public string GetCustomUI(string RibbonID) { try { return(ReadTextFileFromRessource("RibbonUI.xml")); } catch (Exception exception) { OfficeRegistry.LogErrorMessage(_hostApplicationName, _progId, "Error occured in GetCustomUI. ", exception); return(""); } }
public void OnDisconnection(ext_DisconnectMode RemoveMode, ref Array custom) { try { if (null != _application) { _application.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception exception) { OfficeRegistry.LogErrorMessage(_hostApplicationName, _progId, "Error occured in OnDisconnection. ", exception); } }
public void OnConnection(object Application, ext_ConnectMode ConnectMode, object AddInInst, ref Array custom) { try { _application = Core.Default.CreateObjectFromComProxy(null, Application); /* * _application is stored as COMObject the common base type for all reference types in NetOffice * because this addin is loaded in different office application. * * with the CreateObjectFromComProxy method the _application instance is created as corresponding wrapper based on the com proxy type */ if (_application is Excel.Application) { _hostApplicationName = "Excel"; } else if (_application is Word.Application) { _hostApplicationName = "Word"; } else if (_application is Outlook.Application) { _hostApplicationName = "Outlook"; } else if (_application is PowerPoint.Application) { _hostApplicationName = "PowerPoint"; } else if (_application is Access.Application) { _hostApplicationName = "Access"; } } catch (Exception exception) { if (_hostApplicationName != null) { OfficeRegistry.LogErrorMessage(_hostApplicationName, _progId, "Error occured in OnConnection. ", exception); } } }