// Token: 0x06000042 RID: 66 RVA: 0x000053B0 File Offset: 0x000035B0 public void AddPlayer() { DebugTools.Print("Open dialog box: Add " + this.listName + " entry (DialogBoxPlayer)"); using (DialogBoxPlayer dialogBoxPlayer = new DialogBoxPlayer()) { dialogBoxPlayer.Text = "Add Player"; dialogBoxPlayer.LabelTitle.Text = "Add this player to the " + this.listName + ":"; dialogBoxPlayer.ButtonConfirm.Text = "Add"; dialogBoxPlayer.TextBoxPlayerName.Select(); bool flag = false; while (!flag) { try { if (dialogBoxPlayer.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.AddPlayer(dialogBoxPlayer.TextBoxPlayerName.Text, Convert.ToUInt64(dialogBoxPlayer.TextBoxPlayerSteamID.Text), dialogBoxPlayer.CheckBoxPlayerEnabled.Checked); this.UpdateStatic(); GameMemory.OptionsUpdate(); } flag = true; } catch { DebugTools.Print("Error: Failed to add player to the " + this.listName + ", invalid Steam ID."); MessageBox.Show("The Steam ID is invalid.", "Could not add player.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } } } }
// Token: 0x06000044 RID: 68 RVA: 0x00005688 File Offset: 0x00003888 public void EditPlayer() { foreach (object obj in this.ListView.SelectedIndices) { int index = (int)obj; DebugTools.Print("Open dialog box: Edit " + this.listName + " entry (DialogBoxPlayer)"); using (DialogBoxPlayer dialogBoxPlayer = new DialogBoxPlayer()) { dialogBoxPlayer.Text = "Edit Player"; dialogBoxPlayer.LabelTitle.Text = string.Concat(new string[] { "Edit ", this.Config.Players[index].Name, "'s ", this.listName, " entry:" }); dialogBoxPlayer.ButtonConfirm.Text = "Confirm"; dialogBoxPlayer.TextBoxPlayerName.Select(); dialogBoxPlayer.TextBoxPlayerName.Text = this.Config.Players[index].Name; dialogBoxPlayer.TextBoxPlayerSteamID.Text = this.Config.Players[index].SteamId.ToString(); dialogBoxPlayer.CheckBoxPlayerEnabled.Checked = this.Config.Players[index].Enabled; dialogBoxPlayer.TextBoxPlayerSteamID.Enabled = !this.restricted; for (;;) { try { if (dialogBoxPlayer.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.EditPlayer(dialogBoxPlayer.TextBoxPlayerName.Text, Convert.ToUInt64(dialogBoxPlayer.TextBoxPlayerSteamID.Text), dialogBoxPlayer.CheckBoxPlayerEnabled.Checked, index); this.UpdateStatic(); GameMemory.OptionsUpdate(); } break; } catch { DebugTools.Print("Error: Failed to edit " + this.listName + " entry, invalid Steam ID."); MessageBox.Show("The Steam ID is invalid.", "Could not edit player.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } } } } }