private SerialConnection() { Devices = new ObservableCollection<DeviceInformation>(); State = ConnectionState.Disconnected; Debugger = Debugger.Instance; LookForBluetoothDevices(); }
public override void Write(string message) { if (DiagDebugger.IsLogging()) { DiagDebugger.Log(0, null, message); } }
public bool Execute() { try { if (Keys.ControlKey.IsPressed()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Debug?", "Debug CleanHydraInstaller", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Debugger.Launch(); } } if (this.Configuration == "PreRelease") { var solutionPath = Path.GetFullPath(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%HYDRASOLUTIONPATH%")); var productFilePath = Path.Combine(solutionPath, @"Hydra.InstallerStandalone\Product.wxs"); var document = XDocument.Load(productFilePath); var namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable()); XElement elementFeature; XElement elementDirectory; namespaceManager.AddNamespace("wi", ""); elementFeature = document.XPathSelectElement("/wi:Wix/wi:Product/wi:Feature", namespaceManager); elementDirectory = document.XPathSelectElement("/wi:Wix/wi:Fragment/wi:Directory", namespaceManager); elementFeature.Elements().Remove(); elementDirectory.Elements().Remove(); document.Save(productFilePath, SaveOptions.DisableFormatting); } } catch (Exception ex) { var error = string.Format("Error installing Hydra Visual Studio templates. \r\nError: {0}", ex.ToString()); var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, error, "", "", DateTime.Now); this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); Console.WriteLine(error); return(false); } return(true); }
internal static void Break(this PSCmdlet invokedCmdLet) { while (!Debugger.IsAttached) { invokedCmdLet.WriteWarning($"Waiting for debugger to attach to process {Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}"); for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { break; } Thread.Sleep(100); invokedCmdLet.WriteProgress(new ProgressRecord(0, "Waiting for Debugger", "Waiting for Debugger to attach to process")); } } Debugger.Break(); }
internal static void Break(this PSCmdlet invokedCmdLet) { while (!Debugger.IsAttached) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Waiting for debugger to attach to process {Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}"); for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { break; } Thread.Sleep(100); Console.Error.Write("."); } Console.Error.WriteLine(); } Debugger.Break(); }
public void OnConnection(object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom) { Debugger.Break(); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("OpenWrapBootstrapper: Connecting solution add-in, .net version {0}", Environment.Version)); var dte = application as DTE; if (dte == null) { return; } var engine = Engine(dte); if (engine == null) { return; } foreach (var project in from dteProject in dte.Solution.Projects.OfType <Project>() select engine.Load(dteProject.FullName)) { project.RunTarget("OpenWrap-Initialize"); } }
public Process(PythonBoss pyBoss, Controller parent, dynamic pyProcess) { _targets = new Hashtable(10); _pyBoss = pyBoss; _parent = parent; _targetsToLoad = new List<object>(10); PyProcess = pyProcess; _name = PyProcess.get_name(); try { // Initialize the DotNet process class int pid = PyProcess.get_pid(); if (pid >= 0) { ProcessDotNet = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(pid); // Start the debugger instance _debugger = new Debugger(pid, this); } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ERROR: Constructor of dot net class 'Process' {0} failed. Python process class returned 'get_pid()' of -1, this is invalid.", _name)); return; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ERROR: Constructor of python class 'Process' {0} failed:", _name)); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return; } Initialized = true; }
public static void WaitForDebugger() { if (_triggered) { return; } var debug = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROFILER_DEBUG")?.ToLowerInvariant(); if (!new[] { "on", "yes", "true", "1" }.Contains(debug)) { return; } while (!Debugger.IsAttached) { var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for debugger {process.Id} - {process.ProcessName}"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } _triggered = true; Debugger.Break(); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Overridden Package Implementation #region Package Member /// <summary> /// Initialization of the package; this method is called right after the package is sited, so this is the place /// where you can put all the initialization code that rely on services provided by VisualStudio. /// </summary> protected override async Task InitializeAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress <ServiceProgressData> progress) { await JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(DisposalToken); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Entering Initialize() of: {0}", this.ToString())); base.Initialize(); var m_objDTE = (DTE)GetService(typeof(DTE)); Assumes.Present(m_objDTE); commandEvents = m_objDTE.Events.CommandEvents; commandEvents.BeforeExecute += delegate(string Guid, int ID, object CustomIn, object CustomOut, ref bool CancelDefault) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); var objCommand = m_objDTE.Commands.Item(Guid, ID); if (objCommand != null) { var bindings = objCommand.Bindings as object[]; if (bindings != null && bindings.Any()) { var shortcuts = GetBindings(bindings); if (shortcuts.Any()) { lock (typeof(ShortcutCommanderPackage)) { var shortcutActive = false; foreach (var shortcut in shortcuts) { var sequenceActive = false; var shortcutSequences = shortcut.Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var shortcutSequence in shortcutSequences) { var keyActive = true; var shortcutKeys = shortcutSequence.Split('+'); foreach (var shortcutKey in shortcutKeys) { Key key; switch (shortcutKey) { case "Ctrl": key = Key.LeftCtrl; break; case "Alt": key = Key.LeftAlt; break; case "Shift": key = Key.LeftShift; break; case "Bkspce": key = Key.Back; break; case "Del": key = Key.Delete; break; case "Ins": key = Key.Insert; break; case "PgDn": key = Key.PageDown; break; case "PgUp": key = Key.PageUp; break; case "Down Arrow": key = Key.Down; break; case "Up Arrow": key = Key.Up; break; case "Left Arrow": key = Key.Left; break; case "Right Arrow": key = Key.Right; break; default: if (!Enum.TryParse(shortcutKey, out key)) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Debugger.Break(); } continue; } break; } if (!Keyboard.IsKeyDown(key)) { keyActive = false; break; } } if (keyActive) { sequenceActive = true; break; } } if (sequenceActive) { shortcutActive = true; break; } } if (!shortcutActive) { if (window != null) { window.Close(); window = null; } window = new HotkeyWindow(); var contentBlock = window.CommandText.Children; contentBlock.Clear(); var space = " " + Convert.ToChar(160) + " "; for (var i = 0; i < shortcuts.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { contentBlock.Add(new TextBlock(new Run(space + " or " + space)) { Opacity = 0.5 }); } contentBlock.Add(new TextBlock(new Run(shortcuts[i]))); } window.Show(); } } } } } }; }
public void RegisterPackage(string packageIdentifier, string packagePath) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(packagePath); var outdated = false; var installedExtension = (IInstalledExtension)null; if (!fileInfo.Exists) { var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); var ext = Path.GetExtension(packagePath).Remove(0, 1); var window = new WindowWrapper(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle); openFileDialog.CheckFileExists = true; openFileDialog.Filter = string.Format("Package files (*.{0})|*.{0}", ext); openFileDialog.DefaultExt = ext; openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%HYDRASOLUTIONPATH%"); openFileDialog.Title = string.Format("Select file for '{0}'", packagePath); if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog(window) != DialogResult.OK) { var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, string.Format("Error finding package '{0}' at '{1}'", packageIdentifier, packagePath) + ". Please select file from bin folder of Package Project or get latest from TFS.", "", "", DateTime.Now); this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); return; } else { File.Copy(openFileDialog.FileName, packagePath); } } fileInfo = new FileInfo(packagePath); if (!fileInfo.Exists) { var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, string.Format("Error finding package '{0}' at '{1}'", packageIdentifier, packagePath) + ". Please select file from bin folder of Package Project or get latest from TFS.", "", "", DateTime.Now); this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); return; } if (fileInfo.Extension == ".dll") { // is a dll, use RegPkg var projectFile = new FileInfo(this.BuildEngine.ProjectFileOfTaskNode); var regPkgPath = Path.Combine(solutionPath, @"Binaries\SolutionLibraries\RegPkg.exe"); var process = new Process(); var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true, FileName = regPkgPath, Arguments = "/unregister" + " \"" + fileInfo.FullName + "\"" }; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); var result = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); result += "\r\n" + process.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); process.WaitForExit(); if (process.ExitCode != 0) { var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, string.Format("Error unregistering package '{0}'. ", packageIdentifier) + result + " Exit code = " + process.ExitCode.ToString() + ". You can try running Visual Studio as Administrator to uninstall this component.", "", "", DateTime.Now); this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); } else { var message = new BuildMessageEventArgs(string.Format("'{0}' package unregistered successfully. ", packageIdentifier) + result, "", "", MessageImportance.High); this.BuildEngine.LogMessageEvent(message); } process = new Process(); startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true, FileName = regPkgPath, Arguments = "/root:Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\10.0 \"" + packagePath + "\"" }; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); result = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); result += "\r\n" + process.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); process.WaitForExit(); if (process.ExitCode != 0) { var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, string.Format("Error registering package '{0}'. ", packageIdentifier) + result + " Exit code = " + process.ExitCode.ToString() + ". You can try running Visual Studio as Administrator to install this component.", "", "", DateTime.Now); this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); return; } else { var message = new BuildMessageEventArgs(string.Format("'{0}' package registered successfully. ", packageIdentifier) + result, "", "", MessageImportance.High); this.BuildEngine.LogMessageEvent(message); } } else { // is vsx Action <DateTime, DirectoryInfo> checkOutdated = null; checkOutdated = new Action <DateTime, DirectoryInfo>((date, directory) => { foreach (var file in directory.GetFiles()) { if (file.Extension != ".vsix" && file.Extension != ".zip") { if (DateTime.Compare(file.LastWriteTime, date) > 0) { outdated = true; return; } } } foreach (var dir in directory.GetDirectories()) { checkOutdated(date, dir); } }); // lets do another workaround due to Microsoft stupidity //var extensionPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), @"Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Cloud IDEaaS"); //var folder = new DirectoryInfo(extensionPath); //Action<DirectoryInfo> deleteDeleteMeFiles = null; //deleteDeleteMeFiles = new Action<DirectoryInfo>(directory => //{ // foreach (var file in directory.GetFiles("*.deleteme")) // { // try // { // file.Delete(); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // try // { // RestartExplorer(); // file.Delete(); // } // catch // { // try // { // var hydraCopyPath = Path.Combine(solutionPath, @"Binaries\SolutionLibraries\HydraCopy.exe"); // var process = new Process(); // var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo // { // UseShellExecute = false, // RedirectStandardError = true, // RedirectStandardOutput = true, // CreateNoWindow = true, // FileName = hydraCopyPath, // Arguments = "\"" + file.FullName + "\" /delete" // }; // process.StartInfo = startInfo; // process.Start(); // process.WaitForExit(); // if (process.ExitCode != 0) // { // throw new Exception(string.Format("HydraCopy.exe exited with error code = '{0}'", process.ExitCode)); // } // } // catch (Exception ex2) // { // var message2 = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, string.Format("Error launching HydraCopy.exe to remove leftover files for package '{0}'. Error={1}. You can try rebuilding or restarting Visual Studio to remove these files.", packageIdentifier, ex2.ToString()), "", "", DateTime.Now); // this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message2); // } // var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, string.Format("Error removing leftover files for package '{0}'. Error={1}. You can try rebuilding or restarting Visual Studio to remove these files.", packageIdentifier, ex.ToString()), "", "", DateTime.Now); // this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); // } // } // } // foreach (var dir in directory.GetDirectories()) // { // deleteDeleteMeFiles(dir); // } //}); //if (folder.Exists) //{ // deleteDeleteMeFiles(folder); //} //if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) //{ // extensionPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86), @"Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Cloud IDEaaS"); //} //else //{ // extensionPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles), @"Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Cloud IDEaaS"); //} //folder = new DirectoryInfo(extensionPath); //if (folder.Exists) //{ // deleteDeleteMeFiles(folder); //} if (extensionManager.TryGetInstalledExtension(packageIdentifier, out installedExtension)) { checkOutdated(installedExtension.InstalledOn.DateTime, fileInfo.Directory); if (!outdated) { return; } } if (outdated) { // see if there are templates in folder the VSIX installer will balk fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName, "extension.vsixmanifest")); if (fileInfo.Exists) { var stream = File.OpenRead(fileInfo.FullName); var installLocation = Path.Combine(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%LocalAppData%"), @"Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions"); var _namespace = "vs"; stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var xPathDocument = new XPathDocument(stream); stream.Close(); var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable()); nsmgr.AddNamespace(_namespace, ""); var navigator = xPathDocument.CreateNavigator(); var iter = navigator.Select(string.Format("{0}:Vsix/{0}:Identifier/{0}:Author", _namespace), nsmgr); iter.MoveNext(); var author = iter.Current.Value; iter = navigator.Select(string.Format("{0}:Vsix/{0}:Identifier/{0}:Name", _namespace), nsmgr); iter.MoveNext(); var name = iter.Current.Value; iter = navigator.Select(string.Format("{0}:Vsix/{0}:Identifier/{0}:Version", _namespace), nsmgr); iter.MoveNext(); var version = iter.Current.Value; installLocation = Path.Combine(installLocation, string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}", author, name, version)); var dirInstall = new DirectoryInfo(installLocation); if (dirInstall.Exists) { try { dirInstall.Delete(true); } catch { try { RestartExplorer(); dirInstall.Delete(true); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } try { if (extensionManager.IsInstalled(installedExtension)) { extensionManager.Uninstall(installedExtension); } var message = new BuildMessageEventArgs(string.Format("'{0}' package unregistered successfully. ", packageIdentifier), "", "", MessageImportance.High); this.BuildEngine.LogMessageEvent(message); } catch (Exception ex) { var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, string.Format("Error unregistering package '{0}'. Error={1}", packageIdentifier, ex.ToString()), "", "", DateTime.Now); this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); } } if (installedExtension == null || outdated) { try { var debug = false; if (debug) { var package = ZipPackage.Open(@"C:\Users\u164225\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\My Exported Templates\DummyProject.vsix"); var parts = package.GetParts(); package.Close(); package = ZipPackage.Open(packagePath); parts = package.GetParts(); package.Close(); var installExtension2 = extensionManager.CreateInstallableExtension(@"C:\Users\u164225\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\My Exported Templates\DummyProject.vsix"); var reason2 = extensionManager.Install(installExtension2, false); var message2 = new BuildMessageEventArgs(string.Format("'{0}' package registered successfully with restart reason={1}. ", "DummyProject.fc1c3820-6d48-428d-963d-1f4bfa392f6b", reason2), "", "", MessageImportance.High); Debugger.Break(); } var installExtension = extensionManager.CreateInstallableExtension(packagePath); var reason = extensionManager.Install(installExtension, false); var message = new BuildMessageEventArgs(string.Format("'{0}' package registered successfully with restart reason={1}. ", packageIdentifier, reason), "", "", MessageImportance.High); this.BuildEngine.LogMessageEvent(message); } catch (Exception ex2) { try { RestartExplorer(); var installExtension = extensionManager.CreateInstallableExtension(packagePath); var reason = extensionManager.Install(installExtension, false); var message = new BuildMessageEventArgs(string.Format("'{0}' package registered successfully with restart reason={1}. ", packageIdentifier, reason), "", "", MessageImportance.High); this.BuildEngine.LogMessageEvent(message); } catch (Exception ex) { var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, string.Format("Error registering package '{0}'. Error={1}", packageIdentifier, ex.ToString()), "", "", DateTime.Now); this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// End monitoring a runspace on the target degbugger. /// </summary> /// <param name="debugger">Target debugger</param> /// <param name="runspaceInfo">PSMonitorRunspaceInfo</param> public static void EndMonitoringRunspace(Debugger debugger, PSMonitorRunspaceInfo runspaceInfo) { if (debugger == null) { throw new PSArgumentNullException("debugger"); } if (runspaceInfo == null) { throw new PSArgumentNullException("runspaceInfo"); } debugger.EndMonitoringRunspace(runspaceInfo); }
//emulator stuff public ComboBoxItemDevice( Debugger.PortDefinition pd) : base(pd.DisplayName, pd.PersistName, pd is PortDefinition_Tcp) { m_pd = pd; }
public bool Execute() { try { if (Keys.ControlKey.IsPressed()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Debug?", "Debug UpdateHydraInstaller", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Debugger.Launch(); } } var solutionPath = Path.GetFullPath(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%HYDRASOLUTIONPATH%")); var productFilePath = Path.Combine(solutionPath, @"Hydra.InstallerStandalone\Product.wxs"); var applicationGeneratorBinaries = Path.Combine(solutionPath, @"ApplicationGenerator\bin", this.Configuration); var applicationGeneratorProject = Path.Combine(solutionPath, @"ApplicationGenerator\ApplicationGenerator.csproj"); var components = ComponentFinder.GetComponents(applicationGeneratorBinaries, applicationGeneratorProject, this.TargetFramework, this.TargetAssembly, productFilePath); var directories = ComponentFinder.GetDirectories(applicationGeneratorBinaries, applicationGeneratorProject, this.TargetFramework, this.TargetAssembly, productFilePath); var document = XDocument.Load(productFilePath); var namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable()); var programMenuXml = typeof(UpdateHydraInstaller).ReadResource <string>("ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.ProgramMenu.xml"); XElement elementFeature; XElement elementDirectory; ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory groupDirectory; ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory topLeveDirectory; ComponentGroupRef componentGroupRef; XElement elementGroupDirectory; XElement elementComponentGroupRef; XElement elementProgramMenu; XElement elementProgramMenuDirectory; XElement elementApplicationShortcutComponentRef; XElement elementFragmentComponentGroup; ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory programMenuDirectory; namespaceManager.AddNamespace("wi", ""); elementFeature = document.XPathSelectElement("/wi:Wix/wi:Product/wi:Feature", namespaceManager); elementDirectory = document.XPathSelectElement("/wi:Wix/wi:Fragment/wi:Directory", namespaceManager); elementFeature.Elements().Remove(); elementDirectory.Elements().Remove(); foreach (var component in components) { var elementComponent = component.ToXElement <Component>(); var elementFile = component.File.ToXElement <ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.File>(); var elementComponentRef = component.CreateComponentRef().ToXElement <ComponentRef>(); elementComponent.Add(elementFile); elementDirectory.Add(elementComponent); elementFeature.Add(elementComponentRef); } groupDirectory = new ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory(this.TargetAssembly + ".Binaries"); componentGroupRef = groupDirectory.CreateComponentGroupRef(); elementGroupDirectory = groupDirectory.ToXElement <ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory>(); elementComponentGroupRef = componentGroupRef.ToXElement <ComponentGroupRef>(); elementDirectory.Add(elementGroupDirectory); elementFeature.Add(elementComponentGroupRef); topLeveDirectory = new ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory(); topLeveDirectory.Directories.AddRange(directories); AddDirectories(elementFeature, elementDirectory, topLeveDirectory); // add start menu elements elementProgramMenuDirectory = elementDirectory.XPathSelectElement("wi:Directory[@Id='ProgramMenuFolder']", namespaceManager); if (elementProgramMenuDirectory != null) { elementProgramMenuDirectory.Remove(); } programMenuDirectory = new ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory("ProgramMenuFolder") { Directories = new List <ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory> { new ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory("HydraShortcuts", "CloudIDEaaS Hydra") } }; elementProgramMenuDirectory = programMenuDirectory.ToXElement <ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory>(); foreach (var shortcutDirectory in programMenuDirectory.Directories) { elementProgramMenuDirectory.Add(shortcutDirectory.ToXElement <ApplicationGeneratorBuildTasks.Directory>()); } elementDirectory.Add(elementProgramMenuDirectory); elementApplicationShortcutComponentRef = elementFeature.XPathSelectElement("wi:ComponentRef[@Id='ApplicationShortcut']", namespaceManager); if (elementApplicationShortcutComponentRef != null) { elementApplicationShortcutComponentRef.Remove(); } elementApplicationShortcutComponentRef = new ComponentRef("ApplicationShortcut").ToXElement <ComponentRef>(); elementFeature.Add(new ComponentRef("ApplicationShortcut").ToXElement <ComponentRef>()); elementFragmentComponentGroup = document.Root.XPathSelectElement("wi:Fragment/wi:ComponentGroup[@Id='ProductComponents']", namespaceManager); if (elementFragmentComponentGroup != null) { elementFragmentComponentGroup.Remove(); } elementProgramMenu = XElement.Parse(programMenuXml); document.Root.Add(elementProgramMenu); document.Save(productFilePath, SaveOptions.DisableFormatting); } catch (Exception ex) { var error = string.Format("Error installing Hydra Visual Studio templates. \r\nError: {0}", ex.ToString()); var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, error, "", "", DateTime.Now); this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); Console.WriteLine(error); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of a NestedRunspaceDebugger. /// </summary> /// <param name="rootDebugger">Root debugger or null.</param> /// <returns>NestedRunspaceDebugger</returns> internal abstract NestedRunspaceDebugger CreateDebugger(Debugger rootDebugger);
private void InitializeDeployDevice( Debugger.PortDefinition selected) { //What about EmulatorExe???? int iSelected = -1; DebugPort port = this.SelectedDeployPort; if (port == null) return; PortDefinition[] portDefinitions; if (port.IsLocalPort) { PlatformInfo platformInfo = this.VsProjectFlavorCfg.PlatformInfo; PlatformInfo.Emulator[] emulators = platformInfo.Emulators; portDefinitions = new PortDefinition[emulators.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < emulators.Length; i++) { portDefinitions[i] = new PlatformInfo.PortDefinition_PeristableEmulator(emulators[i]); } } else { portDefinitions = port.GetPersistablePortDefinitions(); } m_cbDeployDevice.Items.Clear(); for (int iPortDefinition = 0; iPortDefinition < portDefinitions.Length; iPortDefinition++) { PortDefinition pd = portDefinitions[iPortDefinition]; ComboBoxItemDevice cbi = new ComboBoxItemDevice(pd); m_cbDeployDevice.Items.Add(cbi); if (Object.Equals(selected, pd)) { iSelected = m_cbDeployDevice.Items.Count - 1; } } if (m_cbDeployDevice.Items.Count == 0) { if(selected != null && port.PortFilter == PortFilter.TcpIp && selected is PortDefinition_Tcp) { m_cbDeployDevice.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItemDevice(selected)); } else { ComboBoxItemDevice cbi = new ComboBoxItemDevice("<none>"); m_cbDeployDevice.Items.Insert(0, cbi); } iSelected = 0; } if(port.PortFilter != PortFilter.TcpIp) { iSelected = 0; } if(iSelected != -1) { m_cbDeployDevice.SelectedIndex = iSelected; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of a NestedRunspaceDebugger. /// </summary> /// <param name="rootDebugger">Root debugger or null</param> /// <returns>NestedRunspaceDebugger wrapper</returns> internal override NestedRunspaceDebugger CreateDebugger(Debugger rootDebugger) { return new StandaloneRunspaceDebugger(Runspace); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of a NestedRunspaceDebugger. /// </summary> /// <param name="rootDebugger">Root debugger or null</param> /// <returns>NestedRunspaceDebugger wrapper</returns> internal override NestedRunspaceDebugger CreateDebugger(Debugger rootDebugger) { return new EmbeddedRunspaceDebugger( Runspace, Command, rootDebugger, RunspaceType, ParentDebuggerId); }
private void GetCommandLineForLaunch(bool fNoDebug, Debugger.PlatformInfo.Emulator emulatorConfig, Debugger.CommandLineBuilder cb, bool fIsTargetBigEndian) { if (emulatorConfig != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emulatorConfig.config)) { cb.AddArguments("/config:" + emulatorConfig.config); } } if (!fNoDebug) { cb.AddArguments("/waitfordebugger"); } foreach (string assembly in m_project.GetDependencies(true, true, fIsTargetBigEndian)) { cb.AddArguments( "/load:" + assembly ); } string args = this.m_project.ProjectProperties.ActiveConfigurationSettings.StartArguments; args = args.Trim(); if (args.Length > 0) { cb.AddArguments( "/commandlinearguments:" + args ); } }
private string GetCommandLineForLaunch(bool fNoDebug, Debugger.PlatformInfo.Emulator emulatorConfig, bool fIsTargetBigEndian) { CommandLineBuilder cb = new CommandLineBuilder(); if (emulatorConfig != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(emulatorConfig.additionalOptions)) { CommandLineBuilder cbT = new CommandLineBuilder(emulatorConfig.additionalOptions); cb.AddArguments(cbT.Arguments); } if (emulatorConfig != null && emulatorConfig.legacyCommandLine) { GetCommandLineForLaunchLegacy(fNoDebug, emulatorConfig, cb, fIsTargetBigEndian); } else { GetCommandLineForLaunch(fNoDebug, emulatorConfig, cb, fIsTargetBigEndian); } string commandLine = cb.ToString(); commandLine = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(commandLine); return commandLine; }
private void GetCommandLineForLaunchLegacy(bool fNoDebug, Debugger.PlatformInfo.Emulator emulatorConfig, Debugger.CommandLineBuilder cb, bool fIsTargetBigEndian) { #if DEBUG // TRACE has been removed from release builds cb.AddArguments( "-Trace_MemoryStats", Utility.Boolean.BoolToInt( true ) ); #endif if (!fNoDebug) cb.AddArguments( "-PipeName", "" ); #if DEBUG cb.AddArguments( "-Force_Compaction", Utility.Boolean.BoolToInt( true ) ); #endif string deviceCfg = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "CLRROOT" ); if (deviceCfg != null) { deviceCfg = Path.Combine( deviceCfg, "test.devicecfg" ); if (File.Exists( deviceCfg )) cb.AddArguments( "-devicecfg", deviceCfg ); } foreach (string assembly in m_project.GetDependencies(true, true, fIsTargetBigEndian)) { cb.AddArguments( "-load", assembly ); } string args = this.m_project.ProjectProperties.ActiveConfigurationSettings.StartArguments; args = args.Trim(); if (args.Length > 0) { cb.AddArguments( "-commandLineArgs", args ); } cb.AddArguments( "-resolve" ); cb.AddArguments( "-execute" ); }
public bool Execute() { try { if (Keys.ControlKey.IsPressed()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Debug?", "Debug InstallTemplates", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Debugger.Launch(); } } var solutionPath = Path.GetFullPath(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%HYDRASOLUTIONPATH%")); var itemTemplatesOutputPath = Path.Combine(solutionPath, @"ApplicationGenerator\ExportedItemTemplates"); var projectTemplatesOutputPath = Path.Combine(solutionPath, @"ApplicationGenerator\ExportedProjectTemplates"); var vsTemplatesPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), @"Visual Studio 2019\Templates\ItemTemplates\Hydra"); var projectDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.BuildEngine.ProjectFileOfTaskNode); var localTemplatesPath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, @"bin\" + this.Configuration + @"\Templates"); var directory = new DirectoryInfo(itemTemplatesOutputPath); var parentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess().GetParent(); if (!parentProcess.ProcessName.IsOneOf("devenv", "msvsmon")) { return(true); } if (!Directory.Exists(vsTemplatesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(vsTemplatesPath); } // Visual Studio templates foreach (var folder in directory.GetDirectories()) { using (var package = ZipPackage.Open(Path.Combine(vsTemplatesPath, folder.Name + ".zip"), FileMode.Create)) { foreach (var file in folder.GetFiles()) { var part = package.CreatePart(new Uri("/" + file.Name, UriKind.Relative), ""); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(file.FullName))) { part.GetStream().WriteAll(stream); } } } } // Locally distributed templates directory = new DirectoryInfo(projectTemplatesOutputPath); if (!Directory.Exists(localTemplatesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(localTemplatesPath); } foreach (var folder in directory.GetDirectories()) { using (var package = ZipPackage.Open(Path.Combine(localTemplatesPath, folder.Name + ".zip"), FileMode.Create)) { var subFolders = folder.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var file in folder.GetFiles()) { var part = package.CreatePart(new Uri("/" + file.Name, UriKind.Relative), ""); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(file.FullName))) { part.GetStream().WriteAll(stream); } } foreach (var subFolder in subFolders) { foreach (var file in subFolder.GetFiles()) { var relativePath = file.FullName.RemoveStart(folder.FullName).ReverseSlashes(); var part = package.CreatePart(new Uri(relativePath, UriKind.Relative), ""); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(file.FullName))) { part.GetStream().WriteAll(stream); } } } } } foreach (var file in directory.GetFiles()) { File.Copy(file.FullName, Path.Combine(localTemplatesPath, file.Name), true); } } catch (Exception ex) { var error = string.Format("Error installing Hydra Visual Studio templates. \r\nError: {0}", ex.ToString()); var message = new BuildErrorEventArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, 0, error, "", "", DateTime.Now); this.BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(message); Console.WriteLine(error); return(false); } return(true); }
internal static bool TargetFrameworkExactMatch( Debugger.WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Resolve_Assembly.Version left, Version right) { if(left.iMajorVersion == right.Major && left.iMinorVersion == right.Minor && left.iBuildNumber == right.Build && left.iRevisionNumber == right.Revision ) { return true; } return false; }