private void btn_update_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) { ApplicationDeployment ad = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment; System.Deployment.Application.UpdateCheckInfo info = null; try { ad.UpdateCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler(ad_UpdateCompleted); //ad_UpdateCompleted is a private method which handles what happens after the update is done //tb_log.Text += "MinimumRequiredVersion" + info.MinimumRequiredVersion; //tb_log.Text += "ActivationUri" + ad.ActivationUri; tb_log.Text += "UpdateLocation" + ad.UpdateLocation; info = ad.CheckForDetailedUpdate(); tb_log.Text += "AvailableVersion" + info.AvailableVersion; tb_log.Text += "UpdateAvailable " + info.UpdateAvailable; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { if (info.UpdateAvailable) { //You can create a dialog or message that prompts the user that there's an update. Make sure the user knows that your are updating the application. ad.UpdateAsync();//Updates the application asynchronously } } } }
private static void HandleCheckForUpdateCompleted(UpdateCheckInfo e) { if (e.UpdateAvailable) { Logger.InfoFormat("An update is vailable ({0})...", ToVersionString(e.AvailableVersion)); ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.Update(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("An update was found and installed. The application needs to be restarted to use the new version."); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Current version: " + GetVersion()); sb.AppendLine("New version: " + ToVersionString(e.AvailableVersion)); sb.AppendLine("Update size: " + e.UpdateSizeBytes + " bytes"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Do you want to restart the application to update now?"); // Get a form so we can invoke on the thread Form form = Application.OpenForms.Count > 0 ? Application.OpenForms[0] : null; if (form != null) { form.Invoke((Action)(() => { if (MessageBox.Show(form, sb.ToString(), "Update available!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) Application.Restart(); })); } } else { Logger.InfoFormat("No update available..."); } }
private void frmAviso_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) { ApplicationDeployment ad = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment; #region Check se tem update try { info = ad.CheckForDetailedUpdate(); } catch (DeploymentDownloadException dde) { throw new Exception("A nova versão não pode ser baixada agora. \n\nVerifique sua conexão com a Internet ou tente novamente mais tarde. Erro: " + dde.Message); } catch (InvalidDeploymentException ide) { throw new Exception("O arquivo está indisponível ou corrompido. Erro: " + ide.Message); } catch (InvalidOperationException ioe) { throw new Exception("This application cannot be updated. It is likely not a ClickOnce application. Error: " + ioe.Message); } #endregion if (info.UpdateAvailable) { string sVersaoAtual = ad.CurrentVersion.ToString(); lblDisponivel.Text = string.Format(lblDisponivel.Text, sVersaoAtual); if (!objBelVersionamento.VersaoDisponivelIgualLiberada(sVersaoAtual)) { if (objBelVersionamento.VerificaAtualizacaoDisponivel()) { this.Size = new Size(250, 115); lblAviso.Text = Environment.NewLine + "Mantenha seu sistema atualizado!"; } else { this.Size = new Size(250, 144); btnAtualizar.Visible = false; lblAviso.Text = Environment.NewLine + "A versão acima já foi publicada, " + "mas é necessário algumas atualizações " + "na estrutura do sistema.!" + Environment.NewLine + "Favor entrar em contato com o suporte para liberação da versão!"; } } } else { lblDisponivel.Text = string.Format(lblDisponivel.Text, belStatic.sVersaoAtual.ToString()); this.Size = new Size(250, 100); btnAtualizar.Visible = false; lblAviso.Text = Environment.NewLine + "Sistema Atualizado !!"; } } btnAtualizar.Focus(); }
private bool checkForUpdate() { bool returnValue = false; if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) { ApplicationDeployment ad = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment; try { updateStatus("Checking with Server"); _info = ad.CheckForDetailedUpdate(); updateStatus(string.Format("Installed version: {0}", ad.CurrentVersion)); if (_info.UpdateAvailable) { returnValue = true; updateStatus(string.Format("Latest version: {0}", _info.AvailableVersion)); if (_info.IsUpdateRequired) updateStatus("Update is required"); else updateStatus("Your current version is obsolete and should be updated"); updateStatus(string.Format("Size of the update: {0} kb", _info.UpdateSizeBytes / 1024)); } else { updateStatus(string.Format("Latest version: {0}", ad.CurrentVersion)); updateStatus("Your current version is the latest"); } } catch (DeploymentDownloadException dde) { updateStatus("The new version of the application cannot be downloaded at this time. \n\nPlease check your network connection, or try again later. Error: " + dde.Message); returnValue = false; } catch (InvalidDeploymentException ide) { updateStatus("Cannot check for a new version of the application. The ClickOnce deployment is corrupt. Please redeploy the application and try again. Error: " + ide.Message); returnValue = false; } catch (InvalidOperationException ioe) { updateStatus("This application cannot be updated. It is likely not a ClickOnce application. Error: " + ioe.Message); returnValue = false; } } else updateStatus("This app is not a ClickOnce application"); return returnValue; }
public static bool CheckUpdate() { try { if(ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) { var upInfo = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CheckForDetailedUpdate(); if(upInfo != null) { UpdateInfo = upInfo; return upInfo.UpdateAvailable; } } } catch { } return false; }
private UpdateResult SuccessResult(UpdateCheckInfo info) { return new UpdateResult { Success = true, Updated = true, Message = string.Format(Properties.Resources.Deployment_Success, _applicationName, info.AvailableVersion) }; }
/// <summary> /// Starts the ClickOnce updating. /// </summary> public void StartUpdating() { if (!ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) { return; } UpdateProgress("Checking for updates."); // // Why use the ThreadPool instead of CheckForUpdateAsync? // Some network conditions, e.g. Hotel or Guest Wi-Fi, can // make ClickOnce throw internally in such a way the exception // is tricky to catch. Instead, use CheckForUpdates (sync) // and handle the exception directly. ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { try { var deployment = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment; // try { versionInfo = deployment.CheckForDetailedUpdate(); } catch (DeploymentDownloadException dde) { MessageBox.Show("The new version of the application cannot be downloaded at this time. \n\nPlease check your network connection, or try again later. Error: " + dde.Message); return; } catch (InvalidDeploymentException ide) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot check for a new version of the application. The ClickOnce deployment is corrupt. Please redeploy the application and try again. Error: " + ide.Message); return; } catch (InvalidOperationException ioe) { MessageBox.Show("This application cannot be updated. It is likely not a ClickOnce application. Error: " + ioe.Message); return; } if (versionInfo.UpdateAvailable) { UpdateProgress("Update Found."); if (versionInfo.IsUpdateRequired) { // Display a message that the app MUST reboot. Display the minimum required version. MessageBox.Show("This application has detected a mandatory update from your current " + "version to version " + versionInfo.MinimumRequiredVersion + ". The application will now install the update and restart.", "Update Available", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } deployment.CheckForUpdateProgressChanged += deployment_CheckForUpdateProgressChanged; deployment.UpdateCompleted += deployment_UpdateCompleted; deployment.UpdateAsync(); } else { UpdateProgress("No updates."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }); }
private static void CheckForUpdates(UpdateCheckInfo info, bool auto) { try { if (!ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) { if (!auto) Popup.Show( "This application was not installed via ClickOnce and cannot be updated automatically."); return; } if (info == null) { if (!auto) Popup.Show( "An error occurred while trying to check for updates.", image: MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } Settings.Default.LastUpdateCheck = DateTime.Now; if (info.UpdateAvailable && !(Settings.Default.UpdateBranch != UpdateBranch.Beta && info.AvailableVersion.Minor == Settings.Default.BetaVersion) && !(AssemblyInfo.Version.Major != ForgetUpdateVersion.Major && ForgetUpdateVersion.Major == info.AvailableVersion.Major)) { if (auto && info.AvailableVersion == ForgetUpdateVersion) return; var ad = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment; ad.UpdateCompleted += delegate { var args = new List<string>(); if (auto && Settings.Default.AutoUpdate) args.Add("updatingsilent"); else args.Add("updating"); AppHelper.RestartApplication(args); }; if (auto && Settings.Default.AutoUpdate) { try { ad.UpdateAsync(); } catch { // ignored } return; } if (auto) { if (Settings.Default.UpdateWaiting != info.AvailableVersion) { Settings.Default.UpdateWaiting = info.AvailableVersion; TrayIconHelper.ShowBalloon( $"Update available ({info.AvailableVersion})\nClick to view details", BalloonIcon.Info); } } else { App.UpdateScheduler?.Stop(); var updateDialog = new UpdatePrompt(info.AvailableVersion, info.IsUpdateRequired); updateDialog.ShowDialog(); updateDialog.Activate(); switch (updateDialog.SelectedUpdateMode) { case UpdatePrompt.UpdateMode.RemindNever: Settings.Default.ForgetUpdateVersion = info.AvailableVersion; break; case UpdatePrompt.UpdateMode.UpdateNow: try { var progressDialog = new UpdateProgress(info.AvailableVersion); ad.UpdateProgressChanged += delegate(object sender, DeploymentProgressChangedEventArgs args) { if (args.State == DeploymentProgressState.DownloadingApplicationFiles) progressDialog.CurrentProgress = args.ProgressPercentage; }; progressDialog.Show(); progressDialog.Activate(); ad.UpdateAsync(); } catch (DeploymentDownloadException dde) { Popup.Show( "Cannot download the latest version of this application.\n\nPlease check your network connection, or try again later.\n\nError: " + dde, image: MessageBoxImage.Error); } break; } App.UpdateScheduler?.Start(); } } else { if (!auto) Popup.Show( $"You have the latest version ({AssemblyInfo.Version})."); } } catch (Exception) { if (!auto) throw; } }
private void ProcessUpdateCheckResult(UpdateCheckInfo info, ActivationDescription actDesc) { if (this._subState.IsShellVisible) { AssemblyManifest deployManifest = actDesc.DeployManifest; DefinitionIdentity deployId = info.UpdateAvailable ? deployManifest.Identity : null; this._subStore.SetPendingDeployment(this._subState, deployId, DateTime.UtcNow); } }