public static MathObject AddToBothSides(this MathObject obj, MathObject item) { if (obj is Equation) return (obj as Equation).a + item == (obj as Equation).b + item; throw new Exception(); }
static MathObject GenerateLagrangePolynomial(double[] xs, double[] ys) { var xsSet = new HashSet<double>(xs); if (xsSet.Count < xs.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("x values not unique"); } var ysSet = new HashSet<double>(ys); if (ysSet.Count < ys.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("y values not unique"); } var x = new Symbol("x"); var members = new MathObject[ys.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ys.Length; i++) { members[i] = ys[i] * GenerateBasisPolynomial(x, xs, i); } var sum = new Sum(members); return sum.AlgebraicExpand(); }
static void AssertEqual(MathObject a, Double b, double tolerance = 0.00000001) { var x = (DoubleFloat)a; var y = new DoubleFloat(b); if (Math.Abs(x.val - y.val) > tolerance) Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1} are not equal", x.val, y.val); }
public static MathObject AssertEqToDouble(this MathObject a, MathObject b, double tolerance = 0.000001) { if ( Math.Abs( ((a as Equation).b as DoubleFloat).val - ((b as Equation).b as DoubleFloat).val) > tolerance) { Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1} are not equal", a, b); } return a; }
public MathObject Substitute(MathObject a, double b) { return Substitute(a, new DoubleFloat(b)); }
public static MathObject Sin(MathObject arg) { return new Sin(arg).Simplify(); }
public static MathObject Atan2(MathObject a, MathObject b) { return new Symbolism.Atan2(a, b).Simplify(); }
public Point(MathObject x_val, int y_val) { x = x_val; y = new Integer(y_val); }
public MathObject Substitute(MathObject a, MathObject b) { return bas.Substitute(a, b) ^ exp.Substitute(a, b); }
public Power(MathObject a, MathObject b) { bas = a; exp = b; }
public static MathObject Term(MathObject u) { if (u is Product && ((Product)u).elts[0] is Number) return new Product() { elts = ((Product)u).elts.Cdr() }; if (u is Product) return u; return new Product() { elts = new List<MathObject>() { u } }; }
public static MathObject Exponent(MathObject u) { if (u is Power) return ((Power)u).exp; return new Integer(1); }
public static MathObject Const(MathObject u) { if (u is Product) { var res = (Product)u; if (res.elts[0] is Integer) return res.elts[0]; if (res.elts[0] is Fraction) return res.elts[0]; if (res.elts[0] is DoubleFloat) return res.elts[0]; return new Integer(1); } return new Integer(1); }
public static bool Compare(MathObject u, MathObject v) { if (u is DoubleFloat && v is DoubleFloat) return ((DoubleFloat)u).val < ((DoubleFloat)v).val; if (u is DoubleFloat && v is Integer) return ((DoubleFloat)u).val < ((Integer)v).val; if (u is DoubleFloat && v is Fraction) return ((DoubleFloat)u).val < ((double)((Fraction)v).numerator.val) / ((double)((Fraction)v).denominator.val); if (u is Integer && v is DoubleFloat) return ((Integer)u).val < ((DoubleFloat)v).val; if (u is Fraction && v is DoubleFloat) return ((double)((Fraction)u).numerator.val) / ((double)((Fraction)u).denominator.val) < ((DoubleFloat)v).val; if (u is Integer) return Compare(new Fraction((Integer)u, new Integer(1)), v); if (v is Integer) return Compare(u, new Fraction((Integer)v, new Integer(1))); if (u is Fraction && v is Fraction) { var u_ = (Fraction)u; var v_ = (Fraction)v; // a / b < c / d // // (a d) / (b d) < (c b) / (b d) return (u_.numerator.val * v_.denominator.val) < (v_.numerator.val * u_.denominator.val); } if (u is Symbol && v is Symbol) return String.Compare( ((Symbol)u).name, ((Symbol)v).name) < 0; if (u is Product && v is Product) { // var a = new List<MathObject>(((Product)u).elts.Cdr()); var a = new List<MathObject>(((Product)u).elts); a.Reverse(); // var b = new List<MathObject>(((Product)v).elts.Cdr()); var b = new List<MathObject>(((Product)v).elts); b.Reverse(); return O3(a, b); } if (u is Sum && v is Sum) { // var a = new List<MathObject>(((Sum)u).elts.Cdr()); var a = new List<MathObject>(((Sum)u).elts); a.Reverse(); // var b = new List<MathObject>(((Sum)v).elts.Cdr()); var b = new List<MathObject>(((Sum)v).elts); b.Reverse(); return O3(a, b); } if (u is Power && v is Power) { var u_ = (Power)u; var v_ = (Power)v; return (u_.bas == v_.bas) ? Compare(u_.exp, v_.exp) : Compare(u_.bas, v_.bas); } if (u is Function && v is Function) { var u_ = (Function)u; var v_ = (Function)v; return == ? O3(u_.args, v_.args) : String.Compare(, < 0; } if ((u is Integer || u is Fraction || u is DoubleFloat) && !(v is Integer || v is Fraction || v is DoubleFloat)) return true; if (u is Product && (v is Power || v is Sum || v is Function || v is Symbol)) return Compare(u, new Product(v)); if (u is Power && (v is Sum || v is Function || v is Symbol)) return Compare(u, new Power(v, new Integer(1))); if (u is Sum && (v is Function || v is Symbol)) return Compare(u, new Sum(v)); if (u is Function && v is Symbol) { var u_ = (Function)u; var v_ = (Symbol)v; return == ? false : Compare(new Symbol(, v); } return !Compare(v, u); }
public static MathObject Base(MathObject u) { if (u is Power) return ((Power)u).bas; return u; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // overloads for 'int' public Point(int x_val, int y_val) { x = new Integer(x_val); y = new Integer(y_val); }
public Point(int x_val, MathObject y_val) { x = new Integer(x_val); y = y_val; }
public static MathObject QuadraticEquation(MathObject a, MathObject b, MathObject c, int solution=0) { if (a == new Integer(0) || a == new DoubleFloat(0.0)) throw new Exception("a is zero. Equation is not quadratic."); var discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c; var half = new Integer(1) / 2; if (solution == 0) return (-b + (discriminant ^ half)) / (2 * a); if (solution == 1) return (-b - (discriminant ^ half)) / (2 * a); throw new Exception(); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Point FromAngle(MathObject angle, MathObject mag) { return new Point(Trig.Cos(angle) * mag, Trig.Sin(angle) * mag); }
public static MathObject Sq(MathObject a) { return (a ^ 2); }
public static MathObject Cos(MathObject arg) { return new Cos(arg).Simplify(); }
public static MathObject Sqrt(MathObject a) { return (a ^ (new Integer(1) / 2)); }
public static MathObject MultiplyBothSidesBy(this MathObject obj, MathObject item) { //if (obj is Equation) // return (obj as Equation).a * item == (obj as Equation).b * item; if (obj is Equation) return new Equation( (obj as Equation).a * item, (obj as Equation).b * item, (obj as Equation).Operator); if (obj is And) return (obj as And).Map(elt => elt.MultiplyBothSidesBy(item)); throw new Exception(); }
public Obj AtTime(MathObject t) { var dt = t - time; return new Obj() { time = t, acceleration = acceleration, velocity = velocity + acceleration * dt, position = position + velocity * dt + acceleration * dt * dt / 2 }; }
public Point ProjectileInclineIntersection(MathObject theta) { if (theta != null && velocity.x != null && velocity.y != null && acceleration.y != null && acceleration.y != 0 && acceleration.y != 0.0) { var d = 2 * (Trig.Sin(theta) - velocity.y / velocity.x * Trig.Cos(theta)) * ((velocity.x / Trig.Cos(theta)) ^ 2) / acceleration.y; return new Point( position.x + d * Trig.Cos(theta), position.y + d * Trig.Sin(theta)); } throw new Exception(); }
public Point VelocityAtTime(MathObject t) { var dt = t - time; if (Misc.NotNull(velocity.x, velocity.y, acceleration.x, acceleration.y)) return velocity + acceleration * dt; throw new Exception(); }
public static MathObject AssertEqTo(this MathObject a, MathObject b) { if (!(a == b)) Console.WriteLine((a == b).ToString()); return a; }
public Point(MathObject x_val, MathObject y_val) { x = x_val; y = y_val; }
public static MathObject MultiplyBothSidesBy(this MathObject obj, MathObject item) { if (obj is Equation) return (obj as Equation).a * item == (obj as Equation).b * item; throw new Exception(); }
public MathObject Substitute(MathObject a, int b) { return Substitute(a, new Integer(b)); }