public static StringCollection Explode(string path) { int num2; StringCollection strings = new StringCollection(); int startIndex = 0; Label_0008: num2 = path.IndexOf(SeparatorChar, startIndex); if (num2 >= 0) { if (startIndex == num2) { strings.Add(Separator); startIndex = num2 + 1; } else { strings.Add(path.Substring(startIndex, num2 - startIndex)); startIndex = num2; } goto Label_0008; } if (startIndex < path.Length) { strings.Add(path.Substring(startIndex)); } return strings; }
// // < private static string[] ParseMultiValue(string value) { StringCollection tempStringCollection = new StringCollection(); bool inquote = false; int chIndex = 0; char[] vp = new char[value.Length]; string singleValue; for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { if (value[i] == '\"') { inquote = !inquote; } else if ((value[i] == ',') && !inquote) { singleValue = new string(vp, 0, chIndex); tempStringCollection.Add(singleValue.Trim()); chIndex = 0; continue; } vp[chIndex++] = value[i]; } // // Now add the last of the header values to the stringtable. // if (chIndex != 0) { singleValue = new string(vp, 0, chIndex); tempStringCollection.Add(singleValue.Trim()); } string[] stringArray = new string[tempStringCollection.Count]; tempStringCollection.CopyTo(stringArray, 0) ; return stringArray; }
//read brain file from disc protected StringCollection readBrainFile() { StringCollection sc = new StringCollection(); if(File.Exists(filePath)) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader rs = new StreamReader(fs); string line; while ((line = rs.ReadLine()) != null) { sc.Add(line); } rs.Close(); fs.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No mind file found, creating new one"); FileStream cs = File.Create(filePath); cs.Close(); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader rs = new StreamReader(fs); string line; while ((line = rs.ReadLine()) != null) { sc.Add(line); } rs.Close(); fs.Close(); } return sc; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static List<string> SplitCamelCase(this string source) { if (source == null) return new List<string> { }; //Return empty array. if (source.Length == 0) return new List<string> { "" }; StringCollection words = new StringCollection(); int wordStartIndex = 0; char[] letters = source.ToCharArray(); // Skip the first letter. we don't care what case it is. for (int i = 1; i < letters.Length; i++) { if (char.IsUpper(letters[i])) { //Grab everything before the current index. words.Add(new String(letters, wordStartIndex, i - wordStartIndex)); wordStartIndex = i; } } //We need to have the last word. words.Add(new String(letters, wordStartIndex, letters.Length - wordStartIndex)); //Copy to a string array. string[] wordArray = new string[words.Count]; words.CopyTo(wordArray, 0); List<string> stringList = new List<string>(); stringList.AddRange(wordArray); return stringList; }
static void Main(string[] args) { System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection stringCollection = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); String[] Cities = new String[] { "Hyderabad", "Delhi", "Mumbai", "Banglore", "Chennai", "Kolkatta" }; stringCollection.AddRange(Cities); // Display the contents of the collection using foreach. Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using foreach:"); foreach (String obj in stringCollection) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", obj); } Console.WriteLine(); stringCollection.Add("Pune"); stringCollection.Add("Vizag"); stringCollection.Remove("Chennai"); Console.WriteLine("After Updating Collection:"); foreach (String obj in stringCollection) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", obj); } Console.WriteLine(); // Copy the collection to a new array starting at index 0. String[] CitiesArray = new String[stringCollection.Count]; stringCollection.CopyTo(CitiesArray, 0); Console.WriteLine("The new array contains:"); for (int i = 0; i < CitiesArray.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(" [{0}] {1}", i, CitiesArray[i]); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void AddElementToStringCollection(IElement element, ref StringCollection stringCollection, int currentLevel, string prefix, bool isLast) { if (currentLevel == 0) stringCollection.Add(element.ToString()); else { stringCollection.Add(prefix + "|_" + element); if (isLast && element.ChildrenCount == 0) stringCollection.Add(prefix); if (isLast) prefix += " "; else prefix += "| "; } for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < element.ChildrenCount; childIndex++) { IElement child = element[childIndex]; AddElementToStringCollection(child, ref stringCollection, currentLevel + 1, prefix, childIndex == element.ChildrenCount - 1); } }
public void ClipboardFetchFilesItemTest() { string file1 = Path.GetTempFileName(); string file2 = Path.GetTempFileName(); var dummyFiles = new StringCollection(); dummyFiles.Add(file1); dummyFiles.Add(file2); Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetFileDropList(dummyFiles); StringCollection copiedList = Clipboard.GetFileDropList(); Assert.AreEqual(copiedList.Count, dummyFiles.Count); var factory = new ClipboardFileFactory(); var item = factory.CreateNewClipboardItem(IntPtr.Zero) as ClipboardFileCollection; Assert.IsNotNull(item); Assert.AreEqual(item.Paths.Count(), 2); List<string> localList = item.Paths.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < localList.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(localList[i], dummyFiles[i]); } File.Delete(file1); File.Delete(file2); }
/// <summary> /// a line in a po translation file starts with either msgid or msgstr, and can cover several lines. /// the text is in quotes. /// </summary> public static string ParsePoLine(StreamReader sr, ref string ALine, out StringCollection AOriginalLines) { AOriginalLines = new StringCollection(); AOriginalLines.Add(ALine); string messageId = String.Empty; StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref ALine, " "); string quotedMessage = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref ALine, " "); if (quotedMessage.StartsWith("\"")) { quotedMessage = quotedMessage.Substring(1, quotedMessage.Length - 2); } messageId += quotedMessage; ALine = sr.ReadLine(); while (ALine.StartsWith("\"")) { AOriginalLines.Add(ALine); messageId += ALine.Substring(1, ALine.Length - 2); ALine = sr.ReadLine(); } return messageId; }
private static string CleanWordHtml(string html) { StringCollection sc = new StringCollection(); // get rid of unnecessary tag spans (comments and title) sc.Add(@"<!--(\w|\W)+?-->"); sc.Add(@"<title>(\w|\W)+?</title>"); // Get rid of classes and styles sc.Add(@"\s?class=\w+"); sc.Add(@"\s+style='[^']+'"); // Get rid of unnecessary tags sc.Add( @"<(meta|link|/?o:|/?style|/?div|/?st\d|/?head|/?html|body|/?body|/?span|!\[)[^>]*?>"); // Get rid of empty paragraph tags sc.Add(@"(<[^>]+>)+ (</\w+>)+"); // remove bizarre v: element attached to <img> tag sc.Add(@"\s+v:\w+=""[^""]+"""); // remove extra lines sc.Add(@"(\n\r){2,}"); foreach (string s in sc) { html = Regex.Replace(html, s, string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } return html; }
///<summary> ///</summary> public PeekrPop2006() { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); // Source Queues mqServerName.Items.Clear(); queueName.Items.Clear(); // Target Queues targetServerCombo.Items.Clear(); targetQueueCombo.Items.Clear(); targetQueue2.Items.Clear(); // Source Machine Names StringCollection sc = new StringCollection (); sc.Add ("VDC3APP0006"); sc.Add ("localhost"); foreach (string s in sc) { mqServerName.Items.Add (s); targetServerCombo.Items.Add (s); } }
public static string[] SplitUpperCase(this string source) { if (source == null) return new string[] {}; //Return empty array. if (source.Length == 0) return new[] {""}; var words = new StringCollection(); int wordStartIndex = 0; char[] letters = source.ToCharArray(); char previousChar = char.MinValue; // Skip the first letter. we don't care what case it is. for (int i = 1; i < letters.Length; i++) { if (char.IsUpper(letters[i]) && !char.IsWhiteSpace(previousChar)) { //Grab everything before the current index. words.Add(new String(letters, wordStartIndex, i - wordStartIndex)); wordStartIndex = i; } previousChar = letters[i]; } //We need to have the last word. words.Add(new String(letters, wordStartIndex, letters.Length - wordStartIndex)); //Copy to a string array. var wordArray = new string[words.Count]; words.CopyTo(wordArray, 0); return wordArray; }
/// <summary> /// Generate statistics file /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public StringCollection generate() { #region delete all older files (of the same type) for this questionnaire to clean temp-Directory try { foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(pathtotempdir, "RFG_report_statistic_*")) { File.Delete(file); } } catch (Exception ex) { string dummy = ex.ToString(); } #endregion int statistics_records = -1; List<string> files_names = new List<string>(); statistics_records = ReportingFacade.Format(from, until, ordering, row_number, pathtotempdir,Company_Code, ref files_names); StringCollection retvals = new StringCollection(); retvals.Add(statistics_records.ToString()); foreach (String file in files_names) retvals.Add(file); return retvals; }
private static string[] ParseMultiValue(string value) { StringCollection strings = new StringCollection(); bool flag = false; int length = 0; char[] chArray = new char[value.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { if (value[i] == '"') { flag = !flag; } else if ((value[i] == ',') && !flag) { string str = new string(chArray, 0, length); strings.Add(str.Trim()); length = 0; continue; } chArray[length++] = value[i]; } if (length != 0) { strings.Add(new string(chArray, 0, length).Trim()); } string[] array = new string[strings.Count]; strings.CopyTo(array, 0); return array; }
public void DeleteUsers() { StringCollection usersToDelete = new StringCollection(); usersToDelete.Add("OtisCurry"); usersToDelete.Add("Scurry"); int userWasDeleted = awRestCalls.DeleteUsers(usersToDelete); }
public static StringCollection GetColumnNames(string filePath, string workSheet, bool headers, int? count = null) { using (OleDbConnection excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(GetConnectionString(filePath, headers))) { StringCollection columnNames = new StringCollection(); excelConnection.Open(); String[] restriction = { null, null, workSheet, null }; DataTable dtColumns = excelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, restriction); if (dtColumns == null) throw new Exception("no columns found!"); else { if(count == null || count >= dtColumns.Rows.Count) foreach (DataRow row in dtColumns.Rows) columnNames.Add(row["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()); else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) columnNames.Add(dtColumns.Rows[i]["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()); } } excelConnection.Close(); return columnNames; } }
public static StringCollection ToStringCollection(Dictionary<string, string> dic) { var sc = new StringCollection(); foreach (var d in dic) { sc.Add(d.Key); sc.Add(d.Value); } return sc; }
public IPhoneSecurity() : base() { scPathsToCheck = new StringCollection(); scPathsToCheck.Add("/private/var/stash"); scPathsToCheck.Add("/Applications/"); scPermissionPaths = new StringCollection(); scPermissionPaths.Add("/System/"); scPermissionPaths.Add("/private/"); }
private DataTable GetAccountingPeriodListTable(TDBTransaction AReadTransaction, System.Int32 ALedgerNumber, string ATableName) { StringCollection FieldList = new StringCollection(); FieldList.Add(AAccountingPeriodTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName()); FieldList.Add(AAccountingPeriodTable.GetAccountingPeriodNumberDBName()); FieldList.Add(AAccountingPeriodTable.GetAccountingPeriodDescDBName()); FieldList.Add(AAccountingPeriodTable.GetPeriodStartDateDBName()); FieldList.Add(AAccountingPeriodTable.GetPeriodEndDateDBName()); return AAccountingPeriodAccess.LoadViaALedger(ALedgerNumber, FieldList, AReadTransaction); }
public static StringCollection DictionaryToStringCollection(Dictionary<string, Color> dictionary) { StringCollection stringCollection = new StringCollection(); foreach (var pair in dictionary) { stringCollection.Add(pair.Key); stringCollection.Add(ColorTranslator.ToHtml(pair.Value)); } return stringCollection; }
public void CreatDB(string dataFileDir) { ServerConnection c = new ServerConnection(".", "sa", "hudongsoft"); Server s = new Server(c); //s.AttachDatabase( //Database db = new Database(s, DataBaseName); //db.Create(); System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection sc = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); sc.Add(dataFileDir + @"\HdHouse.mdf"); sc.Add(dataFileDir + @"\HdHouse_log.ldf"); s.AttachDatabase(publicationDatabase, sc); }
void Save() { var collection = new StringCollection(); foreach (var channel in channels) { string password; if (passwords.TryGetValue(channel, out password)) collection.Add(channel + " " + password); collection.Add(channel); } Program.Conf.AutoJoinChannels = collection; Program.SaveConfig(); }
public static StringCollection GetLinksFromHTML(string HtmlContent) { StringCollection links = new StringCollection(); MatchCollection AnchorTags = Regex.Matches(HtmlContent.ToLower(), @"(<a.*?>.*?</a>)", RegexOptions.Singleline); MatchCollection ImageTags = Regex.Matches(HtmlContent.ToLower(), @"(<img.*?>)", RegexOptions.Singleline); foreach (Match AnchorTag in AnchorTags) { string value = AnchorTag.Groups[1].Value; Match HrefAttribute = Regex.Match(value, @"href=\""(.*?)\""", RegexOptions.Singleline); if (HrefAttribute.Success) { string HrefValue = HrefAttribute.Groups[1].Value; HrefValue = HrefValue.Replace(@"\0026", "&"); var ascii = Regex.Match(HrefValue, @"?\d\d;", RegexOptions.Singleline); if (ascii.Success) { string chr = ascii.Groups[0].ToString().Remove(0, 2); chr = chr.Remove(chr.Length-1); int ichr = int.Parse(chr); char decodedChar = (char)ichr; HrefValue = HrefValue.Replace(ascii.Groups[0].ToString(), decodedChar.ToString()); } HrefValue = HrefValue.Replace(":", ":"); if (!links.Contains(HrefValue)) { links.Add(HrefValue); } } } foreach (Match ImageTag in ImageTags) { string value = ImageTag.Groups[1].Value; Match SrcAttribute = Regex.Match(value, @"src=\""(.*?)\""", RegexOptions.Singleline); if (SrcAttribute .Success) { string SrcValue = SrcAttribute.Groups[1].Value; if (!links.Contains(SrcValue)) { links.Add(SrcValue); } } } return links; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another. /// </summary> /// <param name="fromDirectory">Contains the directory that defines the start of the relative path.</param> /// <param name="toPath">Contains the path that defines the endpoint of the relative path.</param> /// <returns>The relative path from the start directory to the end path.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception> public static string RelativePathTo(string fromDirectory, string toPath) { if (fromDirectory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fromDirectory"); if (toPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("toPath"); bool isRooted = Path.IsPathRooted(fromDirectory) && Path.IsPathRooted(toPath); if (isRooted) { bool isDifferentRoot = string.Compare(Path.GetPathRoot(fromDirectory), Path.GetPathRoot(toPath), true) != 0; if (isDifferentRoot) return toPath; } StringCollection relativePath = new StringCollection(); string[] fromDirectories = fromDirectory.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); string[] toDirectories = toPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); int length = Math.Min(fromDirectories.Length, toDirectories.Length); int lastCommonRoot = -1; // find common root for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) { if (string.Compare(fromDirectories[x], toDirectories[x], true) != 0) break; lastCommonRoot = x; } if (lastCommonRoot == -1) return toPath; // add relative folders in from path for (int x = lastCommonRoot + 1; x < fromDirectories.Length; x++) if (fromDirectories[x].Length > 0) relativePath.Add(".."); // add to folders to path for (int x = lastCommonRoot + 1; x < toDirectories.Length; x++) relativePath.Add(toDirectories[x]); // create relative path string[] relativeParts = new string[relativePath.Count]; relativePath.CopyTo(relativeParts, 0); string newPath = string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), relativeParts); return newPath; }
public static StringCollection SummaryString(this IPersistIfcEntity entity) { StringCollection sc = new StringCollection(); sc.Add("Entity\t = #" + entity.EntityLabel); if (entity is IfcRoot) { IfcRoot root = entity as IfcRoot; sc.Add("Guid\t = " + root.GlobalId); sc.Add("Type\t = " + root.GetType().Name); sc.Add("Name\t = " + (root.Name.HasValue ? root.Name.Value.ToString() : root.ToString())); } return sc; }
public static void SearchGridColumns(string sGRID_NAME, UniqueStringCollection arrSelectFields) { StringCollection arrSkippedFields = new StringCollection(); arrSkippedFields.Add("USER_NAME" ); arrSkippedFields.Add("ASSIGNED_TO" ); arrSkippedFields.Add("CREATED_BY" ); arrSkippedFields.Add("MODIFIED_BY" ); arrSkippedFields.Add("DATE_ENTERED" ); arrSkippedFields.Add("DATE_MODIFIED"); arrSkippedFields.Add("TEAM_NAME" ); arrSkippedFields.Add("TEAM_SET_NAME"); GridColumns(sGRID_NAME, arrSelectFields, arrSkippedFields); }
/// <summary> /// Identifies the commands exposed by a bundle represented by the "packageZipFilePath" /// </summary> /// <param name="packageZipFilePath">Path to the zip file of the bundle</param> /// <param name="localCommands">Returns the local commands identified from packagecontents.xml</param> /// <param name="globalCommands">Returns the global commands identified from packagecontents.xml</param> public static void FindListedCommands(String packageZipFilePath, ref StringCollection localCommands, ref StringCollection globalCommands) { String tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(); if (File.Exists(packageZipFilePath)) { using (System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive za = System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.OpenRead(packageZipFilePath)) { foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in za.Entries) { if (entry.FullName.EndsWith("PackageContents.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.Combine(tempPath, entry.FullName))); String packageContentsXmlFilePath = Path.Combine(tempPath, entry.FullName); if (File.Exists(packageContentsXmlFilePath)) File.Delete(packageContentsXmlFilePath); entry.ExtractToFile(packageContentsXmlFilePath); localCommands.Clear(); globalCommands.Clear(); System.IO.TextReader tr = new System.IO.StreamReader(packageContentsXmlFilePath); using (System.Xml.XmlReader reader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(tr)) { while (reader.ReadToFollowing("Command")) { reader.MoveToFirstAttribute(); if (reader.Name.Equals("Local")) localCommands.Add(reader.Value); else if (reader.Name.Equals("Global")) globalCommands.Add(reader.Value); while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.Name.Equals("Local")) localCommands.Add(reader.Value); else if (reader.Name.Equals("Global")) globalCommands.Add(reader.Value); } } } tr.Close(); break; } } } } }
public StringCollection ParseCsv(string buffer) { StringCollection items = new StringCollection(); char[] ci = new char[buffer.Length + 1]; buffer.CopyTo(0, ci, 0, buffer.Length); ci[buffer.Length] = separator; char[] co = new char[buffer.Length]; char cc; int ix = 0, jx = 0; bool inQuotes = false; while (ix < ci.Length) { cc = ci[ix++]; if (cc == q2) { if (ix < ci.Length) if (ci[ix] == q2 && inQuotes) co[jx++] = ci[ix++]; else inQuotes = (!inQuotes && useDoubleQuotes); else inQuotes = (!inQuotes && useDoubleQuotes); } else if (cc == separator) { if (inQuotes) co[jx++] = cc; else { string s1 = new string(co, 0, jx); items.Add(s1.Trim()); jx = 0; } } else co[jx++] = cc; } if (jx > 0) { string s1 = new string(co, 0, jx); items.Add(s1.Trim()); } for (int n = items.Count; n < numberOfFields; n++) items.Add(string.Empty); return items; }
public void BuildContainerFromMoreThanOneAssembly() { StringCollection assemblies = new StringCollection(); assemblies.Add("../../../TestCompWithAttributes/bin/Debug/TestCompWithAttributes.dll"); assemblies.Add("../../../NotStartable/bin/Debug/NotStartable.dll"); IMutablePicoContainer parent = new DefaultPicoContainer(); parent.RegisterComponentInstance(new StringBuilder("This is needed for type NotStartable")); ContainerBuilderFacade cbf = new AttributeBasedContainerBuilderFacade(); IMutablePicoContainer picoContainer = cbf.Build(parent, assemblies); Assert.IsNotNull(picoContainer.GetComponentInstance("testcomp3-key")); Assert.IsNotNull(picoContainer.GetComponentInstance("notstartable")); }
private void copyToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { return; } switch (dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["type"].Value.ToString()) { case "0": { using (Image img = Image.FromFile(dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["path"].Value.ToString())) { Clipboard.SetImage(img); } } break; case "1": { Clipboard.SetText(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, File.ReadAllLines(dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["path"].Value.ToString()))); } break; case "2": { System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection FileCollection = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); FileCollection.Add(dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["path"].Value.ToString()); Clipboard.SetFileDropList(FileCollection); } break; } }
public void addToClipBoard(List <String> text) { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new InvokeDelegateAddClipBoard(addToClipBoard), text); return; } Clipboard.Clear(); System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection FileCollection = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); foreach (string FileToCopy in text) { FileCollection.Add(FileToCopy); } byte[] moveEffect = new byte[] { 2, 0, 0, 0 }; MemoryStream dropEffect = new MemoryStream(); dropEffect.Write(moveEffect, 0, moveEffect.Length); DataObject data = new DataObject(); data.SetFileDropList(FileCollection); data.SetData("Preferred DropEffect", dropEffect); Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetDataObject(data, true); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="folder"></param> public virtual void LoadSlideNames(string folder) { string[] files157b6d8a = null; System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection StringCollectionFileNames3a9e25eb = null; string filename865b90e0 = null; int UnderScorePos2041a161 = 0; files157b6d8a = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.xml"); StringCollectionFileNames3a9e25eb = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); for (int index_157b6d8a_9d82a78a = 0; (index_157b6d8a_9d82a78a < files157b6d8a.Length); index_157b6d8a_9d82a78a++) { filename865b90e0 = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(files157b6d8a[index_157b6d8a_9d82a78a]); UnderScorePos2041a161 = filename865b90e0.IndexOf('_'); if ((UnderScorePos2041a161 > 1)) { filename865b90e0 = filename865b90e0.Substring(0, UnderScorePos2041a161); if ((StringCollectionFileNames3a9e25eb.Contains(filename865b90e0) == false)) { StringCollectionFileNames3a9e25eb.Add(filename865b90e0); } } } for (int index_3a9e25eb_93735191 = 0; (index_3a9e25eb_93735191 < StringCollectionFileNames3a9e25eb.Count); index_3a9e25eb_93735191++) { this.ListBox1.Items.Add(StringCollectionFileNames3a9e25eb[index_3a9e25eb_93735191]); } }
public static StringCollection FindPlugin(string pluginName) { StringCollection namespaces = new StringCollection(); try { HxRegistryWalkerClass registryWalker = new HxRegistryWalkerClass(); IHxRegNamespaceList help2Namespaces = registryWalker.get_RegisteredNamespaceList(""); foreach (IHxRegNamespace currentNamespace in help2Namespaces) { IHxRegPlugInList p = (IHxRegPlugInList)currentNamespace.GetProperty(HxRegNamespacePropId.HxRegNamespacePlugInList); foreach (IHxRegPlugIn plugin in p) { string currentName = (string)plugin.GetProperty(HxRegPlugInPropId.HxRegPlugInName); if (string.Compare(currentName, pluginName) == 0) { namespaces.Add(currentNamespace.Name); break; } } } } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { } return namespaces; }
internal AddinRegistry (string registryPath, string startupDirectory) { basePath = Util.GetFullPath (registryPath); database = new AddinDatabase (this); addinDirs = new StringCollection (); addinDirs.Add (Path.Combine (basePath, "addins")); }
private void updatecombo(ComboBox cb, System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection strs, string t) { if (cb.Items.IndexOf(t) != 0) { // should save selection and cursor position here int ss = cb.SelectionStart; int sl = cb.SelectionLength; cb.Items.Remove(t); cb.Items.Insert(0, t); cb.Select(ss, sl); strs.Clear(); foreach (string i in cb.Items) { strs.Add(i); } Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } if (!cb.Text.Equals(t)) { cb.Text = t; } }
public override void Run(KExplorerNode folder) { StringCollection paths = new StringCollection(); paths.Add( folder.DirInfo.FullName ); Clipboard.SetFileDropList(paths); }
public static void LearnStringCollection() { Console.WriteLine("From LearnStringCollection Method"); System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection strCollection = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); String[] arString = new String[] { "ATUL", "THERAN" }; strCollection.AddRange(arString); strCollection.Add("atul"); //Adding same in another case strCollection.Add("THERAN"); //Adding duplicate foreach (var item in strCollection) { Console.WriteLine(item); } for (int i = 0; i < strCollection.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Value at index # {i} is {strCollection[i]}"); } }
public static void CopyFile(List <string> ListFilePaths) { System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection FileCollection = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); foreach (string FileToCopy in ListFilePaths) { FileCollection.Add(FileToCopy); } Clipboard.SetFileDropList(FileCollection); }
private void SaveSettings() { StringCollection stringCollection = new StringCollection(); foreach (var item in _OutputWindowList) { stringCollection.Add(Convert.ToString(item)); } //Saves all settings from the current session for retrieval later. Properties.Settings.Default.Angle1 = _Settings.Angle1; Properties.Settings.Default.Angle2 = _Settings.Angle2; Properties.Settings.Default.Angle3 = _Settings.Angle3; Properties.Settings.Default.Angle4 = _Settings.Angle4; Properties.Settings.Default.CurrentAngle = _Settings.CurrentAngle; Properties.Settings.Default.FixedDecimal = _Settings.FixedDecimals; Properties.Settings.Default.OutputWindowStringCollection = stringCollection; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); }
private static void AddDFFContent(System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection DFFFiletext, string strPath) { Boolean bFound = false; foreach (string s in DFFFiletext) { if (s.Contains(strPath)) { bFound = true; break; } } if (bFound) { } else { DFFFiletext.Add(strPath + "\t" + strPath.Replace("TEMPLATE\\FEATURES\\", "")); } }
//protected because we want a Singleton and clients only need to use static methods. protected TestManager() { string tokens = ""; try { RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\SIL\Fieldworks\TestManager"); tokens = (string)key.GetValue("Approve"); } catch //if the registry isn't set up right, then we just treat the list of tokens as empty { } string[] tokenList = tokens.Split(new char[] { ' ', ',' }); m_tokens = new StringCollection(); //ensure that capitalization does not mess anyone up foreach (string token in tokenList) { m_tokens.Add(token.ToLower()); } }
public static int TextHasErrors(ref HyperComponents.WebUI.CustomSpellChecker.SpellChecker c, string v) { System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection badWords = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); BadWord badWord = null; badWords.Clear(); //check some text. c.Check(v); int nbErrors = 0; //iterate through all bad words in the text. while ((badWord = c.NextBadWord()) != null) { if (badWords.IndexOf(badWord.Word) < 0) { //Trace.Warn(" -> " + badWord.Word + " - " + badWord.Reason.ToString()); nbErrors++; badWords.Add(badWord.Word); } } return(nbErrors); }
static void WalkDirectoryTree(System.IO.DirectoryInfo root) { System.IO.FileInfo[] files = null; System.IO.DirectoryInfo[] subDirs = null; // First, process all the files directly under this folder try { files = root.GetFiles("*.*"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) { // This code just writes out the message and continues to recurse. log.Add(e.Message); } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } if (files != null) { foreach (System.IO.FileInfo fi in files) { Console.WriteLine(fi.FullName); } // Now find all the subdirectories under this directory. subDirs = root.GetDirectories(); foreach (System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirInfo in subDirs) { // Resursive call for each subdirectory. WalkDirectoryTree(dirInfo); } } }
public StringCollection getResidentIDs() { System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection sc = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); try { foreach (Animal a in this.myAnimals) { if (a.GetType().Name == "Resident") { sc.Add(a.IdNum.ToString()); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { #if (DEBUG) System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); #endif eLog.Debug(ex); } return(sc); }
static void WalkDirectoryTree(System.IO.DirectoryInfo root) { System.IO.FileInfo[] files = null; System.IO.DirectoryInfo[] subDirs = null; try { files = root.GetFiles("*.*"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) { log.Add(e.Message); } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } if (files != null) { foreach (System.IO.FileInfo fi in files) { Console.WriteLine(fi.FullName); } subDirs = root.GetDirectories(); foreach (System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirInfo in subDirs) { WalkDirectoryTree(dirInfo); } } }
public static List <StringCollection> GetExelData(string fileName, string sheetName) { List <StringCollection> rez = new List <System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection>(); using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fileName, false)) { #region sheet number N S sheets = document.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets; int N = -1; int i = 0; foreach (E st in sheets) { foreach (A attr in st.GetAttributes()) { if (attr.LocalName == "name") { if (attr.Value == sheetName) { N = i; } break; } } if (N >= 0) { break; } i++; } #endregion Sheet sheet = document.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Descendants <Sheet>().ElementAt <Sheet>(N); Worksheet worksheet = ((WorksheetPart)document.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id)).Worksheet; IEnumerable <R> allRows = worksheet.GetFirstChild <SheetData>().Descendants <R>(); WorkbookPart workbookPart = document.WorkbookPart; WorksheetPart worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)workbookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id); SharedStringTablePart sharedStringPart = workbookPart.SharedStringTablePart; IEnumerable <SharedStringItem> table = sharedStringPart.SharedStringTable.Elements <SharedStringItem>(); List <string> PF = new List <string>(); foreach (SharedStringItem fd in sharedStringPart.SharedStringTable) { PF.Add(fd.InnerText); } // int NN = 0; foreach (R currentRow in allRows) { // if (NN > 1000) { break; } StringCollection strcoll = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); IEnumerable <C> allCells = currentRow.Descendants <C>(); foreach (C currentCell in allCells) { try { string data = null; if (currentCell.DataType != null && currentCell.DataType.Value == CellValues.SharedString) { int index = int.Parse(currentCell.CellValue.Text); data = PF[index]; //table.ElementAt(index).InnerText; } else { data = currentCell.CellValue.Text; } if ((data != null) && (data.Length > 0)) { strcoll.Add(data); } } catch { } } if (strcoll.Count > 0) { rez.Add(strcoll); } //NN++; } } return(rez); }
public static void MakeLegitimate(string name) { legitDirectories.Add(name); Properties.Settings.Default.LegitDirectories = legitDirectories; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); }
private static void InitCollections() { ProjectFileList = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); // If you do not want a file with a particular extension or name // to be added, then add that extension or name to this list: excludedExtensions = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); excludedExtensions.Add(".obj"); excludedExtensions.Add(".ilk"); excludedExtensions.Add(".pch"); excludedExtensions.Add(".pdb"); excludedExtensions.Add(".exe"); excludedExtensions.Add(".dll"); excludedExtensions.Add(".sbr"); excludedExtensions.Add(".lib"); excludedExtensions.Add(".exp"); excludedExtensions.Add(".bsc"); excludedExtensions.Add(".tlb"); excludedExtensions.Add(".ncb"); excludedExtensions.Add(".sln"); excludedExtensions.Add(".suo"); excludedExtensions.Add(".vcproj"); excludedExtensions.Add(".vbproj"); excludedExtensions.Add(".csproj"); excludedExtensions.Add(".vjsproj"); excludedExtensions.Add(".msi"); excludedExtensions.Add("_svn"); }
System.Web.Services.Description.WebReferenceOptions Read4_WebReferenceOptions(bool isNullable, bool checkType) { System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName xsiType = checkType ? GetXsiType() : null; bool isNull = false; if (isNullable) { isNull = ReadNull(); } if (checkType) { if (xsiType == null || ((object)((System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)xsiType).Name == (object)id1_webReferenceOptions && (object)((System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)xsiType).Namespace == (object)id2_Item)) { } else { throw CreateUnknownTypeException((System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)xsiType); } } if (isNull) { return(null); } System.Web.Services.Description.WebReferenceOptions o; o = new System.Web.Services.Description.WebReferenceOptions(); System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection a_1 = (System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection)o.@SchemaImporterExtensions; bool[] paramsRead = new bool[4]; while (Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (!IsXmlnsAttribute(Reader.Name)) { UnknownNode((object)o); } } Reader.MoveToElement(); if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) { Reader.Skip(); return(o); } Reader.ReadStartElement(); Reader.MoveToContent(); int whileIterations0 = 0; int readerCount0 = ReaderCount; while (Reader.NodeType != System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement && Reader.NodeType != System.Xml.XmlNodeType.None) { if (Reader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element) { if (!paramsRead[0] && ((object)Reader.LocalName == (object)id3_codeGenerationOptions && (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)id2_Item)) { if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) { Reader.Skip(); } else { o.@CodeGenerationOptions = Read1_CodeGenerationOptions(Reader.ReadElementString()); } paramsRead[0] = true; } else if (((object)Reader.LocalName == (object)id4_schemaImporterExtensions && (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)id2_Item)) { if (!ReadNull()) { System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection a_1_0 = (System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection)o.@SchemaImporterExtensions; if (((object)(a_1_0) == null) || (Reader.IsEmptyElement)) { Reader.Skip(); } else { Reader.ReadStartElement(); Reader.MoveToContent(); int whileIterations1 = 0; int readerCount1 = ReaderCount; while (Reader.NodeType != System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement && Reader.NodeType != System.Xml.XmlNodeType.None) { if (Reader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element) { if (((object)Reader.LocalName == (object)id5_type && (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)id2_Item)) { if (ReadNull()) { a_1_0.Add(null); } else { a_1_0.Add(Reader.ReadElementString()); } } else { UnknownNode(null, @""); } } else { UnknownNode(null, @""); } Reader.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations1, ref readerCount1); } ReadEndElement(); } } } else if (!paramsRead[2] && ((object)Reader.LocalName == (object)id6_style && (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)id2_Item)) { if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) { Reader.Skip(); } else { o.@Style = Read2_ServiceDescriptionImportStyle(Reader.ReadElementString()); } paramsRead[2] = true; } else if (!paramsRead[3] && ((object)Reader.LocalName == (object)id7_verbose && (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)id2_Item)) { { o.@Verbose = System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToBoolean(Reader.ReadElementString()); } paramsRead[3] = true; } else { UnknownNode((object)o, @",,,"); } } else { UnknownNode((object)o, @",,,"); } Reader.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations0, ref readerCount0); } ReadEndElement(); return(o); }
static void WalkDirectoryTree(System.IO.DirectoryInfo root, string path) { System.IO.FileInfo[] files = null; System.IO.DirectoryInfo[] subDirs = null; if (Directory.Exists(@path + "\\Enc\\")) { Output.WriteLine("That path exists already."); } else { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(@path + "\\Enc\\"); Output.WriteLine("The directory was created successfully at : " + Directory.GetCreationTime(@path + "\\Enc\\")); // First, process all the files directly under this folder } try { files = root.GetFiles("*.*"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) { log.Add(e.Message); } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException e) { Output.WriteLine(e.Message); } if (files != null) { Output.WriteLine("root is : " + root.ToString()); foreach (System.IO.FileInfo fi in files) { try { if (fi.FullName.StartsWith(path)) { Output.WriteLine(fi.FullName); khan_bypass h = new khan_bypass(); string pass = "******"; string p = fi.FullName.ToString().Replace("\\", "-").Replace(":", "_"); Output.WriteLine(p); h.Khan_encrypt(fi.FullName, @path + "\\Enc\\" + p + ".en", pass, h.salt, 1000); File.Delete(fi.FullName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Output.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } subDirs = root.GetDirectories(); foreach (System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirInfo in subDirs) { WalkDirectoryTree(dirInfo, path); } } }
public void Populate() { #region Types of Keywords FieldPublicDynamic = new { PropPublic1 = "A", PropPublic2 = 1, PropPublic3 = "B", PropPublic4 = "B", PropPublic5 = "B", PropPublic6 = "B", PropPublic7 = "B", PropPublic8 = "B", PropPublic9 = "B", PropPublic10 = "B", PropPublic11 = "B", PropPublic12 = new { PropSubPublic1 = 0, PropSubPublic2 = 1, PropSubPublic3 = 2 } }; FieldPublicObject = new StringBuilder("Object - StringBuilder"); FieldPublicInt32 = int.MaxValue; FieldPublicInt64 = long.MaxValue; FieldPublicULong = ulong.MaxValue; FieldPublicUInt = uint.MaxValue; FieldPublicDecimal = 100000.999999m; FieldPublicDouble = 100000.999999d; FieldPublicChar = 'A'; FieldPublicByte = byte.MaxValue; FieldPublicBoolean = true; FieldPublicSByte = sbyte.MaxValue; FieldPublicShort = short.MaxValue; FieldPublicUShort = ushort.MaxValue; FieldPublicFloat = 100000.675555f; FieldPublicInt32Nullable = int.MaxValue; FieldPublicInt64Nullable = 2; FieldPublicULongNullable = ulong.MaxValue; FieldPublicUIntNullable = uint.MaxValue; FieldPublicDecimalNullable = 100000.999999m; FieldPublicDoubleNullable = 100000.999999d; FieldPublicCharNullable = 'A'; FieldPublicByteNullable = byte.MaxValue; FieldPublicBooleanNullable = true; FieldPublicSByteNullable = sbyte.MaxValue; FieldPublicShortNullable = short.MaxValue; FieldPublicUShortNullable = ushort.MaxValue; FieldPublicFloatNullable = 100000.675555f; #endregion #region System FieldPublicDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); FieldPublicTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 10, 40); FieldPublicEnumDateTimeKind = DateTimeKind.Local; // Instantiate date and time using Persian calendar with years, // months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds FieldPublicDateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(1387, 2, 12, 8, 6, 32, 545, new System.Globalization.PersianCalendar(), new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)); FieldPublicIntPtr = new IntPtr(100); FieldPublicTimeZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone; FieldPublicTimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.Utc; FieldPublicTuple = Tuple.Create <string, int, decimal>("T-string\"", 1, 1.1m); FieldPublicType = typeof(object); FieldPublicUIntPtr = new UIntPtr(100); FieldPublicUri = new Uri(""); FieldPublicVersion = new Version(1, 0, 100, 1); FieldPublicGuid = new Guid("d5010f5b-0cd1-44ca-aacb-5678b9947e6c"); FieldPublicSingle = Single.MaxValue; FieldPublicException = new Exception("Test error", new Exception("inner exception")); FieldPublicEnumNonGeneric = EnumTest.ValueA; FieldPublicAction = () => true.Equals(true); FieldPublicAction2 = (a, b) => true.Equals(true); FieldPublicFunc = () => true; FieldPublicFunc2 = (a, b) => true; #endregion #region Arrays and Collections FieldPublicArrayUni = new string[2]; FieldPublicArrayUni[0] = "[0]"; FieldPublicArrayUni[1] = "[1]"; FieldPublicArrayTwo = new string[2, 2]; FieldPublicArrayTwo[0, 0] = "[0, 0]"; FieldPublicArrayTwo[0, 1] = "[0, 1]"; FieldPublicArrayTwo[1, 0] = "[1, 0]"; FieldPublicArrayTwo[1, 1] = "[1, 1]"; FieldPublicArrayThree = new string[1, 1, 2]; FieldPublicArrayThree[0, 0, 0] = "[0, 0, 0]"; FieldPublicArrayThree[0, 0, 1] = "[0, 0, 1]"; FieldPublicJaggedArrayTwo = new string[2][]; FieldPublicJaggedArrayTwo[0] = new string[5] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" }; FieldPublicJaggedArrayTwo[1] = new string[4] { "a1", "b1", "c1", "d1" }; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree = new string[1][][]; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree[0] = new string[1][]; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree[0][0] = new string[2]; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree[0][0][0] = "[0][0][0]"; FieldPublicJaggedArrayThree[0][0][1] = "[0][0][1]"; FieldPublicMixedArrayAndJagged = new int[3][, ] { new int[, ] { { 1, 3 }, { 5, 7 } }, new int[, ] { { 0, 2 }, { 4, 6 }, { 8, 10 } }, new int[, ] { { 11, 22 }, { 99, 88 }, { 0, 9 } } }; FieldPublicDictionary = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>(); FieldPublicDictionary.Add("Key1", "Value1"); FieldPublicDictionary.Add("Key2", "Value2"); FieldPublicDictionary.Add("Key3", "Value3"); FieldPublicDictionary.Add("Key4", "Value4"); FieldPublicList = new System.Collections.Generic.List <int>(); FieldPublicList.Add(0); FieldPublicList.Add(1); FieldPublicList.Add(2); FieldPublicQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <int>(); FieldPublicQueue.Enqueue(10); FieldPublicQueue.Enqueue(11); FieldPublicQueue.Enqueue(12); FieldPublicHashSet = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <string>(); FieldPublicHashSet.Add("HashSet1"); FieldPublicHashSet.Add("HashSet2"); FieldPublicSortedSet = new System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet <string>(); FieldPublicSortedSet.Add("SortedSet1"); FieldPublicSortedSet.Add("SortedSet2"); FieldPublicSortedSet.Add("SortedSet3"); FieldPublicStack = new System.Collections.Generic.Stack <string>(); FieldPublicStack.Push("Stack1"); FieldPublicStack.Push("Stack2"); FieldPublicStack.Push("Stack3"); FieldPublicLinkedList = new System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList <string>(); FieldPublicLinkedList.AddFirst("LinkedList1"); FieldPublicLinkedList.AddLast("LinkedList2"); FieldPublicLinkedList.AddAfter(FieldPublicLinkedList.Find("LinkedList1"), "LinkedList1.1"); FieldPublicObservableCollection = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <string>(); FieldPublicObservableCollection.Add("ObservableCollection1"); FieldPublicObservableCollection.Add("ObservableCollection2"); FieldPublicKeyedCollection = new MyDataKeyedCollection(); FieldPublicKeyedCollection.Add(new MyData() { Data = "data1", Id = 0 }); FieldPublicKeyedCollection.Add(new MyData() { Data = "data2", Id = 1 }); var list = new List <string>(); list.Add("list1"); list.Add("list2"); list.Add("list3"); FieldPublicReadOnlyCollection = new ReadOnlyCollection <string>(list); FieldPublicReadOnlyDictionary = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(FieldPublicDictionary); FieldPublicReadOnlyObservableCollection = new ReadOnlyObservableCollection <string>(FieldPublicObservableCollection); FieldPublicCollection = new Collection <string>(); FieldPublicCollection.Add("collection1"); FieldPublicCollection.Add("collection2"); FieldPublicCollection.Add("collection3"); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric.Add(1); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric.Add("a"); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric.Add(10.0m); FieldPublicArrayListNonGeneric.Add(new DateTime(2000, 01, 01)); FieldPublicBitArray = new System.Collections.BitArray(3); FieldPublicBitArray[2] = true; FieldPublicSortedList = new System.Collections.SortedList(); FieldPublicSortedList.Add("key1", 1); FieldPublicSortedList.Add("key2", 2); FieldPublicSortedList.Add("key3", 3); FieldPublicSortedList.Add("key4", 4); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric.Add("key1", 1); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric.Add("key2", 2); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric.Add("key3", 3); FieldPublicHashtableNonGeneric.Add("key4", 4); FieldPublicQueueNonGeneric = new System.Collections.Queue(); FieldPublicQueueNonGeneric.Enqueue("QueueNonGeneric1"); FieldPublicQueueNonGeneric.Enqueue("QueueNonGeneric2"); FieldPublicQueueNonGeneric.Enqueue("QueueNonGeneric3"); FieldPublicStackNonGeneric = new System.Collections.Stack(); FieldPublicStackNonGeneric.Push("StackNonGeneric1"); FieldPublicStackNonGeneric.Push("StackNonGeneric2"); FieldPublicIEnumerable = FieldPublicSortedList; FieldPublicBlockingCollection = new System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection <string>(); FieldPublicBlockingCollection.Add("BlockingCollection1"); FieldPublicBlockingCollection.Add("BlockingCollection2"); FieldPublicConcurrentBag = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag <string>(); FieldPublicConcurrentBag.Add("ConcurrentBag1"); FieldPublicConcurrentBag.Add("ConcurrentBag2"); FieldPublicConcurrentBag.Add("ConcurrentBag3"); FieldPublicConcurrentDictionary = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary <string, int>(); FieldPublicConcurrentDictionary.GetOrAdd("ConcurrentDictionary1", 0); FieldPublicConcurrentDictionary.GetOrAdd("ConcurrentDictionary2", 0); FieldPublicConcurrentQueue = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue <string>(); FieldPublicConcurrentQueue.Enqueue("ConcurrentQueue1"); FieldPublicConcurrentQueue.Enqueue("ConcurrentQueue2"); FieldPublicConcurrentStack = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack <string>(); FieldPublicConcurrentStack.Push("ConcurrentStack1"); FieldPublicConcurrentStack.Push("ConcurrentStack2"); // FieldPublicOrderablePartitioner = new OrderablePartitioner(); // FieldPublicPartitioner; // FieldPublicPartitionerNonGeneric; FieldPublicHybridDictionary = new System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary(); FieldPublicHybridDictionary.Add("HybridDictionaryKey1", "HybridDictionary1"); FieldPublicHybridDictionary.Add("HybridDictionaryKey2", "HybridDictionary2"); FieldPublicListDictionary = new System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary(); FieldPublicListDictionary.Add("ListDictionaryKey1", "ListDictionary1"); FieldPublicListDictionary.Add("ListDictionaryKey2", "ListDictionary2"); FieldPublicNameValueCollection = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(); FieldPublicNameValueCollection.Add("Key1", "Value1"); FieldPublicNameValueCollection.Add("Key2", "Value2"); FieldPublicOrderedDictionary = new System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary(); FieldPublicOrderedDictionary.Add(1, "OrderedDictionary1"); FieldPublicOrderedDictionary.Add(2, "OrderedDictionary1"); FieldPublicOrderedDictionary.Add("OrderedDictionaryKey2", "OrderedDictionary2"); FieldPublicStringCollection = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); FieldPublicStringCollection.Add("StringCollection1"); FieldPublicStringCollection.Add("StringCollection2"); #endregion #region Several PropXmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); PropXmlDocument.LoadXml("<xml>something</xml>"); var tr = new StringReader("<Root>Content</Root>"); PropXDocument = XDocument.Load(tr); PropStream = GenerateStreamFromString("Stream"); PropBigInteger = new System.Numerics.BigInteger(100); PropStringBuilder = new StringBuilder("StringBuilder"); FieldPublicIQueryable = new List <string>() { "IQueryable" }.AsQueryable(); #endregion #region Custom FieldPublicMyCollectionPublicGetEnumerator = new MyCollectionPublicGetEnumerator("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicMyCollectionInheritsPublicGetEnumerator = new MyCollectionInheritsPublicGetEnumerator("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicMyCollectionExplicitGetEnumerator = new MyCollectionExplicitGetEnumerator("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicMyCollectionInheritsExplicitGetEnumerator = new MyCollectionInheritsExplicitGetEnumerator("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicMyCollectionInheritsTooIEnumerable = new MyCollectionInheritsTooIEnumerable("a b c", new char[] { ' ' }); FieldPublicEnumSpecific = EnumTest.ValueB; MyDelegate = MethodDelegate; EmptyClass = new EmptyClass(); StructGeneric = new ThreeTuple <int>(0, 1, 2); StructGenericNullable = new ThreeTuple <int>(0, 1, 2); FieldPublicNullable = new Nullable <ThreeTuple <int> >(StructGeneric); #endregion }