コード例 #1
         * private void ConvertPdf(string[] pdfFiles, string[] pdfClientNames, string guid, Person person, Organization organization)
         * {
         *  List<string> failedConversionFileNames = new List<string>();
         *  try
         *  {
         *      int fileCount = pdfFiles.Length;
         *      Process process = null;
         *      Document lastDocument = null;
         *      for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < fileCount; fileIndex++)
         *      {
         *          // Set progress to indicate we're at file 'index' of 'fileCount'
         *          int progress = fileIndex * 99 / fileCount; // 99 at most -- 100 indicates complete
         *          int progressFileStep = 99 / fileCount;
         *          int currentFilePageCount = 0;
         *          int currentFilePageStepMilli = 0;
         *          string relativeFileName = pdfFiles[fileIndex];
         *          // Use qpdf to determine the number of pages in the PDF
         *          string pageCountFileName = "/tmp/pagecount-" + guid + ".txt";
         *          process = Process.Start("bash",
         *              "-c \"qpdf --show-npages " + Document.StorageRoot + relativeFileName + " > " + pageCountFileName + "\"");
         *          process.WaitForExit();
         *          if (process.ExitCode == 2)
         *          {
         *              // Bad PDF file
         *              failedConversionFileNames.Add(
         *                  ((string[])GuidCache.Get("PdfClientNames-" + guid))[fileIndex].Replace("'", "")
         *                      .Replace("\"", "")); // caution; we're displaying user input, guard against XSS
         *              continue;
         *          }
         *          // Read the resulting page count from the file we piped
         *          using (StreamReader pageCountReader = new StreamReader(pageCountFileName))
         *          {
         *              string line = pageCountReader.ReadLine().Trim();
         *              while (line.StartsWith("WARNING") || line.StartsWith("qpdf:"))
         *              {
         *                  line = pageCountReader.ReadLine().Trim();  // ignore warnings and chatter
         *              }
         *              currentFilePageCount = Int32.Parse(line);
         *              currentFilePageStepMilli = progressFileStep * 1000 / currentFilePageCount;
         *          }
         *          File.Delete(pageCountFileName);
         *          // Begin the conversion
         *          // Density 75 means 75dpi means conversion
         *          // Hires 600dpi conversion is also made, but from backend after this conversion
         *          process = Process.Start("bash",
         *              "-c \"convert -density 75 -background white -alpha remove " + Document.StorageRoot + relativeFileName +
         *              " " + Document.StorageRoot + relativeFileName + "-%04d.png\"");
         *          int pageCounter = 0; // the first produced page will be zero
         *          string testPageFileName = String.Format("{0}-{1:D4}.png", relativeFileName, pageCounter);
         *          string lastPageFileName = testPageFileName;
         *          // Convert works by first calling imagemagick that creates /tmp/magick-* files
         *          int lastProgress = 0;
         *          while (pageCounter < currentFilePageCount)
         *          {
         *              while (!File.Exists(Document.StorageRoot + testPageFileName))
         *              {
         *                  // Wait for file to appear
         *                  if (!process.HasExited)
         *                  {
         *                      process.WaitForExit(250);
         *                  }
         *                  if (pageCounter == 0)
         *                  {
         *                      // If first page hasn't appeared yet, check for the Magick temp files
         *                      int currentMagickCount = Directory.GetFiles("/tmp", "magick-*").Count();
         *                      int currentFilePercentage = currentMagickCount*50/currentFilePageCount;
         *                      if (currentFilePercentage > 50)
         *                      {
         *                          currentFilePercentage = 50; // we may be not the only one converting right now
         *                      }
         *                      progress = progressFileStep*fileIndex + currentFilePercentage*100/progressFileStep;
         *                      if (progress > lastProgress)  // can't use Not-Equal; temp files slowly deleted before next step
         *                      {
         *                          BroadcastGuidProgress(organization, guid, progress);
         *                          lastProgress = progress;
         *                      }
         *                  }
         *              }
         *              progress = progressFileStep * fileIndex + progressFileStep / 2 + currentFilePageStepMilli * (pageCounter + 1) / 2000;
         *              if (progress != lastProgress)
         *              {
         *                  BroadcastGuidProgress(organization, guid, progress);
         *                  lastProgress = progress;
         *              }
         *              // If the page# file that has appeared is 1+, then the preceding file is ready
         *              if (pageCounter > 0)
         *              {
         *                  long fileLength = new FileInfo(Document.StorageRoot + lastPageFileName).Length;
         *                  Document.Create(lastPageFileName, pdfClientNames[fileIndex] + " " + pageCounter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
         *                      fileLength, guid, null, person);
         *                  // Set to readonly, lock out changes, permit all read
         *                  Syscall.chmod(Document.StorageRoot + lastPageFileName,
         *                      FilePermissions.S_IRUSR | FilePermissions.S_IRGRP | FilePermissions.S_IROTH);
         *                  // Prepare to save the next file
         *                  lastPageFileName = testPageFileName;
         *              }
         *              // Increase the page counter and the file we're looking for
         *              pageCounter++;
         *              testPageFileName = String.Format("{0}-{1:D4}.png", relativeFileName, pageCounter);
         *          }
         *          // We've seen the last page being written -- wait for process to exit to assure it's complete
         *          if (!process.HasExited)
         *          {
         *              process.WaitForExit();
         *          }
         *          // Save the last page
         *          long fileLengthLastPage = new FileInfo(Document.StorageRoot + lastPageFileName).Length;
         *          lastDocument = Document.Create(lastPageFileName,
         *              pdfClientNames[fileIndex] + " " + pageCounter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
         *              fileLengthLastPage, guid, null, person);
         *          // Set to readonly, lock out changes, permit all read
         *          Syscall.chmod(Document.StorageRoot + lastPageFileName,
         *              FilePermissions.S_IRUSR | FilePermissions.S_IRGRP | FilePermissions.S_IROTH);
         *          // Finally, ask the backend to do the high-res conversions, but now we have the basic, fast ones
         *          RasterizeDocumentHiresOrder backendOrder = new RasterizeDocumentHiresOrder(lastDocument);
         *          backendOrder.Create();
         *      }
         *  }
         *  catch (Exception e)
         *  {
         *      throw;
         *  }
         *  finally
         *  {
         *      BroadcastGuidProgress(organization, guid, 100);
         *  }
         * }*/

        private void BroadcastGuidProgress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs args)
            JObject json = new JObject();

            json["MessageType"] = "ProgressUpdate";
            json["Guid"]        = args.Guid.Replace("-", "_"); // necessary to be a JS token
            json["Progress"]    = args.Progress;

            FrontendLoop.BroadcastToOrganization(args.Organization, json);
コード例 #2
        private void ProcessMetapackage(string xmlData)
            Console.WriteLine("Decoding XML: " + xmlData);
            SocketMessage message = SocketMessage.FromXml(xmlData);

            // Most should just be sent straight to backend. Some could possibly be processed already here.

            switch (message.MessageType)
            case "BroadcastProgress":
                JObject progressBroadcast = new JObject();
                progressBroadcast["MessageType"] = "ProgressUpdate";
                progressBroadcast["Guid"]        = message.Guid.Replace("-", "_"); // enables JS tokens from Guid
                progressBroadcast["Progress"]    = message.Progress;


                // we're not handling here, send to backend
コード例 #3
        protected override void OnMessage(WebSocketSharp.MessageEventArgs e)
            // Basically just echo whatever's sent here

            Console.WriteLine(" - a client says " + e.Data);

            JObject json          = JObject.Parse(e.Data);
            string  serverRequest = (string)json["ServerRequest"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverRequest))
                // Not a server request, so just echo the contents to everybody

            switch (serverRequest)
            case "AddBitcoinAddress":

            case "Metapackage":

            case "Ping":
                // TODO: Request heartbeat from backend
                // Sessions.Broadcast("{\"messageType\":\"Heartbeat\"}");

            case "ConvertPdf":
                    JArray pdfFilesArray       = (JArray)json["PdfFiles"];
                    JArray pdfClientNamesArray = (JArray)json["ClientFileNames"];

                    List <RasterizationTarget> rasterizationTargets = new List <RasterizationTarget>();
                    for (int loop = 0; loop < pdfFilesArray.Count; loop++)
                        rasterizationTargets.Add(new RasterizationTarget
                            FullyQualifiedFileName = Document.StorageRoot + (string)pdfFilesArray[loop],
                            ClientFileName         = (string)pdfClientNamesArray[loop]

                    PdfProcessor pdfMaker = new PdfProcessor();
                    pdfMaker.RasterizationProgress += BroadcastGuidProgress;
                    pdfMaker.RasterizeMany(rasterizationTargets.ToArray(), (string)json["Guid"], _authority.Person,
                catch (Exception exc)
                    Sessions.Broadcast("{\"messageType\":\"Debug\",\"data\":\"Exception - " + exc.GetType() + " - " + exc.ToString().Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"}");


            case "ConvertPdfHires":
                // Send to backend
                JObject backendRequest = new JObject();
                backendRequest["BackendRequest"] = "ConvertPdfHires";
                backendRequest["DocumentId"]     = json["DocumentId"];

                // do nothing;