public static double integrate(func f, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <double> init_ticks, double eps1) { var points = new System.Collections.Generic.Stack <Point>(); var areas = new System.Collections.Generic.List <double>(); foreach (var x in init_ticks) { points.Push(new Point(x, f(x))); } var full_width = init_ticks.Last() - init_ticks.First(); Point right; double eps = eps1 * 4.0 / full_width; while (points.Count > 1) { //Console.WriteLine(points.Count); right = points.Pop(); var left = points.Peek(); var mid = Integration.midpoint(ref left, ref right, f); if (Math.Abs(left.f + right.f - mid.f * 2.0) <= eps) { areas.Add((left.f + right.f + mid.f * 2.0) * (right.x - left.x) / 4.0); } else { points.Push(mid); points.Push(right); } } areas.Sort(delegate(double x, double y){ return(Math.Abs(x).CompareTo(Math.Abs(y))); }); return(areas.Sum()); }
private void DrawingCanvas_StrokesCollected(InkPresenter sender, InkStrokesCollectedEventArgs args) { System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <InkStroke> strokes = sender.StrokeContainer.GetStrokes(); StrokeSampleBuilder sampleBuilder = new StrokeSampleBuilder((uint)strokes.Count); foreach (InkStroke stroke in strokes) { System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <InkPoint> points = stroke.GetInkPoints(); StrokeBuilder strokeBuilder = new StrokeBuilder((uint)points.Count); foreach (InkPoint point in points) { strokeBuilder.AddPoint(point.Position.X, point.Position.Y); } sampleBuilder.AddStroke(; } StrokeSample sample =; Scores scores = classifier.classify(sample); ResultsList.Items.Clear(); foreach (Score score in scores) { ResultsList.Items.Add(new SymbolListItem(score.Symbol, score.Value)); } }
private static byte GetLRC(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <byte> data) { var checksum = data[1]; for (var i = 2; i <= data.Count - 1; i++) { checksum ^= data[i]; } return(checksum); }
public static Page GetPreviousPage(Page currentPage, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Page> navStack) { Page previousPage = null; int currentPageIndex = GetCurrentPageIndex(currentPage, navStack); int previousPageIndex = currentPageIndex - 1; if (navStack.Count >= 0 && previousPageIndex >= 0) previousPage = navStack[previousPageIndex]; return previousPage; }
/** * Return true if the given loops form a valid polygon. Assumes that that all * of the given loops have already been validated. */ public static bool IsValidPolygon(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <S2Loop> loops) { // If a loop contains an edge AB, then no other loop may contain AB or BA. // We only need this test if there are at least two loops, assuming that // each loop has already been validated. if (loops.Count > 1) { System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary <UndirectedEdge, LoopVertexIndexPair> edges = new Dictionary <UndirectedEdge, LoopVertexIndexPair>(); for (var i = 0; i < loops.Count; ++i) { var lp = loops[i]; for (var j = 0; j < lp.NumVertices; ++j) { var key = new UndirectedEdge(lp.Vertex(j), lp.Vertex(j + 1)); var value = new LoopVertexIndexPair(i, j); if (edges.ContainsKey(key)) { var other = edges[key]; Debug.WriteLine( "Duplicate edge: loop " + i + ", edge " + j + " and loop " + other.LoopIndex + ", edge " + other.VertexIndex); return(false); } else { edges[key] = value; } } } } // Verify that no loop covers more than half of the sphere, and that no // two loops cross. for (var i = 0; i < loops.Count; ++i) { if (!loops[i].IsNormalized) { Debug.WriteLine("Loop " + i + " encloses more than half the sphere"); return(false); } for (var j = i + 1; j < loops.Count; ++j) { // This test not only checks for edge crossings, it also detects // cases where the two boundaries cross at a shared vertex. if (loops[i].ContainsOrCrosses(loops[j]) < 0) { Debug.WriteLine("Loop " + i + " crosses loop " + j); return(false); } } } return(true); }
public static int GetCurrentPageIndex(Page currentPage, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Page> navStack) { int stackCount = navStack.Count; for (int x = 0; x < stackCount; x++) { var view = navStack[x]; if (view == currentPage) return x; } return stackCount - 1; }
private async void BtnDescriptorsClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Characteristic != null) { descriptors = await Characteristic.GetDescriptorsAsync(); descriptor = (IDescriptor)Characteristic.GetDescriptorAsync(Guid.Parse("guid")); this.RunOnUiThread(() => { Toast.MakeText(this, "Descriptors: " + descriptors + "Descriptor: " + descriptor, ToastLength.Long).Show(); }); } else { Toast.MakeText(this, "Characteristic is Empty", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }
public void ValuesToObjects_UnitTest() { Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jObject = default(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject); System.Func <Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken, T> creator = default(System.Func <Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken, T>); System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <T> _retVal = default(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <T>); ExecuteMethod( () => { jObject = new Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject(); creator = default(System.Func <Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken, T>); //No Constructor ValuesToObjects_PreCondition(ref jObject, ref creator); }, () => { _retVal = DynCon.OSI.VSO.ReSTClient.JsonParsers.ValuesToObjects <object>(jObject, creator); }, () => { ValuesToObjects_PostValidate(jObject, creator, _retVal); }); }
private double PercentageOfExpectedQuotesFound(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <BookScript> books) { var totalExpectedQuotesInIncludedChapters = 0; var totalVersesWithExpectedQuotes = 0; var expectedQuotes = ControlCharacterVerseData.Singleton.ExpectedQuotes; foreach (var book in expectedQuotes.Keys) { var bookScript = books.FirstOrDefault(b => BCVRef.BookToNumber(b.BookId) == book); if (bookScript == null) { continue; } foreach (var chapter in expectedQuotes[book]) { var chapterCounted = false; foreach (var verseWithExpectedQuote in chapter.Value) { var referenceForExpectedQuote = new VerseRef(book, chapter.Key, verseWithExpectedQuote, ScrVers.English); referenceForExpectedQuote.ChangeVersification(m_project.Versification); var blocks = bookScript.GetBlocksForVerse(referenceForExpectedQuote.ChapterNum, referenceForExpectedQuote.VerseNum).ToList(); if (!chapterCounted && blocks.Any()) { totalExpectedQuotesInIncludedChapters += chapter.Value.Count; chapterCounted = true; } if (blocks.Any(b => b.IsQuote)) { totalVersesWithExpectedQuotes++; } } } } return(totalVersesWithExpectedQuotes * 100.0 / totalExpectedQuotesInIncludedChapters); }
public static double integrate(func f, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <double> init_ticks, double eps1) { var points = new System.Collections.Generic.Stack <Point>(); //var areas=new System.Collections.Generic.List<double>(); double total_area = 0; double comp = 0; foreach (var x in init_ticks) { points.Push(new Point(x, f(x))); } var full_width = init_ticks.Last() - init_ticks.First(); Point right = points.Pop(); double eps = eps1 * 4.0 / full_width; while (points.Count > 0) { //Console.WriteLine(points.Count); var left = points.Peek(); var mid = Integration.midpoint(ref left, ref right, f); if (Math.Abs(left.f + right.f - mid.f * 2.0) <= eps) { //areas.Add((left.f+right.f+mid.f*2.0)*(right.x-left.x)/4.0); double area = (left.f + right.f + mid.f * 2.0) * (right.x - left.x) / 4.0; (total_area, comp) = neumaier_sum(total_area, area, comp); right = points.Pop(); } else { points.Push(mid); } } return(total_area + comp); }
public PSNetworkSecurityGroupRule(int priority, Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Common.NetworkSecurityGroupRuleAccess access, string sourceAddressPrefix, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <string> sourcePortRanges = null) { this.omObject = new Microsoft.Azure.Batch.NetworkSecurityGroupRule(priority, access, sourceAddressPrefix, sourcePortRanges); }
public abstract Task Method2Async(string text, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <string> names, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
public abstract Task Method2Async(string text, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <string> names);
partial void ValuesToObjects_PostValidate(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jObject, System.Func <Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken, T> creator, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <T> _retVal);
public override void Method2(string text, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList <string> names) { }