public void InserIntoAttendanceInfoTable(AttendanceInputClass attndInputObj) { connection.Open(); string insertString = "INSERT INTO Attendance_Info_Table VALUES('" + attndInputObj.StudentID + "', '" + attndInputObj.DeptID + "', '" + attndInputObj.TeacherOneID + "', '" + attndInputObj.TeacherTwoID + "','" + attndInputObj.CourseNo + "','" + attndInputObj.Year + "','" + attndInputObj.Semester + "','" + attndInputObj.InTime + "','" + "" + "','" + attndInputObj.Date + "')"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(insertString, connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); }
public int CheckStudent(AttendanceInputClass attndInputObj) { connection.Open(); string queryString = "SELECT Student_ID,Out_Time FROM Attendance_Info_Table WHERE Student_ID=('" + attndInputObj.StudentID + "') AND Course_No=('" + attndInputObj.CourseNo + "') AND Date='" + attndInputObj.Date + "' "; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { tempStID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Student_ID"]); tempOutTime = reader["Out_Time"].ToString(); } connection.Close(); if (tempOutTime == "00:00:00") { return(1); } else { return(tempStID); } }
private void stIDTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (stIDTextBox.TextLength == 6) { //AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("Welcome Student Attendance System", " ", 1000); //MessageBox.Show("Welcome Student Attendance System"); gateway = new Gateway(); attend_ob = new AttendanceFormClass(); attndRtnObj = new AttendRoutineClass(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; systemDay = now.ToString("dddd"); systemTime = now.ToString("HH:mm:00"); systemDate = now.ToShortDateString(); roll = Convert.ToInt32(stIDTextBox.Text); attend_ob = gateway.RetrieveFromStudentInfoTable(roll); temp = attend_ob.StudentId; if (temp != 0) { year = (attend_ob.StudentYear).ToString(); semester = (attend_ob.StudentSemester).ToString(); attndRtnObj = gateway.RetrieveFromRoutineInfoTable(systemDay, year, semester, systemTime); if (attndRtnObj.DeptID != 0) { int studentID = attend_ob.StudentId; int deptId = attndRtnObj.DeptID; int teacherOneID = attndRtnObj.TeacherOneID; int teacherTwoID = attndRtnObj.TeacherTwoID; string courseNo = attndRtnObj.CourseNo; year = attndRtnObj.Year; semester = attndRtnObj.Semester; attndInputObj = new AttendanceInputClass(); attndInputObj.StudentID = studentID; attndInputObj.DeptID = deptId; attndInputObj.TeacherOneID = teacherOneID; attndInputObj.TeacherTwoID = teacherTwoID; attndInputObj.CourseNo = courseNo; attndInputObj.Year = year; attndInputObj.Semester = semester; attndInputObj.InTime = systemTime; attndInputObj.Date = systemDate; int checkStudent = gateway.CheckStudent(attndInputObj); if (checkStudent == 1) { gateway.UpdateOutTime(systemTime, studentID); AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("Good Bye!!!!.", " ", 1500); } else if (checkStudent == studentID) { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("You Already attended to this Class!!!", " ", 1500); } else { gateway.InserIntoAttendanceInfoTable(attndInputObj); AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("Welcome " + attend_ob.StudentName + " !!!", " ", 1500); } } else { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("Class is not continue at this time!!!", " ", 1500); } } else { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("Student not found!!!", " ", 2000); } stIDTextBox.ResetText(); } }