private void pasteSettingsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (1 != m_listClipboardElements.Count) { return; } var zSourceElement = m_listClipboardElements[0]; var zQuery = new QueryPanelDialog("Apply Element Settings", 400, false); zQuery.SetIcon(CardMakerInstance.ApplicationIcon); const string SETTINGS_TO_COPY = "settings_to_copy"; // TODO: if this ever expands to more fields just use a dictionary.contains var listProperties = ProjectLayoutElement.SortedPropertyInfos.Where(x => !x.Name.Equals("name")).ToList(); zQuery.AddLabel("Select the settings to apply to the selected Elements.", 40); zQuery.AddListBox("Settings to apply", listProperties.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray(), null, true, 400, SETTINGS_TO_COPY); if (DialogResult.OK == zQuery.ShowDialog(this)) { var dictionaryNewElementValues = new Dictionary<PropertyInfo, object>(); var dictionaryOldElementsValues = new Dictionary<ProjectLayoutElement, Dictionary<PropertyInfo, object>>(); // construct the set of values from the source element foreach (var nIdx in zQuery.GetIndices(SETTINGS_TO_COPY)) { dictionaryNewElementValues.Add(listProperties[nIdx], listProperties[nIdx].GetValue(zSourceElement, null)); } // construct the set of values from the destination element(s) foreach (var zElement in ElementManager.Instance.SelectedElements) { var dictionaryOldValues = new Dictionary<PropertyInfo, object>(); dictionaryOldElementsValues.Add(zElement, dictionaryOldValues); foreach (var zEntry in dictionaryNewElementValues) { dictionaryOldValues.Add(zEntry.Key, zEntry.Key.GetValue(zElement, null)); } } UserAction.PushAction(bRedo => { CardMakerInstance.ProcessingUserAction = true; foreach (var zElementToValue in dictionaryOldElementsValues) { foreach (var zEntry in zElementToValue.Value) { // pull the value from the old element dictionary or the source element var zValue = bRedo ? dictionaryNewElementValues[zEntry.Key] : zEntry.Value; zEntry.Key.SetValue(zElementToValue.Key, zValue, null); } // re-init any translated string values (colors/fonts) // TODO: consider using an event for this kind of thing... zElementToValue.Key.InitializeCache(); } CardMakerInstance.ProcessingUserAction = false; // clear the deck cache so element translations are re-processed LayoutManager.Instance.ActiveDeck.ResetDeckCache(); // trigger a re-select (this will cause the element window to update) listViewElements_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); LayoutManager.Instance.FireLayoutUpdatedEvent(true); }, true); } }
private void importLayoutsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var ofd = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = m_sFileOpenFilter, CheckFileExists = true }; if (DialogResult.OK != ofd.ShowDialog(this)) { return; } Project zProject = null; try { zProject = ProjectManager.LoadProject(ofd.FileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.AddLogLine("Error Loading Project File: " + ex.Message); } if (null == zProject) { return; } var zQuery = new QueryPanelDialog("Select Layouts To Import", 500, false); const string LAYOUT_QUERY_KEY = "layoutquerykey"; zQuery.AddListBox("Layouts", zProject.Layout.ToList().Select(projectLayout => projectLayout.Name).ToArray(), null, true, 400, LAYOUT_QUERY_KEY); if (DialogResult.OK == zQuery.ShowDialog(this)) { var listIndices = zQuery.GetIndices(LAYOUT_QUERY_KEY).ToList(); listIndices.ForEach(nIdx => { ProjectManager.Instance.AddLayout(zProject.Layout[nIdx]); }); } }
private void removeLayoutTemplatesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { const string TEMPLATE = "template"; var listItems = new List<string>(); LayoutTemplateManager.Instance.LayoutTemplates.ForEach(x => listItems.Add(x.ToString())); var zQuery = new QueryPanelDialog("Remove Layout Templates", 450, false); zQuery.SetIcon(Properties.Resources.CardMakerIcon); zQuery.AddLabel("Select the templates to remove.", 20); zQuery.AddListBox("Templates", listItems.ToArray(), null, true, 120, TEMPLATE); zQuery.AllowResize(); if (DialogResult.OK == zQuery.ShowDialog(this)) { var arrayRemove = zQuery.GetIndices(TEMPLATE); if (0 == arrayRemove.Length) { return; } var trimmedList = new List<LayoutTemplate>(); int removalIdx = 0; List<LayoutTemplate> listOldTemplates = LayoutTemplateManager.Instance.LayoutTemplates; for (int nIdx = 0; nIdx < listOldTemplates.Count; nIdx++) { if (removalIdx < arrayRemove.Length && nIdx == arrayRemove[removalIdx]) { removalIdx++; // delete failures are logged LayoutTemplateManager.Instance.DeleteLayoutTemplate(CardMakerInstance.StartupPath, listOldTemplates[nIdx]); } else { trimmedList.Add(listOldTemplates[nIdx]); } } LayoutTemplateManager.Instance.LayoutTemplates = trimmedList; } }
private void addCardLayoutFromTemplateToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { const string TEMPLATE = "template"; const string NAME = "name"; const string COUNT = "count"; var listItems = new List<string>(); LayoutTemplateManager.Instance.LayoutTemplates.ForEach(x => listItems.Add(x.ToString())); var zQuery = new QueryPanelDialog("Select Layout Template", 450, false); zQuery.SetIcon(Resources.CardMakerIcon); zQuery.AddTextBox("New Layout Name", "New Layout", false, NAME); zQuery.AddNumericBox("Number to create", 1, 1, 256, COUNT); zQuery.AddListBox("Template", listItems.ToArray(), null, false, 120, TEMPLATE); zQuery.AllowResize(); while(DialogResult.OK == zQuery.ShowDialog(this)) { int nSelectedIndex = zQuery.GetIndex(TEMPLATE); if(-1 == nSelectedIndex) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a layout template"); continue; } ProjectLayout zSelectedLayout = LayoutTemplateManager.Instance.LayoutTemplates[nSelectedIndex].Layout; for (int nCount = 0; nCount < zQuery.GetDecimal(COUNT); nCount++) { var zLayout = new ProjectLayout(zQuery.GetString(NAME)); zLayout.DeepCopy(zSelectedLayout); AddProjectLayout(zLayout, CardMakerMDI.Instance.LoadedProject); } break; } }