コード例 #1
        private void ExportJoins(string tableAlias, ref List<ExportField> exportFields, out DataTable exportTable,
            out int[][] fieldMapTemplate, out StringBuilder targetList, out StringBuilder fromClause, out int[] sortOrdinals,
            out int[] matrixOrdinals, out int[] formationOrdinals, out int[] managementOrdinals, out int[] complexOrdinals,
            out int[] bapOrdinals, out int[] sourceOrdinals)
            exportTable = new DataTable("HluExport");
            targetList = new StringBuilder();
            List<string> fromList = new List<string>();
            List<string> leftJoined = new List<string>();
            fromClause = new StringBuilder();
            sortOrdinals = null;
            matrixOrdinals = null;
            formationOrdinals = null;
            managementOrdinals = null;
            complexOrdinals = null;
            bapOrdinals = null;
            sourceOrdinals = null;

            int tableAliasNum = 1;
            bool firstJoin = true;
            _lastTableName = null;
            _fieldCount = 0;
            int fieldLength = 0;
            _attributesLength = 0;
            _tableCount = 0;

            foreach (HluDataSet.exports_fieldsRow r in
                _viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.OrderBy(r => r.field_ordinal))
                // Get the field length of the source table/column.
                fieldLength = GetFieldLength(r.table_name, r.column_ordinal);

                // FIX: 043 Enable new 'empty' fields to be included in exports.
                if (r.table_name.ToLower() == "<none>")
                    // Override the source field length(s) if an export
                    // field length has been set.
                    if (!r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.field_lengthColumn) &&
                        r.field_length > 0)
                        fieldLength = r.field_length;

                    AddExportColumn(0, r.table_name, r.column_name, r.field_name,
                        r.field_type, fieldLength, !r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.field_formatColumn) ? r.field_format : null,
                        ref exportFields);

                // Determine if this field is to be output multiple times,
                // once for each row in the relevant table up to the
                // maximum fields_count value.
                bool multipleFields = false;
                if (!r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.fields_countColumn))
                    multipleFields = true;

                // Add the required table to the list of sql tables in
                // the from clause.
                string currTable = _viewModelMain.DataBase.QualifyTableName(r.table_name);
                if (!fromList.Contains(currTable))

                    var incidRelation = _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid.ChildRelations.Cast<DataRelation>()
                        .Where(dr => dr.ChildTable.TableName == r.table_name);

                    if (incidRelation.Count() == 0)
                        DataRelation incidRel = incidRelation.ElementAt(0);
                        if (firstJoin)
                            firstJoin = false;
                            fromClause.Insert(0, "(").Append(")");
                        fromClause.Append(RelationJoinClause("LEFT", currTable, true,
                            incidRel.ParentTable.TableName), incidRel, fromList));

                // Get the relationships for the table/column if a
                // value from a lookup table is required.
                string fieldFormat = !r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.field_formatColumn) ? r.field_format : null;
                // CHANGED: CR14 (Exporting IHS codes or descriptions)
                // Enable users to specify if individual fields should be
                // exported with descriptions in the exports_fields table.
                var relations = ((fieldFormat != null) && (fieldFormat.ToLower() == "both" || fieldFormat.ToLower() == "lookup")) ? _viewModelMain.HluDataRelations.Where(rel =>
                    rel.ChildTable.TableName == r.table_name && rel.ChildColumns
                    .Count(ch => ch.ColumnName == r.column_name) == 1) : new DataRelation[0];

                switch (relations.Count())
                    case 0:     // If this field does not have any related lookup tables.

                        // Add the field to the sql target list.
                        targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", currTable,
                            _viewModelMain.DataBase.QuoteIdentifier(r.column_name), r.field_name.Replace("<no>", "")));

                        // FIX: 044 Enable text field lengths to be specified in
                        // the export format.
                        // Override the source field length(s) if an export
                        // field length has been set.
                        if (!r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.field_lengthColumn) &&
                            r.field_length > 0)
                            fieldLength = r.field_length;

                        // Add the field to the sql list of export table columns.
                        AddExportColumn(multipleFields ? r.fields_count : 0, r.table_name, r.column_name, r.field_name,
                            r.field_type, fieldLength,
                            !r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.field_formatColumn) ? r.field_format : String.Empty,
                            ref exportFields);
                    case 1:     // If this field has a related lookup table.

                        DataRelation lutRelation = relations.ElementAt(0);
                        string parentTable = _viewModelMain.DataBase.QualifyTableName(lutRelation.ParentTable.TableName);

                        string parentTableAlias = tableAlias + tableAliasNum++;

                        // Determine the related lookup table field name and
                        // field ordinal.
                        string lutFieldName;
                        int lutFieldOrdinal;
                        if ((r.table_name == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.TableName) && (Regex.IsMatch(r.column_name, @"(_id)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)))
                            lutFieldName = ViewModelWindowMain.LutSourceFieldName;
                            lutFieldOrdinal = ViewModelWindowMain.LutSourceFieldOrdinal - 1;
                        else if ((r.table_name == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid.TableName) && (Regex.IsMatch(r.column_name, @"(_user_id)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)))
                            lutFieldName = ViewModelWindowMain.LutUserFieldName;
                            lutFieldOrdinal = ViewModelWindowMain.LutUserFieldOrdinal - 1;
                            lutFieldName = ViewModelWindowMain.LutDescriptionFieldName;
                            lutFieldOrdinal = ViewModelWindowMain.LutDescriptionFieldOrdinal - 1;

                        // Get the list of columns for the lookup table.
                        DataColumn[] lutColumns = new DataColumn[lutRelation.ParentTable.Columns.Count];
                        lutRelation.ParentTable.Columns.CopyTo(lutColumns, 0);

                        // If the lookup table contains the required field name.
                        if (lutRelation.ParentTable.Columns.Contains(lutFieldName))
                            // CHANGED: CR15 (Concatenate IHS codes and descriptions)
                            // Enable users to specify if individual fields should be
                            // exported with both codes and descriptions concatenated
                            // together.
                            // If both the original field and it's corresponding lookup
                            // table field are required then add them both to the sql
                            // target list.
                            if ((fieldFormat != null) && (fieldFormat.ToLower() == "both"))
                                // Add the corresponding lookup table field to the sql
                                // target list.
                                targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} {5} {6} {5} {2}.{3} AS {4}",
                                    r.field_name.Replace("<no>", ""),
                                    _viewModelMain.DataBase.QuoteValue(" : ")));

                                // Set the field length of the export field to the source
                                // field length plus the lookup table field length plus 3
                                // for the concatenation string length.
                                fieldLength += lutColumns.First(c => c.ColumnName == lutFieldName).MaxLength + 3;
                                // Add the corresponding lookup table field to the sql
                                // target list.
                                targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}",
                                    r.field_name.Replace("<no>", "")));

                                // Set the field length of the lookup table field.
                                fieldLength = lutColumns.First(c => c.ColumnName == lutFieldName).MaxLength;

                            // FIX: 044 Enable text field lengths to be specified in
                            // the export format.
                            // Override the source field length(s) if an export
                            // field length has been set.
                            if (!r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.field_lengthColumn) &&
                                r.field_length > 0)
                                fieldLength = r.field_length;

                            // Add the field to the sql list of export table columns.
                            AddExportColumn(multipleFields ? r.fields_count : 0, r.table_name, r.column_name, r.field_name,
                                r.field_type, fieldLength, !r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.field_formatColumn) ? r.field_format : String.Empty,
                                ref exportFields);
                        // If the lookup table does not contains the required field
                        // name, but does contain the required field ordinal.
                        else if (lutRelation.ParentTable.Columns.Count >= lutFieldOrdinal)
                            // CHANGED: CR15 (Concatenate IHS codes and descriptions)
                            // Enable users to specify if individual fields should be
                            // exported with both codes and descriptions concatenated
                            // together.
                            // If both the original field and it's corresponding lookup
                            // table field are required then add them both to the sql
                            // target list.
                            if ((fieldFormat != null) && (fieldFormat.ToLower() == "both"))
                                // Add the corresponding lookup table field to the sql
                                // target list.
                                targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} {5} {6} {5} {2}.{3} AS {4}",
                                    r.field_name.Replace("<no>", ""),
                                    _viewModelMain.DataBase.QuoteValue(" : ")));

                                // Set the field length of the lookup table field.
                                fieldLength = lutColumns.First(c => c.ColumnName == lutFieldName).MaxLength;
                                // Add the corresponding lookup table field to the sql
                                // target list.
                                targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}",
                                    r.field_name.Replace("<no>", "")));

                                // Set the field length of the lookup table field.
                                fieldLength = lutColumns.First(c => c.ColumnName == lutFieldName).MaxLength;

                            // FIX: 044 Enable text field lengths to be specified in
                            // the export format.
                            // Override the source field length(s) if an export
                            // field length has been set.
                            if (!r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.field_lengthColumn) &&
                                r.field_length > 0)
                                fieldLength = r.field_length;

                            // Add the field to the sql list of export table columns.
                            AddExportColumn(multipleFields ? r.fields_count : 0, r.table_name, r.column_name, r.field_name,
                                r.field_type, fieldLength, !r.IsNull(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.exports_fields.field_formatColumn) ? r.field_format : null,
                                ref exportFields);

                        string joinType;
                        if (leftJoined.Contains(currTable))
                            joinType = "LEFT";
                            joinType = "INNER";

                        if (firstJoin)
                            firstJoin = false;
                            fromClause.Insert(0, "(").Append(")");

                        fromClause.Append(RelationJoinClause(joinType, currTable,
                            false, parentTableAlias, lutRelation, fromList));


            // FIX: 045 Interweave multiple record fields from the same
            // table together.
            // Create a new field map template with as many items
            // as there are input fields.
            fieldMapTemplate = new int[exportFields.Max(e => e.FieldOrdinal) + 1][];

            // Loop through all the export fields, adding them as columns
            // in the export table and adding them to the field map template.
            int fieldTotal = 0;
            int primaryKeyOrdinal = -1;
            _incidOrdinal = -1;
            _matrixIdOrdinal = -1;
            _formationIdOrdinal = -1;
            _managementIdOrdinal = -1;
            _complexIdOrdinal = -1;
            _bapIdOrdinal = -1;
            _sourceIdOrdinal = -1;
            _sourceDateStartOrdinals = new List<int>();
            _sourceDateEndOrdinals = new List<int>();
            _sourceDateTypeOrdinals = new List<int>();
            int sourceSortOrderOrdinal = -1;
            List<int> sortFields = new List<int>();
            List<int> matrixFields = new List<int>();
            List<int> formationFields = new List<int>();
            List<int> managementFields = new List<int>();
            List<int> complexFields = new List<int>();
            List<int> bapFields = new List<int>();
            List<int> sourceFields = new List<int>();
            foreach (ExportField f in exportFields.OrderBy(f => f.FieldOrder))
                // Create a new data column for the field.
                DataColumn c = new DataColumn(f.FieldName, f.FieldType);

                // If the field is an autonumber set the relevant
                // auto increment properties.
                if (f.AutoNum == true) c.AutoIncrement = true;

                // If the field is a text field and has a maximum length
                // then set the maximum length property.
                if ((f.FieldType == System.Type.GetType("System.String")) &&
                    (f.FieldLength > 0)) c.MaxLength = f.FieldLength;

                // Add the field as a new column in the export table.

                // If the field will not be sourced from the database.
                if (f.FieldOrdinal == -1)
                    // Increment the total number of fields to be exported.
                    fieldTotal += 1;

                    // Skip adding the field to the field map template.

                // If the field is not repeated and refers to the incid column
                // in the incid table.
                if ((f.FieldsCount == 0) && ((f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid.TableName) &&
                    (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid.incidColumn.ColumnName)))
                    // Store the input field position for use later
                    // when exporting the data.
                    _incidOrdinal = f.FieldOrdinal;

                    // Add the input field position to the list of fields
                    // that will be used to sort the input records.
                    sortFields.Add(f.FieldOrdinal + 1);

                    // Store the output field position for use later
                    // as the primary index field ordinal.
                    primaryKeyOrdinal = fieldTotal;

                // If the table is the incid_ihs_matrix table.
                if (f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_matrix.TableName)
                    // Add the output field position to the list of fields
                    // that are from the matrix table.

                    // If the field refers to the matrix_id column then store
                    // the input field ordinal for use later as the unique
                    // incid_ihs_matrix field ordinal.
                    if (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_matrix.matrix_idColumn.ColumnName)
                        _matrixIdOrdinal = f.FieldOrdinal;
                // If the table is the incid_ihs_formation table.
                else if (f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_formation.TableName)
                    // Add the output field position to the list of fields
                    // that are from the formation table.

                    // If the field refers to the formation_id column then store
                    // the input field ordinal for use later as the unique
                    // incid_ihs_formation field ordinal.
                    if (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_formation.formation_idColumn.ColumnName)
                        _formationIdOrdinal = f.FieldOrdinal;
                // If the table is the incid_ihs_management table.
                else if (f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_management.TableName)
                    // Add the output field position to the list of fields
                    // that are from the management table.

                    // If the field refers to the management_id column then store
                    // the input field ordinal for use later as the unique
                    // incid_ihs_management field ordinal.
                    if (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_management.management_idColumn.ColumnName)
                        _managementIdOrdinal = f.FieldOrdinal;
                // If the table is the incid_ihs_complex table.
                else if (f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_complex.TableName)
                    // Add the output field position to the list of fields
                    // that are from the complex table.

                    // If the field refers to the complex_id column then store
                    // the input field ordinal for use later as the unique
                    // incid_ihs_complex field ordinal.
                    if (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_complex.complex_idColumn.ColumnName)
                        _complexIdOrdinal = f.FieldOrdinal;
                // If the table is the incid_bap table.
                else if (f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_bap.TableName)
                    // Add the output field position to the list of fields
                    // that are from the bap table.

                    // If the field refers to the bap_id column then store
                    // the input field ordinal for use later as the unique
                    // incid_bap field ordinal.
                    if (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_bap.bap_idColumn.ColumnName)
                        _bapIdOrdinal = f.FieldOrdinal;
                // If the table is the incid_sources table.
                else if (f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.TableName)
                    // Add the output field position to the list of fields
                    // that are from the sources table.

                    // If the field refers to the source_id column and is
                    // retrieved in it's 'raw' integer state then store
                    // the input field ordinal for use later as the unique
                    // incid_source field ordinal.
                    if ((f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_idColumn.ColumnName) &&
                        ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FieldFormat)) || (f.FieldFormat.ToLower() == "code")))
                        _sourceIdOrdinal = f.FieldOrdinal;
                    // If the field refers to the source_sort_order column then
                    // store the input field ordinal for use later.
                    else if (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.sort_orderColumn.ColumnName)
                        sourceSortOrderOrdinal = f.FieldOrdinal;
                    // If the field refers to the source_date_start column then
                    // store the input field ordinal for use later.
                    else if (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_date_startColumn.ColumnName)
                    // If the field refers to the source_date_end column then
                    // store the input field ordinal for use later.
                    else if (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_date_endColumn.ColumnName)
                    // If the field refers to the source_date_type column then
                    // store the input field ordinal for use later.
                    else if (f.ColumnName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_date_typeColumn.ColumnName)

                // Set the field mapping for the current field ordinal.
                List<int> fieldMap;
                if ((fieldMapTemplate[f.FieldOrdinal] != null) && (f.AutoNum != true))
                    fieldMap = fieldMapTemplate[f.FieldOrdinal].ToList();
                    fieldMap = new List<int>();

                // Add the current field number to the field map for
                // this field ordinal.

                // Update the field map template for this field ordinal.
                fieldMapTemplate[f.FieldOrdinal] = fieldMap.ToArray();

                // Increment the total number of fields to be exported.
                fieldTotal += 1;

            // Get the last input field ordinal.
            int lastFieldOrdinal = exportFields.Max(e => e.FieldOrdinal);

            // If any incid_ihs_matrix fields are in the export file.
            if ((exportFields.Count(f => f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_matrix.TableName) != 0))
                // FIX: 046 Don't export duplicate record details for the
                // same incid.
                // If the matrix_id column is not included then add
                // it so that different matrixs can be identified.
                if (_matrixIdOrdinal == -1)
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_matrix.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_matrix.matrix_idColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_matrix.matrix_idColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use
                    // later as the unique incid_ihs_matrix field ordinal.
                    _matrixIdOrdinal = lastFieldOrdinal += 1;

                // CHANGED: CR43 (Sort multiple fields in exports)
                // Add the input field position to the list of fields
                // that will be used to sort the input records.
                sortFields.Add(_matrixIdOrdinal + 1);

            // If any incid_ihs_formation fields are in the export file.
            if ((exportFields.Count(f => f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_formation.TableName) != 0))
                // FIX: 046 Don't export duplicate record details for the
                // same incid.
                // If the formation_id column is not included then add
                // it so that different formations can be identified.
                if (_formationIdOrdinal == -1)
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_formation.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_formation.formation_idColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_formation.formation_idColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use
                    // later as the unique incid_ihs_formation field ordinal.
                    _formationIdOrdinal = lastFieldOrdinal += 1;

                // CHANGED: CR43 (Sort multiple fields in exports)
                // Add the input field position to the list of fields
                // that will be used to sort the input records.
                sortFields.Add(_formationIdOrdinal + 1);

            // If any incid_ihs_management fields are in the export file.
            if ((exportFields.Count(f => f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_management.TableName) != 0))
                // FIX: 046 Don't export duplicate record details for the
                // same incid.
                // If the management_id column is not included then add
                // it so that different managements can be identified.
                if (_managementIdOrdinal == -1)
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_management.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_management.management_idColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_management.management_idColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use
                    // later as the unique incid_ihs_management field ordinal.
                    _managementIdOrdinal = lastFieldOrdinal += 1;

                // CHANGED: CR43 (Sort multiple fields in exports)
                // Add the input field position to the list of fields
                // that will be used to sort the input records.
                sortFields.Add(_managementIdOrdinal + 1);

            // If any incid_ihs_complex fields are in the export file.
            if ((exportFields.Count(f => f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_complex.TableName) != 0))
                // FIX: 046 Don't export duplicate record details for the
                // same incid.
                // If the complex_id column is not included then add
                // it so that different complexs can be identified.
                if (_complexIdOrdinal == -1)
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_complex.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_complex.complex_idColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_ihs_complex.complex_idColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use
                    // later as the unique incid_ihs_complex field ordinal.
                    _complexIdOrdinal = lastFieldOrdinal += 1;

                // CHANGED: CR43 (Sort multiple fields in exports)
                // Add the input field position to the list of fields
                // that will be used to sort the input records.
                sortFields.Add(_complexIdOrdinal + 1);

            // If any incid_bap fields are in the export file.
            if ((exportFields.Count(f => f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_bap.TableName) != 0))
                // FIX: 046 Don't export duplicate record details for the
                // same incid.
                // If the bap_id column is not included then add
                // it so that different baps can be identified.
                if (_bapIdOrdinal == -1)
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_bap.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_bap.bap_idColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_bap.bap_idColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use
                    // later as the unique incid_bap field ordinal.
                    _bapIdOrdinal = lastFieldOrdinal += 1;

                // CHANGED: CR43 (Sort multiple fields in exports)
                // Add a field to the input table to get the type of
                // bap habitat so that 'None' habitats are listed after
                // 'real' habitats.
                if ((DbFactory.ConnectionType.ToString().ToLower() == "access") ||
                    (DbFactory.Backend.ToString().ToLower() == "access"))
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(", IIF({0}.{1} = {2}, 1, 0) AS {3}",
                        _viewModelMain.DataBase.QuoteValue(Settings.Default.BAPHabitatIgnore), "bap_habitat_type"));
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(", CASE {0}.{1} WHEN {2} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS {3}",
                        _viewModelMain.DataBase.QuoteValue(Settings.Default.BAPHabitatIgnore), "bap_habitat_type"));

                // Store the input field ordinal for use later.
                int bapTypeOrdinal = lastFieldOrdinal += 1;

                // Add the input field position to the list of fields
                // that will be used to sort the input records.
                sortFields.Add(bapTypeOrdinal + 1);

                // CHANGED: CR43 (Sort multiple fields in exports)
                // Add a field to the input table to get the determination
                // quality of the bap habitat so that 'not present' habitats
                // are listed after 'present' habitats.
                if ((DbFactory.ConnectionType.ToString().ToLower() == "access") ||
                    (DbFactory.Backend.ToString().ToLower() == "access"))
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(", IIF({0}.{1} = {2}, 1, 0) AS {3}",
                        _viewModelMain.DataBase.QuoteValue(Settings.Default.BAPDeterminationQualiltyUserAdded), "bap_habitat_quality"));
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(", CASE {0}.{1} WHEN {2} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS {3}",
                        _viewModelMain.DataBase.QuoteValue(Settings.Default.BAPDeterminationQualiltyUserAdded), "bap_habitat_quality"));

                // Store the input field ordinal for use later.
                int bapQualityOrdinal = lastFieldOrdinal += 1;

                // Add the input field position to the list of fields
                // that will be used to sort the input records.
                sortFields.Add(bapQualityOrdinal + 1);

                // CHANGED: CR43 (Sort multiple fields in exports)
                // Add the input field position to the list of fields
                // that will be used to sort the input records.
                sortFields.Add(_bapIdOrdinal + 1);

            // If any incid_source fields are in the export file.
            if ((exportFields.Count(f => f.TableName == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.TableName) != 0))
                // FIX: 046 Don't export duplicate record details for the
                // same incid.
                // If the source_id column is not included then add
                // it so that different sources can be identified.
                if (_sourceIdOrdinal == -1)
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_idColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_idColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use
                    // later as the unique incid_source field ordinal.
                    _sourceIdOrdinal = lastFieldOrdinal += 1;

                // CHANGED: CR43 (Sort multiple fields in exports)
                // If the sort_order column is not included then add
                // it so that the sources can be sorted.
                if (sourceSortOrderOrdinal == -1)
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.sort_orderColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.sort_orderColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use
                    // later as the unique incid_source field ordinal.
                    sourceSortOrderOrdinal = lastFieldOrdinal += 1;

                // Add the input field position to the list of fields
                // that will be used to sort the input records.
                sortFields.Add(sourceSortOrderOrdinal + 1);

                // CHANGED: CR17 (Exporting date fields)
                // Store all of the source date fields for use later when
                // formatting the attribute data.
                // If the source_date_start column is not included then add
                // it for use later.
                if ((_sourceDateStartOrdinals == null) || (_sourceDateStartOrdinals.Count() == 0))
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_date_startColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_date_startColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use later.
                    _sourceDateStartOrdinals.Add(lastFieldOrdinal += 1);

                // If the source_date_end column is not included then add
                // it for use later.
                if ((_sourceDateEndOrdinals == null) || (_sourceDateEndOrdinals.Count() == 0))
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_date_endColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_date_endColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use later.
                    _sourceDateEndOrdinals.Add(lastFieldOrdinal += 1);

                // If the source_date_type column is not included then add
                // it for use later.
                if ((_sourceDateTypeOrdinals == null) || (_sourceDateTypeOrdinals.Count() == 0))
                    // Add the field to the input table.
                    targetList.Append(String.Format(",{0}.{1} AS {2}", _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.TableName,
                        _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_date_typeColumn.ColumnName, _viewModelMain.HluDataset.incid_sources.source_date_typeColumn.ColumnName));

                    // Store the input field ordinal for use later.
                    _sourceDateTypeOrdinals.Add(lastFieldOrdinal += 1);

            // CHANGED: CR43 (Sort multiple fields in exports)
            // Store which export fields will be used to sort the
            // input records.
            sortOrdinals = sortFields.ToArray();

            // FIX: 046 Don't export duplicate record details for the
            // same incid.
            // Store the field ordinals for all the fields for
            // every child table.
            matrixOrdinals = matrixFields.ToArray();
            formationOrdinals = formationFields.ToArray();
            managementOrdinals = managementFields.ToArray();
            complexOrdinals = complexFields.ToArray();
            bapOrdinals = bapFields.ToArray();
            sourceOrdinals = sourceFields.ToArray();

            // Set the incid field as the primary key to the table.
            if (primaryKeyOrdinal != -1)
                exportTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { exportTable.Columns[primaryKeyOrdinal] };

            // Remove the leading comma from the target list of fields.
            if (targetList.Length > 1) targetList.Remove(0, 1);