コード例 #1
        private void CalculateTangentArray(int vertexCount, Vertex[] vertex, Vector[] normal, Texcoord[] texcoord,
            int triangleCount, Face[] triangles, out Vector[] Bitangent, out Vector[] Normals, out Vector[] Tangent)
            Vector3[] tan1 = new Vector3[vertexCount];
            Vector3[] tan2 = new Vector3[vertexCount];
            Normals = new Vector[vertexCount];

            for (int a = 0; a < triangleCount; a++)
                //Store Vertex Index's
                int i1 = triangles[a].VertexIndices[0];
                int i2 = triangles[a].VertexIndices[1];
                int i3 = triangles[a].VertexIndices[2];

                int n1 = triangles[a].NormalIndices[0];
                int n2 = triangles[a].NormalIndices[1];
                int n3 = triangles[a].NormalIndices[2];

                int vt1 = triangles[a].TexcoordIndices[0];
                int vt2 = triangles[a].TexcoordIndices[1];
                int vt3 = triangles[a].TexcoordIndices[2];

                //From Vertex Array Copy Coordinates of Vertex's
                Vertex v1 = vertex[i1];
                Vertex v2 = vertex[i2];
                Vertex v3 = vertex[i3];

                //From Texture Array Copy Coordinates of Vertex's
                Texcoord w1 = texcoord[vt1];
                Texcoord w2 = texcoord[vt2];
                Texcoord w3 = texcoord[vt3];

                //Make Relative to Vertex 1
                //Vertex Coordinates
                float x1 = v2.Position.X - v1.Position.X;
                float x2 = v3.Position.X - v1.Position.X;
                float y1 = v2.Position.Y - v1.Position.Y;
                float y2 = v3.Position.Y - v1.Position.Y;
                float z1 = v2.Position.Z - v1.Position.Z;
                float z2 = v3.Position.Z - v1.Position.Z;
                //Texture Coordinates
                float s1 = w2.Coordinates.X - w1.Coordinates.X;
                float s2 = w3.Coordinates.X - w1.Coordinates.X;
                float t1 = w2.Coordinates.Y - w1.Coordinates.Y;
                float t2 = w3.Coordinates.Y - w1.Coordinates.Y;

                float r = 1.0F / (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);
                Vector3 sdir = new Vector3((t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r, (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r, (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r);
                Vector3 tdir = new Vector3((s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r, (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r, (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r);
                AngleFucker AF = new AngleFucker(v1.Position, v2.Position, v3.Position);

                tan1[i1] += Vector3.Multiply(sdir, AF.Get_v1_Angle());
                tan1[i2] += Vector3.Multiply(sdir, AF.Get_v2_Angle());
                tan1[i3] += Vector3.Multiply(sdir, AF.Get_v3_Angle());

                tan2[i1] += Vector3.Multiply(tdir, AF.Get_v1_Angle());
                tan2[i2] += Vector3.Multiply(tdir, AF.Get_v2_Angle());
                tan2[i3] += Vector3.Multiply(tdir, AF.Get_v3_Angle());

            Tangent = new Vector[vertexCount];
            Bitangent = new Vector[vertexCount];

            for (int a = 0; a < vertexCount; a++)
                Vector3 n = normal[a].Components;
                Normals[a] = Round(normal[a]);
                Vector3 b = tan2[a];
                Vector3 t = tan1[a];

                // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize
                Vector3 temp = Vector3.Subtract(t, Vector3.Multiply(n, Vector3.Dot(n, t)));

                Tangent[a] = new Vector(Vector3.Empty, Vector.VectorUsage.Tangent);
                Tangent[a].Components = temp;
                Tangent[a] = Round(Tangent[a]);

                // Calculate handedness
                float W = (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(n, t), b) < 0.0F) ? -1.0F : 1.0F;

                //Calculate Bitangent
                Bitangent[a] = new Vector(Vector3.Empty, Vector.VectorUsage.Bitangent);
                Bitangent[a].Components = Vector3.Multiply((Vector3.Cross(n, temp)), W);
                Bitangent[a] = Round(Bitangent[a]);

コード例 #2
        private int Compress(ref Vector vector)
            int X_sign = vector.Components.X < 0 ? 1 : 0;
            int Y_sign = vector.Components.Y < 0 ? 1 : 0;
            int Z_sign = vector.Components.Z < 0 ? 1 : 0;
            vector.Components.X = vector.Components.X < 0 ? (1 + vector.Components.X) : vector.Components.X;
            vector.Components.Y = vector.Components.Y < 0 ? (1 + vector.Components.Y) : vector.Components.Y;
            vector.Components.Z = vector.Components.Z < 0 ? (1 + vector.Components.Z) : vector.Components.Z;
            int X = (int)(vector.Components.X * 0x3FF);
            int Y = (int)(vector.Components.Y * 0x3FF);
            int Z = (int)(vector.Components.Z * 0x1FF);

            int integer = (Z_sign << 31) | (Z << 22) | (Y_sign << 21) | (Y << 11) | (X_sign << 10) | X;

            return integer;
コード例 #3
        public Vector[] ToVectorArray()
            Vector[] Vectors = new Vector[RawVectorData.Length];

            for (int Count = 0; Count < RawVectorData.Length; Count++)
                byte xSign = (byte)((RawVectorData[Count] >> 10) & 0x1);
                byte ySign = (byte)((RawVectorData[Count] >> 21) & 0x1);
                byte zSign = (byte)((RawVectorData[Count] >> 31) & 0x1);
                float x = (int)((RawVectorData[Count]) & 0x3FF);
                x /= (float)0x3FF;
                float y = (float)((RawVectorData[Count] >> 11) & 0x3FF);
                y /= (float)0x3FF;
                float z = (float)((RawVectorData[Count] >> 22) & 0x1FF);
                z /= (float)0x1FF;
                z = zSign == 1 ? (z - 1) : z;
                y = ySign == 1 ? (y - 1) : y;
                x = xSign == 1 ? (x - 1) : x;

                Vectors[Count] = new Vector(new Vector3(x, y, z), (Vector.VectorUsage)(Count % 3));
            return Vectors;
コード例 #4
        public VectorData(int vertexcount, Vertex[] vertices, Vector[] normals, Texcoord[] texcoords, int trianglecount, Face[] triangles)
            Vector[] Tangents, Bitangents;

            CalculateTangentArray(vertexcount, vertices, normals, texcoords, trianglecount, triangles, out Bitangents, out normals, out Tangents);

            Size = (uint)(normals.Length * 3 * 4);
            List<int> RawData = new List<int>((int)Size);
            for (int Index = 0; Index < normals.Length; Index++)
                RawData.Add(Compress(ref normals[Index]));
                RawData.Add(Compress(ref Bitangents[Index]));
                RawData.Add(Compress(ref Tangents[Index]));
            RawVectorData = RawData.ToArray();
コード例 #5
 private Vector Round(Vector vector)
     vector.Components.X = (float)Math.Round((double)vector.Components.X, 5);
     vector.Components.Y = (float)Math.Round((double)vector.Components.Y, 5);
     vector.Components.Z = (float)Math.Round((double)vector.Components.Z, 5);
     return vector;