/// <summary> /// This function creates a CabanaDoor object and stores the /// information entered on the page. /// </summary> /// <returns>CabanaDoor aDoor</returns> protected CabanaDoor getCabanaDoorFromForm() { CabanaDoor aDoor = new CabanaDoor(); //moduleitem attributes aDoor.FEndHeight = aDoor.FStartHeight = 0; aDoor.FLength = 0; aDoor.Colour = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorColourCabana"]; aDoor.ItemType = "Door"; //base attributes aDoor.DoorType = "Cabana"; aDoor.DoorStyle = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorStyleCabana"]; aDoor.Kickplate = float.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorKickplateCabana"]); //cabana attributes aDoor.Height = float.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$txtDoorHeightCabana"]); aDoor.Length = float.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$txtDoorWidthCabana"]); aDoor.GlassTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorGlassTintCabana"]; if (aDoor.DoorStyle == "Vertical 4 Track") { aDoor.VinylTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorVinylTintCabana"]; aDoor.DoorWindow = new Window(); aDoor.DoorWindow.NumVents = int.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorV4TNumberOfVentsCabana"]); if (aDoor.VinylTint == "Mixed") { aDoor.ScreenType = "None"; if (aDoor.DoorWindow.NumVents == 3) { aDoor.VinylTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorTint0Cabana"] + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorTint1Cabana"] + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorTint2Cabana"]; } else if (aDoor.DoorWindow.NumVents == 4) { aDoor.VinylTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorTint0Cabana"] + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorTint1Cabana"] + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorTint2Cabana"] + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorTint3Cabana"]; } } else { aDoor.VinylTint = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorVinylTintCabana"]; } } else if (aDoor.DoorStyle.Contains("Screen")) { aDoor.ScreenType = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorScreenTypesCabana"]; aDoor.VinylTint = "None"; } aDoor.Hinge = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$DoorHingeCabana"]; aDoor.Swing = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$SwingInOutCabana"]; aDoor.HardwareType = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorHardwareCabana"]; return aDoor; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Loop to display door types as radio buttons //For loop to get through all the possible door types: Cabana, French, Patio, Opening Only (No Door) for (int typeCount = 0; typeCount < 4; typeCount++) { //Conditional operator to set the current door type with the right label string title = Constants.DOOR_TYPES[typeCount]; //(typeCount == 1) ? "Cabana" : (typeCount == 2) ? "French" : (typeCount == 3) ? "Patio" : "NoDoor"; if (title == "NoDoor") { continue; } else { //li tag to hold door type radio button and all its content DoorOptions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<li>")); } //Door type radio button RadioButton typeRadio = new RadioButton(); typeRadio.ID = "radType" + title; //Adding appropriate id to door type radio button typeRadio.GroupName = "doorTypeRadios"; //Adding group name for all door types typeRadio.Attributes.Add("onclick", "typeRowsDisplayed('" + title + "')"); //On click event to display the proper fields/rows if (title == "Cabana") typeRadio.Checked = true; //Door type radio button label for clickable area Label typeLabelRadio = new Label(); typeLabelRadio.AssociatedControlID = "radType" + title; //Tying this label to the radio button //Door type radio button label text Label typeLabel = new Label(); typeLabel.AssociatedControlID = "radType" + title; //Tying this label to the radio button typeLabel.Text = title; //Displaying the proper texted based on current title variable DoorOptions.Controls.Add(typeRadio); //Adding radio button control to placeholder DoorOptions DoorOptions.Controls.Add(typeLabelRadio); //Adding label control to placeholder DoorOptions DoorOptions.Controls.Add(typeLabel); //Adding label control to placeholder DoorOptions //New instance of a table for every door type Table tblDoorDetails = new Table(); tblDoorDetails.ID = "tblDoorDetails" + title; //Adding appropriate id to the table tblDoorDetails.CssClass = "tblTextFields"; //Adding CssClass to the table for styling //Creating cells and controls for rows #region Table:Default Row Title Current Door (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorTitleRow = new TableRow(); doorTitleRow.ID = "rowDoorTitle" + title; doorTitleRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorTitleLBLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorTitleLBL = new Label(); doorTitleLBL.ID = "lblDoorTitle" + title; doorTitleLBL.Text = "Select door details:"; doorTitleLBL.Attributes.Add("style", "font-weight:bold;"); #endregion #region Table:Second Row Door Style (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorStyleRow = new TableRow(); doorStyleRow.ID = "rowDoorStyle" + title; doorStyleRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorStyleLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorStyleDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorStyleLBL = new Label(); doorStyleLBL.ID = "lblDoorStyle" + title; doorStyleLBL.Text = "Style"; DropDownList doorStyleDDL = new DropDownList(); doorStyleDDL.ID = "ddlDoorStyle" + title; doorStyleDDL.Attributes.Add("onchange", "doorStyle('" + title + "')"); if (title == "Patio") { for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_ORDER_PATIO.Count(); j++) { doorStyleDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_ORDER_PATIO[j], Constants.DOOR_ORDER_PATIO[j])); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_ORDER_ENTRY.Count(); j++) { doorStyleDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_ORDER_ENTRY[j], Constants.DOOR_ORDER_ENTRY[j])); } } doorStyleLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorStyle" + title; #endregion #region Table:Sixteenth Row Door V4T Vinyl Tint (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorVinylTintRow = new TableRow(); doorVinylTintRow.ID = "rowDoorVinylTint" + title; doorVinylTintRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorVinylTintLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorVinylTintDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorVinylTintLBL = new Label(); doorVinylTintLBL.ID = "lblDoorVinylTint" + title; doorVinylTintLBL.Text = "V4T Vinyl Tint:"; DropDownList doorVinylTintDDL = new DropDownList(); doorVinylTintDDL.ID = "ddlDoorVinylTint" + title; doorVinylTintDDL.Attributes.Add("onchange", "displayMixedTint('" + title + "')"); for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_V4T_VINYL_OPTIONS.Count(); j++) { doorVinylTintDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_V4T_VINYL_OPTIONS[j], Constants.DOOR_V4T_VINYL_OPTIONS[j])); } doorVinylTintLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorVinylTint" + title; #endregion #region Door Height TableRow doorHeightRow = new TableRow(); doorHeightRow.ID = "rowDoorHeight" + title; //doorHeightRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorHeightLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorHeightTXTCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorHeightDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorHeightLBL = new Label(); doorHeightLBL.ID = "lblDoorHeight" + title; doorHeightLBL.Text = "Height:"; TextBox doorHeightTXT = new TextBox(); doorHeightTXT.ID = "txtDoorHeight" + title; doorHeightTXT.CssClass = "txtField txtDoorInput"; doorHeightTXT.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "3"); doorHeightTXT.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "return (event.keyCode!=13);"); doorHeightTXT.Attributes.Add("onblur", "recalculate('" + title + "');"); DropDownList inchHeight = new DropDownList(); inchHeight.ID = "ddlDoorHeight" + title; inchHeight.Attributes.Add("onchange", "recalculate('" + title + "');"); inchHeight.Items.Add(lst0); inchHeight.Items.Add(lst18); inchHeight.Items.Add(lst14); inchHeight.Items.Add(lst38); inchHeight.Items.Add(lst12); inchHeight.Items.Add(lst58); inchHeight.Items.Add(lst34); inchHeight.Items.Add(lst78); doorHeightLBL.AssociatedControlID = "txtDoorHeight" + title; #endregion #region "As-if" Height TableRow doorAsIfHeightRow = new TableRow(); doorAsIfHeightRow.ID = "rowDoorAsIfHeight" + title; doorAsIfHeightRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorAsIfHeightLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorAsIfHeightTXTCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorAsIfHeightDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorAsIfHeightLBL = new Label(); doorAsIfHeightLBL.ID = "lblDoorAsIfHeight" + title; doorAsIfHeightLBL.Text = "Build As If:"; TextBox doorAsIfHeightTXT = new TextBox(); doorAsIfHeightTXT.ID = "txtDoorAsIfHeight" + title; doorAsIfHeightTXT.CssClass = "txtField txtDoorInput"; doorAsIfHeightTXT.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "3"); doorAsIfHeightTXT.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "return (event.keyCode!=13);"); doorAsIfHeightTXT.Attributes.Add("onblur", "recalculate('" + title + "');"); DropDownList inchAsIfHeight = new DropDownList(); inchAsIfHeight.ID = "ddlDoorAsIfHeight" + title; inchAsIfHeight.Attributes.Add("onchange", "recalculate('" + title + "');"); inchAsIfHeight.Items.Add(lst0); inchAsIfHeight.Items.Add(lst18); inchAsIfHeight.Items.Add(lst14); inchAsIfHeight.Items.Add(lst38); inchAsIfHeight.Items.Add(lst12); inchAsIfHeight.Items.Add(lst58); inchAsIfHeight.Items.Add(lst34); inchAsIfHeight.Items.Add(lst78); doorAsIfHeightLBL.AssociatedControlID = "txtDoorAsIfHeight" + title; #endregion #region Door Width TableRow doorWidthRow = new TableRow(); doorWidthRow.ID = "rowDoorWidth" + title; //doorWidthRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorWidthLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorWidthTXTCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorWidthDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorWidthLBL = new Label(); doorWidthLBL.ID = "lblDoorWidth" + title; doorWidthLBL.Text = "Width:"; TextBox doorWidthTXT = new TextBox(); doorWidthTXT.ID = "txtDoorWidth" + title; doorWidthTXT.CssClass = "txtField txtDoorInput"; doorWidthTXT.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "3"); doorWidthTXT.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "return (event.keyCode!=13);"); doorWidthTXT.Attributes.Add("onblur", "recalculate('" + title + "');"); DropDownList inchWidth = new DropDownList(); inchWidth.ID = "ddlDoorWidth" + title; inchWidth.Attributes.Add("onchange", "recalculate('" + title + "');"); inchWidth.Items.Add(lst0); inchWidth.Items.Add(lst18); inchWidth.Items.Add(lst14); inchWidth.Items.Add(lst38); inchWidth.Items.Add(lst12); inchWidth.Items.Add(lst58); inchWidth.Items.Add(lst34); inchWidth.Items.Add(lst78); doorWidthLBL.AssociatedControlID = "txtDoorWidth" + title; #endregion #region V4T Number Of Vents TableRow doorV4TNumberOfVentsRow = new TableRow(); doorV4TNumberOfVentsRow.ID = "rowDoorV4TNumberOfVents" + title; doorV4TNumberOfVentsRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:inherit"); //doorV4TNumberOfVentsRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorV4TNumberOfVentsLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorV4TNumberOfVentsDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorV4TNumberOfVentsLBL = new Label(); doorV4TNumberOfVentsLBL.ID = "lblV4TNumberOfVents" + title; doorV4TNumberOfVentsLBL.Text = "Number Of Vents:"; DropDownList doorV4TNumberOfVentsDDL = new DropDownList(); doorV4TNumberOfVentsDDL.ID = "ddlDoorV4TNumberOfVents" + title; doorV4TNumberOfVentsDDL.Attributes.Add("onchange", "tintOptionsChanged('" + title + "'); displayMixedTint('" + title + "');"); for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_NUMBER_OF_VENTS.Count(); j++) { doorV4TNumberOfVentsDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_NUMBER_OF_VENTS[j], Constants.DOOR_NUMBER_OF_VENTS[j])); } doorV4TNumberOfVentsLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorV4TNumberOfVents" + title; #region Uneven Vents Checkbox TableCell doorUnevenVentsCHKCell = new TableCell(); //doorUnevenVentsCHKCell.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); doorUnevenVentsCHKCell.ID = "cellDoorUnevenVents" + title; Label doorUnevenVentsLBLChk = new Label(); doorUnevenVentsLBLChk.ID = "lblDoorUnevenVents" + title; Label doorUnevenVentsLBL = new Label(); doorUnevenVentsLBL.ID = "lblDoorUnevenVentsRad" + title; doorUnevenVentsLBL.Text = " Uneven Vents"; CheckBox doorUnevenVentsCHK = new CheckBox(); doorUnevenVentsCHK.ID = "chkDoorUnevenVents" + title; doorUnevenVentsCHK.Attributes.Add("value", "UnevenVents"); doorUnevenVentsCHK.Attributes.Add("onclick", "unevenVentsChecked(this.checked,'" + title + "');"); doorUnevenVentsLBLChk.AssociatedControlID = "chkDoorUnevenVents" + title; doorUnevenVentsLBL.AssociatedControlID = "chkDoorUnevenVents" + title; #endregion #endregion #region Uneven Vents Top Bottom Both Rads TableRow doorTopBottomBothRadRow = new TableRow(); doorTopBottomBothRadRow.ID = "rowDoorTopBottomBothRad" + title; doorTopBottomBothRadRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); #region Top TableCell doorTopRadCell = new TableCell(); Label doorTopRadLBLRad = new Label(); doorTopRadLBLRad.ID = "lblDoorTopRad" + title; Label doorTopRadLBL = new Label(); doorTopRadLBL.ID = "lblDoorTopRadRad" + title; doorTopRadLBL.Text = "Top"; RadioButton doorTopRadRAD = new RadioButton(); doorTopRadRAD.ID = "radDoorTopRad" + title; doorTopRadRAD.Attributes.Add("value", "top"); doorTopRadRAD.GroupName = "Uneven" + title; doorTopRadRAD.Attributes.Add("onclick", "topOrBottomUnevenClicked('" + title + "');"); doorTopRadLBLRad.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorTopRad" + title; doorTopRadLBL.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorTopRad" + title; doorTopRadCell.Controls.Add(doorTopRadRAD); doorTopRadCell.Controls.Add(doorTopRadLBLRad); doorTopRadCell.Controls.Add(doorTopRadLBL); #endregion #region Bottom TableCell doorBottomRadCell = new TableCell(); Label doorBottomRadLBLRad = new Label(); doorBottomRadLBLRad.ID = "lblDoorBottomRad" + title; Label doorBottomRadLBL = new Label(); doorBottomRadLBL.ID = "lblDoorBottomRadRad" + title; doorBottomRadLBL.Text = "Bottom"; RadioButton doorBottomRadRAD = new RadioButton(); doorBottomRadRAD.ID = "radDoorBottomRad" + title; doorBottomRadRAD.Attributes.Add("value", "bottom"); doorBottomRadRAD.GroupName = "Uneven" + title; doorBottomRadRAD.Attributes.Add("onclick", "('" + title + "');"); doorBottomRadRAD.Checked = true; doorBottomRadLBLRad.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorBottomRad" + title; doorBottomRadLBL.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorBottomRad" + title; doorBottomRadCell.Controls.Add(doorBottomRadRAD); doorBottomRadCell.Controls.Add(doorBottomRadLBLRad); doorBottomRadCell.Controls.Add(doorBottomRadLBL); #endregion #region Both TableCell doorBothRadCell = new TableCell(); Label doorBothRadLBLRad = new Label(); doorBothRadLBLRad.ID = "lblDoorBothRad" + title; Label doorBothRadLBL = new Label(); doorBothRadLBL.ID = "lblDoorBothRadRad" + title; doorBothRadLBL.Text = "Both"; RadioButton doorBothRadRAD = new RadioButton(); doorBothRadRAD.ID = "radDoorBothRad" + title; doorBothRadRAD.Attributes.Add("value", "both"); doorBothRadRAD.GroupName = "Uneven" + title; doorBothRadRAD.Attributes.Add("onclick", "bothUnevenClicked('" + title + "')"); doorBothRadLBLRad.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorBothRad" + title; doorBothRadLBL.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorBothRad" + title; doorBothRadCell.Controls.Add(doorBothRadRAD); doorBothRadCell.Controls.Add(doorBothRadLBLRad); doorBothRadCell.Controls.Add(doorBothRadLBL); #endregion #endregion #region Uneven Vents Textboxes #region Top TableRow doorUnevenVentsRowTop = new TableRow(); doorUnevenVentsRowTop.ID = "rowDoorUnevenVentsTop" + title; doorUnevenVentsRowTop.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorTopVentLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorTopVentTXTCell = new TableCell(); //TableCell doorTopVentDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorTopVentLBL = new Label(); doorTopVentLBL.ID = "lblDoorTopVentHeight" + title; doorTopVentLBL.Text = "Top Vent Height:"; TextBox doorTopVentTXT = new TextBox(); doorTopVentTXT.ID = "txtDoorTopVentHeight" + title; doorTopVentTXT.CssClass = "txtField txtDoorInput"; doorTopVentTXT.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "3"); doorTopVentTXT.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "return (event.keyCode!=13);"); doorTopVentTXT.Attributes.Add("onblur", "adjustVentHeights(this.value, 'top');"); doorTopVentLBL.AssociatedControlID = "txtDoorTopVentHeight" + title; doorTopVentLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorTopVentLBL); doorTopVentTXTCell.Controls.Add(doorTopVentTXT); #endregion #region Bottom TableRow doorUnevenVentsRowBottom = new TableRow(); doorUnevenVentsRowBottom.ID = "rowDoorUnevenVentsBottom" + title; doorUnevenVentsRowBottom.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorBottomVentLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorBottomVentTXTCell = new TableCell(); //TableCell doorBottomVentDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorBottomVentLBL = new Label(); doorBottomVentLBL.ID = "lblDoorBottomVentHeight" + title; doorBottomVentLBL.Text = "Bottom Vent Height:"; TextBox doorBottomVentTXT = new TextBox(); doorBottomVentTXT.ID = "txtDoorBottomVentHeight" + title; doorBottomVentTXT.CssClass = "txtField txtDoorInput"; doorBottomVentTXT.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "3"); doorBottomVentTXT.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "return (event.keyCode!=13);"); doorBottomVentTXT.Attributes.Add("onblur", "adjustVentHeights(this.value, 'bottom');"); //DropDownList inchBottomVentDDL = new DropDownList(); //inchBottomVentDDL.ID = "ddlDoorBottomVentHeight" + title; //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst0); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst116); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst216); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst316); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst416); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst516); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst616); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst716); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst816); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst916); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst1016); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst1116); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst1216); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst1316); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst1416); //inchBottomVentDDL.Items.Add(lst1516); doorBottomVentLBL.AssociatedControlID = "txtDoorBottomVentHeight" + title; doorBottomVentLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorBottomVentLBL); doorBottomVentTXTCell.Controls.Add(doorBottomVentTXT); //doorBottomVentDDLCell.Controls.Add(inchBottomVentDDL); #endregion #endregion #region Commented V4T /* #region Table:Twelfth Row Door V4T Number Of Vents (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorNumberOfVentsRow = new TableRow(); doorNumberOfVentsRow.ID = "rowDoorNumberOfVents" + title; doorNumberOfVentsRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorNumberOfVentsLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorNumberOfVentsDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorNumberOfVentsLBL = new Label(); doorNumberOfVentsLBL.ID = "lblNumberOfVents" + title; doorNumberOfVentsLBL.Text = "V4T Number Of Vents:"; DropDownList doorNumberOfVentsDDL = new DropDownList(); doorNumberOfVentsDDL.ID = "ddlDoorNumberOfVents" + title; doorNumberOfVentsDDL.Attributes.Add("onchange", "displayMixedTint('" + title + "')"); for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_NUMBER_OF_VENTS.Count(); j++) { doorNumberOfVentsDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_NUMBER_OF_VENTS[j], Constants.DOOR_NUMBER_OF_VENTS[j])); } doorNumberOfVentsLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorNumberOfVents" + title; #endregion */ #endregion #region Table:# Row Door Transom Vinyl (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorTransomVinylRow = new TableRow(); doorTransomVinylRow.ID = "rowDoorTransomVinyl" + title; doorTransomVinylRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorTransomVinylTypesLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorTransomVinylTypesDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorTransomVinylLBL = new Label(); doorTransomVinylLBL.ID = "lblDoorTransomVinyl" + title; doorTransomVinylLBL.Text = "Transom Vinyl Types:"; DropDownList doorTransomVinylDDL = new DropDownList(); doorTransomVinylDDL.ID = "ddlDoorTransomVinyl" + title; for (int j = 0; j < Constants.VINYL_TINTS.Count(); j++) { doorTransomVinylDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.VINYL_TINTS[j], Constants.VINYL_TINTS[j])); } doorTransomVinylLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorTransomVinyl" + title; #endregion #region Table:# Row Door Transom Glass Types (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorTransomGlassRow = new TableRow(); doorTransomGlassRow.ID = "rowDoorTransomGlass" + title; doorTransomGlassRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorTransomGlassTypesLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorTransomGlassTypesDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorTransomGlassLBL = new Label(); doorTransomGlassLBL.ID = "lblDoorTransomGlass" + title; doorTransomGlassLBL.Text = "Transom Glass Types:"; DropDownList doorTransomGlassDDL = new DropDownList(); doorTransomGlassDDL.ID = "ddlDoorTransomGlass" + title; for (int j = 0; j < Constants.TRANSOM_GLASS_TINTS.Count(); j++) { doorTransomGlassDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.TRANSOM_GLASS_TINTS[j], Constants.TRANSOM_GLASS_TINTS[j])); } doorTransomGlassLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorTransomGlass" + title; #endregion #region Table:# Row Door Kickplate (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorKickplateRow = new TableRow(); doorKickplateRow.ID = "rowDoorKickplate" + title; doorKickplateRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorKickplateLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorKickplateDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorKickplateLBL = new Label(); doorKickplateLBL.ID = "lblDoorKickplate" + title; doorKickplateLBL.Text = "Kickplate Height:"; DropDownList doorKickplateDDL = new DropDownList(); doorKickplateDDL.ID = "ddlDoorKickplate" + title; doorKickplateDDL.Attributes.Add("onchange", "doorKickplateStyle('" + title + "','" + "')"); for (int j = 0; j < Constants.KICKPLATE_SIZE_OPTIONS.Count(); j++) { if (Constants.KICKPLATE_SIZE_OPTIONS[j] == "Custom") { doorKickplateDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.KICKPLATE_SIZE_OPTIONS[j], "cKickplate")); } else { doorKickplateDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.KICKPLATE_SIZE_OPTIONS[j] + "\"", Constants.KICKPLATE_SIZE_OPTIONS[j])); } } #endregion #region Table:# Row Door Kickplate Custom (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorCustomKickplateRow = new TableRow(); doorCustomKickplateRow.ID = "rowDoorCustomKickplate" + title; doorCustomKickplateRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorCustomKickplateLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorCustomKickplateTXTCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorCustomKickplateDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorCustomKickplateLBL = new Label(); doorCustomKickplateLBL.ID = "lblDoorCustomKickplate" + title; doorCustomKickplateLBL.Text = "Custom Kickplate (inches):"; TextBox doorCustomKickplateTXT = new TextBox(); doorCustomKickplateTXT.ID = "txtDoorKickplateCustom" + title; doorCustomKickplateTXT.CssClass = "txtField txtDoorInput"; doorCustomKickplateTXT.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "3"); doorCustomKickplateTXT.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "return (event.keyCode!=13);"); DropDownList inchCustomKickplate = new DropDownList(); inchCustomKickplate.ID = "ddlDoorKickplateCustom" + title; inchCustomKickplate.Items.Add(lst0); inchCustomKickplate.Items.Add(lst18); inchCustomKickplate.Items.Add(lst14); inchCustomKickplate.Items.Add(lst38); inchCustomKickplate.Items.Add(lst12); inchCustomKickplate.Items.Add(lst58); inchCustomKickplate.Items.Add(lst34); inchCustomKickplate.Items.Add(lst78); doorCustomKickplateLBL.AssociatedControlID = "txtDoorKickplateCustom" + title; #endregion #region Table:Third Row Color of Door (tblDoorDetails) TableRow colourOfDoorRow = new TableRow(); colourOfDoorRow.ID = "rowDoorColour" + title; colourOfDoorRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell colourOfDoorLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell colourOfDoorDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label colourOfDoorLBL = new Label(); colourOfDoorLBL.ID = "lblDoorColour" + title; colourOfDoorLBL.Text = "Colour:"; DropDownList colourOfDoorDDL = new DropDownList(); colourOfDoorDDL.ID = "ddlDoorColour" + title; for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_COLOURS.Count(); j++) { colourOfDoorDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_COLOURS[j], Constants.DOOR_COLOURS[j])); } colourOfDoorLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorColour" + title; #endregion #region Commented Height/Width /* #region Table:Fourth Row Door Height (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorHeightRow = new TableRow(); doorHeightRow.ID = "rowDoorHeight" + title; doorHeightRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorHeightLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorHeightDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorHeightLBL = new Label(); doorHeightLBL.ID = "lblDoorHeight" + title; doorHeightLBL.Text = "Height:"; DropDownList doorHeightDDL = new DropDownList(); doorHeightDDL.ID = "ddlDoorHeight" + title; doorHeightDDL.Attributes.Add("onchange", "customDimension('" + title + "','Height')"); for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_HEIGHTS.Count(); j++) { if (Constants.DOOR_HEIGHTS[j] == "Custom") { doorHeightDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_HEIGHTS[j], "cHeight")); } else { doorHeightDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_HEIGHTS[j] + "\"", Constants.DOOR_HEIGHTS[j])); } } doorHeightLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorHeight" + title; #endregion #region Table:Sixth Row Door Custom Height (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorCustomHeightRow = new TableRow(); doorCustomHeightRow.ID = "rowDoorCustomHeight" + title; doorCustomHeightRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorCustomHeightLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorCustomHeightTXTCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorCustomHeightDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorCustomHeightLBL = new Label(); doorCustomHeightLBL.ID = "lblDoorCustomHeight" + title; doorCustomHeightLBL.Text = "Custom Height (inches):"; TextBox doorCustomHeightTXT = new TextBox(); doorCustomHeightTXT.ID = "txtDoorHeightCustom" + title; doorCustomHeightTXT.CssClass = "txtField txtDoorInput"; doorCustomHeightTXT.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "3"); doorCustomHeightTXT.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "return (event.keyCode!=13);"); DropDownList inchCustomHeight = new DropDownList(); inchCustomHeight.ID = "ddlDoorHeightCustom" + title; inchCustomHeight.Items.Add(lst0); inchCustomHeight.Items.Add(lst18); inchCustomHeight.Items.Add(lst14); inchCustomHeight.Items.Add(lst38); inchCustomHeight.Items.Add(lst12); inchCustomHeight.Items.Add(lst58); inchCustomHeight.Items.Add(lst34); inchCustomHeight.Items.Add(lst78); doorCustomHeightLBL.AssociatedControlID = "txtDoorHeightCustom" + title; #endregion #region Table:Fifth Row Door Width (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorWidthRow = new TableRow(); doorWidthRow.ID = "rowDoorWidth" + title; doorWidthRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorWidthLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorWidthDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorWidthLBL = new Label(); doorWidthLBL.ID = "lblDoorWidth" + title; doorWidthLBL.Text = "Width:"; DropDownList doorWidthDDL = new DropDownList(); doorWidthDDL.ID = "ddlDoorWidth" + title; doorWidthDDL.Attributes.Add("onchange", "customDimension('" + title + "','Width')"); if (title == "Patio") { for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_PATIO.Count(); j++) { if (Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_PATIO[j] == "Custom") { doorWidthDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_PATIO[j], "cWidth")); } else { doorWidthDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_PATIO[j] + "\'", Convert.ToString((Convert.ToInt32(Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_PATIO[j]) * 12)))); } } } else if (title == "French") { for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_FRENCH.Count(); j++) { if (Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_FRENCH[j] == "Custom") { doorWidthDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_FRENCH[j], "cWidth")); } else { doorWidthDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_FRENCH[j] + "\"", Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_FRENCH[j])); } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_CABANA_NODOOR.Count(); j++) { if (Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_CABANA_NODOOR[j] == "Custom") { doorWidthDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_CABANA_NODOOR[j], "cWidth")); } else { doorWidthDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_CABANA_NODOOR[j] + "\"", Constants.DOOR_WIDTHS_CABANA_NODOOR[j])); } } } doorWidthLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorWidth" + title; #endregion #region Table:Seventh Row Door Custom Width (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorCustomWidthRow = new TableRow(); doorCustomWidthRow.ID = "rowDoorCustomWidth" + title; doorCustomWidthRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorCustomWidthLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorCustomWidthTXTCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorCustomWidthDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorCustomWidthLBL = new Label(); doorCustomWidthLBL.ID = "lblDoorCustomWidth" + title; doorCustomWidthLBL.Text = "Custom Width (inches):"; TextBox doorCustomWidthTXT = new TextBox(); doorCustomWidthTXT.ID = "txtDoorWidthCustom" + title; doorCustomWidthTXT.CssClass = "txtField txtDoorInput"; doorCustomWidthTXT.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "3"); doorCustomWidthTXT.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "return (event.keyCode!=13);"); DropDownList inchCustomWidth = new DropDownList(); inchCustomWidth.ID = "ddlDoorWidthCustom" + title; inchCustomWidth.Items.Add(lst0); inchCustomWidth.Items.Add(lst18); inchCustomWidth.Items.Add(lst14); inchCustomWidth.Items.Add(lst38); inchCustomWidth.Items.Add(lst12); inchCustomWidth.Items.Add(lst58); inchCustomWidth.Items.Add(lst34); inchCustomWidth.Items.Add(lst78); doorCustomWidthLBL.AssociatedControlID = "txtDoorWidthCustom" + title; #endregion */ #endregion #region Table:Eight Row Door Primary Operator LHH (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorOperatorLHHRow = new TableRow(); doorOperatorLHHRow.ID = "rowDoorOperatorLHH" + title; doorOperatorLHHRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorOperatorLHHLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorOperatorLHHRADCell = new TableCell(); Label doorOperatorLHHLBLMain = new Label(); doorOperatorLHHLBLMain.ID = "lblDoorOperatorLHHMain" + title; doorOperatorLHHLBLMain.Text = "Primary Operator:"; Label doorOperatorLHHLBLRad = new Label(); doorOperatorLHHLBLRad.ID = "lblDoorOperatorRadLHH" + title; Label doorOperatorLHHLBL = new Label(); doorOperatorLHHLBL.ID = "lblDoorOperatorLHH" + title; doorOperatorLHHLBL.Text = "Left"; RadioButton doorOperatorLHHRad = new RadioButton(); doorOperatorLHHRad.ID = "radDoorOperator" + title; doorOperatorLHHRad.Attributes.Add("value", "Left"); doorOperatorLHHRad.GroupName = "PrimaryOperator" + title; doorOperatorLHHLBLRad.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorOperator" + title; doorOperatorLHHLBL.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorOperator" + title; #endregion #region Table:Ninth Row Door Primary Operator RHH (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorOperatorRHHRow = new TableRow(); doorOperatorRHHRow.ID = "rowDoorOperatorRHH" + title; doorOperatorRHHRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorOperatorRHHLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorOperatorRHHRADCell = new TableCell(); Label doorOperatorRHHLBLRad = new Label(); doorOperatorRHHLBLRad.ID = "lblDoorOperatorRadRHH" + title; Label doorOperatorRHHLBL = new Label(); doorOperatorRHHLBL.ID = "lblDoorOperatorRHH" + title; doorOperatorRHHLBL.Text = "Right"; RadioButton doorOperatorRHHRad = new RadioButton(); doorOperatorRHHRad.ID = "radDoorOperatorRHH" + title; doorOperatorRHHRad.Attributes.Add("value", "Right"); doorOperatorRHHRad.GroupName = "PrimaryOperator" + title; doorOperatorRHHLBLRad.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorOperatorRHH" + title; doorOperatorRHHLBL.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorOperatorRHH" + title; #endregion #region Table:Tenth Row Door Box Header (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorBoxHeaderRow = new TableRow(); doorBoxHeaderRow.ID = "rowDoorBoxHeader" + title; doorBoxHeaderRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorBoxHeaderLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorBoxHeaderDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorBoxHeaderLBL = new Label(); doorBoxHeaderLBL.ID = "lblDoorBoxHeader" + title; doorBoxHeaderLBL.Text = "Box Header Position:"; DropDownList doorBoxHeaderDDL = new DropDownList(); doorBoxHeaderDDL.ID = "ddlDoorBoxHeader" + title; for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_BOXHEADER_POSITION.Count(); j++) { doorBoxHeaderDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_BOXHEADER_POSITION[j], Constants.DOOR_BOXHEADER_POSITION[j])); } doorBoxHeaderLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorBoxHeader" + title; #endregion #region Table:Thirteenth Row Door Glass Tint (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorGlassTintRow = new TableRow(); doorGlassTintRow.ID = "rowDoorGlassTint" + title; doorGlassTintRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorGlassTintLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorGlassTintDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorGlassTintLBL = new Label(); doorGlassTintLBL.ID = "lblDoorGlassTint" + title; doorGlassTintLBL.Text = "Door Glass Tint:"; DropDownList doorGlassTintDDL = new DropDownList(); doorGlassTintDDL.ID = "ddlDoorGlassTint" + title; for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_GLASS_TINTS.Count(); j++) { doorGlassTintDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_GLASS_TINTS[j], Constants.DOOR_GLASS_TINTS[j])); } doorGlassTintLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorGlassTint" + title; #endregion #region Table:Tenth Row Door Hinge LHH (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorHingeLHHRow = new TableRow(); doorHingeLHHRow.ID = "rowDoorHingeLHH" + title; doorHingeLHHRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorHingeLHHLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorHingeLHHRADCell = new TableCell(); Label doorHingeLHHLBLMain = new Label(); doorHingeLHHLBLMain.ID = "lblDoorHingeLHHMain" + title; doorHingeLHHLBLMain.Text = "Hinge Placement:"; Label doorHingeLHHLBLRad = new Label(); doorHingeLHHLBLRad.ID = "lblHingeLHHRad" + title; Label doorHingeLHHLBL = new Label(); doorHingeLHHLBL.ID = "lblHingeLHH" + title; doorHingeLHHLBL.Text = "Left"; RadioButton doorHingeLHHRad = new RadioButton(); doorHingeLHHRad.ID = "radDoorHinge" + title; doorHingeLHHRad.Attributes.Add("value", "Left"); doorHingeLHHRad.GroupName = "DoorHinge" + title; doorHingeLHHLBLRad.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorHinge" + title; doorHingeLHHLBL.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorHinge" + title; #endregion #region Table:Eleventh Row Door Hinge RHH (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorHingeRHHRow = new TableRow(); doorHingeRHHRow.ID = "rowDoorHingeRHH" + title; doorHingeRHHRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorHingeRHHLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorHingeRHHRADCell = new TableCell(); Label doorHingeRHHLBLRad = new Label(); doorHingeRHHLBLRad.ID = "lblDoorHingeRHHRad" + title; Label doorHingeRHHLBL = new Label(); doorHingeRHHLBL.ID = "lblDoorHingeRHH" + title; doorHingeRHHLBL.Text = "Right"; RadioButton doorHingeRHHRad = new RadioButton(); doorHingeRHHRad.ID = "radDoorHingeRHH" + title; doorHingeRHHRad.Attributes.Add("value", "Right"); doorHingeRHHRad.GroupName = "DoorHinge" + title; doorHingeRHHLBLRad.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorHingeRHH" + title; doorHingeRHHLBL.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorHingeRHH" + title; #endregion #region Table:Fourteenth Row Door Screen Types (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorScreenTypesRow = new TableRow(); doorScreenTypesRow.ID = "rowDoorScreenTypes" + title; doorScreenTypesRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorScreenTypesLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorScreenTypesDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorScreenTypesLBL = new Label(); doorScreenTypesLBL.ID = "lblDoorScreenTypes" + title; doorScreenTypesLBL.Text = "Door Screen Type:"; DropDownList doorScreenTypesDDL = new DropDownList(); doorScreenTypesDDL.ID = "ddlDoorScreenTypes" + title; for (int j = 0; j < Constants.SCREEN_TYPES.Count(); j++) { doorScreenTypesDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.SCREEN_TYPES[j], Constants.SCREEN_TYPES[j])); } doorScreenTypesLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorScreenTypes" + title; #endregion #region Table:Fifteenth Row Door Hardware (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorHardwareRow = new TableRow(); doorHardwareRow.ID = "rowDoorHardware" + title; doorHardwareRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorHardwareLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorHardwareDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorHardwareLBL = new Label(); doorHardwareLBL.ID = "lblDoorHardware" + title; doorHardwareLBL.Text = "Door Hardware"; DropDownList doorHardwareDDL = new DropDownList(); doorHardwareDDL.ID = "ddlDoorHardware" + title; for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_HARDWARE.Count(); j++) { doorHardwareDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_HARDWARE[j], Constants.DOOR_HARDWARE[j])); } doorHardwareLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorHardware" + title; #endregion #region Table:Eight Row Door Swing In (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorSwingInRow = new TableRow(); doorSwingInRow.ID = "rowDoorSwingIn" + title; doorSwingInRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorSwingInLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorSwingInRADCell = new TableCell(); Label doorSwingInLBLMain = new Label(); doorSwingInLBLMain.ID = "lblDoorSwingMain" + title; doorSwingInLBLMain.Text = "Swing:"; Label doorSwingInLBLRad = new Label(); doorSwingInLBLRad.ID = "lblDoorSwingIn" + title; Label doorSwingInLBL = new Label(); doorSwingInLBL.ID = "lblDoorSwingInRad" + title; doorSwingInLBL.Text = "In"; RadioButton doorSwingInRAD = new RadioButton(); doorSwingInRAD.ID = "radDoorSwing" + title; doorSwingInRAD.Attributes.Add("value", "In"); doorSwingInRAD.GroupName = "SwingInOut" + title; doorSwingInLBLRad.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorSwing" + title; doorSwingInLBL.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorSwing" + title; #endregion #region Table:Ninth Row Door Swing Out (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorSwingOutRow = new TableRow(); doorSwingOutRow.ID = "rowDoorSwingOut" + title; doorSwingOutRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorSwingOutLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorSwingOutRADCell = new TableCell(); Label doorSwingOutLBLRad = new Label(); doorSwingOutLBLRad.ID = "lblDoorSwingOutRad" + title; Label doorSwingOutLBL = new Label(); doorSwingOutLBL.ID = "lblDoorSwingOut" + title; doorSwingOutLBL.Text = "Out"; RadioButton doorSwingOutRAD = new RadioButton(); doorSwingOutRAD.ID = "radDoorSwingOut" + title; doorSwingOutRAD.Attributes.Add("value", "Out"); doorSwingOutRAD.GroupName = "SwingInOut" + title; doorSwingOutLBLRad.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorSwingOut" + title; doorSwingOutLBL.AssociatedControlID = "radDoorSwingOut" + title; #endregion #region Table:# Row Door Position DDL (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorPositionDDLRow = new TableRow(); doorPositionDDLRow.ID = "rowDoorPosition" + title; doorPositionDDLRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); TableCell doorPositionDDLLBLCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorPositionDDLDDLCell = new TableCell(); Label doorPositionDDLLBL = new Label(); doorPositionDDLLBL.ID = "lblDoorPositionDDL" + title; doorPositionDDLLBL.Text = "Position In Wall:"; DropDownList doorPositionDDLDDL = new DropDownList(); doorPositionDDLDDL.ID = "ddlDoorPosition" + title; doorPositionDDLDDL.Attributes.Add("onchange", "customDimension('" + title + "','Position')"); for (int j = 0; j < Constants.DOOR_POSITION.Count(); j++) { if (Constants.DOOR_POSITION[j] == "Custom") { doorPositionDDLDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_POSITION[j], "cPosition")); } else { doorPositionDDLDDL.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constants.DOOR_POSITION[j], Constants.DOOR_POSITION[j])); } } doorPositionDDLLBL.AssociatedControlID = "ddlDoorPosition" + title; #endregion #region Table:# Row Add This Door (tblDoorDetails) TableRow doorButtonRow = new TableRow(); doorButtonRow.ID = "rowAddDoor" + title; doorButtonRow.Attributes.Add("style", "display:inherit;"); TableCell doorAddButtonCell = new TableCell(); TableCell doorFillButtonCell = new TableCell(); Button doorButton = new Button(); doorButton.ID = "btnAdd" + title; doorButton.Text = "Add this " + title + " door"; doorButton.CssClass = "btnSubmit"; //doorButton.Attributes.Add("click", "addDoor(\"" + title + "\")"); #endregion //Adding to table #region Table:Default Row Title Current Door Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorTitleLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorTitleLBL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorTitleRow); doorTitleRow.Cells.Add(doorTitleLBLCell); #endregion #region Table:Second Row Style Of Door Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorStyleLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorStyleLBL); doorStyleDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorStyleDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorStyleRow); doorStyleRow.Cells.Add(doorStyleLBLCell); doorStyleRow.Cells.Add(doorStyleDDLCell); #endregion #region Comment V4T Stuff /* #region Table:Twelfth Row Door V4T Number Of Vents Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorNumberOfVentsLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorNumberOfVentsLBL); doorNumberOfVentsDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorNumberOfVentsDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorNumberOfVentsRow); doorNumberOfVentsRow.Cells.Add(doorNumberOfVentsLBLCell); doorNumberOfVentsRow.Cells.Add(doorNumberOfVentsDDLCell); #endregion */ #endregion #region Table:Sixteenth Row Door V4T Vinyl Tint (tblDoorDetails) doorVinylTintLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorVinylTintLBL); doorVinylTintDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorVinylTintDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorVinylTintRow); doorVinylTintRow.Cells.Add(doorVinylTintLBLCell); doorVinylTintRow.Cells.Add(doorVinylTintDDLCell); addMixedTintDropdowns(title, tblDoorDetails); #endregion #region Table:# Row Door Transom Vinyl Types Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorTransomVinylTypesLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorTransomVinylLBL); doorTransomVinylTypesDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorTransomVinylDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorTransomVinylRow); doorTransomVinylRow.Cells.Add(doorTransomVinylTypesLBLCell); doorTransomVinylRow.Cells.Add(doorTransomVinylTypesDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:# Row Door Transom Glass Types Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorTransomGlassTypesLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorTransomGlassLBL); doorTransomGlassTypesDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorTransomGlassDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorTransomGlassRow); doorTransomGlassRow.Cells.Add(doorTransomGlassTypesLBLCell); doorTransomGlassRow.Cells.Add(doorTransomGlassTypesDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:# Row Door Kickplate (tblDoorDetails) doorKickplateLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorKickplateLBL); doorKickplateDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorKickplateDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorKickplateRow); doorKickplateRow.Cells.Add(doorKickplateLBLCell); doorKickplateRow.Cells.Add(doorKickplateDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:# Row Door Kickplate Custom (tblDoorDetails) doorCustomKickplateLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorCustomKickplateLBL); doorCustomKickplateTXTCell.Controls.Add(doorCustomKickplateTXT); doorCustomKickplateDDLCell.Controls.Add(inchCustomKickplate); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorCustomKickplateRow); doorCustomKickplateRow.Cells.Add(doorCustomKickplateLBLCell); doorCustomKickplateRow.Cells.Add(doorCustomKickplateTXTCell); doorCustomKickplateRow.Cells.Add(doorCustomKickplateDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Third Row Color of Door Added to Table (tblDoorDetails) colourOfDoorLBLCell.Controls.Add(colourOfDoorLBL); colourOfDoorDDLCell.Controls.Add(colourOfDoorDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(colourOfDoorRow); colourOfDoorRow.Cells.Add(colourOfDoorLBLCell); colourOfDoorRow.Cells.Add(colourOfDoorDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Height doorHeightLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorHeightLBL); doorHeightTXTCell.Controls.Add(doorHeightTXT); doorHeightDDLCell.Controls.Add(inchHeight); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorHeightRow); doorHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorHeightLBLCell); doorHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorHeightTXTCell); doorHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorHeightDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Height AsIf doorAsIfHeightLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorAsIfHeightLBL); doorAsIfHeightTXTCell.Controls.Add(doorAsIfHeightTXT); doorAsIfHeightDDLCell.Controls.Add(inchAsIfHeight); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorAsIfHeightRow); doorAsIfHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorAsIfHeightLBLCell); doorAsIfHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorAsIfHeightTXTCell); doorAsIfHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorAsIfHeightDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Width doorWidthLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorWidthLBL); doorWidthTXTCell.Controls.Add(doorWidthTXT); doorWidthDDLCell.Controls.Add(inchWidth); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorWidthRow); doorWidthRow.Cells.Add(doorWidthLBLCell); doorWidthRow.Cells.Add(doorWidthTXTCell); doorWidthRow.Cells.Add(doorWidthDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:V4T Number of Vents doorV4TNumberOfVentsLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorV4TNumberOfVentsLBL); doorV4TNumberOfVentsDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorV4TNumberOfVentsDDL); doorV4TNumberOfVentsRow.Cells.Add(doorV4TNumberOfVentsLBLCell); doorV4TNumberOfVentsRow.Cells.Add(doorV4TNumberOfVentsDDLCell); doorUnevenVentsCHKCell.Controls.Add(doorUnevenVentsCHK); doorUnevenVentsCHKCell.Controls.Add(doorUnevenVentsLBLChk); doorUnevenVentsCHKCell.Controls.Add(doorUnevenVentsLBL); doorV4TNumberOfVentsRow.Cells.Add(doorUnevenVentsCHKCell); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorV4TNumberOfVentsRow); #endregion #region Table:Uneven vents tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorTopBottomBothRadRow); doorTopBottomBothRadRow.Cells.Add(doorTopRadCell); doorTopBottomBothRadRow.Cells.Add(doorBottomRadCell); doorTopBottomBothRadRow.Cells.Add(doorBothRadCell); doorUnevenVentsRowTop.Cells.Add(doorTopVentLBLCell); doorUnevenVentsRowTop.Cells.Add(doorTopVentTXTCell); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorUnevenVentsRowTop); doorUnevenVentsRowBottom.Cells.Add(doorBottomVentLBLCell); doorUnevenVentsRowBottom.Cells.Add(doorBottomVentTXTCell); //doorUnevenVentsRowBottom.Cells.Add(doorBottomVentDDLCell); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorUnevenVentsRowBottom); #endregion #region Commented Dimension Stuff /* #region Table:Fourth Row Height Of Door Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorHeightLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorHeightLBL); doorHeightDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorHeightDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorHeightRow); doorHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorHeightLBLCell); doorHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorHeightDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Sixth Row Custom Height Of Door Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorCustomHeightLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorCustomHeightLBL); doorCustomHeightTXTCell.Controls.Add(doorCustomHeightTXT); doorCustomHeightDDLCell.Controls.Add(inchCustomHeight); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorCustomHeightRow); doorCustomHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorCustomHeightLBLCell); doorCustomHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorCustomHeightTXTCell); doorCustomHeightRow.Cells.Add(doorCustomHeightDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Fifth Row Width Of Door Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorWidthLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorWidthLBL); doorWidthDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorWidthDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorWidthRow); doorWidthRow.Cells.Add(doorWidthLBLCell); doorWidthRow.Cells.Add(doorWidthDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Seventh Row Custom Width Of Door Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorCustomWidthLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorCustomWidthLBL); doorCustomWidthTXTCell.Controls.Add(doorCustomWidthTXT); doorCustomWidthDDLCell.Controls.Add(inchCustomWidth); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorCustomWidthRow); doorCustomWidthRow.Cells.Add(doorCustomWidthLBLCell); doorCustomWidthRow.Cells.Add(doorCustomWidthTXTCell); doorCustomWidthRow.Cells.Add(doorCustomWidthDDLCell); #endregion */ #endregion #region Table:Eight Row Door Primary Operator LHH Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorOperatorLHHLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorOperatorLHHLBLMain); doorOperatorLHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorOperatorLHHRad); doorOperatorLHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorOperatorLHHLBLRad); doorOperatorLHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorOperatorLHHLBL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorOperatorLHHRow); doorOperatorLHHRow.Cells.Add(doorOperatorLHHLBLCell); doorOperatorLHHRow.Cells.Add(doorOperatorLHHRADCell); #endregion #region Table:Ninth Row Door Primary Operator RHH Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorOperatorRHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorOperatorRHHRad); doorOperatorRHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorOperatorRHHLBLRad); doorOperatorRHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorOperatorRHHLBL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorOperatorRHHRow); doorOperatorRHHRow.Cells.Add(doorOperatorRHHLBLCell); doorOperatorRHHRow.Cells.Add(doorOperatorRHHRADCell); #endregion #region Table:Tenth Row Door Box Header Position (tblDoorDetails) doorBoxHeaderLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorBoxHeaderLBL); doorBoxHeaderDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorBoxHeaderDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorBoxHeaderRow); doorBoxHeaderRow.Cells.Add(doorBoxHeaderLBLCell); doorBoxHeaderRow.Cells.Add(doorBoxHeaderDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Thirteenth Row Door Glass Tint Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorGlassTintLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorGlassTintLBL); doorGlassTintDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorGlassTintDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorGlassTintRow); doorGlassTintRow.Cells.Add(doorGlassTintLBLCell); doorGlassTintRow.Cells.Add(doorGlassTintDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Tenth Row Door Hinge LHH Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorHingeLHHLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorHingeLHHLBLMain); doorHingeLHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorHingeLHHRad); doorHingeLHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorHingeLHHLBLRad); doorHingeLHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorHingeLHHLBL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorHingeLHHRow); doorHingeLHHRow.Cells.Add(doorHingeLHHLBLCell); doorHingeLHHRow.Cells.Add(doorHingeLHHRADCell); #endregion #region Table:Eleventh Row Door Hinge RHH Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorHingeRHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorHingeRHHRad); doorHingeRHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorHingeRHHLBLRad); doorHingeRHHRADCell.Controls.Add(doorHingeRHHLBL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorHingeRHHRow); doorHingeRHHRow.Cells.Add(doorHingeRHHLBLCell); doorHingeRHHRow.Cells.Add(doorHingeRHHRADCell); #endregion #region Table:Fourteenth Row Door Screen Options Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorScreenTypesLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorScreenTypesLBL); doorScreenTypesDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorScreenTypesDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorScreenTypesRow); doorScreenTypesRow.Cells.Add(doorScreenTypesLBLCell); doorScreenTypesRow.Cells.Add(doorScreenTypesDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Fifteenth Row Door Hardware Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorHardwareLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorHardwareLBL); doorHardwareDDLCell.Controls.Add(doorHardwareDDL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorHardwareRow); doorHardwareRow.Cells.Add(doorHardwareLBLCell); doorHardwareRow.Cells.Add(doorHardwareDDLCell); #endregion #region Table:Eight Row Swing In Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorSwingInLBLCell.Controls.Add(doorSwingInLBLMain); doorSwingInRADCell.Controls.Add(doorSwingInRAD); doorSwingInRADCell.Controls.Add(doorSwingInLBLRad); doorSwingInRADCell.Controls.Add(doorSwingInLBL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorSwingInRow); doorSwingInRow.Cells.Add(doorSwingInLBLCell); doorSwingInRow.Cells.Add(doorSwingInRADCell); #endregion #region Table:Ninth Row Swing Out Added To Table (tblDoorDetails) doorSwingOutRADCell.Controls.Add(doorSwingOutRAD); doorSwingOutRADCell.Controls.Add(doorSwingOutLBLRad); doorSwingOutRADCell.Controls.Add(doorSwingOutLBL); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorSwingOutRow); doorSwingOutRow.Cells.Add(doorSwingOutLBLCell); doorSwingOutRow.Cells.Add(doorSwingOutRADCell); #endregion #region Table:# Row Add This Door (tblDoorDetails) //doorAddButtonCell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<input id='btnAddthisDoor" + title + "' type='button' onclick='addDoor(\"" + title + "\")' class='btnSubmit' style='display:inherit;' value='Add This " + title + " Door'/>")); doorAddButtonCell.Controls.Add(doorButton); tblDoorDetails.Rows.Add(doorButtonRow); doorButtonRow.Cells.Add(doorAddButtonCell); #endregion //Adding literal control div tag to hold the table, add to DoorOptions placeholder DoorOptions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"toggleContent\" id=\"div_" + title + "\">")); DoorOptions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<ul>")); //Adding literal control li to keep proper page look and format DoorOptions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<li>")); //Adding table to placeholder DoorOptions DoorOptions.Controls.Add(tblDoorDetails); //Closing necessary tags DoorOptions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</li>")); DoorOptions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</ul>")); DoorOptions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</div>")); DoorOptions.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</li>")); } #endregion populateSideBar(findNumberOfDoorTypes()); using (SqlConnection aConnection = new SqlConnection(sdsDBConnection.ConnectionString)) { aConnection.Open(); SqlCommand aCommand = aConnection.CreateCommand(); SqlTransaction aTransaction; //SqlDataReader aReader; // Start a local transaction. aTransaction = aConnection.BeginTransaction("SampleTransaction"); // Must assign both transaction object and connection // to Command object for a pending local transaction aCommand.Connection = aConnection; aCommand.Transaction = aTransaction; // Door variables string doorType; string doorStyle; string screenType; float height; float length; string doorColour; float kickPlate; // Specific Doors string vinylTint; string glassTint; string hinge; string swing; bool operatorBool; string hardwareType; bool movingDoor; try { //get the door aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT door_type, door_style, screen_type, height, length, door_colour, kick_plate FROM doors WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "'"; SqlDataReader projectReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); // If the door is found if (projectReader.HasRows) { projectReader.Read(); // Populate the door fields doorType = Convert.ToString(projectReader[0]); doorStyle = Convert.ToString(projectReader[1]); screenType = Convert.ToString(projectReader[2]); height = Convert.ToSingle(projectReader[3]); length = Convert.ToSingle(projectReader[4]); doorColour = Convert.ToString(projectReader[5]); kickPlate = Convert.ToSingle(projectReader[6]); projectReader.Close(); // Populate cabana fields if (doorType == "Cabana") { aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT vinyl_tint, glass_tint, hinge, swing, hardware_type FROM cabana_doors WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = 0 AND module_index = 0"; projectReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); // If the cabana door is found if (projectReader.HasRows) { projectReader.Read(); // Create a cabana door for JSON CabanaDoor tempDoor = new CabanaDoor(); tempDoor.DoorType = doorType; tempDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle; tempDoor.ScreenType = screenType; tempDoor.Height = height; tempDoor.Length = length; tempDoor.Colour = doorColour; tempDoor.Kickplate = kickPlate; tempDoor.VinylTint = Convert.ToString(projectReader[0]); tempDoor.GlassTint = Convert.ToString(projectReader[1]); tempDoor.Hinge = Convert.ToString(projectReader[2]); tempDoor.Swing = Convert.ToString(projectReader[3]); tempDoor.HardwareType = Convert.ToString(projectReader[4]); // Create a JSON serialize object json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tempDoor); // Store the door in a hidden filed hidRealHidden.Value = json; projectReader.Close(); //// Populate the door table fields //DropDownList ddlDoorType = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorStyleCabana") as DropDownList; //ddlDoorType.SelectedValue = doorType; //DropDownList ddlDoorStyle = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorStyleCabana") as DropDownList; //ddlDoorStyle.SelectedValue = doorStyle; //DropDownList ddlScreenType = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorScreenTypesCabana") as DropDownList; //ddlScreenType.SelectedValue = screenType; //TextBox txtHeight = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$txtDoorHeightCabana") as TextBox; //txtHeight.Text = Convert.ToString(height); //TextBox txtLength = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$txtDoorWidthCabana") as TextBox; //txtLength.Text = Convert.ToString(length); //DropDownList ddlDoorColour = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorColourCabana") as DropDownList; //ddlScreenType.SelectedValue = doorColour; //DropDownList ddlKickPlate = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorKickplateCabana") as DropDownList; //ddlKickPlate.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(kickPlate) + '"'; //// Populate the cabana door specified fields //DropDownList ddlVinylTint = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorVinylTintCabana") as DropDownList; ////ddlVinylTint.SelectedValue = vinylTint; //DropDownList ddlGlassTint = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorGlassTintCabana") as DropDownList; ////ddlGlassTint.SelectedValue = glassTint; //DropDownList ddlHardwareType = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorHardwareCabana") as DropDownList; ////ddlHardwareType.SelectedValue = hardwareType; //// Getting null from radio buttons / radio button list //RadioButton radHinge = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$DoorHingeCabana") as RadioButton; } } // Populate french fields else if (doorType == "French") { aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT vinyl_tint, glass_tint, swing, operator, hardware_type FROM french_doors WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = 0 AND module_index = 0"; projectReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (projectReader.HasRows) { projectReader.Read(); // Create a cabana door for JSON FrenchDoor tempDoor = new FrenchDoor(); tempDoor.DoorType = doorType; tempDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle; tempDoor.ScreenType = screenType; tempDoor.Height = height; tempDoor.Length = length; tempDoor.Colour = doorColour; tempDoor.Kickplate = kickPlate; tempDoor.VinylTint = Convert.ToString(projectReader[0]); tempDoor.GlassTint = Convert.ToString(projectReader[1]); tempDoor.Swing = Convert.ToString(projectReader[2]); tempDoor.OperatingDoor = Convert.ToString(projectReader[3]); tempDoor.HardwareType = Convert.ToString(projectReader[4]); // Create a JSON serialize object json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tempDoor); // Store the door in a hidden filed hidRealHidden.Value = json; projectReader.Close(); //// Populate the door table fields //DropDownList ddlDoorType = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorStyleFrench") as DropDownList; //ddlDoorType.SelectedValue = doorType; //DropDownList ddlDoorStyle = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorStyleFrench") as DropDownList; //ddlDoorStyle.SelectedValue = doorStyle; //DropDownList ddlScreenType = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorScreenTypesFrench") as DropDownList; //ddlScreenType.SelectedValue = screenType; //TextBox txtHeight = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$txtDoorHeightFrench") as TextBox; //txtHeight.Text = Convert.ToString(height); //TextBox txtLength = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$txtDoorWidthFrench") as TextBox; //txtLength.Text = Convert.ToString(length); //DropDownList ddlDoorColour = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorColourFrench") as DropDownList; //ddlScreenType.SelectedValue = doorColour; //DropDownList ddlKickPlate = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorKickplateFrench") as DropDownList; //ddlKickPlate.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(kickPlate) + '"'; //// Populate the french door fields //DropDownList ddlVinylTint = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorVinylTintFrench") as DropDownList; //ddlVinylTint.SelectedValue = vinylTint; //DropDownList ddlGlassTint = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorGlassTintFrench") as DropDownList; //ddlGlassTint.SelectedValue = glassTint; //DropDownList ddlHardwareType = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorHardwareFrench") as DropDownList; //ddlHardwareType.SelectedValue = hardwareType; } } // Populate patio doors else { aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_tint, moving_door FROM patio_doors WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = 0 AND module_index = 0"; projectReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (projectReader.HasRows) { projectReader.Read(); // Create a cabana door for JSON PatioDoor tempDoor = new PatioDoor(); tempDoor.DoorType = doorType; tempDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle; tempDoor.ScreenType = screenType; tempDoor.Height = height; tempDoor.Length = length; tempDoor.Colour = doorColour; tempDoor.Kickplate = kickPlate; tempDoor.GlassTint = Convert.ToString(projectReader[0]); tempDoor.MovingDoor = Convert.ToString(projectReader[1]); // Create a JSON serialize object json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tempDoor); // Store the door in a hidden filed hidRealHidden.Value = json; projectReader.Close(); //// Populate the door table fields //DropDownList ddlDoorType = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorStylePatio") as DropDownList; //ddlDoorType.SelectedValue = doorType; //DropDownList ddlDoorStyle = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorStylePatio") as DropDownList; //ddlDoorStyle.SelectedValue = doorStyle; //DropDownList ddlScreenType = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorScreenTypesPatio") as DropDownList; //ddlScreenType.SelectedValue = screenType; //TextBox txtHeight = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$txtDoorHeightPatio") as TextBox; //txtHeight.Text = Convert.ToString(height); //TextBox txtLength = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$txtDoorWidthPatio") as TextBox; //txtLength.Text = Convert.ToString(length); //DropDownList ddlDoorColour = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorColourPatio") as DropDownList; //ddlScreenType.SelectedValue = doorColour; //DropDownList ddlKickPlate = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorKickplatePatio") as DropDownList; //ddlKickPlate.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(kickPlate) + '"'; //// Populate the french door fields //DropDownList ddlGlassTint = this.FindControl("ctl00$MainContent$ddlDoorGlassTintPatio") as DropDownList; //ddlGlassTint.SelectedValue = glassTint; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblError.Text = "Commit Exception Type: " + ex.GetType(); //lblError.Text += " Message: " + ex.Message; // Attempt to roll back the transaction. try { aTransaction.Rollback(); } catch (Exception ex2) { //This catch block will handle any errors that may have occurred //on the server that would cause the rollback to fail, such as //a closed connection. //lblError.Text = "Rollback Exception Type: " + ex2.GetType(); //lblError.Text += " Message: " + ex2.Message; } } } }
protected CabanaDoor getCabanaDoorFromForm(int i, int j) { CabanaDoor aDoor = new CabanaDoor(); //moduleitem attributes aDoor.FEndHeight = aDoor.FStartHeight = float.Parse(Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "fheight"]); aDoor.FLength = float.Parse(Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "fwidth"]); aDoor.Colour = Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "colour"]; aDoor.ItemType = "Door"; //base attributes aDoor.DoorType = "Cabana"; aDoor.DoorStyle = Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "style"]; aDoor.ScreenType = ""; //CHANGEME aDoor.Kickplate = float.Parse(Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "kickplate"]); //cabana attributes aDoor.Height = float.Parse(Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "height"]); aDoor.Length = float.Parse(Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "width"]); aDoor.GlassTint = Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "glassTint"]; aDoor.VinylTint = Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "vinylTint"]; aDoor.ScreenType = ""; //CHANGEME aDoor.Hinge = Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "hinge"]; aDoor.Swing = Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "swing"]; aDoor.HardwareType = Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "hardware"]; ////doorWindow //Window aDoorWindow = new Window(); //aDoorWindow.Colour = Request.Form["hidWall" + i + "Door" + j + "colour"]; //aDoorWindow. return aDoor; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { projectId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["project_id"].ToString()); #region hit the DB using (SqlConnection aConnection = new SqlConnection(sdsDBConnection.ConnectionString)) { aConnection.Open(); SqlCommand aCommand = aConnection.CreateCommand(); SqlTransaction aTransaction; SqlDataReader aReader; // Start a local transaction. aTransaction = aConnection.BeginTransaction("SampleTransaction"); // Must assign both transaction object and connection // to Command object for a pending local transaction aCommand.Connection = aConnection; aCommand.Transaction = aTransaction; try { //get number of walls floors and roofs aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT number_walls, number_floors, number_roofs FROM sunrooms WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (aReader.HasRows) { aReader.Read(); wallCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]); floorCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[1]); roofCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[2]); } aReader.Close(); #region walls //for each wall in the project //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT wall_type, model_type, total_length, orientation, set_back, name, first_item_index, last_item_index, start_height, end_height, soffit_length, gable_peak, obstructions, fire_protection, wall_index " // + "FROM walls WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "'"; //SqlDataReader wallReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); //if (wallReader.HasRows) //{ // while (wallReader.Read()) for (int i = 0; i < wallCount; i++) { aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT wall_type, model_type, total_length, orientation, set_back, name, first_item_index, last_item_index, start_height, end_height, soffit_length, gable_peak, obstructions, fire_protection, wall_index " + "FROM walls WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND wall_index = '" + i + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); //create a new instance of a wall and set all its attributes from the db Wall aWall = new Wall(); aWall.WallType = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]); aWall.ModelType = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]); aWall.Length = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]); aWall.Orientation = Convert.ToString(aReader[3]); aWall.SetBack = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]); aWall.Name = Convert.ToString(aReader[5]); aWall.FirstItemIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[6]); aWall.LastItemIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[7]); aWall.StartHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[8]); aWall.EndHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[9]); aWall.SoffitLength = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[10]); aWall.GablePeak = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[11]); aWall.FireProtection = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[13]); int wallIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[14]); aReader.Close(); List<LinearItem> listOfLinearItems = new List<LinearItem>(); //Get linear items //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT linear_index, linear_type, start_height, end_height, length, frame_colour, sex, fixed_location, attached_to " // + "FROM linear_items WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND last_item_index < '" + aWall.LastItemIndex + "' AND first_item_index > '" + aWall.FirstItemIndex + "'"; //aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); //for each linear item/mod in the wall //if (linearItemReader.HasRows) //{ // while (linearItemReader.Read()) // { for (int j = aWall.FirstItemIndex; j < aWall.LastItemIndex; j++) { //Get linear items aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT linear_index, linear_type, start_height, end_height, length, frame_colour, sex, fixed_location, attached_to " + "FROM linear_items WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + j + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); int linearIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]); string linearItemType = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]); float startHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]); float endHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]); float length = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]); string frameColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[5]); string sex = Convert.ToString(aReader[6]); float fixedLocation = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[7]); bool attachedTo = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[8]); aReader.Close(); switch (linearItemType) { case "Mod": #region Mod List<ModuleItem> listOfModuleItems = new List<ModuleItem>(); Mod aMod = new Mod(); aMod.LinearIndex = linearIndex; aMod.ItemType = linearItemType; aMod.StartHeight = startHeight; aMod.EndHeight = endHeight; aMod.Length = length; aMod.FrameColour = frameColour; aMod.Sex = sex; aMod.FixedLocation = fixedLocation; aMod.AttachedTo = attachedTo; //get number of mods aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM module_items WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' " + " AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); int modCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]); //get the number of walls in the project aReader.Close(); //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT module_index, item_type, start_height, end_height, length FROM moduleItems " // + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "'"; //SqlDataReader moduleItemReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); //for each modular item in the mod //if (moduleItemReader.HasRows) //{ // while (moduleItemReader.Read()) for (int k = 0; k < modCount; k++) { //Get module items aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT module_index, item_type, start_height, end_height, length FROM module_items " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + k + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); int moduleIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]); string itemType = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]); float fStartHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]); float fEndHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]); float fLength = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]); aReader.Close(); //different types of mods switch (itemType) { case "Kneewall": case "Window": #region Window //Get window aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT window_type, screen_type, start_height, end_height, length, window_colour, number_vents FROM windows " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); //if (windowReader.HasRows) //{ aReader.Read(); string windowStyle = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]); string screenType = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]); float windowStartHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]); float windowEndHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]); float windowLength = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]); string windowColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[5]); int numVents = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[6]); aReader.Close(); //types of windows switch (windowStyle) { case "Double Slider": //glass model 300 case "Single Slider": //glass model 400 case "Horizontal Roller XX": //glass model 300 case "Horizontal Roller": case "Horizontal 2 Track": case "H2T": case "Vertical 4 Track": case "Vertical Four Track": case "V4T": case "Vinyl": #region Vinyl Window VinylWindow aVinylWindow = new VinylWindow(); aVinylWindow.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; aVinylWindow.ItemType = itemType; aVinylWindow.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; aVinylWindow.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; aVinylWindow.FLength = fLength; //aVinylWindow.Colour = windowColour; //replaced by FrameColour aVinylWindow.WindowStyle = windowStyle; aVinylWindow.ScreenType = screenType; aVinylWindow.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight; aVinylWindow.RightHeight = windowEndHeight; aVinylWindow.Width = windowLength; aVinylWindow.FrameColour = windowColour; // aVinylWindow.VinylTint = ""; // tint of each vent will be concatenated //numVents = (numVents == 0) ? 1 : numVents; aVinylWindow.NumVents = numVents; List<float> listOfVentHeights = new List<float>(); //Get vinyl item //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT start_height, vinyl_tint, spreader_bar FROM vinyl_items " // + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; //aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); //if (vinylReader.HasRows) //{ //while (vinylReader.Read()) //for each vinyl item in the in the vinyl window for (int l = 0; l < numVents; l++) { aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT start_height, vinyl_tint, spreader_bar FROM vinyl_items " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "' AND vent_index = '" + l + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); listOfVentHeights.Add(Convert.ToSingle(aReader[0])); aVinylWindow.VinylTint += Convert.ToString(aReader[1]); aVinylWindow.SpreaderBar = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]); aReader.Close(); } //vinylReader.Close(); aVinylWindow.VentHeights = listOfVentHeights; listOfModuleItems.Add(aVinylWindow); #endregion break; case "Screen": #region Screen Window Window aWindow = new Window(); aWindow.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; aWindow.ItemType = itemType; aWindow.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; aWindow.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; aWindow.FLength = fLength; //aWindow.Colour = windowColour; //replaced by FrameColour aWindow.WindowStyle = windowStyle; aWindow.ScreenType = screenType; aWindow.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight; aWindow.RightHeight = windowEndHeight; aWindow.Width = windowLength; aWindow.FrameColour = windowColour; // //aWindow.VinylTint = ""; // tint of each vent will be concatenated //aWindow.NumVents = numVents; listOfModuleItems.Add(aWindow); #endregion break; case "Glass": case "Fixed Glass 2\"": #region Glass Window GlassWindow aGlassWindow = new GlassWindow(); aGlassWindow.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; aGlassWindow.ItemType = itemType; aGlassWindow.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; aGlassWindow.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; aGlassWindow.FLength = fLength; //aGlassWindow.Colour = windowColour; //replaced by frameColour aGlassWindow.WindowStyle = windowStyle; aGlassWindow.ScreenType = screenType; aGlassWindow.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight; aGlassWindow.RightHeight = windowEndHeight; aGlassWindow.Width = windowLength; aGlassWindow.FrameColour = windowColour; // aGlassWindow.GlassTint = ""; // tint of each vent will be concatenated aGlassWindow.Operation = ""; // XX, XO, OX will be concatenated aGlassWindow.NumVents = numVents; //Get glass item //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_type, glass_tint, tempered, operation FROM glass_items " // + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; //SqlDataReader glassReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); for (int l = 0; l < numVents; l++) { //if (glassReader.HasRows) //{ // while (glassReader.Read()) // { aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_type, glass_tint, tempered, operation FROM glass_items " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "' AND vent_index = '" + l + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); aGlassWindow.GlassType = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]); aGlassWindow.GlassTint += Convert.ToString(aReader[1]); aGlassWindow.Tempered = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[2]); aGlassWindow.Operation += Convert.ToString(aReader[3]); aReader.Close(); } //glassReader.Close(); listOfModuleItems.Add(aGlassWindow); #endregion break; case "Open": #region Open Window Window openWindow = new Window(); openWindow.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; openWindow.ItemType = itemType; openWindow.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; openWindow.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; openWindow.FLength = fLength; openWindow.WindowStyle = windowStyle; openWindow.ScreenType = screenType; openWindow.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight; openWindow.RightHeight = windowEndHeight; openWindow.Width = windowLength; openWindow.FrameColour = windowColour; listOfModuleItems.Add(openWindow); //add the modular item to the list #endregion break; case "Panel": case "Solid Wall": #region Open Window Window panel = new Window(); panel.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; panel.ItemType = itemType; panel.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; panel.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; panel.FLength = fLength; panel.WindowStyle = windowStyle; panel.ScreenType = screenType; panel.LeftHeight = windowStartHeight; panel.RightHeight = windowEndHeight; panel.Width = windowLength; panel.FrameColour = windowColour; listOfModuleItems.Add(panel); //add the modular item to the list #endregion break; } //windowReader.Close(); #endregion break; case "Door": #region Door //Get door //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT door_type, door_style, screen_type, height, length, door_colour, kick_plate FROM doors " // + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; //SqlDataReader doorReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); //if (doorReader.HasRows) //{ // while (doorReader.Read()) aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT door_type, door_style, screen_type, height, length, door_colour, kick_plate FROM doors " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); string doorType = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]); string doorStyle = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]); string doorScreenType = Convert.ToString(aReader[2]); float doorFrameHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]); float doorFrameLength = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]); string doorColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[5]); float doorKickPlate = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[6]); aReader.Close(); //get the window in this door aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT door_index, window_type, screen_type, start_height, end_height, length, window_colour, number_vents FROM windows " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); VinylWindow aDoorWindow = new VinylWindow(); if (aReader.HasRows) { while (aReader.Read()) { //int doorIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]); aDoorWindow.WindowStyle = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]); aDoorWindow.ScreenType = Convert.ToString(aReader[2]); aDoorWindow.LeftHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[3]); aDoorWindow.RightHeight = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[4]); aDoorWindow.Width = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[5]); aDoorWindow.FrameColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[6]); aDoorWindow.NumVents = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[7]); } } aReader.Close(); switch (aDoorWindow.WindowStyle) //door/window style { case "Full Screen": //screen break; case "Vertical Four Track": //vinyl #region V4T List<float> listOfV4TVentHeights = new List<float>(); //for each vinyl item in the in the vinyl window //for (int l = 0; l < aDoorWindow.NumVents; l++) //Get vinyl item aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT start_height, vinyl_tint, spreader_bar FROM vinyl_items " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; SqlDataReader vinylReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (vinylReader.HasRows) { while (vinylReader.Read()) { listOfV4TVentHeights.Add(Convert.ToSingle(vinylReader[0])); aDoorWindow.VinylTint += Convert.ToString(vinylReader[1]); aDoorWindow.SpreaderBar = Convert.ToSingle(vinylReader[2]); } } vinylReader.Close(); aDoorWindow.VentHeights = listOfV4TVentHeights; #endregion break; case "Full View": //glass break; case "Full View Colonial": //glass break; case "Half Lite": //glass break; case "Half Lite Venting": //glass break; case "Half Lite with Mini Blinds": //glass break; case "Full View with Mini Blinds": //glass break; case "Aluminum Storm Screen": //screen break; case "Aluminum Storm Glass": //glass break; case "Vinyl Guard": //vinyl break; } //types of doors switch (doorType) { case "Cabana": case "Cabana Door": #region Cabana Door aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_tint, hinge, swing, hardware_type, screen_type FROM cabana_doors " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; SqlDataReader cabanaReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (cabanaReader.HasRows) { cabanaReader.Read(); CabanaDoor aCabanaDoor = new CabanaDoor(); aCabanaDoor.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; aCabanaDoor.ItemType = itemType; aCabanaDoor.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; aCabanaDoor.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; aCabanaDoor.FLength = fLength; aCabanaDoor.DoorType = doorType; aCabanaDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle; aCabanaDoor.ScreenType = doorScreenType; aCabanaDoor.Height = doorFrameHeight; aCabanaDoor.Length = doorFrameLength; aCabanaDoor.Colour = doorColour; // aCabanaDoor.Kickplate = doorKickPlate; // aCabanaDoor.GlassTint = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[0]); aCabanaDoor.Hinge = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[1]); aCabanaDoor.Swing = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[2]); aCabanaDoor.HardwareType = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[3]); aCabanaDoor.ScreenType = Convert.ToString(cabanaReader[4]); aCabanaDoor.DoorWindow = aDoorWindow; listOfModuleItems.Add(aCabanaDoor); //add the modular item to the list } cabanaReader.Close(); #endregion break; case "French": case "French Door": #region French Door aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_tint, swing, operator, hardware_type, screen_type FROM french_doors " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; SqlDataReader frenchReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (frenchReader.HasRows) { frenchReader.Read(); FrenchDoor aFrenchDoor = new FrenchDoor(); aFrenchDoor.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; aFrenchDoor.ItemType = itemType; aFrenchDoor.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; aFrenchDoor.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; aFrenchDoor.FLength = fLength; aFrenchDoor.DoorType = doorType; aFrenchDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle; aFrenchDoor.ScreenType = doorScreenType; aFrenchDoor.Height = doorFrameHeight; aFrenchDoor.Length = doorFrameLength; aFrenchDoor.Colour = doorColour; // aFrenchDoor.Kickplate = doorKickPlate; // aFrenchDoor.GlassTint = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[0]); aFrenchDoor.Swing = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[1]); aFrenchDoor.OperatingDoor = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[2]); ///this needs to be fixed, operator in db is bool and C# is string aFrenchDoor.HardwareType = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[3]); aFrenchDoor.ScreenType = Convert.ToString(frenchReader[4]); aFrenchDoor.DoorWindow = aDoorWindow; listOfModuleItems.Add(aFrenchDoor); //add the modular item to the list } frenchReader.Close(); #endregion break; case "Patio": case "Patio Door": #region Patio Door aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT glass_tint, moving_door FROM patio_doors " + "WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND linear_index = '" + aMod.LinearIndex + "' AND module_index = '" + moduleIndex + "'"; //change k to moduleIndex. Couldn't compile other pages. SqlDataReader patioReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (patioReader.HasRows) { patioReader.Read(); PatioDoor aPatioDoor = new PatioDoor(); aPatioDoor.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; aPatioDoor.ItemType = itemType; aPatioDoor.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; aPatioDoor.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; aPatioDoor.FLength = fLength; aPatioDoor.DoorType = doorType; aPatioDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle; aPatioDoor.ScreenType = doorScreenType; aPatioDoor.Height = doorFrameHeight; aPatioDoor.Length = doorFrameLength; aPatioDoor.Colour = doorColour; // aPatioDoor.Kickplate = doorKickPlate; // aPatioDoor.GlassTint = Convert.ToString(patioReader[0]); aPatioDoor.MovingDoor = Convert.ToString(patioReader[1]); ///this needs to be fixed, operator in db is bool and C# is string aPatioDoor.DoorWindow = aDoorWindow; listOfModuleItems.Add(aPatioDoor); //add the modular item to the list } patioReader.Close(); #endregion break; case "Half Lite": case "Half Lite Venting": case "Half Lite With Mini Blinds": case "Full View With Mini Blinds": break; case "NoDoor": case "No Door": #region No Door Door aDoor = new Door(); aDoor.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; aDoor.ItemType = itemType; aDoor.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; aDoor.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; aDoor.FLength = fLength; aDoor.DoorType = doorType; //aDoor.DoorStyle = doorStyle; //aDoor.ScreenType = doorScreenType; aDoor.Height = doorFrameHeight; aDoor.Length = doorFrameLength; //aDoor.Colour = doorColour; // //aDoor.Kickplate = doorKickPlate; // listOfModuleItems.Add(aDoor); //add the modular item to the list //aReader.Close(); #endregion break; } //doorReader.Close(); #endregion break; case "Box Header": // #region H BoxHeader HBoxHeader hBoxHeader = new HBoxHeader(); hBoxHeader.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; hBoxHeader.ItemType = itemType; hBoxHeader.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; hBoxHeader.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; hBoxHeader.FLength = fLength; listOfModuleItems.Add(hBoxHeader); //add the modular item to the list #endregion break; // case "Receiver": // #region H Receiver HReceiver hReceiver = new HReceiver(); hReceiver.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; hReceiver.ItemType = itemType; hReceiver.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; hReceiver.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; hReceiver.FLength = fLength; listOfModuleItems.Add(hReceiver); //add the modular item to the list #endregion break; case "Panel": // same as open wall window #region Solid Wall Window Window solid = new Window(); solid.ModuleIndex = moduleIndex; solid.ItemType = itemType; solid.FStartHeight = fStartHeight; solid.FEndHeight = fEndHeight; solid.FLength = fLength; listOfModuleItems.Add(solid); //add the modular item to the list #endregion break; } aMod.ModularItems = listOfModuleItems; } listOfLinearItems.Add(aMod);//add the linear item to the list //moduleItemReader.Close(); #endregion break; case "Receiver": case "Receiever": #region Receiver BoxHeader aBoxHeader = new BoxHeader(); aBoxHeader.LinearIndex = linearIndex; aBoxHeader.ItemType = linearItemType; aBoxHeader.StartHeight = startHeight; aBoxHeader.EndHeight = endHeight; aBoxHeader.Length = length; aBoxHeader.FrameColour = frameColour; aBoxHeader.Sex = sex; aBoxHeader.FixedLocation = fixedLocation; aBoxHeader.AttachedTo = attachedTo; aBoxHeader.IsReceiver = true; aBoxHeader.IsTwoPiece = false; listOfLinearItems.Add(aBoxHeader);//add the linear item to the list #endregion break; case "2 Piece Receiver": case "2PieceReceiver": #region 2 Piece Receiver aBoxHeader = new BoxHeader(); aBoxHeader.LinearIndex = linearIndex; aBoxHeader.ItemType = linearItemType; aBoxHeader.StartHeight = startHeight; aBoxHeader.EndHeight = endHeight; aBoxHeader.Length = length; aBoxHeader.FrameColour = frameColour; aBoxHeader.Sex = sex; aBoxHeader.FixedLocation = fixedLocation; aBoxHeader.AttachedTo = attachedTo; aBoxHeader.IsReceiver = true; aBoxHeader.IsTwoPiece = true; listOfLinearItems.Add(aBoxHeader);//add the linear item to the list #endregion break; case "BoxHeader": // case "Box Header": // #region Box Header aBoxHeader = new BoxHeader(); aBoxHeader.LinearIndex = linearIndex; aBoxHeader.ItemType = linearItemType; aBoxHeader.StartHeight = startHeight; aBoxHeader.EndHeight = endHeight; aBoxHeader.Length = length; aBoxHeader.FrameColour = frameColour; aBoxHeader.Sex = sex; aBoxHeader.FixedLocation = fixedLocation; aBoxHeader.AttachedTo = attachedTo; aBoxHeader.IsReceiver = false; //aBoxHeader.IsTwoPiece = false; listOfLinearItems.Add(aBoxHeader);//add the linear item to the list #endregion break; case "BoxHeaderReceiver": case "Box Header Receiver": // #region Box Header Receiver aBoxHeader = new BoxHeader(); aBoxHeader.LinearIndex = linearIndex; aBoxHeader.ItemType = linearItemType; aBoxHeader.StartHeight = startHeight; aBoxHeader.EndHeight = endHeight; aBoxHeader.Length = length; aBoxHeader.FrameColour = frameColour; aBoxHeader.Sex = sex; aBoxHeader.FixedLocation = fixedLocation; aBoxHeader.AttachedTo = attachedTo; aBoxHeader.IsReceiver = true; //aBoxHeader.IsTwoPiece = false; listOfLinearItems.Add(aBoxHeader);//add the linear item to the list #endregion break; case "Filler": #region Filler Filler aFiller = new Filler(); aFiller.LinearIndex = linearIndex; aFiller.ItemType = linearItemType; aFiller.StartHeight = startHeight; aFiller.EndHeight = endHeight; aFiller.Length = length; //aFiller.FrameColour = frameColour; aFiller.Sex = "MM"; aFiller.FixedLocation = fixedLocation; aFiller.AttachedTo = attachedTo; listOfLinearItems.Add(aFiller);//add the linear item to the list #endregion break; case "Corner Post": case "Corner": #region Corner Post Corner aCorner = new Corner(); aCorner.LinearIndex = linearIndex; aCorner.ItemType = linearItemType; aCorner.StartHeight = startHeight; aCorner.EndHeight = endHeight; aCorner.Length = length; aCorner.FrameColour = frameColour; aCorner.Sex = sex; aCorner.FixedLocation = fixedLocation; aCorner.AttachedTo = attachedTo; //aCorner.AngleIs90 = true; //hard coded, because I don't know where its coming from //aCorner.OutsideCorner = true; // hard coded because I don't know where its coming from listOfLinearItems.Add(aCorner); //add the linear item to the list #endregion break; case "ElectricalChase": case "Electrical Chase": #region ElectricalChase ElectricalChase aElectricalChase = new ElectricalChase(); aElectricalChase.LinearIndex = linearIndex; aElectricalChase.ItemType = linearItemType; aElectricalChase.StartHeight = startHeight; aElectricalChase.EndHeight = endHeight; aElectricalChase.Length = length; //aElectricalChase.FrameColour = frameColour; aElectricalChase.Sex = "MM"; aElectricalChase.FixedLocation = fixedLocation; aElectricalChase.AttachedTo = attachedTo; listOfLinearItems.Add(aElectricalChase);//add the linear item to the list #endregion break; case "HChannel": case "H Channel": #region H Channel HChannel aHChannel = new HChannel(); aHChannel.LinearIndex = linearIndex; aHChannel.ItemType = linearItemType; aHChannel.StartHeight = startHeight; aHChannel.EndHeight = endHeight; aHChannel.Length = length; aHChannel.FrameColour = frameColour; aHChannel.Sex = sex; aHChannel.FixedLocation = fixedLocation; aHChannel.AttachedTo = attachedTo; listOfLinearItems.Add(aHChannel);//add the linear item to the list #endregion break; } } aWall.LinearItems = listOfLinearItems; listOfWalls.Add(aWall); //add the wall to the list } //linearItemReader.Close(); //wallReader.Close(); #endregion #region floors if (floorCount != 0) { } #endregion #region roofs //if there is a roof in the project if (roofCount != 0) { for(int i = 0; i < roofCount; i++) { aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT roof_type, interior_skin, exterior_skin, thickness, fire_protection, thermadeck, acrylic, gutter, gutter_pro, gutter_colour, number_supports, stripe_colour, projection, width, roof_index " + "FROM roofs WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' roof_index = '" + i + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); //if (roofReader.HasRows) //{ // while (roofReader.Read()) // { //create a new instance of a wall and set all its attributes from the db aRoof = new Roof(); aRoof.Type = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]); aRoof.InteriorSkin = Convert.ToString(aReader[1]); aRoof.ExteriorSkin = Convert.ToString(aReader[2]); aRoof.Thickness = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[3]); aRoof.FireProtection = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[4]); aRoof.Thermadeck = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[5]); aRoof.Acrylic = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[6]); aRoof.Gutters = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[7]); aRoof.GutterPro = Convert.ToBoolean(aReader[8]); aRoof.GutterColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[9]); aRoof.NumberSupports = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[10]); aRoof.StripeColour = Convert.ToString(aReader[11]); aRoof.Projection = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[12]); //how do we deal with obstructions aRoof.Width = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[13]); int roofIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[14]); aReader.Close(); List<RoofModule> listOfRoofModules = new List<RoofModule>(); aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); int roofModCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]); //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT projection, width, interior_skin, exterior_skin, roof_view " //+ "FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "'"; //SqlDataReader moduleReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); //if (moduleReader.HasRows) //{ // while (moduleReader.Read()) for(int j = 0; j < roofModCount; j++) { aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT projection, width, interior_skin, exterior_skin, roof_view " + "FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); RoofModule aModule = new RoofModule(); aModule.Projection = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[0]); aModule.Width = Convert.ToDouble(aReader[1]); aModule.InteriorSkin = Convert.ToString(aReader[2]); aModule.ExteriorSkin = Convert.ToString(aReader[3]); int roofView = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[4]); aReader.Close(); List<RoofItem> listOfRoofItems = new List<RoofItem>(); aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); int roofItemCount = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[0]); //aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT roof_item, projection, width, item_index " //+ "FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "'"; //SqlDataReader itemReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); //if (itemReader.HasRows) //{ // while(itemReader.Read()) for (int k = 0; k < roofItemCount; k++) { aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT roof_item, projection, width, item_index " + "FROM roof_modules WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "' AND item_index = '" + k + "'"; aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); aReader.Read(); // store in an object RoofItem aRoofItem = new RoofItem(); aRoofItem.ItemType = Convert.ToString(aReader[0]); aRoofItem.Projection = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[1]); aRoofItem.Width = Convert.ToSingle(aReader[2]); int itemIndex = Convert.ToInt32(aReader[3]); aReader.Close(); ///different types of roof items switch (aRoofItem.ItemType) { case "Receiver": //no class.. what to do .. same as panel receiver? break; case "Awning Track": //no class.. what to do break; case "I-Beam": //no class.. what to do break; case "Pressure Cap I-Beam": //no class.. what to do break; case "T-Bar": //no class.. what to do break; case "Acrylic Panel": //no class.. no class ... where is colour, width, setback, projection being stored? break; case "Foam Panel": //no class ... where is colour, width, setback, projection being stored? //accordding the to db, this is the only item in which you can have fanbeams and skylight //check for skylight in this roof item //are all skylights the same? length/width etc? .. //there is no skylight object.. roof item should have a attribute for a skylight object aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT skylight_type, set_back, operator " + "FROM skylights WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "' AND item_index '" + itemIndex + "'"; SqlDataReader skylightReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (skylightReader.HasRows) { while (skylightReader.Read()) { //Skylight aSkylight = new Skylight(); //create object and set attribute if required aRoofItem.SkyLight = Convert.ToSingle(skylightReader[1]); } } else { aRoofItem.SkyLight = -1; } skylightReader.Close(); //check for fanbeams in this roof item //no info in the db or in C# aCommand.CommandText = "SELECT skylight_type, set_back, operator " + "FROM fanbeams WHERE project_id = '" + projectId + "' AND roof_index = '" + roofIndex + "' AND roof_view = '" + roofView + "' AND item_index = '" + itemIndex + "'"; SqlDataReader fanbeamReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (fanbeamReader.HasRows) { while (fanbeamReader.Read()) { //Skylight aSkylight = new Skylight(); //create object and set attribute if required aRoofItem.FanBeam = Convert.ToSingle(skylightReader[1]); } } else { aRoofItem.FanBeam = -1; } fanbeamReader.Close(); break; } listOfRoofItems.Add(aRoofItem); } //itemReader.Close(); aModule.RoofItems = listOfRoofItems; listOfRoofModules.Add(aModule); } //moduleReader.Close(); aRoof.RoofModules = listOfRoofModules; } //roofReader.Close(); } #endregion aTransaction.Commit(); hidJsonObjects.Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listOfWalls); } catch (Exception ex) { //lblError.Text = "Commit Exception Type: " + ex.GetType(); //lblError.Text += " Message: " + ex.Message; // Attempt to roll back the transaction. try { aTransaction.Rollback(); } catch (Exception ex2) { //This catch block will handle any errors that may have occurred //on the server that would cause the rollback to fail, such as //a closed connection. //lblError.Text = "Rollback Exception Type: " + ex2.GetType(); //lblError.Text += " Message: " + ex2.Message; } } } #endregion hidJsonObjects.Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listOfWalls); PopulateDropdown(floorCount, roofCount); PopulateModOptions(); //lnkUpdateSunroom.Attributes.Add("onclick", "updateSunroom()"); //lnkSubmitSunroom.Attributes.Add("onclick", "submitSunroom()"); //lnkEditorNavMods.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('.overlayContainer').slideToggle()"); //lnkEditorNavTools.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('#saveButtons').fadeToggle(); $('.btnTools').slideToggle();"); lnkEditorNavSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "updateSunroom()"); lnkEditorNavUndo.Attributes.Add("onclick", "undo()"); lnkEditorNavRedo.Attributes.Add("onclick", "redo()"); //Add list of all objects to session, for use by other pages accessed through project editor try { Session.Add("listOfWalls", listOfWalls); } catch (Exception ex) { Session["listOfWalls"] = listOfWalls; } }