コード例 #1
ファイル: InstantGI.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
 public InstantGI(Options options)
     numPhotons = options.getInt("gi.igi.samples", 64);
     numSets = options.getInt("gi.igi.sets", 1);
     c = options.getFloat("gi.igi.c", 0.00003f);
     numBias = options.getInt("gi.igi.bias_samples", 0);
     virtualLights = null;
コード例 #2
ファイル: FakeGIEngine.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
 public FakeGIEngine(Options options)
     up = options.getVector("gi.fake.up", new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).normalize();
     sky = options.getColor("gi.fake.sky", Color.WHITE).copy();
     ground = options.getColor("gi.fake.ground", Color.BLACK).copy();
コード例 #3
 public AmbientOcclusionGIEngine(Options options)
     bright = options.getColor("gi.ambocc.bright", Color.WHITE);
     dark = options.getColor("gi.ambocc.dark", Color.BLACK);
     samples = options.getInt("gi.ambocc.samples", 32);
     maxDist = options.getFloat("gi.ambocc.maxdist", 0);
     maxDist = (maxDist <= 0) ? float.PositiveInfinity : maxDist;
コード例 #4
 public bool init(Options options, Scene scene)
     bright = options.getColor("gi.ambocc.bright", Color.WHITE);
     dark = options.getColor("gi.ambocc.dark", Color.BLACK);
     samples = options.getInt("gi.ambocc.samples", 32);
     maxDist = options.getFloat("gi.ambocc.maxdist", 0);
     maxDist = (maxDist <= 0) ? float.PositiveInfinity : maxDist;
     return true;
コード例 #5
 public bool init(Options options, Scene scene)
     up = options.getVector("gi.fake.up", new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).normalize();
     sky = options.getColor("gi.fake.sky", Color.WHITE).copy();
     ground = options.getColor("gi.fake.ground", Color.BLACK).copy();
     sky.mul((float) Math.PI);
     ground.mul((float) Math.PI);
     return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CausticPhotonMap.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
 public CausticPhotonMap(Options options)
     _numEmit = options.getInt("caustics.emit", 10000);
     gatherNum = options.getInt("caustics.gather", 50);
     gatherRadius = options.getFloat("caustics.radius", 0.5f);
     filterValue = options.getFloat("caustics.filter", 1.1f);
     bounds = new BoundingBox();
     maxPower = 0;
     maxRadius = 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: SimpleRenderer.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
 public bool prepare(Options options, Scene scene, int w, int h)
     this.scene = scene;
     imageWidth = w;
     imageHeight = h;
     numBucketsX = ((uint)imageWidth + 31) >> 5;//>>>
     numBucketsY = ((uint)imageHeight + 31) >> 5;//>>>
     numBuckets = numBucketsX * numBucketsY;
     return true;
コード例 #8
        public bool build(Options options)
            // read options
            maxDiffuseDepth = options.getInt("depths.diffuse", maxDiffuseDepth);
            maxReflectionDepth = options.getInt("depths.reflection", maxReflectionDepth);
            maxRefractionDepth = options.getInt("depths.refraction", maxRefractionDepth);
            string giEngineType = options.getstring("gi.engine", null);
            giEngine = PluginRegistry.giEnginePlugins.createObject(giEngineType);
            string caustics = options.getstring("caustics", null);
            causticPhotonMap = PluginRegistry.causticPhotonMapPlugins.createObject(caustics);

            // validate options
            maxDiffuseDepth = Math.Max(0, maxDiffuseDepth);
            maxReflectionDepth = Math.Max(0, maxReflectionDepth);
            maxRefractionDepth = Math.Max(0, maxRefractionDepth);

            SunflowSharp.Systems.Timer t = new SunflowSharp.Systems.Timer();
            // count total number of light samples
            int numLightSamples = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < lights.Length; i++)
                numLightSamples += lights[i].getNumSamples();
            // initialize gi engine
            if (giEngine != null)
                if (!giEngine.init(options, scene))
                    return false;

            if (!calculatePhotons(causticPhotonMap, "caustic", 0, options))
                return false;

            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Light Server stats:");
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Light sources found: {0}", lights.Length);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Light samples:       {0}", numLightSamples);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Max raytrace depth:");
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "      - Diffuse          {0}", maxDiffuseDepth);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "      - Reflection       {0}", maxReflectionDepth);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "      - Refraction       {0}", maxRefractionDepth);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * GI engine            {0}", giEngineType == null ? "none" : giEngineType);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Caustics:            {0}", caustics == null ? "none" : caustics);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Shader override:     {0}", shaderOverride);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Photon override:     {0}", shaderOverridePhotons);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Build time:          {0}", t.ToString());
            return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: GIEngineFactory.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
 public static GIEngine create(Options options)
     string type = options.getstring("gi.engine", null);
     if (type == null || type == "null" || type == "none")
         return null;
     else if (type == "ambocc")
         return new AmbientOcclusionGIEngine(options);
     else if (type == "fake")
         return new FakeGIEngine(options);
     else if (type == "igi")
         return new InstantGI(options);
     else if (type == "irr-cache")
         return new IrradianceCacheGIEngine(options);
     else if (type == "path")
         return new PathTracingGIEngine(options);
         UI.printWarning(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Unrecognized GI engine type \"{0}\" - ignoring", type);
         return null;
コード例 #10
 public IrradianceCacheGIEngine(Options options)
     samples = options.getInt("gi.irr-cache.samples", 256);
     tolerance = options.getFloat("gi.irr-cache.tolerance", 0.05f);
     invTolerance = 1.0f / tolerance;
     minSpacing = options.getFloat("gi.irr-cache.min_spacing", 0.05f);
     maxSpacing = options.getFloat("gi.irr-cache.max_spacing", 5.00f);
     root = null;
     //rwl = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
     globalPhotonMap = null;
     string gmap = options.getstring("gi.irr-cache.gmap", null);
     if (gmap == null || gmap == "none")
     int numEmit = options.getInt("gi.irr-cache.gmap.emit", 100000);
     int gather = options.getInt("gi.irr-cache.gmap.gather", 50);
     float radius = options.getFloat("gi.irr-cache.gmap.radius", 0.5f);
     if (gmap == "kd")
         globalPhotonMap = new GlobalPhotonMap(numEmit, gather, radius);
     else if (gmap == "grid")
         globalPhotonMap = new GridPhotonMap(numEmit, gather, radius);
         UI.printWarning(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Unrecognized global photon map type \"%s\" - ignoring", gmap);
コード例 #11
 public bool calculatePhotons(PhotonStore map, string type, int seed, Options options)
     if (map == null)
         return true;
     if (lights.Length == 0)
         UI.printError(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Unable to trace {0} photons, no lights in scene", type);
         return false;
     float[] histogram = new float[lights.Length];
     histogram[0] = lights[0].getPower();
     for (int i = 1; i < lights.Length; i++)
         histogram[i] = histogram[i - 1] + lights[i].getPower();
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Tracing {0} photons ...", type);
     map.prepare(options, scene.getBounds());
     int numEmittedPhotons = map.numEmit();
     if (numEmittedPhotons <= 0 || histogram[histogram.Length - 1] <= 0)
         UI.printError(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Photon mapping enabled, but no {0} photons to emit", type);
         return false;
     UI.taskStart("Tracing " + type + " photons", 0, numEmittedPhotons);
     Thread[] photonThreads = new Thread[scene.getThreads()];
     float scale = 1.0f / numEmittedPhotons;
     int delta = numEmittedPhotons / photonThreads.Length;
     photonCounter = 0;
     SunflowSharp.Systems.Timer photonTimer = new SunflowSharp.Systems.Timer();
     for (int i = 0; i < photonThreads.Length; i++)
         int threadID = i;
         int start = threadID * delta;
         int end = (threadID == (photonThreads.Length - 1)) ? numEmittedPhotons : (threadID + 1) * delta;
         photonThreads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(new CalculatePhotons(start, end, this, seed, histogram, scale, map, lockObj).Run));
         photonThreads[i].Priority = scene.getThreadPriority();
     for (int i = 0; i < photonThreads.Length; i++)
         catch (Exception e)
             UI.printError(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Photon thread {0} of {1} was interrupted", i + 1, photonThreads.Length);
             return false;
     if (UI.taskCanceled())
         UI.taskStop(); // shut down task cleanly
         return false;
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Tracing time for {0} photons: {1}", type, photonTimer.ToString());
     return true;
コード例 #12
 public void prepare(Options options, BoundingBox sceneBounds)
コード例 #13
 public PathTracingGIEngine(Options options)
     samples = options.getInt("gi.path.samples", 16);
コード例 #14
ファイル: LightServer.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
        public bool build(Options options)
            // read options
            maxDiffuseDepth = options.getInt("depths.diffuse", maxDiffuseDepth);
            maxReflectionDepth = options.getInt("depths.reflection", maxReflectionDepth);
            maxRefractionDepth = options.getInt("depths.refraction", maxRefractionDepth);
            giEngine = GIEngineFactory.create(options);
            string caustics = options.getstring("caustics", null);
            if (caustics == null || caustics == "none")
                causticPhotonMap = null;
            else if (caustics != null && caustics == "kd")
                causticPhotonMap = new CausticPhotonMap(options);
                UI.printWarning(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Unrecognized caustics photon map engine \"{0}\" - ignoring", caustics);
                causticPhotonMap = null;

            // validate options
            maxDiffuseDepth = Math.Max(0, maxDiffuseDepth);
            maxReflectionDepth = Math.Max(0, maxReflectionDepth);
            maxRefractionDepth = Math.Max(0, maxRefractionDepth);

            SunflowSharp.Systems.Timer t = new SunflowSharp.Systems.Timer();
            // count total number of light samples
            int numLightSamples = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < lights.Length; i++)
                numLightSamples += lights[i].getNumSamples();
            // initialize gi engine
            if (giEngine != null)
                if (!giEngine.init(scene))
                    return false;

            if (!calculatePhotons(causticPhotonMap, "caustic", 0))
                return false;
            cacheLookups = 0;
            cacheHits = 0;
            cacheEmptyEntryMisses = 0;
            cacheWrongEntryMisses = 0;
            cacheEntryAdditions = 0;
            if (_shadingCache != null)
                // clear shading cache
                for (int i = 0; i < _shadingCache.Length; i++)
                    _shadingCache[i] = null;
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Light Server stats:");
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Light sources found: {0}", lights.Length);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Light samples:       {0}", numLightSamples);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Max raytrace depth:");
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "      - Diffuse          {0}", maxDiffuseDepth);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "      - Reflection       {0}", maxReflectionDepth);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "      - Refraction       {0}", maxRefractionDepth);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * GI engine            {0}", options.getstring("gi.engine", "none"));
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Caustics:            {0}", caustics == null ? "none" : caustics);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Shader override:     {0}", shaderOverride);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Photon override:     {0}", shaderOverridePhotons);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Shading cache:       {0}", _shadingCache == null ? "off" : "on");
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Build time:          {0}", t.ToString());
            return true;
コード例 #15
ファイル: RenderObjectMap.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
 public void put(string name, Options options)
     renderObjects[name] = new RenderObjectHandle(options);
コード例 #16
ファイル: RenderObjectMap.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
 public RenderObjectHandle(Options options)
     obj = options;
     type = RenderObjectType.OPTIONS;
コード例 #17
 public void prepare(Options options, BoundingBox sceneBounds)
     // get settings
     _numEmit = options.getInt("gi.irr-cache.gmap.emit", 100000);
     numGather = options.getInt("gi.irr-cache.gmap.gather", 50);
     gatherRadius = options.getFloat("gi.irr-cache.gmap.radius", 0.5f);
     // init
     bounds = new BoundingBox(sceneBounds);
     Vector3 w = bounds.getExtents();
     nx = (int)Math.Max(((w.x / gatherRadius) + 0.5f), 1);
     ny = (int)Math.Max(((w.y / gatherRadius) + 0.5f), 1);
     nz = (int)Math.Max(((w.z / gatherRadius) + 0.5f), 1);
     int numCells = nx * ny * nz;
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Initializing grid photon map:");
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Resolution:  {0}x{1}x{2}", nx, ny, nz);
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Total cells: {0}", numCells);
     for (hashPrime = 0; hashPrime < PRIMES.Length; hashPrime++)
         if (PRIMES[hashPrime] > (numCells / 5))
     cellHash = new PhotonGroup[PRIMES[hashPrime]];
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Initial hash size: {0}", cellHash.Length);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Scene.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
         * Render the scene using the specified options, image sampler and display.
         * @param options rendering options object
         * @param sampler image sampler
         * @param display display to send the image to, a default display will
         *            be created if <code>null</code>
        public void render(Options options, ImageSampler sampler, IDisplay display)
            if (display == null)
                display = null;// new FrameDisplay();

            if (bakingInstance != null)
                UI.printDetailed(UI.Module.SCENE, "Creating primitives for lightmapping ...");
                bakingPrimitives = bakingInstance.getBakingPrimitives();
                if (bakingPrimitives == null)
                    UI.printError(UI.Module.SCENE, "Lightmap baking is not supported for the given instance.");
                int n = bakingPrimitives.getNumPrimitives();
                UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "Building acceleration structure for lightmapping ({0} num primitives) ...", n);
                bakingAccel = AccelerationStructureFactory.create("auto", n, true);
                bakingPrimitives = null;
                bakingAccel = null;
            bakingViewDependent = options.getbool("baking.viewdep", bakingViewDependent);

            if ((bakingInstance != null && bakingViewDependent && camera == null) || (bakingInstance == null && camera == null))
                UI.printError(UI.Module.SCENE, "No camera found");

            // read from options
            threads = options.getInt("threads", 0);
            lowPriority = options.getbool("threads.lowPriority", true);
            imageWidth = options.getInt("resolutionX", 640);
            imageHeight = options.getInt("resolutionY", 480);
            // limit resolution to 16k
            imageWidth = MathUtils.clamp(imageWidth, 1, 1 << 14);
            imageHeight = MathUtils.clamp(imageHeight, 1, 1 << 14);

            // get acceleration structure info
            // count scene primitives
            long numPrimitives = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < instanceList.getNumPrimitives(); i++)
                numPrimitives += instanceList.getNumPrimitives(i);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "Scene stats:");
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "  * Infinite instances:  {0}", infiniteInstanceList.getNumPrimitives());
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "  * Instances:           {0}", instanceList.getNumPrimitives());
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "  * Primitives:          {0}", numPrimitives);
            string accelName = options.getstring("accel", null);
            if (accelName != null)
                rebuildAccel = rebuildAccel || acceltype != accelName;
                acceltype = accelName;
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "  * Instance accel:      {0}", acceltype);
            if (rebuildAccel)
                intAccel = AccelerationStructureFactory.create(acceltype, instanceList.getNumPrimitives(), false);
                rebuildAccel = false;
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "  * Scene bounds:        {0}", getBounds());
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "  * Scene center:        {0}", getBounds().getCenter());
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "  * Scene diameter:      {0}", getBounds().getExtents().Length());
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "  * Lightmap bake:       {0}", bakingInstance != null ? (bakingViewDependent ? "view" : "ortho") : "off");
            if (sampler == null)
            if (!lightServer.build(options))
            // render
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "Rendering ...");
            sampler.prepare(options, this, imageWidth, imageHeight);
            // discard baking tesselation/accel structure
            bakingPrimitives = null;
            bakingAccel = null;
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.SCENE, "Done.");
コード例 #19
        public bool prepare(Options options, Scene scene, int w, int h)
            this.scene = scene;
            imageWidth = w;
            imageHeight = h;

            // fetch options
            bucketSize = options.getInt("bucket.size", bucketSize);
            bucketOrderName = options.getstring("bucket.order", bucketOrderName);
            minAADepth = options.getInt("aa.min", minAADepth);
            maxAADepth = options.getInt("aa.max", maxAADepth);
            superSampling = options.getInt("aa.samples", superSampling);
            displayAA = options.getbool("aa.display", displayAA);
            jitter = options.getbool("aa.jitter", jitter);
            contrastThreshold = options.getFloat("aa.contrast", contrastThreshold);

            // limit bucket size and compute number of buckets in each direction
            bucketSize = MathUtils.clamp(bucketSize, 16, 512);
            int numBucketsX = (imageWidth + bucketSize - 1) / bucketSize;
            int numBucketsY = (imageHeight + bucketSize - 1) / bucketSize;
            bucketOrder = BucketOrderFactory.create(bucketOrderName);
            bucketCoords = bucketOrder.getBucketSequence(numBucketsX, numBucketsY);
            // validate AA options
            minAADepth = MathUtils.clamp(minAADepth, -4, 5);
            maxAADepth = MathUtils.clamp(maxAADepth, minAADepth, 5);
            superSampling = MathUtils.clamp(superSampling, 1, 256);
            invSuperSampling = 1.0 / superSampling;
            // compute AA stepping sizes
            subPixelSize = (maxAADepth > 0) ? (1 << maxAADepth) : 1;
            minStepSize = maxAADepth >= 0 ? 1 : 1 << (-maxAADepth);
            if (minAADepth == maxAADepth)
                maxStepSize = minStepSize;
                maxStepSize = minAADepth > 0 ? 1 << minAADepth : subPixelSize << (-minAADepth);
            useJitter = jitter && maxAADepth > 0;
            // compute anti-aliasing contrast thresholds
            contrastThreshold = MathUtils.clamp(contrastThreshold, 0, 1);
            thresh = contrastThreshold * (float)Math.Pow(2.0f, minAADepth);
            // read filter settings from scene
            filterName = options.getstring("filter", filterName);
			filter = PluginRegistry.filterPlugins.createObject(filterName);
            // adjust filter
            if (filter == null)
                UI.printWarning(UI.Module.BCKT, "Unrecognized filter type: \"{0}\" - defaulting to box", filterName);
                filter = new BoxFilter();
                filterName = "box";
            fhs = filter.getSize() * 0.5f;
            fs = (int)Math.Ceiling(subPixelSize * (fhs - 0.5f));

            // prepare QMC sampling
			sigmaOrder = Math.Min(QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER, Math.Max(0, maxAADepth) + 13); // FIXME: how big should the table be?
			sigmaLength = 1 << sigmaOrder;
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "Bucket renderer settings:");
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Resolution:         {0}x{1}", imageWidth, imageHeight);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Bucket size:        {0}", bucketSize);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Number of buckets:  {0}x{1}", numBucketsX, numBucketsY);
            if (minAADepth != maxAADepth)
                UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Anti-aliasing:      {0} -> {1} (adaptive)", aaDepthTostring(minAADepth), aaDepthTostring(maxAADepth));
                UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Anti-aliasing:      {0} (fixed)", aaDepthTostring(minAADepth));
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Rays per sample:    {0}", superSampling);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Subpixel jitter:    {0}", useJitter ? "on" : (jitter ? "auto-off" : "off"));
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Contrast threshold: {0}", contrastThreshold);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Filter type:        {0}", filterName);
            UI.printInfo(UI.Module.BCKT, "  * Filter size:        {0} pixels", filter.getSize());
            return true;
コード例 #20
 public void prepare(Options options, BoundingBox sceneBounds)
     // get settings
     _numEmit = options.getInt("gi.irr-cache.gmap.emit", 100000);
     numGather = options.getInt("gi.irr-cache.gmap.gather", 50);
     gatherRadius = options.getFloat("gi.irr-cache.gmap.radius", 0.5f);
     // init
     photonList = new List<Photon>();
     photons = null;
     storedPhotons = halfStoredPhotons = 0;
コード例 #21
         * Render using the specified options and the specified display. If the
         * specified options do not exist - defaults will be used.
         * @param optionsName name of the {@link RenderObject} which contains the
         *            options
         * @param display display object
        public void render(string optionsName, IDisplay display)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(optionsName))
                optionsName = "::options";
            Options opt = lookupOptions(optionsName);
            if (opt == null)
                opt = new Options();
            scene.setCamera(lookupCamera(opt.getstring("camera", null)));

            // shader override
            String shaderOverrideName = opt.getstring("override.shader", "none");
            bool overridePhotons = opt.getbool("override.photons", false);

            if (shaderOverrideName.Equals("none"))
                scene.setShaderOverride(null, false);
            else {
                IShader shader = lookupShader(shaderOverrideName);
                if (shader == null)
                    UI.printWarning(UI.Module.API, "Unable to find shader \"{0}\" for override, disabling", shaderOverrideName);
                scene.setShaderOverride(shader, overridePhotons);

            // baking
            string bakingInstanceName = opt.getstring("baking.instance", null);
            if (bakingInstanceName != null)
                Instance bakingInstance = lookupInstance(bakingInstanceName);
                if (bakingInstance == null)
                    UI.printError(UI.Module.API, "Unable to bake instance \"{0}\" - not found", bakingInstanceName);

            ImageSampler sampler = PluginRegistry.imageSamplerPlugins.createObject(opt.getstring("sampler", "bucket"));
            scene.render(opt, sampler, display);
コード例 #22
 public void prepare(Options options, BoundingBox sceneBounds)
     // get options
     _numEmit = options.getInt("caustics.emit", 10000);
     gatherNum = options.getInt("caustics.gather", 50);
     gatherRadius = options.getFloat("caustics.radius", 0.5f);
     filterValue = options.getFloat("caustics.filter", 1.1f);
     bounds = new BoundingBox();
     // init
     maxPower = 0;
     maxRadius = 0;
     photonList = new List<Photon>();
     photons = null;
     storedPhotons = halfStoredPhotons = 0;
コード例 #23
 public bool init(Options options, Scene scene)
     numPhotons = options.getInt("gi.igi.samples", 64);
     numSets = options.getInt("gi.igi.sets", 1);
     c = options.getFloat("gi.igi.c", 0.00003f);
     numBias = options.getInt("gi.igi.bias_samples", 0);
     virtualLights = null;
     if (numSets < 1)
         numSets = 1;
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Instant Global Illumination settings:");
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Samples:     {0}", numPhotons);
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Sets:        {0}", numSets);
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Bias bound:  {0}", c);
     UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "  * Bias rays:   {0}", numBias);
     virtualLights = new PointLight[numSets][];
     if (numPhotons > 0)
         for (int i = 0, seed = 0; i < virtualLights.Length; i++, seed += numPhotons)
             PointLightStore map = new PointLightStore(this);
             if (!scene.calculatePhotons(map, "virtual", seed, options))
                 return false;
             virtualLights[i] = map.virtualLights.ToArray();
             UI.printInfo(UI.Module.LIGHT, "Stored {0} virtual point lights for set {0} of {0}", virtualLights[i].Length, i + 1, numSets);
         // create an empty array
         for (int i = 0; i < virtualLights.Length; i++)
             virtualLights[i] = new PointLight[0];
     return true;