fReadyForDrawing = false;
コード例 #31
ファイル: PolyObj.cs プロジェクト: sntree/ZedGraph
        /// <summary>
        /// Render this object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method
        /// of the parent <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw( Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor )
            if ( _points != null && _points.Count > 1 )
                using ( GraphicsPath path = MakePath( pane ) )
                    // Fill or draw the symbol as required
                    if ( _fill.IsVisible )
                        using ( Brush brush = this.Fill.MakeBrush( path.GetBounds() ) )
                            g.FillPath( brush, path );

                    if ( _border.IsVisible )
                        var sm = g.SmoothingMode;

                        g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                        using (Pen pen = _border.GetPen(pane, scaleFactor))
                            if (IsMoving)
                                // Set the DashCap to round.
                                pen.DashCap = DashCap.Round;

                                // Create a custom dash pattern.
                                pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 4.0F, 4.0F };

                            g.DrawPath(pen, path);

                            if (!_isClosedFigure)
                                PointF lastPt = path.GetLastPoint();
                                PointF firstPt = path.PathPoints[0];

                                // Set the DashCap to round.
                                pen.DashCap = DashCap.Round;

                                // Create a custom dash pattern.
                                pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 4.0F, 4.0F };

                                g.DrawLine(pen, firstPt.X, firstPt.Y, lastPt.X, lastPt.Y);

                            if (IsSelected)
                                Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

                                g.FillRectangles(brush, EdgeRects(pane));

                                pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;

                                g.DrawRectangles(pen, EdgeRects(pane));

                        g.SmoothingMode = sm;