public void GenerateSubmissionView(int numSubs) { SubmissionManagementBO bo = new SubmissionManagementBO(); UserManagementBO userBO = new UserManagementBO(); List<SubmissionVO> subList; string sortType = Request.QueryString["sort"]; if (sortType == "top") { subList = bo.GetListOfSubmissionsTop(NUMBER_OF_SUBMISSIONS); } if (sortType == "popular") { subList = bo.GetListOfSubmissionsPopular(NUMBER_OF_SUBMISSIONS); } else { subList = bo.GetListOfSubmissionsNew(NUMBER_OF_SUBMISSIONS); } foreach (SubmissionVO sub in subList) { Submission submission = new Submission(); submission.ID = "submission" + sub.SubmissionID; submission.submissionID = sub.SubmissionID; subPanel.Controls.Add(submission); } }
public void LoadUserDetails() { UserManagementBO bo = new UserManagementBO(); UserVO vo = null; if (Username != null){ vo = bo.GetUser(Username); UserID = vo.UserID; } else if (UserID != 0){ vo = bo.GetUser(UserID); Username = vo.Username; } usernameLabel.Text = "<h1>" + vo.Username + "</h1>"; ratingLabel.Text = vo.Rating + " collective positive rating"; joinDateLabel.Text = "Joined on " + vo.RegisterDate.ToLongDateString(); if (Session["login"] != null) { if (Session["login"].ToString() == Username) { passwordChangePanel.Visible = true; } } //Load the content in the first time we visit if (!Page.IsPostBack) { GenerateRecentContent("submissions"); } }
protected void GenerateLoggedInText() { UserManagementBO userBO = new UserManagementBO(); UserVO userVO = userBO.GetUser(Session["login"].ToString()); viewProfile.Text = userVO.Username; loggedInLabel.Text = " [" + userVO.Rating.ToString() + "] | "; }
public void SubmitVote(int comID, int uID, int vote) { UserManagementBO userBO = new UserManagementBO(); CommentDAO dao = new CommentDAO(); dao.SubmitVote(uID, comID, vote); userBO.ChangeRating(uID, vote); }
protected void LoadCommentDetails() { CommentManagementBO bo = new CommentManagementBO(); UserManagementBO userBO = new UserManagementBO(); CommentVO vo = bo.GetComment(commentID); comVO = vo; //Give comment space for its depth for (int i = 0; i < commentDepth; i++) { spacingLabel.Text = spacingLabel.Text + "<td width=\"25px\"></td>"; } commentRating = vo.Rating; string username = userBO.GetUser(vo.UserID).Username; userLink.Text = username; commentInfo.Text = " rated at " + commentRating + " points, posted " + bo.FormatePostTime(vo.PostDate); commentContents.Text = "<p>" + vo.CommentContents + "</p>"; //Choose which controls to display if(Session["login"] == null){ editButton.Visible = false; deleteButton.Visible = false; replyButton.Visible = false; } else if (!username.Equals(Session["login"].ToString())) { editButton.Visible = false; deleteButton.Visible = false; } //Change vote image based on whether or not it's been voted on if(Session["login"] != null){ int i = bo.CheckIfVoted(commentID, userBO.GetUser(Session["login"].ToString()).UserID); if (i == 1) { upArrow.ImageUrl = "~/Images/uparrow_voted.png"; } else if (i == -1) { downArrow.ImageUrl = "~/Images/downarrow_voted.png"; } } }
protected void Login_Submit(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserManagementBO umbo = new UserManagementBO(); try { if (umbo.CheckIfValidLogin(loginUsername.Text, loginPassword.Text)) { Session["login"] = loginUsername.Text; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(Session["login"]); Session.Timeout = 1000; Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString()); } } catch (Exception exc) { loginErrorMessage.Visible = true; loginErrorMessage.Text = exc.Message; } }
protected void SubmitReply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CommentManagementBO bo = new CommentManagementBO(); UserManagementBO userBO = new UserManagementBO(); try { if (replyTextBox.Text == "") { throw new Exception("You must enter text to reply"); } bo.CreateNewComment(userBO.GetUser(Session["login"].ToString()).Username, replyTextBox.Text, Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["subid"]), Convert.ToInt32(parentCommentID.Text)); Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc) { errorLabel.Text = exc.Message; } }
protected void CreateUser_Submit(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserManagementBO userBO = new UserManagementBO(); //Make sure username isn't already taken try { //For starters, make sure they've entered info in all the fields. if (createUserUsername.Text.Equals("") || createUserPassword.Text.Equals("")) { throw new Exception(MISSING_INFO_EXCEPTION); } //Check if there are any illegal characters. if(createUserUsername.Text.IndexOfAny(ILLEGAL_CHAR_ARRAY) >= 0){ throw new Exception(ILLEGAL_CHARACTER_EXCEPTION); } //Check if name taken try { userBO.GetUser(createUserUsername.Text); //If it's found in the db, it won't throw the exception, causing it //to hit this exception throw new Exception(USERNAME_ALREADY_TAKEN_EXCEPTION); } catch (Exception exce) { //If the exception we caught was the username taken, throw it again if(exce.Message.Equals(USERNAME_ALREADY_TAKEN_EXCEPTION)){ throw new Exception(USERNAME_ALREADY_TAKEN_EXCEPTION); } } //Make sure the passwords are the same if (createUserPassword.Text != createUserPassword2.Text) { throw new Exception(PASSWORD_MISMATCH_EXCEPTION); } //And if their info passed all of that, we make their account userBO.CreateNewUser(createUserUsername.Text, createUserPassword.Text); Session["login"] = createUserUsername.Text; Response.Redirect(WebConstants.HOME_PAGE); } catch (Exception exc) { errorMessage.Text = exc.Message; } }
protected void SubmitVote(int vote) { UserManagementBO userBO = new UserManagementBO(); UserVO userVO; if (Session["login"] != null) { userVO = userBO.GetUser(Session["login"].ToString()); if (userBO.CheckIfVoted(submissionID, userVO.UserID) == 0) { userBO.SubmitVote(submissionID, userVO.UserID, vote); int i = int.Parse(submissionRating.Text); i += vote; submissionRating.Text = i.ToString(); if (vote == 1) { upArrow.ImageUrl = "~/Images/uparrow_voted.png"; } else if (vote == -1) { downArrow.ImageUrl = "~/Images/downarrow_voted.png"; } } } }
protected void GenerateSubmissionDetails() { CommentManagementBO comBO = new CommentManagementBO(); SubmissionManagementBO bo = new SubmissionManagementBO(); SubmissionVO sub = bo.GetSubmission(submissionID); UserManagementBO userBO = new UserManagementBO(); UserVO vo = userBO.GetUser(sub.UserID); submissionRating.Text = sub.Rating.ToString(); submissionCommentLink.Text = (comBO.GetListOfSubmissionComments(submissionID).Count + " comments"); Uri url; try { url = new Uri(sub.Link); } catch (Exception e) { try { url = new Uri("http://" + sub.Link); } catch (Exception exc) { url = new Uri("http://CouldntParseUrl"); } } submissionTitle.Text = "<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + sub.Title + "</a> (" + url.Host.ToString() + ")"; submissionDetails.Text = bo.FormatePostTime(sub.PostTime); userLink.Text = vo.Username; //Change arrow based on voting if(Session["login"] != null){ int i = userBO.CheckIfVoted(submissionID, userBO.GetUser(Session["login"].ToString()).UserID); if (i == 1) { upArrow.ImageUrl = "~/Images/uparrow_voted.png"; } else if (i == -1) { downArrow.ImageUrl = "~/Images/downarrow_voted.png"; } } }
protected void PasswordChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserManagementBO bo = new UserManagementBO(); UserVO vo = bo.GetUser(UserID); //Look for invalid inputs try { if (newPassword.Text != newPasswordConfirm.Text) { throw new Exception("Both new password fields must match"); } if (!bo.CheckIfValidLogin(Username, oldPassword.Text)) { throw new Exception("Invalid entry for current password"); } bo.ChangePassword(UserID, newPassword.Text); errorLabel.Text = "Password succesfully changed"; } catch (Exception exc) { errorLabel.Text = exc.Message; } }
protected void SubmitVote(int vote) { CommentManagementBO comBO = new CommentManagementBO(); UserManagementBO userBO = new UserManagementBO(); CommentVO comVO = comBO.GetComment(commentID); UserVO userVO; if (Session["login"] != null) { userVO = userBO.GetUser(Session["login"].ToString()); if (comBO.CheckIfVoted(commentID, userVO.UserID) == 0) { comBO.SubmitVote(commentID, userVO.UserID, vote); commentRating += vote; Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString()); } } }