public static void DeleteMetaInfo(int objId, MetaType type) { SQLDataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM [SEO].[MetaInfo] WHERE ObjId=@objId and Type=@type", CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@objId", objId), new SqlParameter("@type", type.ToString())); }
public static bool IsMetaExist(int objId, MetaType type) { return SQLDataAccess.ExecuteScalar<int>("Select Count(MetaID) from [SEO].[MetaInfo] where ObjId=@ObjId and Type=@Type", CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@ObjId", objId), new SqlParameter("@Type", type.ToString())) > 0; }
public static MetaInfo GetMetaInfo(int objId, MetaType type) { return SQLDataAccess.ExecuteReadOne<MetaInfo>( "Select * from SEO.MetaInfo where ObjId=@objId and Type=@type", CommandType.Text, GetFromReader, new SqlParameter {ParameterName = "@objId", Value = objId}, new SqlParameter {ParameterName = "@type", Value = type.ToString()} ); }