コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes orphan transactions.
        /// Executed when receive a new transaction through MempoolBehavior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="behavior">Memory pool behavior that received new transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="tx">The new transaction received.</param>
        public async Task ProcessesOrphansAsync(MempoolBehavior behavior, Transaction tx)
            var workQueue  = new Queue <OutPoint>();
            var eraseQueue = new List <uint256>();

            uint256 trxHash = tx.GetHash();

            for (int index = 0; index < tx.Outputs.Count; index++)
                workQueue.Enqueue(new OutPoint(trxHash, index));

            // Recursively process any orphan transactions that depended on this one
            var setMisbehaving = new List <ulong>();

            while (workQueue.Any())
                List <OrphanTx> itByPrev = null;
                lock (this.lockObject)
                    List <OrphanTx> prevOrphans = this.mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.TryGet(workQueue.Dequeue());

                    if (prevOrphans != null)
                        // Create a copy of the list so we can manage it outside of the lock.
                        itByPrev = prevOrphans.ToList();

                if (itByPrev == null)

                foreach (OrphanTx mi in itByPrev)
                    Transaction orphanTx   = mi.Tx;
                    uint256     orphanHash = orphanTx.GetHash();
                    ulong       fromPeer   = mi.NodeId;

                    if (setMisbehaving.Contains(fromPeer))

                    // Use a dummy CValidationState so someone can't setup nodes to counter-DoS based on orphan
                    // resolution (that is, feeding people an invalid transaction based on LegitTxX in order to get
                    // anyone relaying LegitTxX banned)
                    var stateDummy = new MempoolValidationState(true);
                    if (await this.Validator.AcceptToMemoryPool(stateDummy, orphanTx))
                        this.logger.LogInformation("accepted orphan tx {0}", orphanHash);



                        for (int index = 0; index < orphanTx.Outputs.Count; index++)
                            workQueue.Enqueue(new OutPoint(orphanHash, index));

                    else if (!stateDummy.MissingInputs)
                        int nDos = 0;

                        if (stateDummy.IsInvalid && nDos > 0)
                            // Punish peer that gave us an invalid orphan tx
                            //Misbehaving(fromPeer, nDos);
                            this.logger.LogInformation("invalid orphan tx {0}", orphanHash);

                        // Has inputs but not accepted to mempool
                        // Probably non-standard or insufficient fee/priority
                        this.logger.LogInformation("removed orphan tx {0}", orphanHash);
                        if (!orphanTx.HasWitness && !stateDummy.CorruptionPossible)
                            // Do not use rejection cache for witness transactions or
                            // witness-stripped transactions, as they can have been malleated.
                            // See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/8279 for details.


                    // TODO: implement sanity checks.
                    //this.memPool.Check(new MempoolCoinView(this.coinView, this.memPool, this.MempoolLock, this.Validator));

            if (eraseQueue.Count > 0)
                lock (this.lockObject)
                    foreach (uint256 hash in eraseQueue)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes orphan transactions.
        /// Executed when receive a new transaction through MempoolBehavior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="behavior">Memory pool behavior that received new transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="tx">The new transaction received.</param>
        public async Task ProcessesOrphans(MempoolBehavior behavior, Transaction tx)
            Queue <OutPoint> vWorkQueue  = new Queue <OutPoint>();
            List <uint256>   vEraseQueue = new List <uint256>();

            uint256 trxHash = tx.GetHash();

            for (int index = 0; index < tx.Outputs.Count; index++)
                vWorkQueue.Enqueue(new OutPoint(trxHash, index));

            // Recursively process any orphan transactions that depended on this one
            List <ulong> setMisbehaving = new List <ulong>();

            while (vWorkQueue.Any())
                // mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.TryGet() does a .ToList() to take a new collection
                // of orphans as this collection may be modifed later by anotehr thread
                List <OrphanTx> itByPrev = await this.MempoolLock.ReadAsync(() => this.mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.TryGet(vWorkQueue.Dequeue())?.ToList());

                if (itByPrev == null)

                foreach (OrphanTx mi in itByPrev)
                    Transaction orphanTx   = mi.Tx;     //->second.tx;
                    uint256     orphanHash = orphanTx.GetHash();
                    ulong       fromPeer   = mi.NodeId; // (*mi)->second.fromPeer;

                    if (setMisbehaving.Contains(fromPeer))

                    // Use a dummy CValidationState so someone can't setup nodes to counter-DoS based on orphan
                    // resolution (that is, feeding people an invalid transaction based on LegitTxX in order to get
                    // anyone relaying LegitTxX banned)
                    MempoolValidationState stateDummy = new MempoolValidationState(true);
                    if (await this.Validator.AcceptToMemoryPool(stateDummy, orphanTx))
                        this.mempoolLogger.LogInformation($"accepted orphan tx {orphanHash}");
                        await behavior.RelayTransaction(orphanTx.GetHash());

                        for (int index = 0; index < orphanTx.Outputs.Count; index++)
                            vWorkQueue.Enqueue(new OutPoint(orphanHash, index));
                    else if (!stateDummy.MissingInputs)
                        int nDos = 0;
                        if (stateDummy.IsInvalid && nDos > 0)
                            // Punish peer that gave us an invalid orphan tx
                            //Misbehaving(fromPeer, nDos);
                            this.mempoolLogger.LogInformation($"invalid orphan tx {orphanHash}");
                        // Has inputs but not accepted to mempool
                        // Probably non-standard or insufficient fee/priority
                        this.mempoolLogger.LogInformation($"removed orphan tx {orphanHash}");
                        if (!orphanTx.HasWitness && !stateDummy.CorruptionPossible)
                            // Do not use rejection cache for witness transactions or
                            // witness-stripped transactions, as they can have been malleated.
                            // See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/8279 for details.
                            await this.MempoolLock.WriteAsync(() => this.recentRejects.TryAdd(orphanHash, orphanHash));
                    this.memPool.Check(new MempoolCoinView(this.coinView, this.memPool, this.MempoolLock, this.Validator));

            foreach (uint256 hash in vEraseQueue)
                await this.EraseOrphanTx(hash);