コード例 #1
        /** Sever link between specified transaction and direct children. */
        private void UpdateChildrenForRemoval(TxMempoolEntry it)
            var setMemPoolChildren = GetMemPoolChildren(it);

            foreach (var updateIt in setMemPoolChildren)
                UpdateParent(updateIt, it, false);
コード例 #2
        private SetEntries GetMemPoolChildren(TxMempoolEntry entry)
            Guard.NotNull(entry, nameof(entry));

            var it = mapLinks.TryGet(entry);

            Utilities.Guard.Assert(it != null);
コード例 #3
        // addUnchecked must updated state for all ancestors of a given transaction,
        // to track size/count of descendant transactions.  First version of
        // addUnchecked can be used to have it call CalculateMemPoolAncestors(), and
        // then invoke the second version.
        public bool AddUnchecked(uint256 hash, TxMempoolEntry entry, bool validFeeEstimate = true)
            SetEntries setAncestors = new SetEntries();
            long       nNoLimit     = long.MaxValue;
            string     dummy;

            CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry, setAncestors, nNoLimit, nNoLimit, nNoLimit, nNoLimit, out dummy);
            return(AddUnchecked(hash, entry, setAncestors, validFeeEstimate));
コード例 #4
        public TxMempoolInfo Info(uint256 hash)
            TxMempoolEntry item = this.memPool.MapTx.TryGet(hash);

            return(item == null ? null : new TxMempoolInfo
                Trx = item.Transaction,
                Time = item.Time,
                FeeRate = new FeeRate(item.Fee, (int)item.GetTxSize()),
                FeeDelta = item.ModifiedFee - item.Fee
コード例 #5
 private void UpdateParent(TxMempoolEntry entry, TxMempoolEntry parent, bool add)
     // todo: find how to take a memory size of SetEntries
     //SetEntries s;
     if (add && mapLinks[entry].Parents.Add(parent))
         cachedInnerUsage += parent.DynamicMemoryUsage();
     else if (!add && mapLinks[entry].Parents.Remove(parent))
         cachedInnerUsage -= parent.DynamicMemoryUsage();
コード例 #6
 private void UpdateChild(TxMempoolEntry entry, TxMempoolEntry child, bool add)
     // todo: find how to take a memory size of SetEntries
     //setEntries s;
     if (add && mapLinks[entry].Children.Add(child))
         cachedInnerUsage += child.DynamicMemoryUsage();
     else if (!add && mapLinks[entry].Children.Remove(child))
         cachedInnerUsage -= child.DynamicMemoryUsage();
コード例 #7
        /** Set ancestor state for an entry */

        void UpdateEntryForAncestors(TxMempoolEntry it, SetEntries setAncestors)
            long  updateCount      = setAncestors.Count;
            long  updateSize       = 0;
            Money updateFee        = 0;
            long  updateSigOpsCost = 0;

            foreach (var ancestorIt in setAncestors)
                updateSize       += ancestorIt.GetTxSize();
                updateFee        += ancestorIt.ModifiedFee;
                updateSigOpsCost += ancestorIt.SigOpCost;
            it.UpdateAncestorState(updateSize, updateFee, updateCount, updateSigOpsCost);
コード例 #8
        /** Update ancestors of hash to add/remove it as a descendant transaction. */
        private void UpdateAncestorsOf(bool add, TxMempoolEntry it, SetEntries setAncestors)
            SetEntries parentIters = GetMemPoolParents(it);

            // add or remove this tx as a child of each parent
            foreach (var piter in parentIters)
                UpdateChild(piter, it, add);

            long  updateCount = (add ? 1 : -1);
            long  updateSize  = updateCount * it.GetTxSize();
            Money updateFee   = updateCount * it.ModifiedFee;

            foreach (var ancestorIt in setAncestors)
                ancestorIt.UpdateDescendantState(updateSize, updateFee, updateCount);
コード例 #9
        /** Try to calculate all in-mempool ancestors of entry.
         *  (these are all calculated including the tx itself)
         *  limitAncestorCount = max number of ancestorsUpdateTransactionsFromBlock
         *  limitAncestorSize = max size of ancestors
         *  limitDescendantCount = max number of descendants any ancestor can have
         *  limitDescendantSize = max size of descendants any ancestor can have
         *  errString = populated with error reason if any limits are hit
         *  fSearchForParents = whether to search a tx's vin for in-mempool parents, or
         *    look up parents from mapLinks. Must be true for entries not in the mempool
        public bool CalculateMemPoolAncestors(TxMempoolEntry entry, SetEntries setAncestors, long limitAncestorCount,
                                              long limitAncestorSize, long limitDescendantCount, long limitDescendantSize, out string errString,
                                              bool fSearchForParents = true)
            errString = string.Empty;
            SetEntries parentHashes = new SetEntries();
            var        tx           = entry.Transaction;

            if (fSearchForParents)
                // Get parents of this transaction that are in the mempool
                // GetMemPoolParents() is only valid for entries in the mempool, so we
                // iterate mapTx to find parents.
                foreach (var txInput in tx.Inputs)
                    var piter = MapTx.TryGet(txInput.PrevOut.Hash);
                    if (piter != null)
                        if (parentHashes.Count + 1 > limitAncestorCount)
                            errString = $"too many unconfirmed parents [limit: {limitAncestorCount}]";
                // If we're not searching for parents, we require this to be an
                // entry in the mempool already.
                //var it = mapTx.Txids.TryGet(entry.TransactionHash);
                var memPoolParents = GetMemPoolParents(entry);
                foreach (var item in memPoolParents)

            var totalSizeWithAncestors = entry.GetTxSize();

            while (parentHashes.Any())
                var stageit = parentHashes.First();

                totalSizeWithAncestors += stageit.GetTxSize();

                if (stageit.SizeWithDescendants + entry.GetTxSize() > limitDescendantSize)
                    errString = $"exceeds descendant size limit for tx {stageit.TransactionHash} [limit: {limitDescendantSize}]";
                else if (stageit.CountWithDescendants + 1 > limitDescendantCount)
                    errString = $"too many descendants for tx {stageit.TransactionHash} [limit: {limitDescendantCount}]";
                else if (totalSizeWithAncestors > limitAncestorSize)
                    errString = $"exceeds ancestor size limit [limit: {limitAncestorSize}]";

                var setMemPoolParents = GetMemPoolParents(stageit);
                foreach (var phash in setMemPoolParents)
                    // If this is a new ancestor, add it.
                    if (!setAncestors.Contains(phash))
                    if (parentHashes.Count + setAncestors.Count + 1 > limitAncestorCount)
                        errString = $"too many unconfirmed ancestors [limit: {limitAncestorCount}]";

コード例 #10
        public bool AddUnchecked(uint256 hash, TxMempoolEntry entry, SetEntries setAncestors, bool validFeeEstimate = true)
            // Add to memory pool without checking anything.
            // Used by main.cpp AcceptToMemoryPool(), which DOES do
            // all the appropriate checks.
            mapLinks.Add(entry, new TxLinks {
                Parents = new SetEntries(), Children = new SetEntries()

            // Update transaction for any feeDelta created by PrioritiseTransaction
            // TODO: refactor so that the fee delta is calculated before inserting
            // into mapTx.
            var pos = mapDeltas.TryGet(hash);

            if (pos != null)
                if (pos.Amount != null)

            // Update cachedInnerUsage to include contained transaction's usage.
            // (When we update the entry for in-mempool parents, memory usage will be
            // further updated.)
            cachedInnerUsage += entry.DynamicMemoryUsage();

            var tx = entry.Transaction;
            HashSet <uint256> setParentTransactions = new HashSet <uint256>();

            foreach (var txInput in tx.Inputs)
                MapNextTx.Add(new NextTxPair {
                    OutPoint = txInput.PrevOut, Transaction = tx
            // Don't bother worrying about child transactions of this one.
            // Normal case of a new transaction arriving is that there can't be any
            // children, because such children would be orphans.
            // An exception to that is if a transaction enters that used to be in a block.
            // In that case, our disconnect block logic will call UpdateTransactionsFromBlock
            // to clean up the mess we're leaving here.

            // Update ancestors with information about this tx
            foreach (var phash in setParentTransactions)
                var pit = MapTx.TryGet(phash);
                if (pit != null)
                    UpdateParent(entry, pit, true);

            UpdateAncestorsOf(true, entry, setAncestors);
            UpdateEntryForAncestors(entry, setAncestors);

            totalTxSize += entry.GetTxSize();

            this.MinerPolicyEstimator.ProcessTransaction(entry, validFeeEstimate);

            vTxHashes.Add(entry, tx.GetWitHash());
            //entry.vTxHashesIdx = vTxHashes.size() - 1;

コード例 #11
 public TxMempoolEntry(TxMempoolEntry other)
     throw new NotImplementedException();