public void ProcessHistory() { foreach (var mapping in config.Mappings) { var tableNormalName = SqlServerUtils.NormalizeName(mapping.Source); var mappingTableName = $"{Constants.KeyMappingPrefix}_{tableNormalName}"; var indexColumns = SqlServerUtils.ConcatByComma(mapping.Source.Pks.Select(x => SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(x))); var highWatermark = GetHighWatermak(); //keep most recent records for conflict policy verification var affected = dataAccess.Execute($@"DELETE r FROM {RequestTable} r INNER JOIN (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Type, ResourceId ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC) AS RowId, Id FROM {RequestTable} WHERE Id < @HighWatermark AND Type = @Type) h ON r.Id = h.Id WHERE h.RowId > 1 DELETE m FROM {mappingTableName} m INNER JOIN (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY {indexColumns} ORDER BY {Constants.KeyMappingTableCreatedDate} DESC) AS RowId, {Constants.KeyMappingTablePk} FROM {mappingTableName} WHERE {Constants.KeyMappingTablePk} < @HighWatermark AND Type = @Type) h ON m.{Constants.KeyMappingTablePk} = h.{Constants.KeyMappingTablePk} WHERE h.RowId > 1" , new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@HighWatermark", highWatermark }, { "@Type", mapping.Type } }); Interlocked.Add(ref processedUpdateCount, affected); } }
private void InitializeMappingTables() { foreach (var mapping in config.Mappings) { #region defaults var tableName = SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(mapping.Source); var tableNormalName = SqlServerUtils.NormalizeName(mapping.Source); var(pkColumns, columns) = MappingInitializer.Initialize(mapping, dataAccess); #endregion #region table definition var pk = $"{Constants.KeyMappingTablePk} bigint IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY"; var createdDate = $"{Constants.KeyMappingTableCreatedDate} datetime2"; var columnList = GetPkColumnMappings(mapping).Concat(mapping.Columns).Select(x => { var column = columns[SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(x.Source)]; var maxLength = column.DataType == "decimal" ? $"({column.NumericPrecision})" : (column.MaxLength == 0 ? string.Empty : $"({column.MaxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})"); var dataType = $"{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(column.DataType)} {maxLength}"; var nullable = column.IsNullable ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL"; return($"{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(x.Source)} {dataType} {nullable}"); }); var columnDefinitions = SqlServerUtils.ConcatByComma(new[] { pk, createdDate }.Concat(columnList)); var mappingTableName = $"{Constants.KeyMappingPrefix}_{tableNormalName}"; var mappingTableNameQuoted = $"{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(SqlServerUtils.DefaultSchema)}.{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(mappingTableName)}"; var indexColumns = SqlServerUtils.ConcatByComma(mapping.Source.Pks.Select(x => SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(x))); var sql = $@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'{mappingTableNameQuoted}') AND type in (N'U')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE {mappingTableNameQuoted} ( {columnDefinitions}) CREATE INDEX IX_{mappingTableName}_Keys ON {mappingTableNameQuoted} ({indexColumns}) INCLUDE ({Constants.KeyMappingTableCreatedDate}) END"; if (dataAccess.Execute(sql) != SqlServerUtils.NonDataAffected) { Progress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs { Message = $"Mapping table created: {mappingTableNameQuoted}" }); } #endregion #region triggers var triggerColumnList = mapping.Columns.Select(x => SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(x.Source)); var triggerColumns = SqlServerUtils.ConcatByComma(mapping.Source.Pks.Concat(triggerColumnList)); //update trigger var updateTriggerName = $"{tableNormalName}_{Constants.KeyMappingPrefix}_Update"; var updateTrigger = $@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'{updateTriggerName}') AND type in (N'TR')) EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N' CREATE TRIGGER {updateTriggerName} ON {tableName} AFTER UPDATE AS BEGIN IF App_Name() = ''{Constants.AppName}'' RETURN INSERT INTO {mappingTableName} ({triggerColumns}, {Constants.KeyMappingTableCreatedDate}) SELECT {triggerColumns}, SYSUTCDATETIME() FROM INSERTED {GetInsertRequestSql(Operation.Update, mapping.Type)} END '"; //insert trigger var insertTriggerName = $"{tableNormalName}_{Constants.KeyMappingPrefix}_Insert"; var insertTrigger = $@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'{insertTriggerName}') AND type in (N'TR')) EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N' CREATE TRIGGER {insertTriggerName} ON {tableName} AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN IF App_Name() = ''{Constants.AppName}'' RETURN INSERT INTO {mappingTableName} ({triggerColumns}, {Constants.KeyMappingTableCreatedDate}) SELECT {triggerColumns}, SYSUTCDATETIME() FROM INSERTED {GetInsertRequestSql(Operation.Insert, mapping.Type)} END '"; //delete trigger var deleteTriggerName = $"{tableNormalName}_{Constants.KeyMappingPrefix}_Delete"; var deleteTrigger = $@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'{deleteTriggerName}') AND type in (N'TR')) EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N' CREATE TRIGGER {deleteTriggerName} ON {tableName} AFTER DELETE AS BEGIN IF App_Name() = ''{Constants.AppName}'' RETURN {GetInsertRequestSql(Operation.Delete, mapping.Type)} END '"; if (dataAccess.Execute($@"{updateTrigger} {insertTrigger} {deleteTrigger}") != SqlServerUtils.NonDataAffected) { Progress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs { Message = $"Triggers for mapping table created: {mappingTableName}" }); } #endregion } }
private int ProcessRow(SyncRequest request, SyncTarget target, Mapping mapping, DataRow row, string pkConditions, string table) { var dataAccess = dataAccesses[target.Id]; var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); //todo: what if pk is updated... WTF??? var affected = SqlServerUtils.NonDataAffected; foreach (var pk in mapping.Target.Pks) { var columnName = SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(pk); parameters.Add($"@{columnName}", row[columnName]); } switch (request.Operation) { case Operation.Update: var tableNormalName = $"{SqlServerUtils.NormalizeName(mapping.Source)}"; var mappingTableName = $"{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(SqlServerUtils.DefaultSchema)}.{Constants.KeyMappingPrefix}_{tableNormalName}"; var mostRecentUpdatedDate = dataAccess.GetValue <DateTime?>($@"IF EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = @Table AND TABLE_SCHEMA = @Schema) SELECT MAX(CreatedDate) FROM {mappingTableName} WHERE {pkConditions} ELSE SELECT NULL" , new Dictionary <string, object>(parameters) { { "@Table", mappingTableName }, { "@Schema", SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(mapping.Source.Schema) } }); var needToUpdate = false; if (mostRecentUpdatedDate == null) { needToUpdate = true; } else if (request.CreatedDate > mostRecentUpdatedDate) { needToUpdate = true; } else if ((role == SyncRole.Hub && mapping.ConflictPolicy == ConflictPolicy.MemberWin) || (role == SyncRole.Member && mapping.ConflictPolicy == ConflictPolicy.HubWin)) { needToUpdate = true; } if (needToUpdate) { var updateColumns = SqlServerUtils.ConcatByComma(mapping.Columns.Select(x => $"{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(x.Target)} = @{SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(x.Target)}")); Progress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs { Message = $"Updating table {table}", Request = request }); foreach (var item in mapping.Columns) { parameters.Add($"@{SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(item.Target)}", row[SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(item.Source)]); } affected = dataAccess.Execute($"UPDATE {table} SET {updateColumns} WHERE {pkConditions}", parameters); } else { Progress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs { Message = $"Update to table {table} ignored because of conflict", Request = request }); } Interlocked.Increment(ref processedUpdateCount); if (affected != SqlServerUtils.NonDataAffected) { Interlocked.Increment(ref processedAndUpdatedCount); } break; case Operation.Insert: var pkColumns = mapping.Source.Pks.Select((x, i) => new ColumnMapping { Target = mapping.Target.Pks[i], Source = x }); var insertColumns = SqlServerUtils.ConcatByComma(pkColumns.Concat(mapping.Columns).Select(x => $"{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(x.Target)}")); var valueColumns = SqlServerUtils.ConcatByComma(pkColumns.Concat(mapping.Columns).Select(x => $"@{SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(x.Target)}")); Progress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs { Message = $"Inserting into table {table}", Request = request }); foreach (var item in mapping.Columns) { parameters.Add($"@{SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(item.Target)}", row[SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(item.Source)]); } affected = dataAccess.Execute($"INSERT INTO {table} ({insertColumns}) VALUES ({valueColumns})", parameters); Interlocked.Increment(ref processedInsertCount); if (affected != SqlServerUtils.NonDataAffected) { Interlocked.Increment(ref processedAndInsertedCount); } break; case Operation.Delete: Progress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs { Message = $"Deleting from table {table}", Request = request }); affected = dataAccess.Execute($"DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {pkConditions}", parameters); Interlocked.Increment(ref processedDeleteCount); if (affected != SqlServerUtils.NonDataAffected) { Interlocked.Increment(ref processedAndDeletedCount); } break; } return(affected); }
private void Run(long highWatermark) { dataAccess.DoBiz($"SELECT TOP (@BufferSize) Id, Type, Operation, ResourceId, CreatedDate FROM {RequestTable} WHERE Id > @HighWatermark", x => { using (var reader = x.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { if (processCancelled) { break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref requestCount); SyncRequest request = null; try { var id = (long)reader["Id"]; var type = (int)reader["Type"]; var operation = (Operation)(int)reader["Operation"]; var resourceId = (long)reader["ResourceId"]; var mapping = config.Mappings.First(m => m.Type == type); var columns = SqlServerUtils.ConcatByComma(GetPkColumnMappings(mapping).Concat(new[] { new ColumnMapping { Source = Constants.KeyMappingTableCreatedDate } }).Concat(mapping.Columns).Select(c => SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(c.Source))); var tableNormalName = $"{SqlServerUtils.NormalizeName(mapping.Source)}"; var mappingTableName = $"{Constants.KeyMappingPrefix}_{tableNormalName}"; var data = dataAccess.GetData($"SELECT {columns} FROM {mappingTableName} WHERE {Constants.KeyMappingTablePk} = @Pk", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@Pk", resourceId } }); if (data.Rows.Count > 0) { var createdDate = (DateTime)data.Rows[0][Constants.KeyMappingTableCreatedDate]; request = new SyncRequest { Id = id, Type = type, Operation = operation, CreatedDate = createdDate, TaskType = config.Source.Type, TaskName = config.Name }; Progress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs { Message = $"Request found", Request = request }); request.ResourceIds.AddRange(mapping.Source.Pks.Select(pk => data.Rows[0][SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(pk)])); if (onRequest(request, data).GetAwaiter().GetResult()) { Interlocked.Increment(ref processedCount); switch (operation) { case Operation.Update: Interlocked.Increment(ref processedUpdateCount); break; case Operation.Insert: Interlocked.Increment(ref processedInsertCount); break; case Operation.Delete: Interlocked.Increment(ref processedDeleteCount); break; } string historySql; switch (config.Source.HistoryStrategy.Type) { case HistoryStrategyType.ProcessAndDelete: Interlocked.Increment(ref historyDeleteCount); historySql = $@"DELETE FROM {mappingTableName} WHERE {Constants.KeyMappingTablePk} = @Pk DELETE FROM {RequestTable} WHERE Id = @Id" ; break; case HistoryStrategyType.None: historySql = $"UPDATE {RequestTable} SET FinishedDate = SYSUTCDATETIME() WHERE Id = @Id"; break; default: historySql = string.Empty; break; } dataAccess.Execute($@"UPDATE {SettingTable} SET Value = @HighWatermark WHERE Code = @Code {historySql}" , new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@Id", id }, { "@Code", SqlServerUtils.CodeHighWatermark }, { "@HighWatermark", highWatermark }, { "@Pk", resourceId } }); } } else { Progress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs { Message = $"Requested record not found", Request = request }); } LastHighWatermark = highWatermark; } catch (Exception ex) { Progress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs { Message = $"Exception encountered while processing request: {ex.Message}", Request = request }); } } } }, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@BufferSize", config.BufferSize }, { "@HighWatermark", highWatermark } }); }
public Dictionary <string, bool> Run(SyncRequest request, object payload) { var mapping = config.Mappings.First(x => x.Type == request.Type); var data = Serializer.DeserializeText <DataTable>((string)payload); var row = data.Rows[0]; var pkConditions = SqlServerUtils.ConcatByComma(mapping.Target.Pks.Select(x => $"{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(x)} = @{SqlServerUtils.NormalizeNameWithSpace(x)}")); var table = $"{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(mapping.Target.Schema)}.{SqlServerUtils.QuoteName(mapping.Target.Table)}"; var result = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, bool>(); Parallel.ForEach(config.Targets, target => { int affected = ProcessRow(request, target, mapping, row, pkConditions, table); if (affected == SqlServerUtils.NonDataAffected) { switch (target.RetryPolicy) { case RetryPolicy.RetryOnce: affected = ProcessRow(request, target, mapping, row, pkConditions, table); break; } } result.TryAdd(target.Id, affected != SqlServerUtils.NonDataAffected); }); return(result.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)); }