コード例 #1
        // Returns true to cancel
        private bool PreviewDirectoryChanged(Folder folder, string subPath)
            // Is it a syncthing temp/special path?
            if (specialPaths.Any(x => subPath.StartsWith(x)))
                return true;

            if (subPath == ignoresFilePath)
                // Extra: tell SyncThing to update its ignores list
                return true;

            if (folder.SyncState == FolderSyncState.Syncing || folder.IsSyncingPath(subPath))
                return true;

            // Syncthing applies regex from the top down - if a parent is ignored, all of its children are by default
            var pathParts = subPath.Split(new[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var cumulative = String.Empty;
            foreach (var pathPart in pathParts)
                cumulative = Path.Combine(cumulative, pathPart);
                // If there's an include match on it, and not an exclude match, we ignore it
                if (folder.Ignores.IncludeRegex.Any(x => x.Match(cumulative).Success) && !folder.Ignores.ExcludeRegex.Any(x => x.Match(cumulative).Success))
                    return true;

            return false;