コード例 #1
        private DataBinderLoadingEventArgs LoadBinding()
            DisposeTables(); Materia.RefreshAndManageCurrentProcess();

            string _query = _basecommandtext + (_basecommandtext.RLTrim().EndsWith(";") ? "" : ";");
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_viewcommandtext.RLTrim())) _query += _viewcommandtext + (_viewcommandtext.RLTrim().EndsWith(";") ? "" : ";");

            string _error = "";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_query.RLTrim()))
                QueResult _result = Que.Execute(_binder.Connection, _query, CommandExecution.ExecuteReader);
                _error = _result.Error;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_error.RLTrim()))
                    if (_result.ResultSet != null)
                        if (_result.ResultSet.Tables.Count > 0)
                            _basetable = _result.ResultSet.Tables[0].Replicate();

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_basetable.TableName.RLTrim()) &&
                                String.IsNullOrEmpty(_name.RLTrim())) _name = _basetable.TableName;

                            if (_result.ResultSet.Tables.Count >= 2) _table = _result.ResultSet.Tables[1].Replicate();
                            else _table = _basetable.Replicate();

                            _basetable = InitializedTable(_basetable, true);
                            _table = InitializedTable(_table); AttachTableHandlers();
                        else _error = "No resultset has been returned by the executed command.";
                    else _error = "No resultset has been returned by the executed command.";
            else _error = "No database command statement is specified.";

            return new DataBinderLoadingEventArgs(this, _error);
コード例 #2
        private DataTable InitializedTable(DataTable table, bool createcolkey)
            if (table != null)
                DataTable dt = null; string _uniquekey = ""; string _pk = "";

                foreach (DataColumn _column in table.Columns)
                    if (_column.Unique)
                        _uniquekey = _column.ColumnName; break;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_uniquekey.RLTrim()))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_primarykey.RLTrim()))
                        if (table.Columns.Contains(_primarykey)) _pk = _primarykey;
                        else _pk = _uniquekey;
                    else _pk = _uniquekey;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_primarykey.RLTrim()))
                        if (table.Columns.Contains(_primarykey)) _pk = _primarykey;
                        else _pk = table.Columns[0].ColumnName;
                    else _pk = table.Columns[0].ColumnName;

                table.Constraints.Clear(); bool _withuint = false;

                foreach (DataColumn _column in table.Columns)
                    _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(uint).Name);
                    _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(UInt16).Name);
                    _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(UInt32).Name);
                    _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(UInt64).Name);
                    _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(ulong).Name);
                    if (_withuint) break;

                DataTable _temptable = null;

                if (_withuint)
                    _temptable = table.Clone(); _temptable.TableName = table.TableName;

                    foreach (DataColumn _column in _temptable.Columns)
                        _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(uint).Name);
                        _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(UInt16).Name);
                        _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(UInt32).Name);
                        _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(UInt64).Name);
                        _withuint = _withuint || VisualBasic.CBool(_column.DataType.Name.ToLower() == typeof(ulong).Name);
                        if (_withuint)_temptable.Columns[_column.ColumnName].DataType = typeof(long);

                    foreach (DataRow rw in table.Rows)
                        if (rw.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted &&
                            rw.RowState != DataRowState.Detached) _temptable.Rows.Add(rw.ItemArray);

                else _temptable = table.Replicate();

                if (createcolkey &&
                    dt = new DataTable(); dt.TableName = _temptable.TableName;
                    dt.Columns.Add(_pkfieldname, _temptable.Columns[_pk].DataType);

                    foreach (DataColumn _column in _temptable.Columns) dt.Columns.Add(_column.ColumnName, _column.DataType);

                    foreach (DataRow rw in _temptable.Rows)
                        if (rw.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted &&
                            rw.RowState != DataRowState.Detached)
                            object[] _values = new object[dt.Columns.Count];
                            _values[0] = rw[_pk];

                            foreach (DataColumn _column in _temptable.Columns) _values[_column.Ordinal + 1] = rw[_column.ColumnName];
                else dt = _temptable.Replicate();

                if (dt != null &&
                    DataColumn _col = dt.Columns[_pk];

                    dt.Constraints.Add("PK", _col, true);

                    if (_col.DataType.Name == typeof(int).Name ||
                        _col.DataType.Name == typeof(Int16).Name ||
                        _col.DataType.Name == typeof(Int32).Name ||
                        _col.DataType.Name == typeof(Int64).Name ||
                        _col.DataType.Name == typeof(long).Name ||
                        _col.DataType.Name == typeof(byte).Name ||
                        _col.DataType.Name == typeof(Byte).Name ||
                        _col.DataType.Name == typeof(sbyte).Name ||
                        _col.DataType.Name == typeof(SByte).Name)
                        if (!_col.AutoIncrement)
                            if (_col.DefaultValue != null)
                                try { _col.DefaultValue = null; }
                                catch { }
                            _col.AutoIncrement = true;

                        _col.AutoIncrementStep = 1;
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            object _max = dt.Compute("MAX([" + _pk + "])", "");
                            if (VisualBasic.IsNumeric(_max)) _col.AutoIncrementSeed = VisualBasic.CLng(_max);
                            else _col.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;
                        else _col.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;

                    foreach (DataColumn _column in dt.Columns)
                        if (!_column.AutoIncrement &&
                            if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(string).Name ||
                                _column.DataType.Name == typeof(String).Name) _column.DefaultValue = "";
                            else if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(DateTime).Name) _column.DefaultValue = DateTime.Now;
                            else if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(byte).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Byte).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(decimal).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Decimal).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(double).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Double).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(float).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(int).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Int16).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Int32).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Int64).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(long).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(sbyte).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(SByte).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(short).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Single).Name) _column.DefaultValue = 0;
                            else if (_column.DataType.Name == typeof(bool).Name ||
                                     _column.DataType.Name == typeof(Boolean).Name) _column.DefaultValue = false;
                            else { }

                if (dt != null) dt.AcceptChanges();
                return dt;
            else return null;