public void setSizeOfWindow(PlayWindow window, int squareSize) { int formula = squareSize + (9 * squareSize); window.Width = formula + 185; window.Height = formula + 20; }
private void easyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Seleccionamos el sudoku a mostrar Random rnd = new Random(); int puzzlePick = rnd.Next(1, numOfSolvedGrids() + 1); SudokuGrid sudokuGrid = new SudokuGrid(getPuzzle(puzzlePick)); PlayWindow pw = new PlayWindow(gameControl, sudokuGrid, 0); pw.FormClosed += (s, args) => Close(); Hide(); pw.Show(); }
public void setHighlightNumber(PlayWindow window, int number) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { string concatName = (i) + "" + (j); Control[] controls = window.Controls.Find(concatName, true); if (controls.Length == 1) { Button b = controls[0] as Button; b.MouseEnter += new EventHandler((sender, e) => window.button_enterHighlight(sender, e, number)); } } } }
public void incrementPenaltyLabel(PlayWindow window) { Control[] controls = window.Controls.Find("penaltyLabel", true); if (controls.Length == 1) { Label lab = controls[0] as Label; if (lab.InvokeRequired) { WindowActionCallBack d = new WindowActionCallBack(incrementPenaltyLabel); Invoke(d, new object[] { window }); } else { playerPenalty++; lab.Text = "Intentos: " + playerPenalty; } } }
// Creates9 3x3 grids of buttons ("above" labels) public void createButtonGrid(PlayWindow window, int squareSize) { List <List <Button> > buttonGrid = new List <List <Button> >(); int nextX = 0, nextY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { nextX = 0; if (i % 3 == 0) { nextY += 6; } List <Button> col = new List <Button>(); for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { Button newButton = new Button(); newButton.Size = new Size(squareSize, squareSize); newButton.Text = ""; if (j % 3 == 0) // Start a new block horizontally { nextX += 6; } newButton.Location = new Point(nextX, nextY); string concatName = (i) + "" + (j); newButton.Name = concatName; newButton.Enabled = true; newButton.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, FontStyle.Bold); newButton.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(window.button_leaveHighlight); newButton.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(window.button_click); window.Controls.Add(newButton); col.Add(newButton); nextX += squareSize; } nextY += squareSize; buttonGrid.Add(col); } playerViewGrid = buttonGrid; }
public void createToolbox(PlayWindow window, int squareSize) { Label newLabel = new Label(); newLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Bold); newLabel.Location = new Point(397, 95); newLabel.Text = "Selecione uno"; newLabel.Size = new Size(200, 25); window.Controls.Add(newLabel); int nextX = 0, nextY = 120; int incrementor = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { nextX = 400; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Button newButton = new Button(); newButton.Size = new Size(squareSize, squareSize); newButton.Location = new Point(nextX, nextY); newButton.Text = incrementor.ToString(); newButton.Name = "toolkit" + incrementor; if (newButton.Name == "toolkit1") { newButton.Enabled = false; } newButton.Click += new EventHandler(window.toolkit_Click); newButton.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, FontStyle.Bold); window.Controls.Add(newButton); nextX += squareSize; incrementor++; } nextY += squareSize; } // Also create bit below toolbox (penalty + time) Label timeLabel = new Label(); timeLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8); timeLabel.Location = new Point(420, 323); timeLabel.Text = "Tiempo transcurrido: 0:00"; timeLabel.Name = "timeElapsedLabel"; stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); window.Controls.Add(timeLabel); Label penLabel = new Label(); penLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8); penLabel.Location = new Point(420, 345); penLabel.Text = "Intentos: 0"; penLabel.Name = "penaltyLabel"; playerPenalty = 0; window.Controls.Add(penLabel); // Set up number of instances to an empty 9-depth list numberInstances = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { numberInstances.Add(0); } }