static void Main(string[] args) { CommandLineApplication app = new CommandLineApplication(); var matchRoute = false; string assemblyPath = ""; string swaggerPath = ""; app.Name = "SwaggerCheck"; var swaggerRouteOption = app.Option("-s|--swagger", "Path to Swagger file", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var assemblyRouteOption = app.Option("-b|--binary", "Path to .dll file", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var matchRouteOption = app.Option("-r|--routes", "Find unimplemented Swagger Routes", CommandOptionType.NoValue); app.OnExecute(() => { //TODO: change options to arguments matchRoute = matchRouteOption.HasValue(); if (swaggerRouteOption.HasValue()) { swaggerPath = Path.GetFullPath(swaggerRouteOption.Value()); } if (assemblyRouteOption.HasValue()) { assemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(assemblyRouteOption.Value()); } return(0); }); app.Execute(args); if (!File.Exists(assemblyPath)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"{assemblyPath} is not a valid path"); Environment.Exit(1); } if (!File.Exists(swaggerPath)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"{assemblyPath} is not a valid path"); Environment.Exit(1); } Console.WriteLine($"Program fail on mismatch: {matchRoute}"); var assembly = new Assembly(assemblyPath); var swagger = new Swagger(swaggerPath); Console.WriteLine("Checking Swagger....."); var notInAssembly = InSwagger(assembly, swagger); Console.WriteLine("Checking Assembly....."); var notInSwagger = InAssembly(assembly, swagger); Console.WriteLine($"Found {swagger.Endpoints} endpoints in Swagger file"); Console.WriteLine($"Found {assembly.Endpoints} endpoints in API"); Console.WriteLine($"{notInAssembly.Count} endpoints have not been implemented"); foreach (var action in notInAssembly) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Warning: No matching endpoint {action.Route} with Http method {action.Method} in API"); } Console.WriteLine($"{notInSwagger.Count} endpoints are implemented but are not in the Swagger file"); foreach (var action in notInSwagger) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Warning: Endpoint {action.Route} with Http method {action.Method} implemented but does not match Swagger file"); } if (matchRoute && (notInAssembly.Any() || notInAssembly.Any())) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Tests failing"); Environment.Exit(1); } }
/// <summary> /// In Assembly but not in Swagger /// </summary> /// <param name="assembly">The generated Assembly object</param> /// <param name="swagger">The generated Swagger object</param> /// <returns></returns> static List <Action> InAssembly(Assembly assembly, Swagger swagger) { return(Compare(assembly.Routes, swagger.Routes)); }