internal State(SourceLocation location, string name, IEnumerable<LocalsItemDescription> earlyLocals, int numberOfEarlyLocals) { this.location = location; = name; this.earlyLocals = earlyLocals; this.numberOfEarlyLocals = (earlyLocals == null) ? 0 : numberOfEarlyLocals; }
private void SetLocation(object instance, SourceLocation location) { if (location != null) { XamlDebuggerXmlReader.SetFileName(instance, location.FileName); XamlDebuggerXmlReader.SetStartLine(instance, location.StartLine); XamlDebuggerXmlReader.SetStartColumn(instance, location.StartColumn); XamlDebuggerXmlReader.SetEndLine(instance, location.EndLine); XamlDebuggerXmlReader.SetEndColumn(instance, location.EndColumn); } }
internal void UpdateMap(object key, SourceLocation sourceLocation) { if (this.deserializedObjectToSourceLocationMapping.ContainsKey(key)) { this.deserializedObjectToSourceLocationMapping.Remove(key); } this.deserializedObjectToSourceLocationMapping.Add(key, new SourceLocation(/* fileName = */ null, sourceLocation.StartLine, sourceLocation.StartColumn, sourceLocation.EndLine, sourceLocation.EndColumn)); }
internal static bool Contains(this SourceLocation outer, SourceLocation inner) { Fx.Assert(inner != null && outer != null, "Argument should not be null"); if ((inner.StartLine > outer.StartLine || (inner.StartLine == outer.StartLine && inner.StartColumn >= outer.StartColumn)) && (inner.EndLine < outer.EndLine || (inner.EndLine == outer.EndLine && inner.EndColumn <= outer.EndColumn))) { return true; } return false; }
internal State(SourceLocation location, string name, IEnumerable<LocalsItemDescription> earlyLocals, int numberOfEarlyLocals) { // If we are running in Partial Trust, validate the name string. We only do this in partial trust for backward compatability. // We are doing the validation because we want to prevent anything passed to us by non-critical code from affecting the generation // of the code to the dynamic assembly we are creating. if (!PartialTrustHelpers.AppDomainFullyTrusted) { = ValidateIdentifierString(name); this.location = ValidateSourceLocation(location); } else { this.location = location; = name; } this.earlyLocals = earlyLocals; Fx.Assert(earlyLocals != null || numberOfEarlyLocals == 0, "If earlyLocals is null then numberOfEarlyLocals should be 0"); // Ignore the passed numberOfEarlyLocals if earlyLocal is null. this.numberOfEarlyLocals = (earlyLocals == null) ? 0 : numberOfEarlyLocals; }
internal State DefineState(SourceLocation location, string name, LocalsItemDescription[] earlyLocals, int numberOfEarlyLocals) { return this.dynamicModuleManager.DefineState(location, name, earlyLocals, numberOfEarlyLocals); }
private static ModelItem FindModelItemInMap(SourceLocation sourceLocation, IDictionary<SourceLocation, ModelItem> map) { SourceLocation exactSourceLocation = GetExactLocation(sourceLocation, map); if (exactSourceLocation == null) { return null; } return map[exactSourceLocation]; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the SourceLocationUpdatedEventArgs class. /// </summary> /// <param name="objectReference">The Guid of the ObjectReference that changed.</param> /// <param name="updatedSourceLocation">The updated SourceLocation.</param> public SourceLocationUpdatedEventArgs(Guid objectReference, SourceLocation updatedSourceLocation) { this.ObjectReference = objectReference; this.UpdatedSourceLocation = updatedSourceLocation; }
// Update the appearance of a given breakpoint to show the given type. public void UpdateBreakpoint(SourceLocation sourceLocation, BreakpointTypes newBreakpointType) { ModelItem modelItem = this.GetModelItemFromSourceLocation(sourceLocation); if (modelItem != null) { SetBreakpointType(modelItem, newBreakpointType); } else { BreakpointTypes oldBreakpointType; if (this.unmappedBreakpoints.TryGetValue(sourceLocation, out oldBreakpointType)) { if (newBreakpointType == BreakpointTypes.None) { this.unmappedBreakpoints.Remove(sourceLocation); } else { this.unmappedBreakpoints[sourceLocation] = newBreakpointType; } } else if (newBreakpointType != BreakpointTypes.None) { this.unmappedBreakpoints.Add(sourceLocation, newBreakpointType); } } }
// Inserting a new breakpoint of a given type. public void InsertBreakpoint(SourceLocation sourceLocation, BreakpointTypes breakpointType) { this.UpdateBreakpoint(sourceLocation, breakpointType); }
internal static SourceLocation FindClosestSourceLocation(SourceLocation approximateLocation, IEnumerable<SourceLocation> availableSourceLocations) { Fx.Assert(approximateLocation != null && availableSourceLocations != null, "Argument should not be null"); SourceLocation exactLocation = null; SourceLocation innerMostOuterSourceLocation = FindInnerMostContainer(approximateLocation, availableSourceLocations); if (innerMostOuterSourceLocation != null) { exactLocation = innerMostOuterSourceLocation; } else { // Find the next line of the approximateLocation. int minimumDistance = int.MaxValue; foreach (SourceLocation sourceLocation in availableSourceLocations) { int lineDistance = sourceLocation.StartLine - approximateLocation.StartLine; if ((lineDistance > 0) && ((lineDistance < minimumDistance) || ((lineDistance == minimumDistance) && (sourceLocation.StartColumn < exactLocation.StartColumn)))) // if same distance, then compare the start column { exactLocation = sourceLocation; minimumDistance = lineDistance; } } } return exactLocation; }
// This method tries to find the inner most outer source location from a list // The outer source locations of a source location is ones that contains it // The inner most outer source location is the one nested most deeply, right outside of the source location being contained. private static SourceLocation FindInnerMostContainer(SourceLocation approximateLocation, IEnumerable<SourceLocation> availableSourceLocations) { Fx.Assert(approximateLocation != null && availableSourceLocations != null, "Argument should not be null"); SourceLocation innerMostOuterSourceLocation = null; foreach (SourceLocation sourceLocation in availableSourceLocations) { if (sourceLocation.Contains(approximateLocation)) { if (innerMostOuterSourceLocation == null) { innerMostOuterSourceLocation = sourceLocation; } else { if (innerMostOuterSourceLocation.Contains(sourceLocation)) { innerMostOuterSourceLocation = sourceLocation; } } } } return innerMostOuterSourceLocation; }
// Declare a new state associated with the given source location. // States should have disjoint source locations. // location is Source location associated with this state. // This returns a state object, which can be passed to EnterState. internal State DefineState(SourceLocation location) { return(DefineState(location, string.Empty, null, 0)); }
internal State DefineStateWithDebugInfo(SourceLocation location, string name) { return(DefineState(location, name, debugInfoDescriptions, debugInfoDescriptions.Length)); }
internal State DefineState(SourceLocation location, string name, LocalsItemDescription[] earlyLocals, int numberOfEarlyLocals) { return(this.dynamicModuleManager.DefineState(location, name, earlyLocals, numberOfEarlyLocals)); }
public State DefineState(SourceLocation location, string name, LocalsItemDescription[] earlyLocals, int numberOfEarlyLocals) { State state; lock (this) { if (!this.stateMap.TryGetValue(location, out state)) { lock (this) { state = new State(location, name, earlyLocals, numberOfEarlyLocals); this.stateMap.Add(location, state); this.states.Add(state); } } } return state; }
internal State DefineState(SourceLocation location, string name) { return(DefineState(location, name, null, 0)); }
// Delete a breakpoint. public void DeleteBreakpoint(SourceLocation sourceLocation) { UpdateBreakpoint(sourceLocation, BreakpointTypes.None); }
SourceLocation ValidateSourceLocation(SourceLocation input) { bool returnNewLocation = false; string newFileName = input.FileName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newFileName)) { this.DebuggingEnabled = false; Trace.WriteLine(SR.DebugInstrumentationFailed(SR.InvalidFileName(; return input; } // There was some validation of the column and line number already done in the SourceLocation constructor. // We are going to limit line and column numbers to Int16.MaxValue if ((input.StartLine > Int16.MaxValue) || (input.EndLine > Int16.MaxValue)) { this.DebuggingEnabled = false; Trace.WriteLine(SR.DebugInstrumentationFailed(SR.LineNumberTooLarge(; return input; } if ((input.StartColumn > Int16.MaxValue) || (input.EndColumn > Int16.MaxValue)) { this.DebuggingEnabled = false; Trace.WriteLine(SR.DebugInstrumentationFailed(SR.ColumnNumberTooLarge(; return input; } // Truncate at 255 characters. if (newFileName.Length > 255) { newFileName = newFileName.Substring(0, 255); returnNewLocation = true; } if (ReplaceInvalidCharactersWithUnderscore(ref newFileName, Path.GetInvalidPathChars())) { returnNewLocation = true; } string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileName(newFileName); if (ReplaceInvalidCharactersWithUnderscore(ref fileNameOnly, Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())) { // The filename portion has been munged. We need to make a new full name. string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(newFileName); newFileName = path + "\\" + fileNameOnly; returnNewLocation = true; } if (returnNewLocation) { return new SourceLocation(newFileName, input.StartLine, input.StartColumn, input.EndLine, input.EndColumn); } return input; }
private static bool IsUnresolved(SourceLocation sourceLocation) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceLocation.FileName) && sourceLocation.FileName.StartsWith(unresolvedPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); }
// This method reads a ViewStateData node from the xaml nodestream. It outputs the Id property into viewStateId // and the attached viewstate related properties in viewStateNodes. The input reader is positioned on a // ViewStateData node within ViewStateManager. static void ReadViewState(XamlType viewStateType, XamlReader xamlReader, out string viewStateId, out XamlNodeList viewStateNodes, out SourceLocation sourceLocation) { int globalMemberLevel = 0; bool skippingUnexpectedAttachedProperty = false; int skippingUnexpectedAttachedPropertyLevel = 0; viewStateId = null; viewStateNodes = new XamlNodeList(viewStateType.SchemaContext); sourceLocation = null; Stack<Frame> objectNodes = new Stack<Frame>(); XamlMember idMember = new XamlMember(typeof(ViewStateData).GetProperty("Id"), xamlReader.SchemaContext); int[] viewStateDataSourceLocation = new int[4]; int sourceLocationIndex = -1; IXamlLineInfo lineInfo = xamlReader as IXamlLineInfo; IXamlLineInfoConsumer lineInfoComsumer = viewStateNodes.Writer as IXamlLineInfoConsumer; bool shouldPassLineInfo = lineInfo != null && lineInfo.HasLineInfo && lineInfoComsumer != null && lineInfoComsumer.ShouldProvideLineInfo; while (xamlReader.Read()) { bool skipWritingToNodeList = false; switch (xamlReader.NodeType) { case XamlNodeType.StartObject: if (xamlReader.Type.Equals(viewStateType)) { skipWritingToNodeList = true; } objectNodes.Push(new Frame { Type = xamlReader.Type }); break; case XamlNodeType.GetObject: objectNodes.Push(new Frame { Type = null }); break; case XamlNodeType.StartMember: globalMemberLevel++; if (xamlReader.Member.Equals(idMember)) { XamlReader idNode = xamlReader.ReadSubtree(); while (idNode.Read()) { if (idNode.NodeType == XamlNodeType.Value) { viewStateId = idNode.Value as string; } } } else if (globalMemberLevel == 1 && !IsAttachablePropertyForConvert(xamlReader)) { skippingUnexpectedAttachedProperty = true; } if (skippingUnexpectedAttachedProperty) { skippingUnexpectedAttachedPropertyLevel++; } sourceLocationIndex = GetViewStateDataSourceLocationIndexFromCurrentReader(xamlReader); break; case XamlNodeType.EndMember: globalMemberLevel--; if (skippingUnexpectedAttachedProperty) { skippingUnexpectedAttachedPropertyLevel--; } break; case XamlNodeType.Value: if (xamlReader.Value is int && sourceLocationIndex >= 0 && sourceLocationIndex < viewStateDataSourceLocation.Length) { viewStateDataSourceLocation[sourceLocationIndex] = (int)xamlReader.Value; } break; case XamlNodeType.EndObject: Frame objectNode = objectNodes.Pop(); if (objectNode.Type != null && objectNode.Type.Equals(viewStateType)) { skipWritingToNodeList = true; // The ViewStateData's source location should be valid, because // before each EndObject, its SourceLocation is injected. // If not, an exception will be thrown from constructor // of SourceLocation. sourceLocation = new SourceLocation(null, viewStateDataSourceLocation[0], viewStateDataSourceLocation[1], viewStateDataSourceLocation[2], viewStateDataSourceLocation[3] ); } Array.Clear(viewStateDataSourceLocation, 0, viewStateDataSourceLocation.Length); break; }; if (!skipWritingToNodeList && !skippingUnexpectedAttachedProperty) { if (shouldPassLineInfo) { lineInfoComsumer.SetLineInfo(lineInfo.LineNumber, lineInfo.LinePosition); } viewStateNodes.Writer.WriteNode(xamlReader); } if (skippingUnexpectedAttachedPropertyLevel == 0) { skippingUnexpectedAttachedProperty = false; } } viewStateNodes.Writer.Close(); }
private void EnsureSourceLocationUpdated() { Fx.Assert(this.modelSearchService != null, "ModelSearchService should be available and is ensured in WorkflowDesigner constructor"); if (this.requiresUpdateSourceLocation) { Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> updatedSourceLocations = new Dictionary<object, SourceLocation>(); foreach (ModelItem key in this.modelSearchService.GetObjectsWithSourceLocation()) { // disallow expressions if (AllowBreakpointAttribute.IsBreakpointAllowed(key.ItemType) && !typeof(IValueSerializableExpression).IsAssignableFrom(key.ItemType)) { SourceLocation sourceLocationWithoutFileName = this.modelSearchService.FindSourceLocation(key); // Appending the fileName SourceLocation sourceLocationWithFileName = new SourceLocation(this.fileName, sourceLocationWithoutFileName.StartLine, sourceLocationWithoutFileName.StartColumn, sourceLocationWithoutFileName.EndLine, sourceLocationWithoutFileName.EndColumn); updatedSourceLocations.Add(key.GetCurrentValue(), sourceLocationWithFileName); } } this.UpdateSourceLocations(updatedSourceLocations); this.requiresUpdateSourceLocation = false; } }
// get the minimum source location which contains this source location and is in the mapping store. private static SourceLocation GetExactLocation(SourceLocation approximateLocation, IDictionary<SourceLocation, ModelItem> mapping) { SourceLocation candidate = null; foreach (SourceLocation srcLocation in mapping.Keys) { // in the scope? if (srcLocation.Contains(approximateLocation)) { if (candidate != null) { // More approximate? if (candidate.Contains(srcLocation)) { candidate = srcLocation; } } else { candidate = srcLocation; } } } return candidate; }
private ModelItem GetModelItemFromSourceLocation(SourceLocation sourceLocation) { return GetModelItemFromSourceLocation(sourceLocation, /* forceCreate = */ false); }
// find a modelitem whose SourceLocation contains the srcLocation passed in. internal ModelItem FindModelItem(SourceLocation srcLocation) { this.EnsureUpdated(); return FindModelItemInMap(srcLocation, this.sourceLocationToModelItemMapping); }
private ModelItem GetModelItemFromSourceLocation(SourceLocation sourceLocation, bool forceCreate) { ModelItem modelItem = null; if (sourceLocation != null) { if (!this.sourceLocationToModelItem.TryGetValue(sourceLocation, out modelItem)) { if (forceCreate) { object foundElement = null; foreach (KeyValuePair<object, SourceLocation> kvp in this.instanceToSourceLocationMapping) { if (kvp.Value.Equals(sourceLocation)) { foundElement = kvp.Key; break; } } if (foundElement != null) { modelItem = Validation.ValidationService.FindModelItem(this.modelTreeManager, foundElement); if (modelItem != null) { this.modelItemToSourceLocation.Add(modelItem, sourceLocation); this.sourceLocationToModelItem.Add(sourceLocation, modelItem); } } } } } return modelItem; }
void Instrument(Activity activity, SourceLocation sourceLocation, string name) { Fx.Assert(activity != null, "activity can't be null"); Fx.Assert(sourceLocation != null, "sourceLocation can't be null"); if (this.states.ContainsKey(activity)) { Trace.WriteLine(SR.DuplicateInstrumentation(activity.DisplayName)); } else { State activityState = this.stateManager.DefineStateWithDebugInfo(sourceLocation, name); this.states.Add(activity, activityState); } }
void ShowDebug(SourceLocation srcLoc) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render , (Action)(() => { this.WorkflowDesigner.DebugManagerView.CurrentLocation = srcLoc; })); }
internal State DefineState(SourceLocation location, string name) { return DefineState(location, name, null, 0); }
public ModelItem FindModelItemOfViewState(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn) { SourceLocation sourceLocation = new SourceLocation(/* fileName = */ null, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn); return designer.ObjectToSourceLocationMapping.FindModelItemOfViewState(sourceLocation); }
internal State DefineStateWithDebugInfo(SourceLocation location, string name) { return DefineState(location, name, debugInfoDescriptions, debugInfoDescriptions.Length); }
private void OnValueNodeDeserialized(object value, DocumentRange attributeValueLocation) { int startLine = attributeValueLocation.Start.LineNumber.Value; int startColumn = attributeValueLocation.Start.LinePosition.Value; int endLine = attributeValueLocation.End.LineNumber.Value; int endColumn = attributeValueLocation.End.LinePosition.Value; // XamlDebuggerXmlReader has no idea what the filename is (it only knew a stream of data) // So we set FileName = null. // To enhance visual selection, endColumn + 1 SourceLocation valueLocation = new SourceLocation(null, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn + 1); this.NotifySourceLocationFound(value, valueLocation, isValueNode: true); }
// Declare a new state associated with the given source location. // States should have disjoint source locations. // location is Source location associated with this state. // This returns a state object, which can be passed to EnterState. internal State DefineState(SourceLocation location) { return DefineState(location, string.Empty, null, 0); }
private void NotifySourceLocationFound(object instance, SourceLocation currentLocation, bool isValueNode) { Argument argumentInstance = instance as Argument; // For Argument containing an IValueSerializable expression serializing as a ValueNode. // We associate the SourceLocation to the expression instead of the Argument. // For example, when we have <WriteLine Text="[abc]" />, Then the SourceLocation found for the InArgument object // is associated with the VisualBasicValue object instead. if (argumentInstance != null && argumentInstance.Expression is IValueSerializableExpression && isValueNode) { instance = argumentInstance.Expression; } if (this._sourceLocationFound != null) { this._sourceLocationFound(this, new SourceLocationFoundEventArgs(instance, currentLocation, isValueNode)); } }