public WorkItem(int size, CompressionLevel compressLevel, CompressionStrategy strategy, int ix) { this.buffer = new byte[size]; // alloc 5 bytes overhead for every block (margin of safety= 2) int n = size + (size / 32768 + 1) * 5 * 2; this.compressed = new byte[n]; this.compressor = new ZLibCodec(); this.compressor.InitializeDeflate(compressLevel, false); this.compressor.OutputBuffer = this.compressed; this.compressor.InputBuffer = this.buffer; this.index = ix; }
private void end() { if (this.z == null) { return; } if (this.m_wantCompress) { this.m_z.EndDeflate(); } else { this.m_z.EndInflate(); } this.m_z = null; }
internal int inflate_trees_bits(int[] c, int[] bb, int[] tb, int[] hp, ZLibCodec z) { int result; this.initWorkArea(19);[0] = 0; result = this.huft_build(c, 0, 19, 19, null, null, tb, bb, hp,, this.v); if (result == InfTree.Z_DATA_ERROR) { z.Message = "oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree"; } else if (result == InfTree.Z_BUF_ERROR || bb[0] == 0) { z.Message = "incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree"; result = InfTree.Z_DATA_ERROR; } return(result); }
private void m_FlushFinish() { // After writing a series of compressed buffers, each one closed // with Flush.Sync, we now write the final one as Flush.Finish, // and then stop. byte[] buffer = new byte[128]; ZLibCodec compressor = new ZLibCodec(); int rc = compressor.InitializeDeflate(this.m_compressLevel, false); compressor.InputBuffer = null; compressor.NextIn = 0; compressor.AvailableBytesIn = 0; compressor.OutputBuffer = buffer; compressor.NextOut = 0; compressor.AvailableBytesOut = buffer.Length; rc = compressor.Deflate(FlushType.Finish); if (rc != ZLibConstants.Z_STREAM_END && rc != ZLibConstants.Z_OK) { throw new Exception("deflating: " + compressor.Message); } if (buffer.Length - compressor.AvailableBytesOut > 0) { this.TraceOutput(TraceBits.EmitBegin, "Emit begin flush bytes({0})", buffer.Length - compressor.AvailableBytesOut); this.m_outStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length - compressor.AvailableBytesOut); this.TraceOutput(TraceBits.EmitDone, "Emit done flush"); } compressor.EndDeflate(); this.Crc32 = this.m_runningCrc.Crc32Result; }
private bool DeflateOneSegment(WorkItem workitem) { ZLibCodec compressor = workitem.compressor; int rc = 0; compressor.ResetDeflate(); compressor.NextIn = 0; compressor.AvailableBytesIn = workitem.inputBytesAvailable; // step 1: deflate the buffer compressor.NextOut = 0; compressor.AvailableBytesOut = workitem.compressed.Length; do { compressor.Deflate(FlushType.None); } while (compressor.AvailableBytesIn > 0 || compressor.AvailableBytesOut == 0); // step 2: flush (sync) rc = compressor.Deflate(FlushType.Sync); workitem.compressedBytesAvailable = (int)compressor.TotalBytesOut; return(true); }
internal static int inflate_trees_fixed(int[] bl, int[] bd, int[][] tl, int[][] td, ZLibCodec z) { bl[0] = InfTree.fixed_bl; bd[0] = InfTree.fixed_bd; tl[0] = InfTree.fixed_tl; td[0] = InfTree.fixed_td; return(InfTree.Z_OK); }
internal int inflate_trees_dynamic(int nl, int nd, int[] c, int[] bl, int[] bd, int[] tl, int[] td, int[] hp, ZLibCodec z) { int result; // build literal/length tree this.initWorkArea(288);[0] = 0; result = this.huft_build(c, 0, nl, 257, InfTree.cplens, InfTree.cplext, tl, bl, hp,, this.v); if (result != InfTree.Z_OK || bl[0] == 0) { if (result == InfTree.Z_DATA_ERROR) { z.Message = "oversubscribed literal/length tree"; } else if (result != InfTree.Z_MEM_ERROR) { z.Message = "incomplete literal/length tree"; result = InfTree.Z_DATA_ERROR; } return(result); } // build distance tree this.initWorkArea(288); result = this.huft_build(c, nl, nd, 0, InfTree.cpdist, InfTree.cpdext, td, bd, hp,, this.v); if (result != InfTree.Z_OK || bd[0] == 0 && nl > 257) { if (result == InfTree.Z_DATA_ERROR) { z.Message = "oversubscribed distance tree"; } else if (result == InfTree.Z_BUF_ERROR) { z.Message = "incomplete distance tree"; result = InfTree.Z_DATA_ERROR; } else if (result != InfTree.Z_MEM_ERROR) { z.Message = "empty distance tree with lengths"; result = InfTree.Z_DATA_ERROR; } return(result); } return(InfTree.Z_OK); }
private void m_PerpetualWriterMethod(object state) { TraceOutput(TraceBits.WriterThread, "_PerpetualWriterMethod START"); try { do { // wait for the next session TraceOutput(TraceBits.Synch | TraceBits.WriterThread, "Synch m_sessionReset.WaitOne(begin) PWM"); m_sessionReset.WaitOne(); TraceOutput(TraceBits.Synch | TraceBits.WriterThread, "Synch m_sessionReset.WaitOne(done) PWM"); if (_isDisposed) { break; } TraceOutput(TraceBits.Synch | TraceBits.WriterThread, "Synch m_sessionReset.Reset() PWM"); m_sessionReset.Reset(); // repeatedly write buffers as they become ready WorkItem workitem = null; Supercell.Magic.Servers.Core.Libs.ZLib.CRC32 c = new Supercell.Magic.Servers.Core.Libs.ZLib.CRC32(); do { workitem = m_pool[_nextToWrite % m_pc]; lock (workitem) { if (_noMoreInputForThisSegment) { TraceOutput(TraceBits.Write, "Write drain wi({0}) stat({1}) canuse({2}) cba({3})", workitem.index, workitem.status, (workitem.status == (int)WorkItem.Status.Compressed), workitem.compressedBytesAvailable); } do { if (workitem.status == (int)WorkItem.Status.Compressed) { TraceOutput(TraceBits.WriteBegin, "Write begin wi({0}) stat({1}) cba({2})", workitem.index, workitem.status, workitem.compressedBytesAvailable); workitem.status = (int)WorkItem.Status.Writing; m_outStream.Write(workitem.compressed, 0, workitem.compressedBytesAvailable); c.Combine(workitem.crc, workitem.inputBytesAvailable); m_totalBytesProcessed += workitem.inputBytesAvailable; m_nextToWrite++; workitem.inputBytesAvailable = 0; workitem.status = (int)WorkItem.Status.Done; TraceOutput(TraceBits.WriteDone, "Write done wi({0}) stat({1}) cba({2})", workitem.index, workitem.status, workitem.compressedBytesAvailable); Monitor.Pulse(workitem); break; } else { int wcycles = 0; // I've locked a workitem I cannot use. // Therefore, wake someone else up, and then release the lock. while (workitem.status != (int)WorkItem.Status.Compressed) { TraceOutput(TraceBits.WriteWait, "Write waiting wi({0}) stat({1}) nw({2}) nf({3}) nomore({4})", workitem.index, workitem.status, m_nextToWrite, m_nextToFill, m_noMoreInputForThisSegment); if (_noMoreInputForThisSegment && m_nextToWrite == m_nextToFill) { break; } wcycles++; // wake up someone else Monitor.Pulse(workitem); // release and wait Monitor.Wait(workitem); if (workitem.status == (int)WorkItem.Status.Compressed) { TraceOutput(TraceBits.WriteWait, "Write A-OK wi({0}) stat({1}) iba({2}) cba({3}) cyc({4})", workitem.index, workitem.status, workitem.inputBytesAvailable, workitem.compressedBytesAvailable, wcycles); } } if (_noMoreInputForThisSegment && m_nextToWrite == m_nextToFill) { break; } } }while (true); } if (_noMoreInputForThisSegment) { TraceOutput(TraceBits.Write, "Write nomore nw({0}) nf({1}) break({2})", m_nextToWrite, m_nextToFill, (_nextToWrite == m_nextToFill)); } if (_noMoreInputForThisSegment && m_nextToWrite == m_nextToFill) { break; } } while (true); // Finish: // After writing a series of buffers, closing each one with // Flush.Sync, we now write the final one as Flush.Finish, and // then stop. byte[] buffer = new byte[128]; ZLibCodec compressor = new ZLibCodec(); int rc = compressor.InitializeDeflate(_compressLevel, false); compressor.InputBuffer = null; compressor.NextIn = 0; compressor.AvailableBytesIn = 0; compressor.OutputBuffer = buffer; compressor.NextOut = 0; compressor.AvailableBytesOut = buffer.Length; rc = compressor.Deflate(FlushType.Finish); if (rc != ZLibConstants.Z_STREAM_END && rc != ZLibConstants.Z_OK) { throw new Exception("deflating: " + compressor.Message); } if (buffer.Length - compressor.AvailableBytesOut > 0) { TraceOutput(TraceBits.WriteBegin, "Write begin flush bytes({0})", buffer.Length - compressor.AvailableBytesOut); m_outStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length - compressor.AvailableBytesOut); TraceOutput(TraceBits.WriteBegin, "Write done flush"); } compressor.EndDeflate(); m_Crc32 = c.Crc32Result; // signal that writing is complete: TraceOutput(TraceBits.Synch, "Synch m_writingDone.Set() PWM"); m_writingDone.Set(); }while (true); } catch (System.Exception exc1) { lock (_eLock) { // expose the exception to the main thread if (_pendingException != null) { m_pendingException = exc1; } } } TraceOutput(TraceBits.WriterThread, "_PerpetualWriterMethod FINIS"); }