public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string sqlStatement) { try { using (DatabaseContext context = DatabaseContext.GetContext()) { SqlCommand sql_cmd = context.CreateCommand() as SqlCommand; sql_cmd.CommandText = sqlStatement; return(sql_cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()); } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.ReportException(e); throw new Exception("Failed to execute non query SQL command..."); } }
public static int ExecuteScalar(string sqlStatement) { try { using (DatabaseContext context = DatabaseContext.GetContext()) { SqlCommand cmd = context.CreateCommand() as SqlCommand; cmd.CommandText = sqlStatement; Object result = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); return(Convert.ToInt32(result)); } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.ReportException(e); throw new Exception("Failed to execute scalar SQL command..."); } }
public static DataTable GetTable(string sqlStatement) { DataTable t = new DataTable(); try { using (DatabaseContext context = DatabaseContext.GetContext()) { SqlCommand cmdAllResources = context.CreateCommand() as SqlCommand; cmdAllResources.CommandText = sqlStatement; using (SqlDataReader r = cmdAllResources.ExecuteReader()) { t.Load(r); } } return(t); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.ReportException(e); throw new Exception("Failed to execute SQL command..."); } }