public List <DogModel> Get_DogsInactiveAndActive() { List <DogModel> output = new List <DogModel>(); try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { output = connection.Query <DogModel>("SELECT * FROM Dog ;").ToList(); foreach (DogModel dogModel in output) { dogModel.Characteristics = connection.Query <CharacteristicsModel>("SELECT c.* FROM characteristics c INNER JOIN dog_to_characteristics dc on = WHERE active = 1 AND dogId = " + dogModel.Id).ToList(); dogModel.Diseases = connection.Query <DiseasesModel>("SELECT d.* FROM diseases d INNER JOIN dog_to_diseases dd on = WHERE active = 1 AND dogId = " + dogModel.Id).ToList(); if (dogModel.CustomerList == null) { dogModel.CustomerList = new List <CustomerModel>(); } dogModel.CustomerList = connection.Query <CustomerModel>("SELECT c.* FROM customer c INNER JOIN customer_to_dog cd on customerId = WHERE dogId = " + dogModel.Id).ToList(); } } return(output); } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); return(new List <DogModel>()); } }
public DogModel AddDogToDatabase(DogModel dModel) { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { dModel.Id = connection.Query <int>(@"INSERT INTO Dog (name, breed, color, gender, birthday,permanentcastrated, castratedsince, effectiveuntil, create_date, edit_date, active) VALUES(@Name, @Breed, @Color, @Gender, @Birthday, @PermanentCastrated, @CastratedSince, @EffectiveUntil, datetime('now'), null, 1 ); SELECT last_insert_rowid();", dModel).First(); if (dModel.Diseases != null && dModel.Diseases.Count > 0) { foreach (DiseasesModel disModel in dModel.Diseases) { disModel.Id = connection.Query <int>(@"INSERT INTO diseases (name, active) VALUES(@name, 1); SELECt last_insert_rowid()", disModel).First(); connection.Query("INSERT INTO dog_to_diseases (dogId, diseasesId) VALUES(" + dModel.Id + " ," + disModel.Id + ")"); } } if (dModel.Characteristics != null && dModel.Characteristics.Count > 0) { foreach (CharacteristicsModel chaModel in dModel.Characteristics) { chaModel.Id = connection.Query <int>(@"INSERT INTO characteristics (description, active) VALUES (@Description, 1); SELECT last_insert_rowid()", chaModel).First(); connection.Query("INSERT INTO dog_to_characteristics (dogId, characteristicsId) VALUES(" + dModel.Id + " , " + chaModel.Id + ")"); } } } return(dModel); }
public List <DogModel> SearchResultDogs(string searchText, bool activeAndInactive) { List <DogModel> results = new List <DogModel>(); try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { if (activeAndInactive) { results = connection.Query <DogModel>($"SELECT * FROM dog WHERE name like '%{searchText}%' OR breed like '%{searchText}%' OR " + $"color like '%{searchText}%' OR gender like '%{searchText}%' OR birthday like '%{searchText}%'").ToList(); } else { results = connection.Query <DogModel>($"SELECT * FROM dog WHERE (name like '%{searchText}%' OR breed like '%{searchText}%' OR " + $"color like '%{searchText}%' OR gender like '%{searchText}%' OR birthday like '%{searchText}%') AND active = 1").ToList(); } } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } return(results); }
public List <UserModel> SearchResultUser(string searchText, bool showInactive) { List <UserModel> output = new List <UserModel>(); try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { if (showInactive) { output = connection.Query <UserModel>($"SELECT * FROM user WHERE username like '%{searchText}%'").ToList(); } else { output = connection.Query <UserModel>($"SELECT * FROM user WHERE username like '%{searchText}%' AND isactive = 1").ToList(); } } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } return(output); }
public List <ProductModel> SearchResultProducts(string searchText, bool showInactive) { List <ProductModel> output = new List <ProductModel>(); try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { if (showInactive == true) { output = connection.Query <ProductModel>($"SELECT * FROM product WHERE shortdescription like '%{searchText}%' or longdescription like '%{searchText}%' or itemnumber like '%{searchText}%'").ToList(); } else { output = connection.Query <ProductModel>($"SELECT * FROM product WHERE shortdescription like '%{searchText}%' AND active = 1 or longdescription like '%{searchText}%' AND active = 1 or itemnumber like '%{searchText}%' AND active = 1").ToList(); } } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } return(output); }
public List <CustomerModel> SearchResultsCustomer(string searchText, bool activeAndInactive) { List <CustomerModel> results = new List <CustomerModel>(); try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { if (activeAndInactive) { results = connection.Query <CustomerModel>($"SELECT * FROM customer where firstname like '%{searchText}%' OR lastname like '%{searchText}%' OR Street like '%{searchText}%'" + $"OR housenumber like '%{searchText}%' OR zipcode like '%{searchText}%' OR city like '%{searchText}%' OR phonenumber like '%{searchText}%' OR " + $"mobilenumber like '%{searchText}%' OR email like '%{searchText}%' or birthday like '%{searchText}%'").ToList(); } else { results = connection.Query <CustomerModel>($"SELECT * FROM customer where (firstname like '%{searchText}%' OR lastname like '%{searchText}%' OR Street like '%{searchText}%'" + $"OR housenumber like '%{searchText}%' OR zipcode like '%{searchText}%' OR city like '%{searchText}%' OR phonenumber like '%{searchText}%' OR " + $"mobilenumber like '%{searchText}%' OR email like '%{searchText}%' or birthday like '%{searchText}%') AND active = 1").ToList(); } } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } return(results); }
public CustomerModel AddCustomer(CustomerModel customerModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { customerModel.Id = connection.Query <int>(@"INSERT INTO Customer (salution, firstname, lastname, street, housenumber, zipcode, city, phonenumber, mobilenumber, email, birthday, create_date, edit_date,active) VALUES( @Salution, @FirstName, @LastName, @Street, @Housenumber, @ZipCode, @City, @PhoneNumber, @MobileNumber, @Email, @Birthday, datetime('now'), null, 1); SELECT last_insert_rowid()", customerModel).First(); if (customerModel.Notes != null && customerModel.Notes.Count > 0) { foreach (NoteModel nModel in customerModel.Notes) { nModel.Id = connection.Query <int>(@"INSERT INTO note (description, active) VALUES (@Description, 1); SELECT last_insert_rowid()", nModel).First(); connection.Execute("INSERT INTO note_to_customer (customerId, noteId) Values(" + customerModel.Id + ", " + nModel.Id + ")"); } } if (customerModel.OwnedDogs != null && customerModel.OwnedDogs.Count > 0) { foreach (DogModel dModel in customerModel.OwnedDogs) { if (dModel.Id > 0) { AddDogToCustomer(dModel, customerModel); } else { AddDogToDatabase(dModel); AddDogToCustomer(dModel, customerModel); } } } } return(customerModel); } catch (SQLiteException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(null); } }
public void TestDapper() { var dataSource = @"test.sqlite"; SQLiteConnection.CreateFile(dataSource); var builder = new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = dataSource, LegacyFormat = false, Version = 3, SyncMode = SynchronizationModes.Off, JournalMode = SQLiteJournalModeEnum.Wal }; using (var tran = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required)) using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(builder.ToString())) { connection.Open(); CreateSampleSchema(connection); try { connection.Execute("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (@Id, @Name)", new { Id = 1, Name = "Name-1" }); connection.Execute("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (@Id, @Name)", new { Id = 2, Name = "Name-2" }); connection.Execute("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (@Id, @Name)", new { Id = 3, Name = "Name-3" }); dynamic dynamicObj = connection.Query("SELECT id, name FROM table1 LIMIT 1").FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}",; Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}",; var mappingObj = connection.Query<Table1>("SELECT id, name FROM table1 LIMIT 1").FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}", mappingObj.Id); Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", mappingObj.Name); dynamic results = connection.Query("SELECT id, name FROM table1"); foreach (dynamic item in results) { Console.WriteLine(item); } tran.Complete(); } catch { } } }
public IEnumerable<Inventory> AvailableReefers() { var connection = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath); connection.Open(); var Reefers = connection.Query<Inventory>("select * from inventory where status != 'major' and type == 'reefer' and reserved == 0"); return Reefers; }
public IToken Find(string userId) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userId)) return null; using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); var token = connection.Query<Token>( @"SELECT UserId, OrganisationId, ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, TokenKey, TokenSecret, ExpiresAt, Session, SessionExpiresAt FROM tokens WHERE UserId = @UserId", new { userId }).FirstOrDefault(); if (null != token && token.ExpiresAt.HasValue) { // This is done because SQLite seems to be storing it as local time. token.ExpiresAt = token.ExpiresAt.Value.ToUniversalTime(); } return token; } }
public IEnumerable<String> CustomerNames() { var connection = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath); connection.Open(); var names = connection.Query<String>("select distinct customer_name from reservations"); return names; }
public void AddDogToCustomer(DogModel dModel, CustomerModel cModel) { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query("INSERT INTO customer_to_dog (customerId, dogId) VALUES (" + cModel.Id + " ," + dModel.Id + ")"); } }
public void DeleteAppointmentModel(AppointmentModel appointmentModel) { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query($"UPDATE appointment SET isActive = 0 WHERE '{appointmentModel.Id}' = id "); } }
public IEnumerable<Inventory> AvailableDryVans() { var connection = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath); connection.Open(); var DryVans = connection.Query<Inventory>("select * from inventory where status != 'major' and type == 'dry_van' and reserved == 0"); return DryVans; }
public IEnumerable<Reservations> CustomerReservations() { var connection = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath); connection.Open(); var reservationcounts = connection.Query<Reservations>("select * from reservations order by"); return reservationcounts; }
public IEnumerable<Inventory> AvailableFlatBeds() { var connection = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath); connection.Open(); var FlatBeds = connection.Query<Inventory>("select * from inventory where status != 'major' and type == 'flatbed' and reserved == 0"); return FlatBeds; }
public IEnumerable<Inventory> AllReservations() { var connection = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath); connection.Open(); var reservations = connection.Query<Inventory>("select * from inventory"); return reservations; }
public ProfileViewModel GetDepartmentEmployees(string departmentName) { IEnumerable<EmployeeProfile> employees; using (var conn =new SQLiteConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["reedDirectory"].ConnectionString)) { conn.Open(); var departmentId = conn.Query<long>("SELECT Id from Department_Lookup where Name = @name LIMIT 1", new {name = departmentName.Capitalize()}); employees = conn.Query<EmployeeProfile>("SELECT dl.Id, dl.Name, ProfileId, FirstName, LastName, Role, Department, ImageUrl, CartoonUrl, Tags, Extension " + " FROM employeeprofile e inner join department_lookup dl on e.department =" + " group by dl.Id, dl.Name, ProfileId, FirstName, LastName, Role, Department, ImageUrl, Tags " + " Having dl.Id = @departmentId ", new { departmentId = departmentId}); } return new ProfileViewModel(employees.LoadHelpers()); }
public IEnumerable<Log> GetLogs(DateTime? from = null) { var date = from.HasValue ? from.Value : DateTime.MinValue; using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString)) { var logs = connection.Query<Log>("select * from Log where date > @date", date); return logs; } }
private static IEnumerable<MajorCity> QueryCities(string query, object paramaters = null) { using (IDbConnection con = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=MajorCities.db")) { con.Open(); return con.Query<MajorCity>(query, paramaters); } }
public ProductModel AddProductToDataStore(ProductModel productModel) { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { productModel.ItemNumber = connection.Query <int>($"INSERT INTO product (shortdescription, longdescription, price, active, create_date, edit_date) VALUES ('{productModel.Shortdescription}', '{productModel.Longdescription}', '{productModel.Price}', {productModel.Active}, datetime('now'), null); SELECT last_insert_rowid();", productModel).First(); return(productModel); } }
public static IEnumerable<EmployeeProfile> LoadHelpers(this IEnumerable<EmployeeProfile> profiles) { using (DbConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["reedDirectory"].ConnectionString)) { conn.Open(); foreach (var profile in profiles) { profile.ImageUrl = LoadDefaultProfileImage(profile); profile.RoleLookup = conn.Query<Role_Lookup>(CreateQuery(profileRoleQuery, "@RoleId"), new { RoleId = profile.Role }).SingleOrDefault(); profile.SeatingFloorLookup = conn.Query<SeatingFloor_Lookup>(CreateQuery(profileFloorQuery, "@FloorId"), new { FloorId = profile.SeatingFloor }).SingleOrDefault(); profile.DepartmentLookup = conn.Query<Department_Lookup>(CreateQuery(profileDepartmentQuery, "@DepartmentId"), new { DepartmentId = profile.Department }).SingleOrDefault(); } conn.Close(); } return profiles; }
public AppointmentModel AddAppointmentToDataStore(AppointmentModel appointmentModel) { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { { appointmentModel.Id = connection.Query <int>($"INSERT INTO appointment (dogID, date_from, date_to, isdailyguest, days, create_date, isActive) VALUES ('{appointmentModel.dogFromCustomer.Id}','{appointmentModel.date_from}','{appointmentModel.date_to}','{appointmentModel.isdailyguest}','{appointmentModel.days}', datetime('now'), 1); SELECT last_insert_rowid();", appointmentModel).First(); } } return(appointmentModel); }
public static EmployeeProfile LoadHelper(this EmployeeProfile profile) { using (DbConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["reedDirectory"].ConnectionString)) { if (profile != null) { conn.Open(); profile.ImageUrl = LoadDefaultProfileImage(profile); profile.RoleLookup = conn.Query<Role_Lookup>(CreateQuery(profileRoleQuery, "@RoleId"), new { RoleId = profile.Role }).SingleOrDefault(); profile.SeatingFloorLookup = conn.Query<SeatingFloor_Lookup>(CreateQuery(profileFloorQuery, "@FloorId"), new { FloorId = profile.SeatingFloor}).SingleOrDefault(); profile.DepartmentLookup = conn.Query<Department_Lookup>(CreateQuery(profileDepartmentQuery, "@DepartmentId"), new { DepartmentId = profile.Department }).SingleOrDefault(); conn.Close(); } } return profile; }
/* public static Choices GetGrammar(string contextname = null) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contextname)) { var commands = new Choices(); using (SQLiteConnection sqlite = new SQLiteConnection(GlobalManager.SQLCHAIN)) { List<SENTENCES> sentence = sqlite.Query<SENTENCES>("SELECT * from SENTENCES").ToList(); foreach (SENTENCES sen in sentence) { sen.CMD = sqlite.Query<COMMANDS>(String.Format("SELECT * FROM COMMANDS where COMMANDS.ID in (select CMDID from TRIGGERCMD where SENID = {0})", sen.SENID)).Single(); commands.Add(new SemanticResultValue(sen.SENTENCE, sen.CMD.CMD)); } } return commands; } return null; }*/ public static Context GetContext(string ContextName = null) { SYSCONTEXT = new Context(); using (SQLiteConnection sqlite = new SQLiteConnection(GlobalManager.SQLCHAIN)) { string sql = "select * from SENTENCES INNER JOIN COMMANDS on COMMANDS.ID in (select CMDID from TRIGGERCMD where SENTENCES.SENID = TRIGGERCMD.SENID) INNER JOIN MODULES on MODULES.NAME = COMMANDS.MODULENAME"; SYSCONTEXT.SENTENCESLIST = new List<SENTENCES>(); SYSCONTEXT.SENTENCESLIST = sqlite.Query<SENTENCES, COMMANDS, MODULES, SENTENCES>(sql, (sentence, command, module) => { command.MODULE = module; sentence.CMD = command; return sentence; }).ToList<SENTENCES>(); } return SYSCONTEXT; }
public HttpResponseMessage GetPersons() { var dbpath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data"); var dbfile = dbpath + "/people.db3"; using (var conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + dbfile)) { var people = conn.Query<Person>("select * from person"); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, people); } }
public Department_Lookup GetDepartment(int deptId) { Department_Lookup department; using (DbConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["reedDirectory"].ConnectionString)) { conn.Open(); department = conn.Query<Department_Lookup>("SELECT Id, Name, Parent_Id FROM Department_Lookup where Id = @DeptId ", new { DeptId = deptId }).SingleOrDefault(); conn.Close(); } return department; }
public IEnumerable<SeatingFloor_Lookup> GetAllSeatingFloors() { IEnumerable<SeatingFloor_Lookup> floors; using (DbConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["reedDirectory"].ConnectionString)) { conn.Open(); floors = conn.Query<SeatingFloor_Lookup>("SELECT Id, Name FROM Floor_Lookup order by Id"); conn.Close(); } return floors; }
public Department_Lookup GetDepartment(string departmentname) { Department_Lookup department; using (DbConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["reedDirectory"].ConnectionString)) { conn.Open(); department = conn.Query<Department_Lookup>("SELECT Id, Name, Parent_Id FROM Department_Lookup where Name = @Name ", new { Name = departmentname.Capitalize() }).SingleOrDefault(); conn.Close(); } return department; }
public List <CustomerModel> Get_CustomerAll() { List <CustomerModel> output; try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { output = connection.Query <CustomerModel>("SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE active = 1;").ToList(); foreach (CustomerModel customerModel in output) { customerModel.Notes = connection.Query <NoteModel>("SELECT n.* FROM note n INNER JOIN note_to_customer nc on noteId = WHERE active = 1 AND customerId = " + customerModel.Id).ToList(); customerModel.OwnedDogs = connection.Query <DogModel>("SELECT d.* FROM dog d INNER JOIN customer_to_dog cd on dogId = WHERE customerId = " + customerModel.Id).ToList(); foreach (DogModel dogModel in customerModel.OwnedDogs) { dogModel.Characteristics = connection.Query <CharacteristicsModel>("SELECT c.* FROM characteristics c INNER JOIN dog_to_characteristics dc on = WHERE dogId = " + dogModel.Id).ToList(); dogModel.Diseases = connection.Query <DiseasesModel>("SELECT d.* FROM diseases d INNER JOIN dog_to_diseases dd on = WHERE dogId = " + dogModel.Id).ToList(); dogModel.CustomerList = connection.Query <CustomerModel>("SELECT c.* FROM customer c INNER JOIN customer_to_dog cd on customerId = WHERE dogId = " + dogModel.Id).ToList(); } } } return(output); } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); return(new List <CustomerModel>()); } }
public IContent Lookup(string token) { string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WilliamsonFamilyConnectionString"].ConnectionString; //var connection = new ProfiledDbConnection(new SQLiteConnection(connString), MiniProfiler.Current); using (var conn = new SQLiteConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); var content = conn.Query<Content>("SELECT * FROM Content WHERE Token = @token", new { @token = token }, null, true, null, null).FirstOrDefault(); conn.Close(); return content; } }
public NoteModel AddNoteToCustomer(CustomerModel customerModel, string note) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { NoteModel nModel = new NoteModel(); nModel.Description = note; nModel.Id = connection.Query <int>("INSERT INTO note (description, active) Values('" + note + "', 1); SELECT last_insert_rowid();").First(); connection.Query("UPDATE customer SET edit_date = datetime('now') WHERE " + customerModel.Id); connection.Execute("INSERT INTO note_to_customer (customerId, noteId) Values(" + customerModel.Id + ", " + nModel.Id + ")"); customerModel.Notes = connection.Query <NoteModel>("SELECT n.* FROM note n INNER JOIN note_to_customer nc on noteId = WHERE active = 1 AND customerId = " + customerModel.Id).ToList(); return(nModel); } } catch (SQLiteException sqLiteEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqLiteEx.Message); return(null); } }
public ProfileViewModel GetEmployeesByFloor() { IEnumerable<EmployeeProfile> profiles; using (DbConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["reedDirectory"].ConnectionString)) { conn.Open(); profiles = conn.Query<EmployeeProfile>("SELECT ProfileId, firstName, LastName, ImageUrl, seatNo, seatingfloor, role, department " + " FROM employeeprofile" + " order by seatingfloor, seatNo"); conn.Close(); } return new ProfileViewModel(profiles.LoadHelpers()); }
public void UpdateUser(UserModel userModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query($" UPDATE user SET edit_date = datetime('now'), isactive = {userModel.IsActive}, username = '******' , password = '******', isadmin = {userModel.IsAdmin} WHERE '{userModel.Id}' = id"); } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } }
public void DeleteDiseases(DiseasesModel diseasesModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query("DELETE FROM diseases WHERE id = " + diseasesModel.Id); } } catch (SQLiteException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public ProfileViewModel GetNewStarters() { IEnumerable<EmployeeProfile> profiles; using (DbConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["reedDirectory"].ConnectionString)) { conn.Open(); profiles = conn.Query<EmployeeProfile>("SELECT ProfileId, FirstName, LastName, Role, Department, ImageUrl, CartoonUrl, Tags, CreatedOn, Extension " + " FROM employeeprofile" + " where createdon >= date('now', '-1 month')"); conn.Close(); } return new ProfileViewModel(profiles.LoadHelpers()); }
public void InsertUserToDatabase(UserModel userModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query(@"INSERT INTO user (username, password, isadmin,isactive,create_date) VALUES(@Username, @Password, @IsAdmin,1, datetime('now') );", userModel); } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } }
public void DeleteCharacteristics(CharacteristicsModel characteristicsModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query("DELETE FROM characteristics WHERE id = " + characteristicsModel.Id); } } catch (SQLiteException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public void EditAppointmentModel(AppointmentModel appointmentModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query($"UPDATE appointment SET edit_date = datetime('now'), dogID='{appointmentModel.dogID}', date_from='{appointmentModel.date_from}', date_to='{appointmentModel.date_to}', isdailyguest='{appointmentModel.isdailyguest}', days='{appointmentModel.days}', isActive=1 WHERE '{appointmentModel.Id}' = id "); } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } }
public void DeleteUserFromDataBase(UserModel userModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query($" UPDATE user SET edit_date = datetime('now'), isactive = 0 WHERE {userModel.Id} = id"); } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Load SYSTEM Context /// </summary> private static void LoadSysContext() { using (SQLiteConnection sqlite = new SQLiteConnection(GlobalManager.SQLCHAIN)) { string sql = "select * from SENTENCES INNER JOIN COMMANDS on COMMANDS.ID in (select CMDID from TRIGGERCMD where SENTENCES.SENID = TRIGGERCMD.SENID)AND COMMANDS.MODULENAME = 'SYSTEM' INNER JOIN MODULES on MODULES.NAME = COMMANDS.MODULENAME"; SYSCONTEXT.SENTENCESLIST = sqlite.Query<SENTENCES, COMMANDS, MODULES, SENTENCES> (sql, (sentence, command, module) => { command.MODULE = module; sentence.CMD = command; return sentence; }).ToList<SENTENCES>(); SYSCONTEXT.NAME = "System"; } }
public void UpdateProduct(ProductModel productModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query($"UPDATE product SET edit_date = datetime('now'), shortdescription = '{productModel.Shortdescription}', longdescription = '{productModel.Longdescription}', price = '{productModel.Price}', active = {productModel.Active} WHERE '{productModel.ItemNumber}' = itemnumber "); } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string inputFilePath = args[0]; var inputFile = new FileInfo(inputFilePath); var directory = inputFile.Directory; var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(directory.FullName, "data.txt"); SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + inputFilePath); var data = connection.Query("select * from person"); var serializeObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); var byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializeObject); var result = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray); var resultByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result); // File.WriteAllText(outputFilePath, result, Encoding.UTF8); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(outputFilePath, FileMode.Create); fileStream.Write(resultByte, 0, resultByte.Length); fileStream.Close(); fileStream = new FileStream(outputFilePath, FileMode.Open); int count = 0; long length = fileStream.Length; byte[] receiveStream = new byte[length]; while (true) { int readLength = fileStream.Length - count > 1000 ? 1000 : (int)fileStream.Length - count; int num = fileStream.Read(receiveStream, count, readLength); if (num == 0) break; count += num; } var receive1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receiveStream, 0, (int)length); var byteValue1 = Convert.FromBase64String(receive1); string decodeReceive1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteValue1, 0, byteValue1.Length); if (decodeReceive1 == serializeObject) { Console.WriteLine("Convert complete."); Console.ReadLine(); } fileStream.Close(); }
public void DeleteDogToCustomerRelation(CustomerModel cModel, DogModel dModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query("DELETE FROM customer_to_dog WHERE customerId = " + cModel.Id + " AND dogId = " + dModel.Id); UpdateDog(dModel); } } catch (SQLiteException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public void DeleteCustomer(CustomerModel customerModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query("UPDATE Customer SET edit_date = datetime('now'), active = 0 WHERE id= " + customerModel.Id); } } catch (SQLiteException sqLiteEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqLiteEx.Message); return; } }
public void DeleteProductFromDataStore(ProductModel productModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query("UPDATE product SET edit_date = datetime('now'), active = 0 WHERE itemnumber = " + productModel.ItemNumber); } } catch (SQLiteException sqLiteEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqLiteEx.Message); return; } }
public void DeleteNoteFromList(NoteModel noteModel, CustomerModel customerModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query("UPDATE note SET active = 0 WHERE = " + noteModel.Id + ";"); Get_Customer(customerModel); UpdateCustomer(customerModel); } } catch (SQLiteException sqLiteEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqLiteEx.Message); } }
public override Cookie GetCookie(string domain, string name) { var cookieFilePath = Path.Combine(GetUserDataDirectoryPath(), "Cookies"); var connString = string.Format(@"Data Source={0}", cookieFilePath); using (var conn = new SQLiteConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); var query = string.Format("select * from cookies where host_key like '.{0}' and name like '{1}' limit 1", domain, name); var row = conn.Query(query).FirstOrDefault(); if (row == null) { return null; } var cookie = new Cookie(, row.value, row.path, row.host_key); conn.Close(); return cookie; } }
public List <CustomerModel> GetAllCustomerForDog(DogModel dogModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { dogModel.CustomerList = connection.Query <CustomerModel>(@"SELECT c.* FROM customer c INNER JOIN customer_to_dog cd on customerId = WHERE dogId = @id", dogModel).ToList(); return(dogModel.CustomerList); } } catch (SQLiteException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(new List <CustomerModel>()); } }
public void UpdateDog(DogModel dModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query(@"UPDATE Dog SET edit_date = datetime('now'), name = @Name, breed = @Breed, color = @Color, gender = @Gender, birthday = @Birthday, permanentcastrated = @PermanentCastrated, castratedsince = @CastratedSince, effectiveuntil = @EffectiveUntil, active = @Active WHERE id = @Id", dModel); } } catch (SQLiteException sqLiteEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqLiteEx.Message + "\r\n" + sqLiteEx.StackTrace); } }
public void UpdateCustomer(CustomerModel cModel) { try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { connection.Query(@"UPDATE Customer SET edit_date = datetime('now'),firstname = @Firstname, lastname = @LastName, street = @Street, birthday = @Birthday, housenumber = @HouseNumber, zipcode = @ZipCode, city = @City, phonenumber = @PhoneNumber, mobilenumber = @MobileNumber, email = @Email, active = @Active WHERE id = @Id", cModel); } } catch (SQLiteException sqLiteEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqLiteEx.Message); } }
public List <UserModel> GetAllUser() { List <UserModel> output = new List <UserModel>(); try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { output = connection.Query <UserModel>("SELECT * FROM user").ToList(); } } catch (SQLiteException sqEx) { Console.WriteLine(sqEx.Message); } return(output); }
public bool IsAppointmentInDataStore(AppointmentModel appointmentModel) { bool isInDatabase = false; using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { List <AppointmentModel> AppointmentModelList = new List <AppointmentModel>(); AppointmentModelList = connection.Query <AppointmentModel>($"Select * FROM appointment WHERE '{appointmentModel.dogFromCustomer.Id}' = dogID AND " + $"date_from = '{appointmentModel.date_from}' AND " + $"date_to = '{appointmentModel.date_to}' AND isActive= '1' ").ToList(); if (AppointmentModelList.Count >= 1) { isInDatabase = true; } } return(isInDatabase); }
public Stream GetCache(Uri uri) { // compute hash var hash = Utils.ComputeStringMD5Hash(uri.AbsoluteUri, Encoding.UTF8); var selectByHashSql = SqlLibrary.Instance.Require("SELECT_INDEX_BY_HASH"); using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", _sqliteFilePath))) { try { var cacheIndex = connection .Query<CacheIndex>(selectByHashSql, new { @Hash = hash }) .FirstOrDefault(); if(cacheIndex == null) { return null; } var cacheFilePath = GetCacheFilePhysicalPath(cacheIndex.Path); if(!File.Exists(cacheFilePath)) { return null; } var mem = new MemoryStream(); using (var fs = new FileStream(cacheFilePath, FileMode.Open)) { fs.CopyTo(mem); mem.Flush(); mem.Position = 0; } return mem; } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: log the excpetion here return null; } } }
public DogModel GetDog(int id) { DogModel dogModel = new DogModel(); try { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { dogModel = connection.Query <DogModel>($"SELECT * FROM Dog WHERE id = {id};").First(); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } return(dogModel); }
public void SqlLiteTableChanged(ListBox listBox, UiShow uiShow) { IEnumerable<object> enumerable; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(SqLiteConnStr.ToString())) { connection.Open(); string sql = $"PRAGMA table_info({listBox.SelectedItem})"; enumerable = connection.Query(sql, null, null, true, null, null); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendFormat("public class {0}{1}{{{1}", listBox.SelectedItem, Environment.NewLine); foreach (dynamic obj2 in enumerable) { string columnName = (string); bool isNullable = (bool)(obj2.notnull == 0L); string dataType = (string)obj2.type; builder.AppendLine(GenerateField(columnName, isNullable, dataType)); } uiShow.txtClass.Text = builder.Append("}").ToString(); }
public void ShowSqLiteTables(UiShow uiShow, string path) { if (uiShow != null) { SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = path, }; SqLiteConnStr = builder; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(SqLiteConnStr.ToString())) { connection.Open(); uiShow.lbTableName.Items.Clear(); IEnumerable<object> enumerable = connection.Query("SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE TYPE='table' ORDER BY name ASC;", null, null, true, null, null); uiShow.lbTableName.Items.AddRange( (from d in enumerable select ((dynamic)d).tbl_name).ToArray<object>()); } } }
public void Set(IContent content) { string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WilliamsonFamilyConnectionString"].ConnectionString; //var connection = new ProfiledDbConnection(new SQLiteConnection(connString), MiniProfiler.Current); using (var conn = new SQLiteConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); var contentExists = conn.Query<Content>("SELECT * FROM Content WHERE Token = @token", new { @token = content.Token }, null, true, null, null).FirstOrDefault(); if (contentExists == null) conn.Execute("INSERT INTO Content (Token, Value) VALUES (@Token, @Value)", new { @token = content.Token, @value = content.Value }, null, null, null); else conn.Execute(@" UPDATE Content SET Token = @Token, Value = @Value WHERE ContentID = @ContentID", new { @token = content.Token, @value = content.Value, @ContentID = content.ContentID }, null, null, null); conn.Close(); } }
public bool IsCached(Uri uri) { var hash = Utils.ComputeStringMD5Hash(uri.AbsoluteUri, Encoding.UTF8); var selectByHashSql = SqlLibrary.Instance.Require("SELECT_INDEX_BY_HASH"); using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", _sqliteFilePath))) { var cacheIndex = connection .Query<CacheIndex>(selectByHashSql, new { @Hash = hash }) .FirstOrDefault(); if(cacheIndex == null) { return false; } var cacheFilePath = GetCacheFilePhysicalPath(cacheIndex.Path); return File.Exists(cacheFilePath); } }
public override void SetCookie(string domain, Cookie cookie) { var insertQuery = string.Format("insert into cookies values({0}, '.{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '/', {4}, 0, 0, {5}, 1, 1", DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTimeUtc(), domain, cookie.Name, cookie.Value, DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1).ToFileTimeUtc(), DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTimeUtc() ); var updateQuery = string.Format("update cookies set `value` = '{0}' where host_key like '.{1}' and name like '{2}';", cookie.Value, domain, cookie.Name); var query = (GetCookie(domain, cookie.Name) == null) ? insertQuery : updateQuery; var cookieFilePath = Path.Combine(GetUserDataDirectoryPath(), "Cookies"); using (var conn = new SQLiteConnection(string.Format(@"Data Source={0}", cookieFilePath))) { conn.Open(); conn.Query(query); conn.Close(); } }