コード例 #1
        protected void LastAction_RiferimentiFornitori(ref DBHelper2 cm)
            _logger.Info("Inizio inserimento distinte base fornitori");
            Dictionary <string, string> lista = Get_Lista_Articoli_Fornitori_Sage("SAURO");

            //per ogni fornitore/articolo inserisco una nuova distinta base con magazzino diverso

            string query = @" INSERT INTO CYB_COMPONENT  (
,'%%1%%'  as C_WAREHOUSE_CODE
C_WAREHOUSE_CODE = '" + __MAGAZZINO_INTERNO + @"' and C_BOM_CODE ='%%2%%' ";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> itm in lista)
                string ins_query = query.Replace("%%1%%", itm.Value); //fornitore
                ins_query = ins_query.Replace("%%2%%", itm.Key);      //articolo

                int i = DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan(ref cm, ins_query);

            _logger.Info("Fine inserimento distinte base fornitori");
コード例 #2
        public override void DeleteTaskNumber(int taskNumberToDelete)
            string qry = @"DELETE FROM [CyberPlanFrontiera].[dbo].[EXP_CORDER] WHERE [TASK_NUMBER] = " + taskNumberToDelete;

            DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan(ref _db, qry);
            _logger.Info("task number deleted =" + taskNumberToDelete);
コード例 #3
        static public void Init()
            DBHelper2 db = DBHelper2.getCyberDBHelper();
            string    exec_store_procedure = "EXECUTE [CyberPlanFrontiera].[dbo].[FILL_E_ROUTING]";

            _logger.Info("start execution");

            int i = DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan(ref db, exec_store_procedure, 600);

            _logger.Info("end execution");
コード例 #4
        static public void SetStatus(string stato)
            DBHelper2 db      = DBHelper2.getCyberDBHelper();
            string    command = "UPDATE [CyberPlanFrontiera].[dbo].[TRANSFER_STATUS] "
                                + " SET [STATUS] = '" + stato + "' ,"
                                + " TIMESTAMP = '" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "'"
                                + " WHERE ID='TR_STATUS'  ";

            _logger.Info("start execution");

            int i = DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan(ref db, command, 600);

            _logger.Info("end execution");
コード例 #5
        static void Update_FAMP(ref DBHelper2 cm)
            //// caratteristiche
            //FAMP ...
            //E estrattori
            //DKTHQ plurime
            // X tutto il resto

             * Query per avere le caratteristiche valide:
             * quelle dell'articolo hanno la precedenza su quelle della famiglia versione
             * quelle della famiglia vanno considerate solo se l'articolo non ha la stessa caratteristica impostata
             * SELECT a.itmref, a.valcod, a.valval, a.valtxt,a.PRIORITA
             * FROM [CyberPlanFrontiera].[dbo].[YITMCAR] a
             * INNER JOIN (
             * SELECT itmref, valcod, MAX([PRIORITA]) PRIORITA
             * FROM [CyberPlanFrontiera].[dbo].[YITMCAR]
             * GROUP BY itmref,valcod
             * ) b ON a.itmref = b.itmref and a.valcod=b.valcod AND a.priorita = b.priorita
             * order by a.itmref,a.valcod

             * QUERY per recuperare le caratteristiche FAMP
             * SELECT a.itmref,
             * --a.valcod, a.valval, a.valtxt,a.PRIORITA,
             * case a.VALCOD
             * when '028' then 'F'
             * when '006' then 'A'
             * when '038' then 'M'
             * when '051' then 'P'
             * end AS FAMP
             * FROM [CyberPlanFrontiera].[dbo].[YITMCAR] a
             * INNER JOIN (
             * SELECT itmref, valcod, MAX([PRIORITA]) PRIORITA
             * FROM [CyberPlanFrontiera].[dbo].[YITMCAR]
             * GROUP BY itmref,valcod
             * ) b ON a.itmref = b.itmref and a.valcod=b.valcod AND a.priorita = b.priorita
             * where
             * (
             * a.valcod = '028' or
             * a.valcod = '006' or
             * a.valcod = '038' or
             * a.valcod = '051'
             * )
             * order by a.itmref,a.valcod desc

            //query che prende le caratt FAMP (articlo e famiglia versione) e aggiorna gli articoli
            //nei casi ci siano caratt multiple ne viene presa una a caso (l'ultima nell'ordine di sql)

             * Con una query grop by seleziono per ogni articolo/caratteristica la MAX priorità
             * Poi con un join recupero valore con priorità massima ed eventuale valore TESTO (per plurime)
            string upd_query = @"update [CyberPlanFrontiera].dbo.CYB_ITEM 
                        set C_USER_CHAR03  = C.FAMP

                        SELECT a.itmref, 
                        --a.valcod, a.valval, a.valtxt,a.PRIORITA,
                        case a.VALCOD 
                        when '028' then 'F'
                        when '006' then 'A'
                        when '038' then 'M'
                        when '051' then 'P'
                        when '057' then 'E'
                        when '150' then a.VALTXT
                        end AS FAMP
                        FROM [CyberPlanFrontiera].[dbo].[YITMCAR] a
                        INNER JOIN (
                            SELECT itmref, valcod, MAX([PRIORITA]) PRIORITA
                            FROM [CyberPlanFrontiera].[dbo].[YITMCAR]
                            GROUP BY itmref,valcod
                        ) b ON a.itmref = b.itmref and a.valcod=b.valcod AND a.priorita = b.priorita
                        a.valcod = '028' or              
                        a.valcod = '006' or               
                        a.valcod = '038' or               
                        a.valcod = '051' or 
                        a.valcod = '057' or 
                        a.valcod = '150'                 
                        --order by a.itmref,a.valcod desc
                        ) C

                        where C_CODE = C.ITMREF;

            update CyberPlanFrontiera.dbo.CYB_ITEM 
            set [C_USER_CHAR03 ]='X'
            where [C_USER_CHAR03 ] =' 'and  [C_USER_STRING01 ]  like 'PLAS'


            int i = DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan(ref cm, upd_query);
コード例 #6
        public void WriteToCyberPlan <T>(bool mode_all, string codice_like, string filtro, bool delete, string option) where T : Item, new()
            string startedAt     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            string message_error = "Command started at " + startedAt + "  " +
                                   "\n Parameters: mode_all=" + mode_all + ", codice_like=" + codice_like + ", filtro=" + filtro + ", delete=" + delete + ", option=" + option + "\n\n";

            _logger.Debug(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " --- started at " + startedAt);
            T tmp = new T();

            _logger.Info("Oggetto: " + typeof(T).ToString().PadRight(60) + " su tabella " + tmp._CP_tabella);
            DBHelper2 cm = DBHelper2.getCyberDBHelper();

            if (delete)
                DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan(ref cm, tmp.GetDeletedAllQuery());
                _logger.Debug(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " ---   deleting ended at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

            //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(codice_like))
            //    codice_like = "%";

            //string qry = tmp.GetSelectQuery(mode_all, _libreria_dossier+"TEST", codice_like, filtro);

            _logger.Info("Oggetto: " + typeof(T).ToString().PadRight(60) + " Disab Blocco chifra suffisso TEST a " + _libreria_dossier);
            string qry = tmp.GetSelectQuery(mode_all, _libreria_dossier, codice_like, filtro);

            DbDataReader dtr = GetReaderSelectCommand(qry);

            object[] row = new object[dtr.FieldCount];

            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

            while (dtr.Read())
                //x debug
                //if (i==34529)
                //    _logger.Info("i=" + i.ToString() );


                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Info("I=" + i.ToString() + "Exception: " + ex.Message);

                catch (Exception ex)

                if (j % 1000 == 0)
                    //int res= DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan(ref cm, tmp_qry);
                    int res = DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan_Bulk(ref cm, tmp._CP_tabella, Item._dataTable);
                    _logger.Info(i + " items... [" + tmp.GetID() + "]");
                    j = 0;
            int added = tmp.AddLastCyberRows();

            if (j > 0 || added > 0)
                //DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan(ref cm, tmp_qry);
                int res = DBHelper2.EseguiSuDBCyberPlan_Bulk(ref cm, tmp._CP_tabella, Item._dataTable);
                _logger.Info(i + added + " items [last= " + tmp.GetID() + "]");
            tmp.DoLastAction(ref cm, this);

            //if (thereIsMessage)
            //    Utils.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", message_error);
            //    //Utils.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "[email protected],[email protected]", message_error);

            _logger.Debug(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " ---   ended at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());