public void LoadAreaList(string sWHId) { string sErr = ""; string sSql = "select * from TWC_WArea where bUsed=1 and cWHId='" + sWHId + "'"; DataSet dstt = null; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { dstt = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, sSql, "data", 0, 0, "", out sErr); } catch (Exception err) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show(err.Message); return; } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; if (sErr.Trim() != "" && sErr.Trim() != "0") { MessageBox.Show(sErr); return; } if (dstt != null) { DataTable tbX = dstt.Tables["data"]; cmb_cAreaId.DisplayMember = "cAreaName"; cmb_cAreaId.ValueMember = "cAreaId"; cmb_cAreaId.DataSource = tbX; cmb_cAreaId.SelectedIndex = -1; } }
private void BindCType1Data() { /*select CTYPEID,CTYPENAME from TPC_MATERIALTYPE*/ string sErr = ""; string sSql = string.Format("select CTYPEID,CTYPENAME from TPC_MATERIALTYPE"); DataSet dstt = null; try { dstt = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, sSql, "data", 0, 0, "", out sErr); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); return; } if (sErr.Trim() != "" && sErr.Trim() != "0") { MessageBox.Show(sErr); return; } if (dstt != null) { DataTable tbX = dstt.Tables["data"]; cmb_cTypeId1.DisplayMember = "CTYPENAME"; cmb_cTypeId1.ValueMember = "CTYPEID"; cmb_cTypeId1.DataSource = tbX; cmb_cTypeId1.SelectedIndex = -1; } }
private void OpenDataList() { string sErr = ""; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(this.sSql); if (base.UserInformation.UType != UserType.utSupervisor) { builder.Append(" and isnull(b.cChecker,'') in (select cName from TPB_User where cDeptId='" + base.UserInformation.DeptId + "')"); } if (this.txt_BillNo.Text.Trim() != "") { builder.Append(" and b.cBNo like '%" + this.txt_BillNo.Text.Trim() + "%'"); } if (this.txt_MatName.Text.Trim() != "") { builder.Append(" and ( dtl.cMNo like '%" + this.txt_MatName.Text.Trim() + "%' or isnull(mat.cName,'') like '%" + this.txt_MatName.Text.Trim() + "%' or isnull(mat.cWBJM,'') like '%" + this.txt_MatName.Text.Trim() + "%' "); builder.Append(" or isnull(mat.cPYJM,'') like '%" + this.txt_MatName.Text.Trim() + "%' or isnull(mat.cSpec,'') like '%" + this.txt_MatName.Text.Trim() + "%'"); builder.Append(")"); } DataSet set = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(base.AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, builder.ToString(), "tbBillDtl", 0, 0, "", out sErr); if (((set != null) && (sErr.Trim() != "")) && (sErr.Trim() != "0")) { MessageBox.Show(sErr); } else { this.grd_Data.DataSource = set.Tables["tbBillDtl"]; this.lbl_DataCount.Text = set.Tables["tbBillDtl"].Rows.Count.ToString(); } }
private void LoadBaseItem() { #region string sBClass = ""; if (_IsInBill) { sBClass = "1"; } else { sBClass = "2"; } string sSql = "select cBTypeId,cBType,nBClass from tpb_billtype where nBClass=" + sBClass + " and bUsed=1 order by nSort,cBTypeId"; #endregion DataSet dsX = null; string sErr = ""; #region 单据类型 dsX = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, sSql, "btype", 0, 0, "", out sErr); if (sErr.Trim() != "0" && sErr.Trim() != "") { MessageBox.Show(sErr); return; } DataTable tbBType = dsX.Tables["btype"].Copy(); if (tbBType != null) { cmb_BillType.DisplayMember = "cBType"; cmb_BillType.ValueMember = "cBTypeId"; cmb_BillType.DataSource = tbBType; return; } #endregion #region 供货部门 if (_IsInBill) { sSql = "select cCSId,cCSNameJ from TPB_CuSupplier where nType=0 and bUsed=1"; } else { sSql = "select cCSId,cCSNameJ from TPB_CuSupplier where nType=1 and bUsed=1"; } dsX = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, sSql, "TPB_CuSupplier", 0, 0, "", out sErr); if (sErr.Trim() != "0" && sErr.Trim() != "") { MessageBox.Show(sErr); return; } DataTable tbCuSupplier = dsX.Tables["TPB_CuSupplier"].Copy(); if (tbCuSupplier != null) { cmb_Dept.DisplayMember = "cCSNameJ"; cmb_Dept.ValueMember = "cCSNameJ"; cmb_Dept.DataSource = tbCuSupplier; return; } #endregion }
private void LoadOptNoList(string sWHId, string sOptGroup, int nRow) { int num = 0; if (nRow > 0) { num = nRow; } num = (num + 1) / 2; string sSql = "select nOptNo from TECS_HSInfo where 1=1 "; if (sWHId.Trim() != "") { sSql = sSql + " and cWHId='" + sWHId.Trim() + "'"; } if (sOptGroup.Trim() != "") { sSql = sSql + " and cGroupName='" + sOptGroup.Trim() + "'"; } if (num > 0) { sSql = sSql + " and nLine=" + num.ToString(); } string sErr = ""; DataSet set = null; set = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(base.AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, sSql, "OptNo", 0, 0, "", out sErr); if ((sErr.Trim() != "") && (sErr.Trim() != "0")) { MessageBox.Show(sErr); } else if (set != null) { DataTable table = set.Tables["OptNo"]; if (table != null) { this.cmb_Port.DisplayMember = "nOptNo"; this.cmb_Port.ValueMember = "nOptNo"; this.cmb_Port.DataSource = table; if (this.cmb_Port.Items.Count > 0) { this.cmb_Port.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } }
private void LoadOptGroup(string sWHId) { string sSql = "select distinct cGroupName from TECS_HSInfo "; if (sWHId.Trim() != "") { sSql = sSql + " where cWHId='" + sWHId.Trim() + "'"; } string sErr = ""; DataSet set = null; set = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(base.AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, sSql, "OptGroup", 0, 0, "", out sErr); if ((sErr.Trim() != "") && (sErr.Trim() != "0")) { MessageBox.Show(sErr); } else if (set != null) { DataTable table = set.Tables["OptGroup"]; if (table != null) { this.cmb_OptGroup.DisplayMember = "cGroupName"; this.cmb_OptGroup.ValueMember = "cGroupName"; this.cmb_OptGroup.DataSource = table; string sValue = ""; if (MyConfigure.ReadMyArributeValue(base.AppInformation.AppPath + @"\" + base.AppInformation.AppConfigFile, "config/ECS/OptGroup", "Default", out sValue, out sErr)) { if (this.cmb_OptGroup.Items.Count > 0) { if (sValue.Trim() != "") { this.cmb_OptGroup.SelectedValue = sValue; } else { this.cmb_OptGroup.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } else if (this.cmb_OptGroup.Items.Count > 0) { this.cmb_OptGroup.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } }
private void btn_Query_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dtp_From.Value > dtp_To.Value) { MessageBox.Show("对不起,开始时间不能大于截止时间!"); dtp_From.Focus(); return; } string sDesc = ""; string sErr = ""; string sSql = sSqlStr + GetCondition(out sDesc); DataSet dsX = null; try { dsX = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, sSql, "ioDetail", 0, 0, "dDate", out sErr); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); return; } if (sErr.Trim() != "" && sErr.Trim() != "0") { MessageBox.Show(sErr); return; } if (dsX == null) { return; } DataTable tbX = dsX.Tables["ioDetail"]; bds_List.DataSource = tbX; grd_List.DataSource = bds_List; lbl_Count.Text = bds_List.Count.ToString(); }
private bool QueryStoreDtlList() { StringBuilder sCon = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder sSql = new StringBuilder(""); sSql.Append("select st.cItemId cMNo,st.cMName,st.cSpec,st.cMatStyle,st.cMatQCLevel,st.cMatOther,st.cRemark,st.cBatchNo,st.fQty,st.cUnit,"); sSql.Append(" st.dProdDate,st.dBadDate,st.cDtlCSId,st.cDtlSupplier,st.cStoreRemark,st.cBNoIn,st.nItemIn,st.nQCStatus,st.cQCStatus, "); sSql.Append(" wc.nPalletId,wc.cPosId,wc.cWHId,wc.cAreaId,wa.cAreaName,st.cABC,wh.cName cWHName from V_StoreItemList st "); sSql.Append(" left join TWC_WareCell wc on st.nPalletId=isnull(wc.nPalletId,' ') "); sSql.Append(" left join TWC_Warehouse wh on wc.cWHId=wh.cWHId "); sSql.Append(" left join TWC_WArea wa on wc.cAreaId=wa.cAreaId"); #region 条件 #region if (cmb_cWHId.Text.Trim() != "" && cmb_cWHId.SelectedValue != null && cmb_cWHId.SelectedIndex > -1) { if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and isnull(wc.cWHId,' ')='" + cmb_cWHId.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"); } else { sCon.Append(" where isnull(wc.cWHId,' ')='" + cmb_cWHId.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"); } } if (cmb_cAreaId.Text.Trim() != "" && cmb_cAreaId.SelectedValue != null && cmb_cAreaId.SelectedIndex > -1) { if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and isnull(wc.cAreaId,' ')='" + cmb_cAreaId.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"); } else { sCon.Append(" where isnull(wc.cAreaId,' ')='" + cmb_cAreaId.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"); } } if (txtPalletId.Text.Trim() != "") { string sPalletId = txtPalletId.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and st.nPalletId like '%" + sPalletId + "'"); } else { sCon.Append(" where st.nPalletId like '%" + sPalletId + "'"); } } if (this.txt_cPosId.Text.Trim() != "") { string sPosId = txt_cPosId.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and isnull(wc.cPosId,' ') like '%" + sPosId + "'"); } else { sCon.Append(" where isnull(wc.cPosId,' ') like '%" + sPosId + "'"); } } #endregion int nX = 0; #region if (txt_cName.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = txt_cName.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and ((isnull(st.cMNo,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cMName,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cWBJM,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cPYJM,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') )"); } else { sCon.Append(" where ((isnull(st.cMNo,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cMName,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cWBJM,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cPYJM,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') )"); } } if (txt_cBatchNo.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = txt_cBatchNo.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cBatchNo,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cBatchNo,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } } if (this.txt_cSpec.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = txt_cSpec.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cSpec,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cSpec,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } } if (this.txt_cRemark.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = txt_cRemark.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cRemark,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cRemark,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } } if (this.txt_cMatStyle.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = txt_cMatStyle.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cMatStyle,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cMatStyle,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } } if (this.txt_cMatQCLevel.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = txt_cMatQCLevel.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cMatQCLevel,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cMatQCLevel,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } } if (this.txt_cMatOther.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = txt_cMatOther.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cMatOther,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cMatOther,'~') like '%" + sX + "%')"); } } if (cmb_cABC.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = cmb_cABC.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cABC,'~') = '" + sX + "')"); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cABC,'~') = '" + sX + "')"); } } #endregion #region if (cmb_cTypeId1.Text.Trim() != "" && cmb_cTypeId1.SelectedValue != null && cmb_cTypeId1.SelectedIndex > -1) { if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cTypeId1,'~') like '%" + cmb_cTypeId1.SelectedValue.ToString() + "%')"); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cTypeId1,'~') like '%" + cmb_cTypeId1.SelectedValue.ToString() + "%')"); } } if (cmb_cABC.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = cmb_cABC.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cABC,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') "); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cABC,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') "); } } if (this.txt_cSupplier.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = txt_cSupplier.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and ((isnull(st.cDtlCSId,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cDtlSupplier,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cDtlWBJM,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cDtlPYJM,'~') like '%" + sX + "%'))"); } else { sCon.Append(" where ((isnull(st.cDtlCSId,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cDtlSupplier,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cDtlWBJM,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') or (isnull(st.cDtlPYJM,'~') like '%" + sX + "%'))"); } } if (txt_cDtlRemark.Text.Trim() != "") { string sX = txt_cDtlRemark.Text.Trim(); if (sCon.Length > 0) { sCon.Append(" and (isnull(st.cDtlRemark,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') "); } else { sCon.Append(" where (isnull(st.cDtlRemark,'~') like '%" + sX + "%') "); } } #endregion #endregion sSql.Append(sCon.ToString()); bool bIsOK = false; //if (DBDataSet.Tables["TWC_WareCell"] != null) // DBDataSet.Tables["TWC_WareCell"].Clear(); grdData.AutoGenerateColumns = false; string sErr = ""; //string sql = "select * from V_WareCellStatus " + strCon; //string sX = BI.BSIOBillBI.BSIOBillBI.QueryCellList(AppInformation.dbtApp, AppInformation.AppConn, DBDataSet, UserInformation, strCon); DataSet ds = null; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { dsX.Clear(); dsX = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, sSql.ToString(), "StockDtl", 0, 0, "", out sErr); } catch (Exception err) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show(err.Message); return(false); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; bIsOK = sErr == ""; sSql.Remove(0, sSql.Length); sCon.Remove(0, sCon.Length); if (bIsOK == true) { grdData.Focus(); grdData.DataSource = dsX.Tables["StockDtl"]; } else { MessageBox.Show(sErr); } return(bIsOK); }