コード例 #1
        /// <summary>Returns a hash code for the given object, using a hashing algorithm that ignores the case of strings.</summary>
        /// <returns>A hash code for the given object, using a hashing algorithm that ignores the case of strings.</returns>
        /// <param name="obj">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> for which a hash code is to be returned. </param>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        ///   <paramref name="obj" /> is null. </exception>
        /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
        /// <PermissionSet>
        ///   <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode" />
        /// </PermissionSet>
        public int GetHashCode(object obj)
            if (obj == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");
            string text = obj as string;

            if (text == null)
            int num = 0;

            if (this.m_text != null && !CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.AreEqual(this.m_text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                foreach (char c in this.m_text.ToLower(text))
                    num = num * 31 + (int)c;
                for (int j = 0; j < text.Length; j++)
                    char c = char.ToLower(text[j], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    num = num * 31 + (int)c;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider" /> class using the <see cref="P:System.Threading.Thread.CurrentCulture" /> of the current thread.</summary>
        public CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider()
            CultureInfo currentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

            if (!CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.AreEqual(currentCulture, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                this.m_text = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo;
コード例 #3
ファイル: XmlConfiguration.cs プロジェクト: tdhieu/openvss
		public void Clear ()
			if (m_InternalHashTable != null)
				m_InternalHashTable.Clear ();
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider	HashCodeProvider= new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			CaseInsensitiveComparer			Comparer		= new CaseInsensitiveComparer (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

			m_InternalHashTable		= new Hashtable (HashCodeProvider, Comparer);
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider" /> class using the specified <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo" />.</summary>
 /// <param name="culture">The <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo" /> to use for the new <see cref="T:System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider" />. </param>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
 ///   <paramref name="culture" /> is null. </exception>
 public CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(CultureInfo culture)
     if (culture == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("culture");
     if (!CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.AreEqual(culture, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
         this.m_text = culture.TextInfo;
コード例 #5
ファイル: XmlTranslator.cs プロジェクト: tdhieu/openvss
		public void Clear ()
			m_DefaultLanguage = Language.English;
			m_CurrentLanguage = Language.English;
			m_InstanceCounter = 0;

			if (m_InternalLanguageHashTable != null)
				m_InternalLanguageHashTable.Clear ();
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider	HashCodeProvider= new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			CaseInsensitiveComparer			Comparer		= new CaseInsensitiveComparer (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

			m_InternalLanguageHashTable		= new Hashtable (HashCodeProvider, Comparer);
コード例 #6
		public void DefaultInvariant ()
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider cih = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (
			int h1 = cih.GetHashCode ("Test String");

			cih = CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant;
			int h2 = cih.GetHashCode ("Test String");

			Assert.AreEqual (h1, h2, "#1");

			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider cih1 = CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant;
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider cih2 = CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant;
			Assert.IsTrue (object.ReferenceEquals (cih1, cih2));
コード例 #7
		public void HashCode ()
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider cih = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider ();
			int h1 = cih.GetHashCode ("Test String");
			int h2 = cih.GetHashCode ("test string");
			int h3 = cih.GetHashCode ("TEST STRING");

			Assert.IsTrue (h1 == h2, "Mixed Case != lower case");
			Assert.IsTrue (h1 == h3, "Mixed Case != UPPER CASE");

			h1 = cih.GetHashCode ("one");
			h2 = cih.GetHashCode ("another");
			// Actually this is quite possible.
			Assert.IsFalse (h1 == h2);
コード例 #8
		public DocumentDirective (string name, IDictionary properties, int key)
			this.name = name;
			this.key = key;

			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider provider = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			CaseInsensitiveComparer comparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			this.properties = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			if (properties != null)
				foreach (DictionaryEntry de in properties) {
					CheckValidPropertyName (name, (string) de.Key);
					CheckValidPropertyValue (name, (string)de.Key, (string)de.Value);
					this.properties.Add (de.Key, de.Value);
コード例 #9
		public void Default ()
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider cih = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (
			int h1 = cih.GetHashCode ("Test String");

			cih = CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.Default;
			int h2 = cih.GetHashCode ("Test String");

			Assert.AreEqual (h1, h2, "#1");

			Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("en-US");
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider cih1 = CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.Default;
			Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("nl-BE");
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider cih2 = CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.Default;
			Assert.IsFalse (object.ReferenceEquals (cih1, cih2), "#2");
コード例 #10
ファイル: Directive.cs プロジェクト: DarkActive/daFluorineFx
		private static void InitHash ()
#if (NET_1_1)
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider provider = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			CaseInsensitiveComparer comparer =  new CaseInsensitiveComparer (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            _directivesHash = new Hashtable (provider, comparer); 

            // Use Hashtable 'cause is O(1) in Contains (ArrayList is O(n))
			Hashtable valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in _tempateAttributes) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			_directivesHash.Add ("CodeTemplate", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in _importAttributes) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			_directivesHash.Add ("Import", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in _assemblyAttributes) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			_directivesHash.Add ("Assembly", valid_attributes);

            _directivesHash = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Use Hashtable 'cause is O(1) in Contains (ArrayList is O(n))
            Hashtable valid_attributes = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            foreach (string att in _tempateAttributes) valid_attributes.Add(att, null);
            _directivesHash.Add("CodeTemplate", valid_attributes);

            valid_attributes = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            foreach (string att in _importAttributes) valid_attributes.Add(att, null);
            _directivesHash.Add("Import", valid_attributes);

            valid_attributes = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            foreach (string att in _assemblyAttributes) valid_attributes.Add(att, null);
            _directivesHash.Add("Assembly", valid_attributes);
コード例 #11
		public void SerializationRoundtrip ()
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider enus = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (new CultureInfo ("en-US"));
			BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
			bf.Serialize (ms, enus);

			ms.Position = 0;
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider clone = (CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider) bf.Deserialize (ms);
			Assert.AreEqual (enus.GetHashCode (String.Empty), clone.GetHashCode (String.Empty), "GetHashCode(string)");
			Assert.AreEqual (enus.GetHashCode (Int32.MinValue), clone.GetHashCode (Int32.MinValue), "GetHashCode(int)");
コード例 #12
		public void Constructor1_Serialization ()
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider cihcp = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
			bf.Serialize (ms, cihcp);
			byte[] ser1 = ms.ToArray ();

			cihcp = CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant;
			ms = new MemoryStream ();
			bf.Serialize (ms, cihcp);
			byte[] ser2 = ms.ToArray ();

			Assert.AreEqual (ser1, ser2, "#1");
コード例 #13
		static private void InitLookupTables ()
			// Performance arrays
			s_HttpRequestHeaderNames = new string [40];
			s_HttpResponseHeaderNames = new string [30];

			// Lookup tables (name -> id)
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider hprovider;
			hprovider = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			CaseInsensitiveComparer hcomparer;
			hcomparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			s_HttpRequestHeaderTable = new Hashtable (hprovider, hcomparer);
			s_HttpResponseHeadersTable = new Hashtable (hprovider, hcomparer);

			AddHeader (true, true, 0, "Cache-Control");
			AddHeader (true, true, 1, "Connection");
			AddHeader (true, true, 2, "Date");
			AddHeader (true, true, 3, "Keep-Alive");
			AddHeader (true, true, 4, "Pragma");
			AddHeader (true, true, 5, "Trailer");
			AddHeader (true, true, 6, "Transfer-Encoding");
			AddHeader (true, true, 7, "Upgrade");
			AddHeader (true, true, 8, "Via");
			AddHeader (true, true, 9, "Warning");
			AddHeader (true, true, 10, "Allow");
			AddHeader (true, true, 11, "Content-Length");
			AddHeader (true, true, 12, "Content-Type");
			AddHeader (true, true, 13, "Content-Encoding");
			AddHeader (true, true, 14, "Content-Language");
			AddHeader (true, true, 15, "Content-Location");
			AddHeader (true, true, 16, "Content-MD5");
			AddHeader (true, true, 17, "Content-Range");
			AddHeader (true, true, 18, "Expires");
			AddHeader (true, true, 19, "Last-Modified");
			AddHeader (true, false, 20, "Accept");
			AddHeader (true, false, 21, "Accept-Charset");
			AddHeader (true, false, 22, "Accept-Encoding");
			AddHeader (true, false, 23, "Accept-Language");
			AddHeader (true, false, 24, "Authorization");
			AddHeader (true, false, 25, "Cookie");
			AddHeader (true, false, 26, "Expect");
			AddHeader (true, false, 27, "From");
			AddHeader (true, false, 28, "Host");
			AddHeader (true, false, 29, "If-Match");
			AddHeader (true, false, 30, "If-Modified-Since");
			AddHeader (true, false, 31, "If-None-Match");
			AddHeader (true, false, 32, "If-Range");
			AddHeader (true, false, 33, "If-Unmodified-Since");
			AddHeader (true, false, 34, "Max-Forwards");
			AddHeader (true, false, 35, "Proxy-Authorization");
			AddHeader (true, false, 36, "Referer");
			AddHeader (true, false, 37, "Range");
			AddHeader (true, false, 38, "TE");
			AddHeader (true, false, 39, "User-Agent");
			AddHeader (false, true, 20, "Accept-Ranges");
			AddHeader (false, true, 21, "Age");
			AddHeader (false, true, 22, "ETag");
			AddHeader (false, true, 23, "Location");
			AddHeader (false, true, 24, "Proxy-Authenticate");
			AddHeader (false, true, 25, "Retry-After");
			AddHeader (false, true, 26, "Server");
			AddHeader (false, true, 27, "Set-Cookie");
			AddHeader (false, true, 28, "Vary");
			AddHeader (false, true, 29, "WWW-Authenticate");
コード例 #14
		private static void InitHash ()
			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider provider = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			CaseInsensitiveComparer comparer =  new CaseInsensitiveComparer (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

			directivesHash = new Hashtable (provider, comparer); 

			// Use Hashtable 'cause is O(1) in Contains (ArrayList is O(n))
			Hashtable valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in page_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("PAGE", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in control_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("CONTROL", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in import_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("IMPORT", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in implements_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("IMPLEMENTS", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in register_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("REGISTER", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in assembly_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("ASSEMBLY", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in outputcache_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("OUTPUTCACHE", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in reference_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("REFERENCE", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in webservice_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("WEBSERVICE", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			// same attributes as webservice
			foreach (string att in webservice_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("WEBHANDLER", valid_attributes);

			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in application_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("APPLICATION", valid_attributes);

#if NET_2_0
			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in mastertype_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("MASTERTYPE", valid_attributes);
			valid_attributes = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			foreach (string att in control_atts) valid_attributes.Add (att, null);
			directivesHash.Add ("MASTER", valid_attributes);
コード例 #15
        protected virtual IDictionary CreateDictionary(object parent)
            #if NET_1_0
            CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider hcp = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            CaseInsensitiveComparer comparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider hcp = CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant;
            CaseInsensitiveComparer comparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

            return parent != null ?
                new Hashtable((IDictionary) parent, hcp, comparer) :
                new Hashtable(hcp, comparer);
コード例 #16
ファイル: Document.cs プロジェクト: Kalnor/monodevelop
		private void initDocument (Control parent, DesignerHost host)
			System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine ("Creating document...");
			if (!(parent is WebFormPage))
				throw new NotImplementedException ("Only WebFormsPages can have a document for now");
			this.parent =  parent;
			this.host = host;
			if (!host.Loading)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("The document cannot be initialised or loaded unless the host is loading"); 

			CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider provider = new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			CaseInsensitiveComparer comparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			directives = new Hashtable (provider, comparer);
			this.aspParser = new DesignTimeParser (host, this);