public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { currentChars = ""; if ("entry".Equals(local) && !"bibtex:entry".Equals(raw) && !inEntry) { inEntry = true; entry = new Entry(); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("id")) { entry.ID = atts.GetValue(i); } else if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("term")) { entry.Label = atts.GetValue(i); } } } if ("metadataList".Equals(local) && !inMetadataList) { inMetadataList = true; } // if we're in a metadataList then look at individual // metadata nodes and check for any whose content refers // to QSAR metadata and save that. Currently it does'nt // differentiate between descriptorType or descriptorClass. // Do we need to differentiate? // // RG: I think so and so I save a combination of the dictRef attribute // and the content attribute if ("metadata".Equals(local) && inMetadataList) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength() - 1; i += 2) { System.String dictRefValue = ""; if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("dictRef")) { dictRefValue = atts.GetValue(i); } if (atts.GetFullName(i + 1).Equals("content")) { System.String content = atts.GetValue(i + 1); if (content.IndexOf("qsar-descriptors-metadata:") == 0) { entry.setDescriptorMetadata(dictRefValue + "/" + content); } } } } }
public override void startElement(CMLStack xpath, System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { System.String name = local; if (name.Equals("list")) { //logger.debug("Oke, JMOLANIMATION seems to be kicked in :)"); cdo.startObject("Animation"); base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } else if (name.Equals("molecule")) { cdo.startObject("Frame"); //logger.debug("New frame being parsed."); base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } else if (name.Equals("float")) { bool isEnergy = false; //logger.debug("FLOAT found!"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { //logger.debug(" att: ", atts.GetFullName(i), " -> ", atts.GetValue(i)); if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("title") && atts.GetValue(i).Equals("FRAME_ENERGY")) { isEnergy = true; } } if (isEnergy) { // oke, this is the frames energy! current = ENERGY; } else { base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } } else { base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } }
private IIsotope createIsotopeOfElement(System.String currentElement, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { IIsotope isotope = builder.newIsotope(currentElement); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { try { if ("id".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { isotope.ID = atts.GetValue(i); } else if ("isotopeNumber".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { isotope.MassNumber = System.Int32.Parse(atts.GetValue(i)); } else if ("elementType".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { isotope.Symbol = atts.GetValue(i); } } catch (System.FormatException exception) { //logger.error("Value of isotope@", atts.GetFullName(i), " is not as expected."); //logger.debug(exception); } } return isotope; }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { currentChars = ""; dictRef = ""; //logger.debug("startElement: ", raw); //logger.debug("uri: ", uri); //logger.debug("local: ", local); //logger.debug("raw: ", raw); if ("isotope".Equals(local)) { workingIsotope = createIsotopeOfElement(currentElement, atts); } else if ("isotopeList".Equals(local)) { currentElement = getElementSymbol(atts); } else if ("abundance".Equals(local)) { //logger.warn("Disregarding dictRef for now..."); } else if ("scalar".Equals(local)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("dictRef".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { dictRef = atts.GetValue(i); } } } }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { currentChars = ""; dictRef = ""; //logger.debug("startElement: ", raw); //logger.debug("uri: ", uri); //logger.debug("local: ", local); //logger.debug("raw: ", raw); if ("elementType".Equals(local)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("id".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { elementType = new PeriodicTableElement(atts.GetValue(i)); } } } else if ("scalar".Equals(local)) for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("dictRef".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { if ("cas:id".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = LABEL_CAS; } else if ("cdk:name".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_NAME; } else if ("cdk:atomicNumber".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_ATOMICNUMBER; } else if ("cdk:name".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_NAME; } else if ("cdk:chemicalSerie".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_CHEMICALSERIE; } else if ("cdk:period".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_PERIOD; } else if ("cdk:group".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_GROUP; } else if ("cdk:phase".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_PHASE; } } } }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { xpath.push(local); //if (debug) // logger.debug("<", raw, "> -> ", xpath); // Detect CML modules, like CRML and CCML if (local.StartsWith("reaction")) { // e.g. reactionList, reaction -> CRML module //"Detected CRML module"); conv = new CMLReactionModule(conv); conventionStack.push(conventionStack.current()); } else { // assume CML Core // Detect conventions System.String convName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("convention")) { convName = atts.GetValue(i); } } if (convName.Length > 0) { if (convName.Equals(conventionStack.current())) { //logger.debug("Same convention as parent"); } else { //"New Convention: ", convName); if (convName.Equals("CML")) { /* Don't reset the convention handler to CMLCore, becuase all handlers should extend this handler, and use it for any content other then specifically put into the specific convention */ } else if (convName.Equals("PDB")) { conv = new PDBConvention(conv); } else if (convName.Equals("PMP")) { conv = new PMPConvention(conv); } else if (convName.Equals("MDLMol")) { //if (debug) // logger.debug("MDLMolConvention instantiated..."); conv = new MDLMolConvention(conv); } else if (convName.Equals("JMOL-ANIMATION")) { conv = new JMOLANIMATIONConvention(conv); } else if (userConventions.ContainsKey(convName)) { //unknown convention. userConvention? ICMLConvention newconv = (ICMLConvention)userConventions[convName]; newconv.inherit(conv); conv = newconv; } else { //logger.warn("Detected unknown convention: ", convName); } } conventionStack.push(convName); } else { // no convention set/reset: take convention of parent conventionStack.push(conventionStack.current()); } } //if (debug) // logger.debug("ConventionStack: ", conventionStack); conv.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); }
/// <summary> /// This method manage the event when a start element node were found /// </summary> /// <param name="namespaceURI">The namespace uri of the element tag</param> /// <param name="localName">The local name of the element</param> /// <param name="qName">The Qualify (long) name of the element</param> /// <param name="atts">The list of attributes of the element</param> public virtual void startElement(System.String uri, System.String localName, System.String qName, SaxAttributesSupport attributes) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of SaxAttributesSupport from an ArrayList of Att_Instance class. /// </summary> /// <param name="arrayList">An ArraList of Att_Instance class instances.</param> /// <returns>A new instance of SaxAttributesSupport</returns> public SaxAttributesSupport(SaxAttributesSupport List) { SaxAttributesSupport temp = new SaxAttributesSupport(); temp.MainList = (System.Collections.ArrayList)List.MainList.Clone(); }
public override void startElement(CMLStack xpath, System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { if ("reaction".Equals(local)) { cdo.startObject("Reaction"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); System.String value_Renamed = atts.GetValue(i); if (att.Equals("id")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Reaction", "id", value_Renamed); } } } else if ("reactionList".Equals(local)) { cdo.startObject("SetOfReactions"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); System.String value_Renamed = atts.GetValue(i); if (att.Equals("id")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("SetOfReactions", "id", value_Renamed); } } } else if ("reactant".Equals(local)) { cdo.startObject("Reactant"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); System.String value_Renamed = atts.GetValue(i); if (att.Equals("id")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Reactant", "id", value_Renamed); } } } else if ("product".Equals(local)) { cdo.startObject("Product"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); System.String value_Renamed = atts.GetValue(i); if (att.Equals("id")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Product", "id", value_Renamed); } } } else if ("molecule".Equals(local)) { // do nothing for now base.newMolecule(); } else { base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } }
/// <summary> /// Emulates the behavior of a SAX parser, it realizes the callback events of the parser. /// </summary> private void DoParsing() { System.Collections.Hashtable prefixes = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); System.Collections.Stack stackNameSpace = new System.Collections.Stack(); locator = new XmlSaxLocatorImpl(); try { UpdateLocatorData(this.locator, (System.Xml.XmlTextReader)(this.reader.Reader)); if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.setDocumentLocator(locator); if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.startDocument(); while (this.reader.Read()) { UpdateLocatorData(this.locator, (System.Xml.XmlTextReader)(this.reader.Reader)); switch (this.reader.NodeType) { case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element: bool Empty = reader.IsEmptyElement; System.String namespaceURI = ""; System.String localName = ""; if (this.namespaceAllowed) { namespaceURI = reader.NamespaceURI; localName = reader.LocalName; } System.String name = reader.Name; SaxAttributesSupport attributes = new SaxAttributesSupport(); if (reader.HasAttributes) { for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++) { reader.MoveToAttribute(i); System.String prefixName = (reader.Name.IndexOf(":") > 0) ? reader.Name.Substring(reader.Name.IndexOf(":") + 1, reader.Name.Length - reader.Name.IndexOf(":") - 1) : ""; System.String prefix = (reader.Name.IndexOf(":") > 0) ? reader.Name.Substring(0, reader.Name.IndexOf(":")) : reader.Name; bool IsXmlns = prefix.ToLower().Equals("xmlns"); if (this.namespaceAllowed) { if (!IsXmlns) attributes.Add(reader.NamespaceURI, reader.LocalName, reader.Name, "" + reader.NodeType, reader.Value); } else attributes.Add("", "", reader.Name, "" + reader.NodeType, reader.Value); if (IsXmlns) { System.String namespaceTemp = ""; namespaceTemp = (namespaceURI.Length == 0) ? reader.Value : namespaceURI; if (this.namespaceAllowed && !prefixes.ContainsKey(namespaceTemp) && namespaceTemp.Length > 0) { stackNameSpace.Push(name); System.Collections.Stack namespaceStack = new System.Collections.Stack(); namespaceStack.Push(prefixName); prefixes.Add(namespaceURI, namespaceStack); if (this.callBackHandler != null) ((XmlSaxContentHandler)this.callBackHandler).startPrefixMapping(prefixName, namespaceTemp); } else { if (this.namespaceAllowed && namespaceTemp.Length > 0 && !((System.Collections.Stack)prefixes[namespaceTemp]).Contains(reader.Name)) { ((System.Collections.Stack)prefixes[namespaceURI]).Push(prefixName); if (this.callBackHandler != null) ((XmlSaxContentHandler)this.callBackHandler).startPrefixMapping(prefixName, reader.Value); } } } } } if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, name, attributes); if (Empty) { if (this.NamespaceAllowed) { if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.endElement(namespaceURI, localName, name); } else if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.endElement("", "", name); } break; case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement: if (this.namespaceAllowed) { if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.endElement(reader.NamespaceURI, reader.LocalName, reader.Name); } else if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.endElement("", "", reader.Name); if (this.namespaceAllowed && prefixes.ContainsKey(reader.NamespaceURI) && ((System.Collections.Stack)stackNameSpace).Contains(reader.Name)) { stackNameSpace.Pop(); System.Collections.Stack namespaceStack = (System.Collections.Stack)prefixes[reader.NamespaceURI]; while (namespaceStack.Count > 0) { System.String tempString = (System.String)namespaceStack.Pop(); if (this.callBackHandler != null) ((XmlSaxContentHandler)this.callBackHandler).endPrefixMapping(tempString); } prefixes.Remove(reader.NamespaceURI); } break; case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Text: if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.characters(reader.Value.ToCharArray(), 0, reader.Value.Length); break; case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.ignorableWhitespace(reader.Value.ToCharArray(), 0, reader.Value.Length); break; case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.processingInstruction(reader.Name, reader.Value); break; case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Comment: if (this.lexical != null) this.lexical.comment(reader.Value.ToCharArray(), 0, reader.Value.Length); break; case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.CDATA: if (this.lexical != null) { lexical.startCDATA(); if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.characters(this.reader.Value.ToCharArray(), 0, this.reader.Value.ToCharArray().Length); lexical.endCDATA(); } break; case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.DocumentType: if (this.lexical != null) { System.String lname = this.reader.Name; System.String systemId = null; if (this.reader.Reader.AttributeCount > 0) systemId = this.reader.Reader.GetAttribute(0); this.lexical.startDTD(lname, null, systemId); this.lexical.startEntity("[dtd]"); this.lexical.endEntity("[dtd]"); this.lexical.endDTD(); } break; } } if (this.callBackHandler != null) this.callBackHandler.endDocument(); } catch (System.Xml.XmlException e) { throw e; } }
/// <summary> /// This method manage the event when a start element node were found /// </summary> /// <param name="namespaceURI">The namespace uri of the element tag</param> /// <param name="localName">The local name of the element</param> /// <param name="qName">The Qualify (long) name of the element</param> /// <param name="qAtts">The list of attributes of the element</param> public virtual void startElement(System.String namespaceURI, System.String localName, System.String qName, SaxAttributesSupport qAtts) { }
public override void startElement(CMLStack xpath, System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { ////logger.debug("MDLMol element: name"); base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); }
public virtual void startElement(CMLStack xpath, System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { System.String name = local; ////logger.debug("StartElement"); currentChars = ""; BUILTIN = ""; DICTREF = ""; for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String qname = atts.GetFullName(i); if (qname.Equals("builtin")) { BUILTIN = atts.GetValue(i); ////logger.debug(name, "->BUILTIN found: ", atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (qname.Equals("dictRef")) { DICTREF = atts.GetValue(i); ////logger.debug(name, "->DICTREF found: ", atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (qname.Equals("title")) { elementTitle = atts.GetValue(i); ////logger.debug(name, "->TITLE found: ", atts.GetValue(i)); } else { ////logger.debug("Qname: ", qname); } } if ("atom".Equals(name)) { atomCounter++; for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); System.String value_Renamed = atts.GetValue(i); if (att.Equals("id")) { // this is supported in CML 1.x elid.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("elementType")) { elsym.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("title")) { eltitles.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("x2")) { x2.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("xy2")) { SupportClass.Tokenizer tokenizer = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(value_Renamed); x2.Add(tokenizer.NextToken()); y2.Add(tokenizer.NextToken()); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("xyzFract")) { SupportClass.Tokenizer tokenizer = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(value_Renamed); xfract.Add(tokenizer.NextToken()); yfract.Add(tokenizer.NextToken()); zfract.Add(tokenizer.NextToken()); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("xyz3")) { SupportClass.Tokenizer tokenizer = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(value_Renamed); x3.Add(tokenizer.NextToken()); y3.Add(tokenizer.NextToken()); z3.Add(tokenizer.NextToken()); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("y2")) { y2.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("x3")) { x3.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("y3")) { y3.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("z3")) { z3.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("xFract")) { xfract.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("yFract")) { yfract.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("zFract")) { zfract.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("formalCharge")) { formalCharges.Add(value_Renamed); } // this is supported in CML 2.0 else if (att.Equals("hydrogenCount")) { hCounts.Add(value_Renamed); } else if (att.Equals("isotope")) { isotope.Add(value_Renamed); } else if (att.Equals("dictRef")) { atomDictRefs.Add(value_Renamed); } else if (att.Equals("spinMultiplicity")) { spinMultiplicities.Add(value_Renamed); } else { ////logger.warn("Unparsed attribute: " + att); } } } else if ("atomArray".Equals(name)) { bool atomsCounted = false; for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); int count = 0; if (att.Equals("atomID")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(elid, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("elementType")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(elsym, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("x2")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(x2, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("y2")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(y2, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("x3")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(x3, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("y3")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(y3, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("z3")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(z3, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("xFract")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(xfract, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("yFract")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(yfract, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("zFract")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(zfract, atts.GetValue(i)); } else { ////logger.warn("Unparsed attribute: " + att); } if (!atomsCounted) { atomCounter += count; atomsCounted = true; } } } else if ("bond".Equals(name)) { bondCounter++; for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); ////logger.debug("B2 ", att, "=", atts.GetValue(i)); if (att.Equals("id")) { bondid.Add(atts.GetValue(i)); ////logger.debug("B3 ", bondid); } else if (att.Equals("atomRefs") || att.Equals("atomRefs2")) { // this is CML 2.0 support // expect exactly two references try { SupportClass.Tokenizer st = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(atts.GetValue(i)); bondARef1.Add((System.String)st.NextToken()); bondARef2.Add((System.String)st.NextToken()); } catch (System.Exception e) { //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Throwable.getMessage' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'" ////logger.error("Error in CML file: ", e.Message); ////logger.debug(e); } } else if (att.Equals("order")) { // this is CML 2.0 support order.Add(atts.GetValue(i).Trim()); } else if (att.Equals("dictRef")) { bondDictRefs.Add(atts.GetValue(i).Trim()); } } stereoGiven = false; curRef = 0; } else if ("bondArray".Equals(name)) { bool bondsCounted = false; for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); int count = 0; if (att.Equals("bondID")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(bondid, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("atomRefs1")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(bondARef1, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("atomRefs2")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(bondARef2, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("atomRef1")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(bondARef1, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("atomRef2")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(bondARef2, atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (att.Equals("order")) { count = addArrayElementsTo(order, atts.GetValue(i)); } else { ////logger.warn("Unparsed attribute: " + att); } if (!bondsCounted) { bondCounter += count; bondsCounted = true; } } curRef = 0; } else if ("molecule".Equals(name)) { newMolecule(); BUILTIN = ""; cdo.startObject("Molecule"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("id")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Molecule", "id", atts.GetValue(i)); } else if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("dictRef")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Molecule", "dictRef", atts.GetValue(i)); } } } else if ("crystal".Equals(name)) { newCrystalData(); cdo.startObject("Crystal"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); if (att.Equals("z")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Crystal", "z", atts.GetValue(i)); } } } else if ("symmetry".Equals(name)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { System.String att = atts.GetFullName(i); if (att.Equals("spaceGroup")) { cdo.setObjectProperty("Crystal", "spacegroup", atts.GetValue(i)); } } } else if ("scalar".Equals(name)) { if (xpath.ToString().EndsWith("crystal/scalar/")) crystalScalar++; } else if ("list".Equals(name)) { cdo.startObject("SetOfMolecules"); } }
public override void startElement(CMLStack xpath, System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { System.String name = raw; isELSYM = false; if ("list".Equals(name)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("title") && atts.GetValue(i).Equals("sequence")) { } else if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("title") && atts.GetValue(i).Equals("connections")) { // assume that Atom's have been read //logger.debug("Assuming that Atom's have been read: storing them"); base.storeAtomData(); connectionTable = true; //logger.debug("Start Connection Table"); } else if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("title") && atts.GetValue(i).Equals("connect")) { //logger.debug("New connection"); isBond = true; } else if (atts.GetFullName(i).Equals("id") && isBond) { connect_root = atts.GetValue(i); } // ignore other list items at this moment } } else { base.startElement(xpath, uri, local, raw, atts); } }
private System.String getElementSymbol(SaxAttributesSupport atts) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("id".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { return atts.GetValue(i); } } return ""; }
public override void startElement(System.String uri, System.String local, System.String raw, SaxAttributesSupport atts) { currentChars = ""; //logger.debug("START Element: ", raw); //logger.debug(" uri: ", uri); //logger.debug(" local: ", local); //logger.debug(" raw: ", raw); if ("atomType".Equals(local)) { atomType = builder.newAtomType("R"); for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("id".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { atomType.AtomTypeName = atts.GetValue(i); } } } else if ("atom".Equals(local)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("elementType".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { atomType.Symbol = atts.GetValue(i); } else if ("formalCharge".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { try { atomType.setFormalCharge(System.Int32.Parse(atts.GetValue(i))); } catch (System.FormatException exception) { //logger.error("Value of <atom> @", atts.GetFullName(i), " is not an integer: ", atts.GetValue(i)); //logger.debug(exception); } } } } else if ("scalar".Equals(local)) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.GetLength(); i++) { if ("dictRef".Equals(atts.GetFullName(i))) { if ("cdk:maxBondOrder".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_MAXBONDORDER; } else if ("cdk:bondOrderSum".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_BONDORDERSUM; } else if ("cdk:hybridization".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_HYBRIDIZATION; } else if ("cdk:formalNeighbourCount".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_FORMALNEIGHBOURCOUNT; } else if ("cdk:valency".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_VALENCY; } else if ("cdk:formalCharge".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_FORMALCHARGE; } else if ("cdk:DA".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_DA; } else if ("cdk:sphericalMatcher".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_SPHERICALMATCHER; } else if ("cdk:ringSize".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_RINGSIZE; } else if ("cdk:ringConstant".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_CHEMICALGROUPCONSTANT; } else if ("cdk:aromaticAtom".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_ISAROMATIC; } else if ("emboss:vdwrad".Equals(atts.GetValue(i))) { scalarType = SCALAR_VANDERWAALSRADIUS; } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Replaces all the list of Att_Instance of the given SaxAttributesSupport instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="Source">The source SaxAttributesSupport instance.</param> public virtual void SetAttributes(SaxAttributesSupport Source) { MainList = Source.MainList; }