internal static Group TryCreateGroup(MapCompGrowthSync mapComp, Plant crop, bool flashcells = false) { if (!flashcells && GroupsUtils.HasGroup(crop)) { return(null); } var list = new HashSet <Plant>(); try { if (!GroupsUtils.HasGroup(crop)) { Iterate(mapComp, crop, list, crop.Growth, crop.Growth, flashcells, IntVec3.Invalid); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning("failed to create group from crop " + crop + " at " + crop.Position + " : " + ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace); return(null); } if (flashcells || list.Count <= 0) { return(null); } return(new Group(list)); }
public static void ZoneMode(MapCompGrowthSync mapComp) { foreach (Zone zone in { if (zone is Zone_Growing zoneGrowing) { ThingDef plantDef = zoneGrowing.GetPlantDefToGrow(); IEnumerable <Thing> allContainedThings = zoneGrowing.AllContainedThings; List <Plant> plantList = new List <Plant>(); float max_grown = 0; foreach (Thing thing in allContainedThings) { if (thing is Plant plant) { if (/*plant.IsCrop && */ plant.def == plantDef && plant.LifeStage == PlantLifeStage.Growing) { plantList.Add(plant); max_grown = Math.Max(plant.Growth, max_grown); } } } if (plantList.NullOrEmpty()) { break; } if (Settings.max_gap < 1) { plantList.RemoveAll(p => p.Growth < max_grown - Settings.max_gap); } mapComp.allPlantsInGroup.AddRange(plantList); var group = new Group(plantList); mapComp.groups.Add(group); } } // TODO: find all plantable edifices and run old handler on them? Or just recommend HydroponicsGrowthSync? }
static void Iterate(MapCompGrowthSync mapComp, Plant crop, ICollection <Plant> list, float minGrowth, float maxGrowth, bool flashcells, IntVec3 previous) { if (!CanHaveGroup(crop, flashcells) || list.Contains(crop)) { return; } if (Settings.draw_overlay && flashcells) { var count = crop.Map.GetComponent <MapCompGrowthSync>().Count; crop.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(crop.Position, list.Count * 10000000, "#" + list.Count, 300); } list.Add(crop); mapComp.allPlantsInGroup.Add(crop); foreach (IntVec3 cell in CellsAdjacent4Way(crop.Position)) { if (cell == previous || !cell.InBounds(crop.Map)) { continue; } Plant plantAtCell = cell.GetPlant(crop.Map); if (plantAtCell != null && CanGroupTogether(crop, plantAtCell)) { if (Math.Max(plantAtCell.Growth, maxGrowth) - Math.Min(plantAtCell.Growth, minGrowth) > Settings.max_gap) { if (Settings.draw_overlay && flashcells) { crop.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(crop.Position, float.MinValue, "max gap", 300); } continue; } maxGrowth = Math.Max(plantAtCell.Growth, maxGrowth); minGrowth = Math.Min(plantAtCell.Growth, minGrowth); Iterate(mapComp, plantAtCell, list, minGrowth, maxGrowth, flashcells, crop.Position); } } }