protected ushort ReadShort(ref int index, HProtocol protocol) { if (index >= Body.Length || index + 2 > Body.Length) { return(0); } var chunk = new byte[] { Body[index++], Body[index++] }; return(Protocol == HProtocol.Ancient ? Ancient.DecypherShort(chunk) : Modern.DecypherShort(chunk)); }
protected int ReadInt(ref int index, HProtocol protocol) { if (index >= Body.Length) { return(0); } switch (Protocol) { case HProtocol.Modern: { if (index + 4 > Body.Length) { return(0); } return(Modern.DecypherInt(Body[index++], Body[index++], Body[index++], Body[index++])); } case HProtocol.Ancient: { int length = (Body[index] >> 3) & 7; if (length < 1) { length++; } if (index + length > Body.Length) { return(0); } int value = Ancient.DecypherInt(Body, index); index += length; return(value); } default: return(0); } }
public HMessage(byte[] data, HDestination destination) : this() { if (data == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } if (data.Length < 1) { throw new Exception("The minimum amount of bytes required to initialize an HMessage instance is 1(One). If the amount of bytes passed is < 3(Three), and >= 1(One), it will be immediately be identified as a corrupted packet. { IsCorrupted = true }"); } Destination = destination; bool hasByteZero = data.Contains(byte.MinValue); bool isAncientHeader = !hasByteZero && data.Length == 2 && data[1] != 1; if (!isAncientHeader && data.Length >= 6 && Modern.DecypherInt(data) == data.Length - 4) { Protocol = HProtocol.Modern; _header = Modern.DecypherShort(data, 4); Append(ByteUtils.CopyBlock(data, 4, data.Length - 4)); if (data.Length == 6) { _logWriting = true; } } else if ((destination == HDestination.Server && isAncientHeader) || (!hasByteZero && data.Length >= 5 && Ancient.DecypherShort(data, 1) == data.Length - 3)) { Destination = HDestination.Server; Protocol = HProtocol.Ancient; _header = Ancient.DecypherShort(data, isAncientHeader ? 0 : 3); Append(isAncientHeader ? data : ByteUtils.CopyBlock(data, 3, data.Length - 3)); if (data.Length == 5 || isAncientHeader) { _logWriting = true; } } else if (isAncientHeader || (!hasByteZero && data.Length >= 3 && data[data.Length - 1] == 1 && Destination != HDestination.Server)) { Destination = HDestination.Client; Protocol = HProtocol.Ancient; if (isAncientHeader) { data = new byte[] { data[0], data[1], 1 } } ; _header = Ancient.DecypherShort(data); Append(data); if (data.Length == 3 || isAncientHeader) { _logWriting = true; } } else { Body = data; _bufferCache = data; IsCorrupted = true; Length = data.Length; _buffer.AddRange(data); _stringCache = ToString(data); } }
public static byte[] Construct(ushort header, HDestination destination, HProtocol protocol, params object[] chunks) { var buffer = new List <byte>(); bool isAncient = (protocol == HProtocol.Ancient); if (isAncient && destination == HDestination.Server) { buffer.Add(64); } buffer.AddRange(protocol == HProtocol.Ancient ? Ancient.CypherShort(header) : Modern.CypherShort(header)); buffer.AddRange(ConstructBody(destination, protocol, chunks)); if (!isAncient || destination == HDestination.Server) { buffer.InsertRange(isAncient ? 1 : 0, isAncient ? Ancient.CypherShort((ushort)(buffer.Count - 1)) : Modern.CypherInt(buffer.Count)); } else if (buffer[buffer.Count - 1] != 1) { buffer.Add(1); } return(buffer.ToArray()); }
public static byte[] ConstructBody(HDestination destination, HProtocol protocol, params object[] chunks) { var buffer = new List <byte>(); bool isAncient = (protocol == HProtocol.Ancient); for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++) { object chunk = chunks[i]; if (chunk == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("Unable to encode a null object. {{ Index = {0} }}", i)); } var data = chunk as byte[]; if (data != null) { buffer.AddRange(data); } else { switch (Type.GetTypeCode(chunk.GetType())) { case TypeCode.Int32: { var value = (int)chunk; buffer.AddRange(protocol == HProtocol.Ancient ? Ancient.CypherInt(value) : Modern.CypherInt(value)); break; } case TypeCode.Boolean: { var value = (bool)chunk; buffer.Add(isAncient ? (byte)(value ? 73 : 72) : Convert.ToByte(value)); break; } case TypeCode.Byte: { var value = (byte)chunk; buffer.Add(value); break; } default: { string value = chunk.ToString(); if (!isAncient || destination == HDestination.Server) { ushort valueLength = (ushort)value.Length; buffer.AddRange(protocol == HProtocol.Ancient ? Ancient.CypherShort(valueLength) : Modern.CypherShort(valueLength)); buffer.AddRange(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(value)); } else { buffer.AddRange(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(value)); buffer.Add(2); } break; } } } } return(buffer.ToArray()); }
public static byte[][] Split(ref byte[] cache, byte[] data, HDestination destination, HProtocol protocol) { lock (SplitLock) { if (cache != null) { data = Merge(cache, data); cache = null; } var chunks = new List <byte[]>(); if (protocol == HProtocol.Ancient && destination == HDestination.Client) { if (!data.Contains((byte)1)) { cache = data; } else { var buffer = new List <byte>(); foreach (byte value in data) { buffer.Add(value); if (value == 1) { chunks.Add(buffer.ToArray()); buffer.Clear(); } } if (buffer.Count > 0) { cache = buffer.ToArray(); } } } else { bool isAncient = (protocol == HProtocol.Ancient); int offset = isAncient ? 3 : 4; int length = isAncient ? Ancient.DecypherShort(data, 1) : Modern.DecypherInt(data); if (length == data.Length - offset) { chunks.Add(data); } else { do { if (length > data.Length - offset) { cache = data; break; } chunks.Add(CutBlock(ref data, 0, length + offset)); if (data.Length >= offset) { length = isAncient ? Ancient.DecypherShort(data, 1) : Modern.DecypherInt(data); } }while (data.Length != 0); } } return(chunks.ToArray()); } }