GetExePath() private static method

Gets the path to the current executable, or null if it could not be retrieved.
private static GetExePath ( ) : string
return string
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>Gets an array of module infos for the specified process.</summary>
        /// <param name="processId">The ID of the process whose modules should be enumerated.</param>
        /// <returns>The array of modules.</returns>
        internal static ProcessModuleCollection GetModules(int processId)
            ProcessModuleCollection modules = Interop.procfs.ParseMapsModules(processId) ?? new(capacity : 0);

            // Move the main executable module to be the first in the list if it's not already
            if (Process.GetExePath(processId) is string exePath)
                for (int i = 0; i < modules.Count; i++)
                    ProcessModule module = modules[i];
                    if (module.FileName == exePath)
                        if (i > 0)
                            modules.Insert(0, module);

            // Return the set of modules found
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Gets an array of module infos for the specified process.</summary>
        /// <param name="processId">The ID of the process whose modules should be enumerated.</param>
        /// <returns>The array of modules.</returns>
        internal static ProcessModuleCollection GetModules(int processId)
            var modules = new ProcessModuleCollection(0);

            // Process from the parsed maps file each entry representing a module
            foreach (Interop.procfs.ParsedMapsModule entry in Interop.procfs.ParseMapsModules(processId))
                int sizeOfImage = (int)(entry.AddressRange.Value - entry.AddressRange.Key);

                // A single module may be split across multiple map entries; consolidate based on
                // the name and address ranges of sequential entries.
                if (modules.Count > 0)
                    ProcessModule module = modules[modules.Count - 1];
                    if (module.FileName == entry.FileName &&
                        ((long)module.BaseAddress + module.ModuleMemorySize == entry.AddressRange.Key))
                        // Merge this entry with the previous one
                        module.ModuleMemorySize += sizeOfImage;

                // It's not a continuation of a previous entry but a new one: add it.
                    modules.Add(new ProcessModule()
                        FileName          = entry.FileName,
                        ModuleName        = Path.GetFileName(entry.FileName),
                        BaseAddress       = new IntPtr(unchecked ((void *)entry.AddressRange.Key)),
                        ModuleMemorySize  = sizeOfImage,
                        EntryPointAddress = IntPtr.Zero // unknown

            // Move the main executable module to be the first in the list if it's not already
            string exePath = Process.GetExePath(processId);

            for (int i = 0; i < modules.Count; i++)
                ProcessModule module = modules[i];
                if (module.FileName == exePath)
                    if (i > 0)
                        modules.Insert(0, module);

            // Return the set of modules found
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a ProcessInfo from the data parsed from a /proc/pid/stat file and the associated tasks directory.
        /// </summary>
        internal static ProcessInfo CreateProcessInfo(Interop.procfs.ParsedStat procFsStat, ReusableTextReader reusableReader)
            int pid =;

            // Get long process name if possible, otherwise use a fall back method.
            string procName = Path.GetFileName(Process.GetExePath(pid));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(procName))
                procName = procFsStat.comm;

            var pi = new ProcessInfo()
                ProcessId    = pid,
                ProcessName  = procName,
                BasePriority = (int)procFsStat.nice,
                VirtualBytes = (long)procFsStat.vsize,
                WorkingSet   = procFsStat.rss * Environment.SystemPageSize,
                SessionId    = procFsStat.session,

                // We don't currently fill in the other values.
                // A few of these could probably be filled in from getrusage,
                // but only for the current process or its children, not for
                // arbitrary other processes.

            // Then read through /proc/pid/task/ to find each thread in the process...
            string tasksDir = Interop.procfs.GetTaskDirectoryPathForProcess(pid);

                foreach (string taskDir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(tasksDir))
                    // ...and read its associated /proc/pid/task/tid/stat file to create a ThreadInfo
                    string dirName = Path.GetFileName(taskDir);
                    int    tid;
                    Interop.procfs.ParsedStat stat;
                    if (int.TryParse(dirName, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out tid) &&
                        Interop.procfs.TryReadStatFile(pid, tid, out stat, reusableReader))
                            pi._threadInfoList.Add(new ThreadInfo()
                                _processId        = pid,
                                _threadId         = (ulong)tid,
                                _basePriority     = pi.BasePriority,
                                _currentPriority  = (int)stat.nice,
                                _startAddress     = IntPtr.Zero,
                                _threadState      = ProcFsStateToThreadState(stat.state),
                                _threadWaitReason = ThreadWaitReason.Unknown
            catch (IOException)
                // Between the time that we get an ID and the time that we try to read the associated
                // directories and files in procfs, the process could be gone.

            // Finally return what we've built up