コード例 #1
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            // Set the global variables
            drawIf = attribute as DrawIfAttribute;

            // Whether the condition has been met
            bool conditionMet = false;

            // If we are doing a property comparison
            if (drawIf.predicate == PredicateMode.PropertyComparison)
                comparedField = property.serializedObject.FindProperty(drawIf.comparedPropertyName);
                // Get the value of the compared field
                object comparedFieldValue = comparedField.GetValue <object>();
                // References to the values as numeric types
                INumeric numericComparedFieldValue = null;
                INumeric numericComparedValue      = null;

                // Try to set the numeric types
                    numericComparedFieldValue = new INumeric(comparedFieldValue);
                    numericComparedValue      = new INumeric(drawIf.comparedValue);
                catch (NumericTypeExpectedException)
                    if (drawIf.comparison != ComparisonType.Equals && drawIf.comparison != ComparisonType.NotEqual)
                        StratusDebug.Error("The only comparsion types available to type '" + comparedFieldValue.GetType() + "' are Equals and NotEqual. (On object '" + property.serializedObject.targetObject.name + "')", null, true);
                // Compare the values to see if the condition has been met
                switch (drawIf.comparison)
                case ComparisonType.Equals:
                    if (comparedFieldValue.Equals(drawIf.comparedValue))
                        conditionMet = true;

                case ComparisonType.NotEqual:
                    if (!comparedFieldValue.Equals(drawIf.comparedValue))
                        conditionMet = true;

                case ComparisonType.Greater:
                    if (numericComparedFieldValue > numericComparedValue)
                        conditionMet = true;

                case ComparisonType.Lesser:
                    if (numericComparedFieldValue < numericComparedValue)
                        conditionMet = true;

                case ComparisonType.LesserOrEqual:
                    if (numericComparedFieldValue <= numericComparedValue)
                        conditionMet = true;

                case ComparisonType.GreaterOrEqual:
                    if (numericComparedFieldValue >= numericComparedValue)
                        conditionMet = true;
            // Else if we are checking a predicate
            else if (drawIf.predicate == PredicateMode.Predicate)
                //var booly = property.serializedObject..GetProperty<bool>(DrawIf.predicateName);
                //SerializedProperty predicateProperty = property.serializedObject.FindProperty(DrawIf.predicateName);
                //if (predicateProperty.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Boolean)
                //  conditionMet = predicateProperty.boolValue;

                MonoBehaviour mb = property.serializedObject.targetObject as MonoBehaviour;
                MethodInfo    predicateMethod = mb.GetType().GetMethod(drawIf.predicateName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                if (predicateMethod != null)
                    conditionMet = (bool)predicateMethod.Invoke(mb, null);
                    PropertyInfo predicateProperty = mb.GetType().GetProperty(drawIf.predicateName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    if (predicateProperty != null)
                        conditionMet = (bool)predicateProperty.GetValue(mb, null);
                        throw new System.Exception("The component is missing the predicate" + drawIf.predicateName);

                //// Make sure that the right component is present
                //Component component = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent(drawIf.type);
                //if (component == null)
                //  throw new System.Exception("The component of type " + drawIf.type.Name + " is missing from the selected GameObject");
                //// We can now safely invoke the method on the component
                //if (drawIf.isProperty)
                //  conditionMet = (bool)drawIf.predicateProperty.GetValue(component, null);
                //  conditionMet = (bool)drawIf.predicateMethod.Invoke(component, null);

            // The height of the property should be defaulted to the default height
            propertyHeight = EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(property);
            //propertyHeight = base.GetPropertyHeight(property, label);

            // If the condition is met, draw the field
            if (conditionMet)
                EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, true);
            // Otherwise use the default ebhavior
                if (drawIf.defaultBehavior == PropertyDrawingType.ReadOnly)
                    UnityEngine.GUI.enabled = false;
                    EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, true);
                    UnityEngine.GUI.enabled = true;
                    propertyHeight = 0f;
コード例 #2
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            // Set the global variables
            this.drawIf = this.attribute as DrawIfAttribute;

            // Whether the condition has been met
            bool conditionMet = false;

            // The actual target needed
            object target     = property.GetParent <object>();
            Type   targetType = this.fieldInfo.ReflectedType;

            if (this.drawIf.predicate == PredicateMode.PropertyComparison)
                //this.comparedMember = property.serializedObject.FindProperty(this.drawIf.comparedMemberName);
                this.comparedMember = property.serializedObject.FindProperty(this.drawIf.comparedMemberName);
                // Get the value of the compared field
                object comparedFieldValue = target.GetFieldOrPropertyValue <object>(this.drawIf.comparedMemberName);                // ( targetType.Getpro this.comparedMember.GetValue<object>();
                // References to the values as numeric types
                StratusNumeric numericComparedFieldValue = null;
                StratusNumeric numericComparedValue      = null;

                // Try to set the numeric types
                    numericComparedFieldValue = new StratusNumeric(comparedFieldValue);
                    numericComparedValue      = new StratusNumeric(this.drawIf.comparedValue);
                catch (StratusNumericTypeExpectedException)
                    if (this.drawIf.comparison != ComparisonType.Equals && this.drawIf.comparison != ComparisonType.NotEqual)
                        StratusDebug.LogError("The only comparsion types available to type '" + comparedFieldValue.GetType() + "' are Equals and NotEqual. (On object '" + property.serializedObject.targetObject.name + "')", null);
                // Compare the values to see if the condition has been met
                switch (this.drawIf.comparison)
                case ComparisonType.Equals:
                    if (comparedFieldValue.Equals(this.drawIf.comparedValue))
                        conditionMet = true;


                case ComparisonType.NotEqual:
                    if (!comparedFieldValue.Equals(this.drawIf.comparedValue))
                        conditionMet = true;


                case ComparisonType.Greater:
                    if (numericComparedFieldValue > numericComparedValue)
                        conditionMet = true;


                case ComparisonType.Lesser:
                    if (numericComparedFieldValue < numericComparedValue)
                        conditionMet = true;


                case ComparisonType.LesserOrEqual:
                    if (numericComparedFieldValue <= numericComparedValue)
                        conditionMet = true;


                case ComparisonType.GreaterOrEqual:
                    if (numericComparedFieldValue >= numericComparedValue)
                        conditionMet = true;

            // Else if we are checking a predicate
            else if (this.drawIf.predicate == PredicateMode.Predicate)
                // Method
                MethodInfo predicateMethod = targetType.GetMethod(this.drawIf.comparedMemberName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                if (predicateMethod != null)
                    conditionMet = (bool)predicateMethod.Invoke(target, null);
                // Property
                    PropertyInfo predicateProperty = targetType.GetProperty(this.drawIf.comparedMemberName,
                                                                            BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetProperty);

                    if (predicateProperty != null)
                        conditionMet = (bool)predicateProperty.GetValue(target, null);
                        throw new System.Exception($"{this.fieldInfo.Name} , {this.fieldInfo.ReflectedType.GetNiceFullName()} : The type {targetType.GetNiceFullName()} is missing the boolean property {this.drawIf.comparedMemberName}");

            // The height of the property should be defaulted to the default height
            this.propertyHeight = EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(property);
            //propertyHeight = base.GetPropertyHeight(property, label);

            // If the condition is met, draw the field
            if (conditionMet)
                //base.OnGUI(position, property, label);
                StratusEditorUtility.UseDefaultDrawer(position, property, label, fieldInfo.FieldType);
            // Otherwise use the default ebhavior
                if (this.drawIf.defaultBehavior == PropertyDrawingType.ReadOnly)
                    UnityEngine.GUI.enabled = false;
                    StratusEditorUtility.UseDefaultDrawer(position, property, label, targetType);
                    UnityEngine.GUI.enabled = true;
                    this.propertyHeight = 0f;