protected void OnOpenAction1Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { Gtk.FileChooserDialog fc= new Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Выберете файл", this, FileChooserAction.Open, "Отмена",ResponseType.Cancel, "Открыть",ResponseType.Accept); if (fc.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Accept) { string[] found_ans; string[] bricks_ans; string[] fixes; string[] found; string[] bricks; Storage.ReadAnswers (fc.Filename, out fixes, out found, out bricks, out found_ans, out bricks_ans); try{ float t; int t1; float.TryParse(fixes[0], out t); force_spin.Value = t; int.TryParse (fixes [1], out t1); objMaterial.Active = t1; int.TryParse (fixes [2], out t1); planeToFix.Active = t1; int.TryParse (fixes [3], out t1); objLenght.Value = t1; int.TryParse (fixes [4],out t1); fixPointsN.Value = t1; int.TryParse (fixes [5], out t1); wallMaterial.Active = t1; int.TryParse (fixes [6], out t1); wallLenght.Value = t1; int.TryParse (found [0], out t1); build_lenght.Value = t1; int.TryParse (found [1], out t1); build_hight.Value = t1; float.TryParse (found [2], out t); found_flat.Value = t; float.TryParse (found [3], out t); addit_P.Value = t; float.TryParse (found [4], out t); hight.Value = t; float.TryParse (found [5], out t); deep.Value = t; int.TryParse (found [6], out t1); beton.Active = t1; int.TryParse (bricks [0], out t1); build_lenght1.Value = t1; int.TryParse (bricks [1], out t1); build_weight1.Value = t1; int.TryParse (bricks [2], out t1); build_hight.Value = t1; int.TryParse (bricks [3], out t1); materialOfBuild.Active = t1; int.TryParse (bricks [4], out t1); conWeight.Value = t1; int.TryParse (bricks [5], out t1); holesS.Value = t1; int.TryParse (bricks [6], out t1); roofType.Active = t1; int.TryParse (bricks [7], out t1); roofHight.Value = t1; int.TryParse (bricks [8], out t1); minh.Value = t1; float.TryParse (found_ans [0], out t); beton_vol.Value = t; float.TryParse (found_ans [1], out t); sand.Value = t; float.TryParse (found_ans [2], out t); concentre.Value = t; float.TryParse (found_ans [3], out t); gravel.Value = t; float.TryParse (found_ans [4], out t); arm.Value = t; float.TryParse (found_ans [5], out t); tube.Value = t; float.TryParse (bricks_ans [0], out t); bricksN.Value = t; float.TryParse (bricks_ans [1], out t); glueN.Value = t; GtkLabel4.Text = Storage.passed.Count.ToString (); btnForward.Sensitive = true; nameOfCurrentFix.Text += Storage.passed [0].NameToString (); imgFixPreview.Pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Storage.GetStreamFromResource (Storage.passed [0].img_name)); spinD.Value = Storage.passed [0].d; spinLenght.Value = Storage.passed [0].lenght; spinAvForce.Value = Storage.passed [0].max_avulsion_force; spinMaxCutForce.Value = Storage.passed [0].max_cut_force; spinMaxA.Value = Storage.passed [0].max_a; spinMaxS.Value = Storage.passed [0].max_s; spinFixPoints.Value = fixPointsN.Value; } catch{ Warn wrn = new Warn(); wrn.SetLabel("Ошибка в структуре файла!"); wrn.Modal = true; wrn.Show(); } } //Don't forget to call Destroy() or the FileChooserDialog window won't get closed. fc.Destroy(); }
protected void OnButton65Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Calculator.initConcrete ();//init prportions float volume = Calculator.foundamentVolume ((float)(hight.Value + deep.Value), (float)build_lenght.Value, (float)found_flat.Value, (float)addit_P.Value, (float)build_weight.Value);//total volume beton_vol.Value = volume; Calculator.Concrete mark = new Calculator.Concrete (); if (Calculator.Concrete.TryParse (beton.ActiveText, out mark)) { float[] mats = new float[3]; mats = Calculator.concreteMaterials (volume, mark);//weight of components concentre.Value = mats[0]/1000; gravel.Value = mats[1]/1000; sand.Value = mats[2]/1000; } else { Warn wrn = new Warn(); wrn.SetLabel("Проверьте, выбрали ли вы марку бетона! Если ошибка сохранится, свяжитесь с разработчиком!"); wrn.Modal = true; wrn.Show(); } arm.Value = Calculator.armsTotalLenght((float)(build_lenght.Value+addit_P.Value+build_weight.Value), (float)(hight.Value + deep.Value), (float)found_flat.Value);//just lenght of "arms" tube.Value = Calculator.formwork((float)(hight.Value + deep.Value), (float)(build_lenght.Value), (float)(build_weight.Value), (float)found_flat.Value, (float)addit_P.Value); }
public static void ReadAnswers (string filname, out string[] fix_inp, out string[] found_inp, out string[] bricks_inp, out string[] found, out string[] brick) { fix_inp = new string[1]; found_inp = new string[1]; bricks_inp = new string[1]; found = new string[1]; brick = new string[1]; try{ StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filname); string s; List<string> data = new List<string>(100); bool inputs = true, fixing = false, foundament = false, bricks = false; while((s = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if(s[0] != '#') { if(inputs) { string[] s1 = s.Split('\\'); if(s1.Length == 3) { fix_inp = s1[0].Split(' '); found_inp = s1[1].Split(' '); bricks_inp = s1[2].Split(' '); } else throw new Exception("Inputs range error"); //inputs = false; //fixing = true; } if(fixing) { if(passed.Count == passed.Capacity) passed.Capacity *= 2; passed.Add(Mount.FromString(s)); } if(foundament) { found = s.Split(' '); } if(bricks) { brick = s.Split(' '); } } else { if(s.IndexOf("Inputs range")>-1) { inputs = true; fixing = false; foundament = false; bricks = false; } if(s.IndexOf("Fixing set")>-1) { fixing = true; inputs = false; foundament = false; bricks = false; } if(s.IndexOf("Foundament set")>-1) { foundament = true; inputs = false; fixing = false; bricks = false; } if(s.IndexOf("Bricks vol set")>-1) { bricks = true; inputs = false; fixing = false; foundament = false; } } } } catch(Exception e){ Warn wrn = new Warn (); wrn.SetLabel (e.Message); wrn.Modal = true; wrn.Show (); } /*catch{ Warn wrn = new Warn (); wrn.SetLabel ("Ошибка импорта результатов!"); wrn.Modal = true; wrn.Show (); }*/ }
protected void OnButton3Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool params_OK = true; float pressure = (float)force_spin.Value*9.8f;//P=mg, Materials material = Materials.None; switch (objMaterial.ActiveText) { case "Гипсокартон": material = Materials.GKL; break; case "Дерево": material = Materials.Tree; break; case "Металл": material = Materials.Metal; break; default: params_OK &= false; break; } int fix_point = objMaterial.Active - 2; float lenght = (float)objLenght.Value; int fix_pointsN = (int)fixPointsN.Value; pressure /= fix_pointsN; Materials wall_material = Materials.None; switch (wallMaterial.ActiveText) { case "Гипсокартон": wall_material = Materials.GKL; break; case "Дерево": wall_material = Materials.Tree; break; case "Кирпич": wall_material = Materials.Brick; break; case "Бетон": wall_material = Materials.Concrete; break; case "Пеноблок": wall_material = Materials.FoamBlock; break; default: params_OK &= false; break; } float wall_lenght = (float)wallLenght.Value; if ((pressure > 0) && (fix_point > -2 && fix_point < 2) && (lenght > 0) && (fix_pointsN > -1) && (wall_lenght > -1) && params_OK) { params_OK |= true; //подбираем Storage.passed.Clear(); Calculator.GenerateByMaterialList (material, wall_material); Calculator.GenerateByLenght (wall_lenght, lenght); Calculator.GenerateByForce (fix_point, pressure, lenght, wall_material); if (Storage.passed.Count < 1) { //Error! Can't fix it by any material:( Warn wrn = new Warn (); wrn.SetLabel ("Мы не нашли подходящего крепежа в нашей базе!"); wrn.Modal = true; wrn.Show (); } else { GtkLabel4.Text = Storage.passed.Count.ToString (); btnForward.Sensitive = true; nameOfCurrentFix.Text += Storage.passed [0].NameToString (); imgFixPreview.Pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Storage.GetStreamFromResource (Storage.passed [0].img_name)); spinD.Value = Storage.passed [0].d; spinLenght.Value = Storage.passed [0].lenght; spinAvForce.Value = Storage.passed [0].max_avulsion_force; spinMaxCutForce.Value = Storage.passed [0].max_cut_force; spinMaxA.Value = Storage.passed [0].max_a; spinMaxS.Value = Storage.passed [0].max_s; spinFixPoints.Value = fixPointsN.Value; } } else { Warn wrn = new Warn(); wrn.SetLabel("Что-то не так с параметрами крепежа! Проверьте данные, которые ввели. Если это не помогло, свяжитесь с разработчиком!"); wrn.Modal = true; wrn.Show(); params_OK &= false; } }
public static void WriteAnswers(string filename, string inputDataState, string foundamentSet, string bricksSet) { try { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (filename); writer.WriteLine ("# Here # - is comment."); writer.WriteLine ("# Inputs range: objMaterial planeToFix objLenght fixPointsN wallMaterial wallLenght build_lenght " + "build_hight found_flat addit_P hight deep beton build_lenght1 build_weight1 build_hight materialOfBuild conWeight holesS roofType roofHight minh"); writer.WriteLine (inputDataState); writer.WriteLine ("# Fixing set"); foreach (Mount mnt in passed) writer.WriteLine (mnt.ToString ()); writer.WriteLine ("# Foundament set"); writer.WriteLine (foundamentSet); writer.WriteLine ("# Bricks vol set"); writer.WriteLine (bricksSet); writer.Close (); } catch(System.IO.FileNotFoundException){ Warn wrn = new Warn (); wrn.SetLabel ("Нет такого файла!"); wrn.Modal = true; wrn.Show (); } catch(System.IO.IOException){ Warn wrn = new Warn (); wrn.SetLabel ("Ошибка ввода-вывода!"); wrn.Modal = true; wrn.Show (); } }