コード例 #1
        void FillBasicWmiDataFields(ref UnsafeNativeMethods.WmiData wmiData, WebBaseEvent eventRaised) {
            WebApplicationInformation       appInfo = WebBaseEvent.ApplicationInformation;
            wmiData.eventType = (int)WebBaseEvent.WebEventTypeFromWebEvent(eventRaised);

            // Note: WMI sint64 requires a string param
            // Data contained in WebBaseEvent
            wmiData.eventCode = eventRaised.EventCode;
            wmiData.eventDetailCode = eventRaised.EventDetailCode;
            wmiData.eventTime = WmiFormatTime(eventRaised.EventTime);
            wmiData.eventMessage = eventRaised.Message;
            wmiData.sequenceNumber = eventRaised.EventSequence.ToString(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture);   
            wmiData.occurrence = eventRaised.EventOccurrence.ToString(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture);   
            wmiData.eventId = eventRaised.EventID.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture);   
            wmiData.appDomain = appInfo.ApplicationDomain;
            wmiData.trustLevel = appInfo.TrustLevel;
            wmiData.appVirtualPath = appInfo.ApplicationVirtualPath;
            wmiData.appPath = appInfo.ApplicationPath;
            wmiData.machineName = appInfo.MachineName;

            if (eventRaised.IsSystemEvent) {
                wmiData.details = String.Empty;
            else {
                WebEventFormatter   formatter = new WebEventFormatter();
                wmiData.details = formatter.ToString();
コード例 #2
 void FillRequestWmiDataFields(ref UnsafeNativeMethods.WmiData wmiData, WebRequestInformation reqInfo) {
     string      user;
     string      authType;
     bool        authed;
     IPrincipal  iprincipal = reqInfo.Principal;
     if (iprincipal == null) {
         user = String.Empty;
         authType = String.Empty;
         authed = false;
     else {
         IIdentity    id = iprincipal.Identity;
         user = id.Name;
         authed = id.IsAuthenticated;
         authType = id.AuthenticationType;
     wmiData.requestUrl = reqInfo.RequestUrl;
     wmiData.requestPath = reqInfo.RequestPath;
     wmiData.userHostAddress = reqInfo.UserHostAddress;
     wmiData.userName = user;
     wmiData.userAuthenticated = authed;
     wmiData.userAuthenticationType = authType;
     wmiData.requestThreadAccountName = reqInfo.ThreadAccountName;
コード例 #3
        void FillErrorWmiDataFields(ref UnsafeNativeMethods.WmiData wmiData, WebThreadInformation threadInfo) {
            wmiData.threadId = threadInfo.ThreadID;
            wmiData.threadAccountName = threadInfo.ThreadAccountName;
            wmiData.stackTrace = threadInfo.StackTrace;
            wmiData.isImpersonating = threadInfo.IsImpersonating;

コード例 #4
        private ClientConfigPaths(string exePath, bool includeUserConfig)
            _includesUserConfig = includeUserConfig;

            Assembly exeAssembly         = null;
            string   applicationUri      = null;
            string   applicationFilename = null;

            // get the assembly and applicationUri for the file
            if (exePath == null)
                // First check if a configuration file has been set for this app domain. If so, we will use that.
                // The CLR would already have normalized this, so no further processing necessary.
                AppDomain      domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
                AppDomainSetup setup  = domain.SetupInformation;
                _applicationConfigUri = setup.ConfigurationFile;

                // Now figure out the application path.
                exeAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
                if (exeAssembly != null)
                    _hasEntryAssembly = true;
                    applicationUri    = exeAssembly.CodeBase;

                    bool isFile = false;

                    // If it is a local file URI, convert it to its filename, without invoking Uri class.
                    // example: "file:///C:/WINNT/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.x86fre/csc.exe"
                    if (StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(applicationUri, FILE_URI_LOCAL))
                        isFile         = true;
                        applicationUri = applicationUri.Substring(FILE_URI_LOCAL.Length);
                    // If it is a UNC file URI, convert it to its filename, without invoking Uri class.
                    // example: "file://server/share/csc.exe"
                    else if (StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(applicationUri, FILE_URI_UNC))
                        isFile         = true;
                        applicationUri = applicationUri.Substring(FILE_URI.Length);

                    if (isFile)
                        applicationUri      = applicationUri.Replace('/', '\\');
                        applicationFilename = applicationUri;
                        applicationUri = exeAssembly.EscapedCodeBase;
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH);
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleFileName(new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero), sb, sb.Capacity);
                    applicationUri      = Path.GetFullPath(sb.ToString());
                    applicationFilename = applicationUri;
                applicationUri = Path.GetFullPath(exePath);
                if (!FileUtil.FileExists(applicationUri, false))
                    throw ExceptionUtil.ParameterInvalid("exePath");

                applicationFilename = applicationUri;

            // Fallback if we haven't set the app config file path yet.
            if (_applicationConfigUri == null)
                _applicationConfigUri = applicationUri + ConfigExtension;

            // Set application path
            _applicationUri = applicationUri;

            // In the case when exePath was explicitly supplied, we will not be able to
            // construct user.config paths, so quit here.
            if (exePath != null)

            // Skip expensive initialization of user config file information if requested.
            if (!_includesUserConfig)

            bool isHttp = StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(_applicationConfigUri, HTTP_URI);

            SetNamesAndVersion(applicationFilename, exeAssembly, isHttp);

            // Check if this is a clickonce deployed application. If so, point the user config
            // files to the clickonce data directory.
            if (this.IsClickOnceDeployed(AppDomain.CurrentDomain))
                string dataPath      = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData(ClickOnceDataDirectory) as string;
                string versionSuffix = Validate(_productVersion, false);

                // NOTE: No roaming config for clickonce - not supported.
                if (Path.IsPathRooted(dataPath))
                    _localConfigDirectory = CombineIfValid(dataPath, versionSuffix);
                    _localConfigFilename  = CombineIfValid(_localConfigDirectory, UserConfigFilename);
            else if (!isHttp)
                // If we get the config from http, we do not have a roaming or local config directory,
                // as it cannot be edited by the app in those cases because it does not have Full Trust.

                // suffix for user config paths

                string part1 = Validate(_companyName, true);

                string validAppDomainName  = Validate(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, true);
                string applicationUriLower = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_applicationUri) ? _applicationUri.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : null;
                string namePrefix          = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(validAppDomainName) ? validAppDomainName : Validate(_productName, true);
                string hashSuffix          = string.Empty;

                string part2 = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(namePrefix) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(hashSuffix)) ? namePrefix + hashSuffix : null;

                string part3 = Validate(_productVersion, false);

                string dirSuffix = CombineIfValid(CombineIfValid(part1, part2), part3);