public void initialise (IBillingServiceCallback callback) { this.callback = callback; if (null == publicKey || publicKey.Equals ("[Your key]")) { callback.logError (UnibillError.GOOGLEPLAY_PUBLICKEY_NOTCONFIGURED, publicKey); callback.onSetupComplete (false); return; } var encoder = new Dictionary<string, object>(); encoder.Add ("publicKey", this.publicKey); var productIds = new List<string>(); List<object> products = new List<object>(); foreach (var item in db.AllPurchasableItems) { Dictionary<string, object> product = new Dictionary<string, object>(); var id = remapper.mapItemIdToPlatformSpecificId(item); productIds.Add(id); product.Add ("productId", id); product.Add ("consumable", item.PurchaseType == PurchaseType.Consumable); products.Add (product); } encoder.Add("products", products); var json = encoder.toJson(); rawInterface.initialise(this, json, productIds.ToArray()); }
public void initialise (IBillingServiceCallback biller) { this.callback = biller; rawSamsung.initialise (this); var encoder = new Dictionary<string, object>(); encoder.Add ("mode", config.SamsungAppsMode.ToString()); encoder.Add ("itemGroupId", config.SamsungItemGroupId); rawSamsung.getProductList (encoder.toJson()); }
public void RemoteExecute(string method, params object[] args) { Dictionary<string, object> request = new Dictionary<string, object>(); Dictionary<string, object> requestData = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // Op code request.Add("op", Ness.Op.EXECUTE); // Create the data dict requestData.Add("method", method); requestData.Add("parameters", args); // Add it to the request request.Add("data", requestData); socket.Send(request.toJson()); }
// Calls a custom Graph API method with the key/value pairs in the Dictionary. Pass in a null dictionary if no parameters are needed. public static void graphRequest( string graphPath, string httpMethod, Dictionary<string,string> parameters ) { if( Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android ) return; parameters = parameters ?? new Dictionary<string,string>(); // call off to java land if( !isSessionValid() ) babysitRequest( true, () => { _facebookPlugin.Call( "graphRequest", graphPath, httpMethod, parameters.toJson() ); } ); else _facebookPlugin.Call( "graphRequest", graphPath, httpMethod, parameters.toJson() ); }
// Shows the native Facebook Share Dialog. Valid dictionary keys are: description, title, contentURL, imageURL. // Results in the shareDialogSucceeded/FailedEvent firing. public static void showFacebookShareDialog( Dictionary<string,object> parameters ) { if( Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android ) return; _facebookPlugin.Call( "showFacebookShareDialog", parameters.toJson() ); }
// Performs a request for any available Twitter API methods. methodType must be either "get" or "post". path is the // url fragment from the API docs (excluding and parameters is a dictionary of key/value pairs // for the given method. See Twitter's API docs for all available methods public static void performRequest( string methodType, string path, Dictionary<string,string> parameters ) { if( Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android ) return; string param = parameters != null ? parameters.toJson() : string.Empty; _plugin.Call( "performRequest", methodType, path, param ); }
// Shows the Facebook share dialog. Valid dictionary keys (from FBSDKShareLinkContent) are: description, title, contentURL, imageURL. // Results in the shareDialogSucceeded/FailedEvent firing. public static void showFacebookShareDialog( Dictionary<string,object> parameters ) { if( Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer ) _facebookShowFacebookShareDialog( parameters.toJson() ); }
// Allows you to use any available Facebook Graph API method public static void graphRequest( string graphPath, string httpMethod, Dictionary<string,object> keyValueHash ) { if( Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer ) { // convert the Dictionary to JSON string jsonDict = keyValueHash.toJson(); if( jsonDict != null ) { // if we arent logged in start up the babysitter if( !isSessionValid() ) { babysitRequest( true, () => { _facebookGraphRequest( graphPath, httpMethod, jsonDict ); } ); } else { _facebookGraphRequest( graphPath, httpMethod, jsonDict ); } } } }