// Get AreaManager AssignStore Information public ArrayList GetAreaMngAssignStore(int userId) { ArrayList assigneStore = new ArrayList(); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; try { string query = "select su.Id,s.StoreName,s.Id from dbo.StoreUser su, dbo.Store s where s.Id = su.StoreId and su.UserId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + " "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int uId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); string storeName = reader[1].ToString(); int sId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[2].ToString()); StoreDTO dto = new StoreDTO { Id = uId, StoreName = storeName, StoreId = sId }; assigneStore.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" Exception in GetAreaMngAssignStore Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return assigneStore; }
// Get Record sales ammount from local database public RecordSalesDTO GetRecordSaleByStoreID(int storeId, string weekOfDay) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); RecordSalesDTO dto = null; try { string query = " select SalesAmount,BusinessDate from dbo.RecordSales where StoreId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " and DayOfWeek = " + SQLUtility.getString(weekOfDay) + " "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { dto = new RecordSalesDTO(); dto.SalesAmount = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["SalesAmount"].ToString()); dto.BusinessDate = ValidationUtility.ToDate(reader["BusinessDate"].ToString()); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetRecordSaleByStoreID method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return dto; }
// Method is use for Get perday total sales amount day public bool IsCurrentDateSaleIsExsist(int storeId, DateTime currentDate) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; bool isCurrentDateSale = false; try { string query = " select * from dbo.PerdaySales where BusinessDate = '" + currentDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and StoreId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { isCurrentDateSale = true; } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in IsCurrentDateSaleIsExsist method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return isCurrentDateSale; }
public ArrayList GetPerdaySales(int userId, string connectionString, DateTime businessDate) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); DateTime weekStartDate = GetActualWeekStartDate(businessDate); DateTime secondDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(1); DateTime thirdDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(2); DateTime fourDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(3); DateTime fiveDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(4); DateTime sixDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(5); DateTime sevenDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(6); ArrayList DateList = new ArrayList(); DateList.Add(weekStartDate); DateList.Add(secondDate); DateList.Add(thirdDate); DateList.Add(fourDate); DateList.Add(fiveDate); DateList.Add(sixDate); DateList.Add(sevenDate); try { string query = null; con = db.OpenConnection(); foreach (DateTime date in DateList) { query = " select * from dbo.PerdaySales where StoreId in (select StoreId from dbo.StoreUser where UserId =" + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + ") and BusinessDate='" + date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'"; SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); int sid = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[1].ToString()); int openingInformationId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[2].ToString()); double salesAmount = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader[4].ToString()); string day = reader[5].ToString(); if (openingInformationId == 0 && !ValidationUtility.IsEqual(day, DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString())) { PerdaySalesDTO dto = new PerdaySalesDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sid, OpeningInformationId = openingInformationId, BusinessDate = date, SalesAmountString = "N/A", WeekOfDay = day }; list.Add(dto); } else { PerdaySalesDTO dto = new PerdaySalesDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sid, OpeningInformationId = openingInformationId, BusinessDate = date, SalesAmountString = salesAmount.ToString(), WeekOfDay = day }; list.Add(dto); } } else { reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); PerdaySalesDTO dto = null; if (date<=DateTime.Now) { int id = GetCurrentDateOpeningInfoId(date, connectionString); if (id == 0) { dto = new PerdaySalesDTO { SalesAmountString = "N/A" }; list.Add(dto); } else { dto = new PerdaySalesDTO { SalesAmountString = "0" }; list.Add(dto); } } else { dto = new PerdaySalesDTO { SalesAmountString = "0" }; list.Add(dto); } } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetPerdaySales method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return list; }
public ArrayList GetMaintenanceList(int userId) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); try { string query = ""; if (userId == 0) { //query = " select sm.Id,sm.Description,sm.status,sm.DateCreated,sm.DateResolved, mc.Id,mc.ItemName,mc.Rank from dbo.StoreMaintainance sm , dbo.MaintenanceCategory mc " // + " where sm.MaintenanceCategoryId = mc.Id order by sm.Id desc "; //query = "select sm.Id,sm.Description,sm.status,sm.DateCreated,sm.DateResolved, mc.Id,mc.ItemName,mc.Rank , s.Id,s.StoreName " // + " from dbo.StoreMaintainance sm , dbo.MaintenanceCategory mc ,dbo.StoreUser su, dbo.Store s " // + " where sm.MaintenanceCategoryId = mc.Id and su.Id = sm.StoreId and s.Id = su.StoreId order by sm.Id desc "; query = " select sm.Id,sm.Description,sm.status,sm.DateCreated,sm.DateResolved, mc.Id,mc.ItemName,mc.Rank , sm.StoreId from " + " dbo.StoreMaintainance sm , dbo.MaintenanceCategory mc where " + " sm.MaintenanceCategoryId = mc.Id order by sm.Id desc "; } else { //query = " select sm.Id,sm.Description,sm.status,sm.DateCreated,sm.DateResolved, mc.Id,mc.ItemName,mc.Rank from dbo.StoreMaintainance sm , dbo.MaintenanceCategory mc " // + " where sm.MaintenanceCategoryId = mc.Id and sm.StoreId in (select Id from dbo.StoreUser where UserId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + " ) order by sm.Id desc "; //query = "select sm.Id,sm.Description,sm.status,sm.DateCreated,sm.DateResolved, mc.Id,mc.ItemName,mc.Rank , s.Id,s.StoreName " // + " from dbo.StoreMaintainance sm , dbo.MaintenanceCategory mc ,dbo.StoreUser su, dbo.Store s " // + " where sm.MaintenanceCategoryId = mc.Id and su.Id = sm.StoreId and s.Id = su.StoreId and " // + " sm.StoreId in (select su.Id from dbo.StoreUser where su.UserId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + ") order by sm.Id desc "; query = " select sm.Id,sm.Description,sm.status,sm.DateCreated,sm.DateResolved, mc.Id,mc.ItemName,mc.Rank , sm.StoreId " + " from dbo.StoreMaintainance sm , dbo.MaintenanceCategory mc " + " where sm.MaintenanceCategoryId = mc.Id and " + " sm.StoreId in (select su.StoreId from dbo.StoreUser su where su.UserId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + ") order by sm.Id desc "; } con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { DateTime resolvDate = new DateTime(); int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); string des = reader[1].ToString(); string status = reader[2].ToString(); DateTime creatDate = ValidationUtility.ToDate(reader[3].ToString()); int cId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[5].ToString()); string item = reader[6].ToString(); int rank = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[7].ToString()); int storeId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[8].ToString()); //string storeName = reader[9].ToString(); MaintenanceDTO dto = null; if (ValidationUtility.IsEqual("resolved", status)) { resolvDate = ValidationUtility.ToDate(reader[4].ToString()); dto = new MaintenanceDTO { Id = id, Description = des, Status = status, CreateDateTimeInString = creatDate.ToString("MMM/dd/yyyy"), ResolveDateTimeInString = resolvDate.ToString("MMM/dd/yyyy"), CategoryId = cId, ItemName = item, Rank = rank, StoreId = storeId, //StoreName = storeName }; } else { dto = new MaintenanceDTO { Id = id, Description = des, Status = status, CreateDateTimeInString = creatDate.ToString("MMM/dd/yyyy"), ResolveDateTimeInString = "", CategoryId = cId, ItemName = item, Rank = rank, StoreId = storeId, //StoreName = storeName }; } list.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" Exception in GetMaintenanceList Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return list; }
public int GetCategoryId(string itemName) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; int categoryId = 0; try { string query = "select Id from dbo.MaintenanceCategory where ItemName = " + SQLUtility.getString(itemName) + " "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { categoryId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" Exception in GetCategoryId Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return categoryId; }
public double GetMonthlyEmpBonus(DateTime monthStartDate, DateTime monthEndDate) { double totalBonus = 0; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; try { string query = "select SUM(BonusAmount) from dbo.EmployeeBonus where BusinessDate>='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(monthStartDate) + "' and BusinessDate<='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(monthEndDate) + "' "; conn = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { totalBonus = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader[0].ToString()); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetManagerBonus", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return totalBonus; }
//For General Manager public ArrayList GetGeneralManagerAssignAreaManagerList() { ArrayList amId = new ArrayList(); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; try { string query = "select AreaManagerId from dbo.AssignAreaManagerInfo"; conn = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { amId.Add(ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString())); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetManagerBonus", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return amId; }
// This method is use for check employee is exsist in our local db or it new employee public EmployeeInfoDTO GetEmployeeInfo(int storeId, int empId) { EmployeeInfoDTO dto = null; SqlConnection con = null; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); try { string query = "select * from dbo.EmployeeInfo where EmpId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(empId) + " and storeId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { dto = new EmployeeInfoDTO(); dto.Id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in IsEmployeExsist Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return dto; }
public List<EmployeeClockingDTO> GetClockingList(int trakId) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; List<EmployeeClockingDTO> empClokingList = new List<EmployeeClockingDTO>(); try { string query = "select id,ClockingTime,ClockFunctionTypeId,MinutesWorked from EmployeeClocking where EmployeeTrackerId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(trakId) + " "; conn = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); DateTime clokingTime = ValidationUtility.ToDateTime(reader.GetSqlDateTime(1)); // DateTime clokingTime = ValidationUtility.ToDate(reader["ClockingTime"].ToString()); int funtion = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["ClockFunctionTypeId"].ToString()); int minutesWork = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["MinutesWorked"].ToString()); EmployeeClockingDTO dto = new EmployeeClockingDTO { Id = id, ClockFunctionTypeId = funtion, ClockingTimeToString = clokingTime.ToString("hh:mm tt"), MinutesWorked = minutesWork }; empClokingList.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetEmployeeTrackingList Method", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return empClokingList; }
//Check data exit or not into the local database public bool IsWeeklyPaperExistIntoLocalDb(int storeId, DateTime weekStartDay) { bool isExist = false; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; try { conn = db.OpenConnection(); string query = "select * from dbo.WeeklyPaperWork where StoreId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " and WeekStartDate='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDay) + "'"; SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { isExist = true; } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception into IsWeeklyPaperExistIntoLocalDb method", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return isExist; }
public bool IsAllWeeklyPaperYearWeekRecordExsist(ArrayList storeList, DateTime date) { bool isAllWeekExsist = false; StoreDTO dto = (StoreDTO)storeList[0]; date = date.AddYears(-1); int totalWeekOfYear = ValidationUtility.YearWeekCount(date); DateTime yearStartDate = ValidationUtility.YearWeekStartDate(date); DateTime yearEndDate = ValidationUtility.GetActualWeekStartDate(new DateTime(date.Year, 12, 31)); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; try { //string query = " select COUNT(*) from dbo.GoalsYTD gy where gy.Year=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(yearStartDate.Year) + " " // + " and gy.WeekStartDate>='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(yearStartDate) + "' and WeekEndDate<='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(yearEndDate.AddDays(6)) + "' " // + " and StoreId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(dto.Id) + ""; string query = "select count(*) from dbo.WeeklyPaperWork " + " where WeekStartDate>='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(yearStartDate) + "' and WeekStartDate<='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(yearEndDate) + "' " + " and StoreId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(dto.Id) + ""; conn = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); int weekCount = 0; if (reader.Read()) { weekCount = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); if (totalWeekOfYear == weekCount) { isAllWeekExsist = true; } } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in IsAllYearWeekRecordExsist Method", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return isAllWeekExsist; }
/* *Get WeeklyPaper Work Info Id based */ public WeeklyPaperworkDTO GetWeeklyPaperWorkOfWeek(int id) { WeeklyPaperworkDTO dto = null; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; try { conn = db.OpenConnection(); //string query = " select SUM(CostPercent) as CostPercent ,SUM(LaborCostPercent) as LaborCostPercent from dbo.WeeklyPaperWork " // + " where WeekStartDate between '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDay) + "' and '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDay.AddDays(6)) + "'"; String query = " select StoreId,NetSales,StoreTransfer,PFG1,PFG2,Coke,LaborCost,WeekStartDate from dbo.WeeklyPaperWork where Id=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(id) + " "; SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { dto = new WeeklyPaperworkDTO(); dto.StoreId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["StoreId"].ToString()); double netSales = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["NetSales"].ToString()); double storeTransfer = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["StoreTransfer"].ToString()); double pfg1 = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["PFG1"].ToString()); double pfg2 = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["PFG2"].ToString()); double coke = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["Coke"].ToString()); double laborCost = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["LaborCost"].ToString()); dto.WeekStartDate = ValidationUtility.ToDate(reader["WeekStartDate"].ToString()); double totalPFG = pfg1 + pfg2; double totalCost = storeTransfer + totalPFG + coke; double costPercent = ValidationUtility.IsNan(totalCost / netSales); double laborCostPercent = ValidationUtility.IsNan(laborCost / netSales); dto.CostPercent = costPercent; dto.LaborCostPercent = laborCostPercent; } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception into IsWeeklyPaperExistIntoLocalDb method", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return dto; }
//Get weekly paper list from local database list public ArrayList GetWeeklyPaperListFromLocalDB(ArrayList storeList, DateTime weekStartDay) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; foreach (StoreDTO storeDTO in storeList) { if (!IsWeeklyPaperExistIntoLocalDb(storeDTO.Id, weekStartDay)) { ArrayList oneStoreList = new ArrayList(); oneStoreList.Add(storeDTO); AddWeeklyPaperWork(weekStartDay, oneStoreList, true); } DateTime currentWeekStartDate = ValidationUtility.GetActualWeekStartDate(DateTime.Now); DateTime lastWeekStartDate = ValidationUtility.GetActualWeekStartDate(currentWeekStartDate.AddDays(-1)); if (weekStartDay.Date >= lastWeekStartDate.Date) { ArrayList oneStoreList = new ArrayList(); oneStoreList.Add(storeDTO); AddWeeklyPaperWork(lastWeekStartDate, oneStoreList, false); } if (weekStartDay.Date.Equals(currentWeekStartDate.Date)) { ArrayList oneStoreList = new ArrayList(); oneStoreList.Add(storeDTO); AddWeeklyPaperWork(currentWeekStartDate, oneStoreList, false); } try { // string query = " select * from dbo.WeeklyPaperWork where StoreId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeDTO.Id) + " and WeekStartDate='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDay) + "'"; string query = "select s.StoreNumber, wpw.* from dbo.WeeklyPaperWork wpw,dbo.Store s where wpw.StoreId=s.Id and wpw.StoreId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeDTO.Id) + " and wpw.WeekStartDate='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDay) + "'"; conn = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int storeNumber = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["StoreNumber"].ToString()); int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); int sId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["StoreId"].ToString()); double netSales = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["NetSales"].ToString()); double giftCardSales = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["GiftCardSales"].ToString()); double ar = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["AR"].ToString()); double paidOuts = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["PaidOuts"].ToString()); double pettyExpense = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["PettyExpense"].ToString()); // double total = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["Total"].ToString()); double total = ar + paidOuts + pettyExpense; double storeTransfer = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["StoreTransfer"].ToString()); double pfg1 = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["PFG1"].ToString()); double pfg2 = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["PFG2"].ToString()); // double totalPFG = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["TotalPFG"].ToString()); double totalPFG = pfg1 + pfg2; double coke = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["Coke"].ToString()); // double totalCost = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["TotalCost"].ToString()); double totalCost = storeTransfer + totalPFG + coke; // double costPercent = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["CostPercent"].ToString()); double costPercent = totalCost / netSales; costPercent = ValidationUtility.IsNan(costPercent); double laborCost = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["LaborCost"].ToString()); // double laborCostPercent = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["LaborCostPercent"].ToString()); double laborCostPercent = laborCost / netSales; laborCostPercent = ValidationUtility.IsNan(laborCostPercent); // double royalty = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["Royalty"].ToString()); double royalty = netSales * 0.08; // double fAF = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["FAF"].ToString()); double fAF = netSales * 0.045; // double costAndLaborCostPercent = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["CostAndLaborCostPercent"].ToString()); double costAndLaborCostPercent = laborCostPercent + costPercent; double adjTax = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["AdjTax"].ToString()); double gcRedeem = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["GCRedeem"].ToString()); // double gcDifference = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["GCDifference"].ToString()); double gcDifference = gcRedeem - giftCardSales; double taxPercent = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["TaxPercent"].ToString()); // double actualSalesTaxper = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["ActualSalesTaxper"].ToString()); double actualSalesTaxper = netSales * taxPercent; // double differenceOfSalesTax = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["DifferenceOfSalesTax"].ToString()); double differenceOfSalesTax = actualSalesTaxper - adjTax; double nonTaxableSale = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["NonTaxableSale"].ToString()); double weekStartDate = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["WeekStartDate"].ToString()); WeeklyPaperworkDTO weeklyPaperworkDTO = new WeeklyPaperworkDTO { StoreNumber = storeNumber, Id = id, StoreId = sId, NetSales = netSales, GiftCardSales = giftCardSales, Ar = ar, PaidOuts = paidOuts, PettyExpense = pettyExpense, Total = total, StoreTransfer = storeTransfer, Pfg1 = pfg1, Pfg2 = pfg2, TotalPFG = totalPFG, Coke = coke, TotalCost = totalCost, CostPercent = costPercent, LaborCost = laborCost, LaborCostPercent = laborCostPercent, Royalty = royalty, Faf = fAF, CostAndLaborCostPercent = costAndLaborCostPercent, AdjTax = adjTax, GcRedeem = gcRedeem, GcDifference = gcDifference, WeekStartDate = weekStartDay, TaxPercent = taxPercent, ActualSalesTaxper = actualSalesTaxper, DifferenceOfSalesTax = differenceOfSalesTax, NonTaxableSale = nonTaxableSale }; list.Add(weeklyPaperworkDTO); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" Exception in GetWeeklyPaperListFromLocalDB Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } } return list; }
public List<EmployeeClockingDTO> GetClockingListPerDay(int empInfoId,DateTime businessDate) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; List<EmployeeClockingDTO> empClokingList = new List<EmployeeClockingDTO>(); try { string query = " select ec.id,ec.ClockingTime,ec.ClockFunctionTypeId,ec.MinutesWorked from dbo.EmployeeClocking ec where " + " ec.EmployeeTrackerId = (select Id from dbo.EmployeeTracker et where et.BusinessDate='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(businessDate) + "' and et.EmployeeInfoId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(empInfoId) + ")"; conn = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); DateTime clokingTime = ValidationUtility.ToDateTime(reader.GetSqlDateTime(1)); // DateTime clokingTime = ValidationUtility.ToDate(reader["ClockingTime"].ToString()); int funtion = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["ClockFunctionTypeId"].ToString()); int minutesWork = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["MinutesWorked"].ToString()); EmployeeClockingDTO dto = new EmployeeClockingDTO { Id = id, ClockFunctionTypeId = funtion, ClockingTimeToString = clokingTime.ToString("hh:mm tt"), MinutesWorked = minutesWork }; empClokingList.Add(dto); } if (empClokingList.Count == 0 && businessDate.Date < DateTime.Now.Date) { EmployeeClockingDTO dto = new EmployeeClockingDTO { ClockingTimeToString ="N/A" }; empClokingList.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetEmployeeTrackingList Method", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return empClokingList; }
// Methos is use for check record is exsist for this week public bool IsWeekEmployeeTrakingExsist(int empId, int storeId, DateTime weekStartDate) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); bool isRecordExsist = false; SqlConnection con = null; try { string query = "select * from dbo.EmployeeTracker et where EmployeeInfoId = (select Id from dbo.EmployeeInfo where EmpId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(empId) + " and StoreId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + ") " + " and BusinessDate between '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDate) + "' and '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDate.AddDays(6)) + "'"; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { isRecordExsist = true; } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetEmployeeTracking Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return isRecordExsist; }
public int CustomerComplaintCount(int storeId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { int count = 0; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; try { string query = " select COUNT(StoreId) from dbo.Complaints where StoreId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " " + " and ComplaintDate between '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(startDate) + "' and '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(endDate) + "'"; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { count = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" Exception in GetStoredId Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return count; }
// This method is use for get employee list from local database public ArrayList GetEmployeeList(int storeId) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); SqlConnection con = null; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); try { //string query = "select * from dbo.EmployeeInfo where storeId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " "; string query = "select ei.*,s.StoreNumber from dbo.EmployeeInfo ei,dbo.Store s where ei.StoreId=s.Id and ei.StoreId =" + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); int empId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["EmpId"].ToString()); string firstName = reader["EmpFirstName"].ToString(); int sId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["StoreId"].ToString()); int storeNumber = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["StoreNumber"].ToString()); EmployeeInfoDTO dto = new EmployeeInfoDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sId, StoreNumber=storeNumber, EmpId = empId, EmpFirstName = firstName }; list.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in IsEmployeExsist Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return list; }
//Manager public ArrayList GetManagerAssignStoreList() { ArrayList storeIdList = new ArrayList(); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; try { string query = "select su.StoreId from dbo.StoreUser su,dbo.Users u where su.UserId=u.Id and u.RoleId=2"; conn = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { storeIdList.Add(ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString())); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetManagerBonus", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return storeIdList; }
// This method is use for get employee id from EmployeeTracker table public EmployeeTrackerDTO GetEmployeeTracking(int empId, int storeId, DateTime businessDate) { EmployeeTrackerDTO dto = null; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; try { string query = " select * from dbo.EmployeeTracker et where EmployeeInfoId = (select Id from dbo.EmployeeInfo where EmpId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(empId) + " and StoreId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " ) " + " and BusinessDate='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(businessDate) + "' "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { dto = new EmployeeTrackerDTO(); dto.Id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetEmployeeTracking Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return dto; }
public ManagerBonusDTO GetActualBounus(int storeId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { int totalWeekCount = ValidationUtility.GetNumOfWeekInMonth(startDate); if (totalWeekCount == 0) { totalWeekCount = 1; } ManagerBonusDTO managerBonusDTO = null; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; try { string query = "select * from dbo.ManagerBonus where StoreId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " and IsZeroBasis=" + SQLUtility.getString(false.ToString()) + " " + " and FirstDateOfMonth='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(startDate) + "' and LastDateOfMonth = '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(endDate) + "' "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); int sId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["StoreId"].ToString()); double foodCost = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["FoodCost"].ToString()); double laborCost = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["LaborCost"].ToString()); double foodLaborCost = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["FoodLaborCost"].ToString()); double salesIncrease = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["SalesIncrease"].ToString()); double customerIndex = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["CustomerIndex"].ToString()); double customerComplaint = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["CustomerComplaint"].ToString()); double catering = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["Catering"].ToString()); double subInspection = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader["SubInspection"].ToString()); managerBonusDTO = new ManagerBonusDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sId, FoodCost = foodCost / totalWeekCount, LaborCost = laborCost / totalWeekCount, FoodLaborCost = foodLaborCost / totalWeekCount, SalesIncrease = salesIncrease / totalWeekCount, CustomerIndex = customerIndex / totalWeekCount, CustomerComplaint = customerComplaint, Catering = catering, SubInspection = subInspection }; } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" Exception in GetActualBounus Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return managerBonusDTO; }
//Get Employee Tracker id public int GetEmpTrackerId(int empInfoId, DateTime businessDate) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); int id = 0; SqlConnection conn = null; try { conn = db.OpenConnection(); string query = "select id from dbo.EmployeeTracker where BusinessDate='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDDWtithTime(businessDate) + "' and EmployeeInfoId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(empInfoId) + ""; SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetEmpTrackerId Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return id; }
public ArrayList GetList() { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); try { string query = " select Id , ItemName,Rank from dbo.MaintenanceCategory "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); string name = reader[1].ToString(); int rank = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[2].ToString()); MaintenanceDTO dto = new MaintenanceDTO { Id = id, ItemName = name, Rank = rank }; list.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" Exception in GetList Method ",ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return list; }
// Get All StoreList from local database public ArrayList GetStoreList() { ArrayList collection = new ArrayList(); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; try { string query = "select Id,StoreNumber,StoreName,ConnectionString from dbo.Store "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); int sNumber = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["StoreNumber"].ToString()); string strorName = reader["StoreName"].ToString(); string connectionString = reader["ConnectionString"].ToString(); StoreDTO dto = new StoreDTO { Id = id, StoreNumber = sNumber, StoreName = strorName, ConnectionString = connectionString }; collection.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetStoreList Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return collection; }
// Method is use for get Store ID of Current Manager public int GetManagetAssignStoredId(int userId) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; int storId = 0; try { string query = " select StoreId from StoreUser where UserId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + " "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { storId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetManagetAssignStoredId method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return storId; }
//Get TotalField Value public List<EmployeeTotalWorkDTO> GetTotalList(int empInfoId, DateTime weekStartDate) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; List<EmployeeTotalWorkDTO> empTrakList = new List<EmployeeTotalWorkDTO>(); try { string query = " select et.Id,et.ScheduleIn,et.ScheduleOut, et.BusinessDate,et.TotalTimeWorked from dbo.EmployeeTracker et where " + " et.BusinessDate between '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDate) + "' and '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDate.AddDays(6)) + "' and et.EmployeeInfoId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(empInfoId) + " "; conn = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); TimeSpan totalSheduleTimeDifference = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0); TimeSpan totalClockingTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0); TimeSpan totalDifferenceTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0); while (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); DateTime scheduleIn = ValidationUtility.ToDateTime(reader.GetSqlDateTime(1)); DateTime scheduleOut = ValidationUtility.ToDateTime(reader.GetSqlDateTime(2)); TimeSpan totalTime = reader.GetTimeSpan(4); totalClockingTime = totalClockingTime + totalTime; // var v = (scheduleOut - scheduleOut).Subtract; TimeSpan sheduleTimeDifference = scheduleOut.Subtract(scheduleIn); totalSheduleTimeDifference = totalSheduleTimeDifference + sheduleTimeDifference; TimeSpan difference = sheduleTimeDifference - totalTime; totalDifferenceTime = totalDifferenceTime + difference; } EmployeeTotalWorkDTO trakerDTO = new EmployeeTotalWorkDTO { TotalScheduleTime = totalSheduleTimeDifference.ToString(), TotalClockingTime = totalClockingTime.ToString(), TotalWorkTime = totalClockingTime.ToString(), TotalDifference = totalDifferenceTime.ToString() }; empTrakList.Add(trakerDTO); reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetEmployeeTrackingList Method", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return empTrakList; }
public ArrayList GetRecodSaleList(int userId, DateTime selectedDate) { DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(selectedDate); // DateTime weekStartDate = GetActualWeekStartDate(DateTime.Now); DateTime weekStartDate = GetActualWeekStartDate(dt); weekStartDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(-1); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); try { string query = " select * from dbo.RecordSales where StoreId in (select StoreId from dbo.StoreUser where UserId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + ")"; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { weekStartDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(1); string weekDate = weekStartDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); RecordSalesDTO dto = null; int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); int sid = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[1].ToString()); string day = reader[2].ToString(); DateTime businessDate = ValidationUtility.ToDate(reader[3].ToString()); double salesAmount = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(reader[4].ToString()); //if (!ValidationUtility.IsEqual("01-01-0001 00:00:00", BusinessDate.ToString()) || !ValidationUtility.IsEqual("1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM", BusinessDate.ToString())) if (ValidationUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(ValidationUtility.GetDefaultDate()).Equals(ValidationUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(businessDate))) { dto = new RecordSalesDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sid, DayOfWeek = day.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper(), WeekDayDate = weekDate, BusinessDateStringType = "N/A", SalesAmountStringType = "N/A" }; //dto = new RecordSalesDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sid, DayOfWeek = day.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper(), WeekDayDate = weekDate, BusinessDateStringType = BusinessDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), SalesAmountStringType = salesAmount.ToString() }; } //else if (ValidationUtility.IsEqual("1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM", BusinessDate.ToString())) //{ // dto = new RecordSalesDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sid, DayOfWeek = day.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper(), WeekDayDate = weekDate, BusinessDateStringType = "N/A", SalesAmountStringType = "N/A" }; // // dto = new RecordSalesDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sid, DayOfWeek = day.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper(), WeekDayDate = weekDate, BusinessDateStringType = BusinessDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), SalesAmountStringType = salesAmount.ToString() }; //} else { dto = new RecordSalesDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sid, DayOfWeek = day.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper(), WeekDayDate = weekDate, BusinessDateStringType = businessDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), SalesAmountStringType = salesAmount.ToString() }; // dto = new RecordSalesDTO { Id = id, StoreId = sid, DayOfWeek = day.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper(), WeekDayDate = weekDate, BusinessDateStringType = "N/A", SalesAmountStringType = "N/A" }; } list.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetRecodSaleList method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return list; }
//// Get Store List public List<EmployeeTrackerDTO> GetTrackingList(int empInfoId, DateTime weekStartDate) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection conn = null; List<EmployeeTrackerDTO> empTrakList = new List<EmployeeTrackerDTO>(); try { string query = " select et.Id,et.ScheduleIn,et.ScheduleOut, et.BusinessDate,et.TotalTimeWorked from dbo.EmployeeTracker et where " + " et.BusinessDate between '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDate) + "' and '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDate.AddDays(6)) + "' and et.EmployeeInfoId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(empInfoId) + " "; conn = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int isSchedulDay = 0; int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); DateTime scheduleIn = ValidationUtility.ToDateTime(reader.GetSqlDateTime(1)); DateTime scheduleOut = ValidationUtility.ToDateTime(reader.GetSqlDateTime(2)); DateTime businessDate = ValidationUtility.ToDate(reader["BusinessDate"].ToString()); TimeSpan totalTime = reader.GetTimeSpan(4); // var v = (scheduleOut - scheduleOut).Subtract; TimeSpan sheduleTimeDifference = scheduleOut.Subtract(scheduleIn); TimeSpan difference = sheduleTimeDifference - totalTime; if (scheduleIn.Date.Equals(ValidationUtility.GetDefaultDate().Date)) { isSchedulDay = 1; } if (scheduleIn.Date.Equals(ValidationUtility.GetDefaultDate().Date) && businessDate.Date < DateTime.Now.Date) { isSchedulDay = 2; } EmployeeTrackerDTO trakerDTO = new EmployeeTrackerDTO { Id = id, ScheduleInToString = scheduleIn.ToString("hh:mm tt"), ScheduleOutToString = scheduleOut.ToString("hh:mm tt"), IsDayscheduled = isSchedulDay, BusinessDateToString = businessDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), TotalTimeWorked = totalTime.ToString(), WorkDifference = difference.ToString(), BusinessDate = businessDate, ScheduleTimeDifference = sheduleTimeDifference.ToString() }; empTrakList.Add(trakerDTO); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetEmployeeTrackingList Method", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(conn); } return empTrakList; }
public ArrayList GetBonusEmpName(int userId, string connectionString, DateTime businessDate) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); DateTime weekStartDate = GetActualWeekStartDate(businessDate); DateTime secondDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(1); DateTime thirdDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(2); DateTime fourDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(3); DateTime fiveDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(4); DateTime sixDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(5); DateTime sevenDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(6); ArrayList DateList = new ArrayList(); DateList.Add(weekStartDate); DateList.Add(secondDate); DateList.Add(thirdDate); DateList.Add(fourDate); DateList.Add(fiveDate); DateList.Add(sixDate); DateList.Add(sevenDate); try { string query = null; con = db.OpenConnection(); foreach (DateTime date in DateList) { query = " select EmployeeId, FirstName,LastName,BusinessDate from dbo.EmployeeBonus where StoreId in (select StoreId from dbo.StoreUser where UserId =" + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + ") and BusinessDate='" + date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'"; SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int emoId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); string firstName = reader[1].ToString(); string lastName = reader[2].ToString(); EmpBonusDTO dto = new EmpBonusDTO { EmployeeId = emoId, FirstName = firstName, LastName = lastName, BusinessDateStringType = date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") }; list.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetPerdaySales method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return list; }
// This method is use for check employee is exsist in our local db or it new employee public bool IsEmployeExsist(EmployeeInfoDTO employeeInfoDTO, int storeId) { bool isEmployeeExsist = false; SqlConnection con = null; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); try { string query = "select * from dbo.EmployeeInfo where EmpId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(employeeInfoDTO.EmpId) + " and storeId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { isEmployeeExsist = true; } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in IsEmployeExsist Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return isEmployeeExsist; }