コード例 #1
  * /// Sets the best scoring token for this active list
  * /// @param token the best scoring token
 override public void SetBestToken(Token token)
     _bestToken = token;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if the given token should be expanded.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t">The token to test.</param>
 /// <returns><code>true</code> if the token should be expanded</returns>
 protected Boolean AllowExpansion(Token t)
     return(true); // currently disabled
コード例 #3
         * /// Collects the next set of emitting tokens from a token and accumulates them in the active or result lists
         * /// @param token the token to collect successors from be immediately expanded are placed. Null if we should always
         * ///              expand all nodes.
        protected virtual void CollectSuccessorTokens(Token token)
            // tokenTracker.add(token);
            // tokenTypeTracker.add(token);

            // If this is a final state, add it to the final list

            if (token.IsFinal)

            // if this is a non-emitting token and we've already
            // visited the same state during this frame, then we
            // are in a grammar loop, so we don't continue to expand.
            // This check only works properly if we have kept all of the
            // tokens (instead of skipping the non-word tokens).
            // Note that certain linguists will never generate grammar loops
            // (lextree linguist for example). For these cases, it is perfectly
            // fine to disable this check by setting keepAllTokens to false

            if (!token.IsEmitting && (KeepAllTokens && IsVisited(token)))

            var state = token.SearchState;
            var arcs  = state.GetSuccessors();
            //this.LogDebug("Total Arcs: {0}", arcs.Length);
            var predecessor = GetResultListPredecessor(token);

            // For each successor
            // calculate the entry score for the token based upon the
            // predecessor token score and the transition probabilities
            // if the score is better than the best score encountered for
            // the SearchState and frame then create a new token, add
            // it to the lattice and the SearchState.
            // If the token is an emitting token add it to the list,
            // otherwise recursively collect the new tokens successors.

            foreach (var arc in arcs)
                var nextState = arc.State;
                //this.LogDebug("NextState is of type: {0}",nextState.GetType());

                if (_checkStateOrder)
                    CheckStateOrder(state, nextState);

                // We're actually multiplying the variables, but since
                // these come in log(), multiply gets converted to add
                var logEntryScore = token.Score + arc.GetProbability();//TODO: CHECK

                var bestToken = GetBestToken(nextState);


                if (bestToken == null)
                    var newBestToken = new Token(predecessor, nextState, logEntryScore, arc.InsertionProbability, arc.LanguageProbability, CurrentFrameNumber);
                    SetBestToken(newBestToken, nextState);
                else if (bestToken.Score < logEntryScore)
                    // System.out.println("Updating " + bestToken + " with " +
                    // newBestToken);
                    var oldPredecessor = bestToken.Predecessor;
                    bestToken.Update(predecessor, nextState, logEntryScore, arc.InsertionProbability, arc.LanguageProbability, CurrentFrameNumber);
                    if (BuildWordLattice && nextState is IWordSearchState)
                        LoserManager.AddAlternatePredecessor(bestToken, oldPredecessor);
                else if (BuildWordLattice && nextState is IWordSearchState)
                    if (predecessor != null)
                        LoserManager.AddAlternatePredecessor(bestToken, predecessor);
コード例 #4
 protected void ActiveListAdd(Token token)
コード例 #5
  * /// Sets the best token for a given state
  * /// @param token the best token
  * /// @param state the state
 protected void SetBestToken(Token token, ISearchState state)
     BestTokenMap.Add(state, token);