コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  This serializes the given property on this object.
        /// </summary>
        private void SerializeNormalProperty(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object value, PropertyDescriptor property, CodeStatementCollection statements)
            using (CodeDomSerializer.TraceScope("CodeDomSerializer::" + nameof(SerializeProperty)))
                CodeExpression target = SerializeToExpression(manager, value);

                CodeDomSerializer.TraceWarningIf(target is null, "Unable to serialize target for property {0}", property.Name);
                if (target != null)
                    CodeExpression propertyRef = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(target, property.Name);

                    CodeExpression serializedPropertyValue = null;

                    // First check for a member relationship service to see if this property
                    // is related to another member.  If it is, then we will use that
                    // relationship to construct the property assign statement.  if
                    // it isn't, then we're serialize ourselves.

                    if (manager.GetService(typeof(MemberRelationshipService)) is MemberRelationshipService relationships)
                        MemberRelationship relationship = relationships[value, property];

                        if (relationship != MemberRelationship.Empty)
                            CodeExpression rhsTarget = SerializeToExpression(manager, relationship.Owner);

                            if (rhsTarget != null)
                                serializedPropertyValue = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(rhsTarget, relationship.Member.Name);

                    if (serializedPropertyValue is null)
                        // Serialize the value of this property into a code expression.  If we can't get one,
                        // then we won't serialize the property.
                        object propValue = GetPropertyValue(manager, property, value, out bool validValue);

                        if (validValue)
                            ExpressionContext tree = null;

                            if (propValue != value)
                                // make sure the value isn't the object or we'll end up printing
                                // this property instead of the value.
                                tree = new ExpressionContext(propertyRef, property.PropertyType, value);

                                serializedPropertyValue = SerializeToExpression(manager, propValue);
                                if (tree != null)
                                    Debug.Assert(manager.Context.Current == tree, "Context stack corrupted.");

                    if (serializedPropertyValue != null)
                        CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement(propertyRef, serializedPropertyValue);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  This serializes the given property on this object.
        /// </summary>
        private void SerializeExtenderProperty(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object value, PropertyDescriptor property, CodeStatementCollection statements)
            AttributeCollection attributes = property.Attributes;

            using (CodeDomSerializer.TraceScope("PropertyMemberCodeDomSerializer::" + nameof(SerializeExtenderProperty)))
                ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute exAttr = (ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute)attributes[typeof(ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute)];

                // Extender properties are method invokes on a target "extender" object.
                CodeExpression extender = SerializeToExpression(manager, exAttr.Provider);
                CodeExpression extended = SerializeToExpression(manager, value);

                CodeDomSerializer.TraceWarningIf(extender is null, "Extender object {0} could not be serialized.", manager.GetName(exAttr.Provider));
                CodeDomSerializer.TraceWarningIf(extended is null, "Extended object {0} could not be serialized.", manager.GetName(value));
                if (extender != null && extended != null)
                    CodeMethodReferenceExpression methodRef = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression(extender, "Set" + property.Name);
                    object         propValue = GetPropertyValue(manager, property, value, out bool validValue);
                    CodeExpression serializedPropertyValue = null;

                    // Serialize the value of this property into a code expression.  If we can't get one,
                    // then we won't serialize the property.
                    if (validValue)
                        ExpressionContext tree = null;

                        if (propValue != value)
                            // make sure the value isn't the object or we'll end up printing
                            // this property instead of the value.
                            tree = new ExpressionContext(methodRef, property.PropertyType, value);

                            serializedPropertyValue = SerializeToExpression(manager, propValue);
                            if (tree != null)
                                Debug.Assert(manager.Context.Current == tree, "Context stack corrupted.");

                    if (serializedPropertyValue != null)
                        CodeMethodInvokeExpression methodInvoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression
                            Method = methodRef