コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes items in the <see cref="toDownloadQueue"/> and ask the block puller for blocks to download.
        /// If the tree has too many unconsumed blocks we will not ask block puller for more until some blocks are consumed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Requests that have too many blocks will be split in batches.
        /// The amount of blocks in 1 batch to downloaded depends on the average value in <see cref="IBlockPuller.AverageBlockSize"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        private void ProcessDownloadQueueLocked()

            while (this.toDownloadQueue.Count > 0)
                BlockDownloadRequest request = this.toDownloadQueue.Peek();

                long freeBytes = MaxUnconsumedBlocksDataBytes - this.chainedHeaderTree.UnconsumedBlocksDataBytes - this.expectedBlockDataBytes;
                this.logger.LogTrace("{0} bytes worth of blocks is available for download.", freeBytes);

                if (freeBytes <= ConsumptionThresholdBytes)

                long avgSize     = (long)this.blockPuller.GetAverageBlockSizeBytes();
                int  blocksToAsk = avgSize != 0 ? (int)(freeBytes / avgSize) : DefaultNumberOfBlocksToAsk;

                this.logger.LogTrace("With {0} average block size, we have {1} download slots available.", avgSize, blocksToAsk);

                if (request.BlocksToDownload.Count <= blocksToAsk)
                    this.logger.LogTrace("Splitting enqueued job of size {0} into 2 pieces of sizes {1} and {2}.", request.BlocksToDownload.Count, blocksToAsk, request.BlocksToDownload.Count - blocksToAsk);

                    // Split queue item in 2 pieces: one of size blocksToAsk and second is the rest. Ask BP for first part, leave 2nd part in the queue.
                    var blockPullerRequest = new BlockDownloadRequest()
                        BlocksToDownload = new List <ChainedHeader>(request.BlocksToDownload.GetRange(0, blocksToAsk))

                    request.BlocksToDownload.RemoveRange(0, blocksToAsk);

                    request = blockPullerRequest;


                foreach (ChainedHeader chainedHeader in request.BlocksToDownload)
                    this.expectedBlockSizes.Add(chainedHeader.HashBlock, avgSize);

                this.expectedBlockDataBytes += request.BlocksToDownload.Count * avgSize;

                this.logger.LogTrace("Expected block data bytes was set to {0} and we are expecting {1} blocks to be delivered.", this.expectedBlockDataBytes, this.expectedBlockSizes.Count);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Request a list of block headers to download their respective blocks.
        /// If <paramref name="chainedHeaders"/> is not an array of consecutive headers it will be split to batches of consecutive header requests.
        /// Callbacks of all entries are added to <see cref="callbacksByBlocksRequestedHash"/>. If a block header was already requested
        /// to download and not delivered yet, it will not be requested again, instead just it's callback will be called when the block arrives.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chainedHeaders">Array of chained headers to download.</param>
        /// <param name="onBlockDownloadedCallback">A callback to call when the block was downloaded.</param>
        private void DownloadBlocks(ChainedHeader[] chainedHeaders, OnBlockDownloadedCallback onBlockDownloadedCallback)
            this.logger.LogTrace("({0}.{1}:{2})", nameof(chainedHeaders), nameof(chainedHeaders.Length), chainedHeaders.Length);

            var downloadRequests = new List <BlockDownloadRequest>();

            BlockDownloadRequest request        = null;
            ChainedHeader        previousHeader = null;

            lock (this.blockRequestedLock)
                foreach (ChainedHeader chainedHeader in chainedHeaders)
                    bool blockAlreadyAsked = this.callbacksByBlocksRequestedHash.TryGetValue(chainedHeader.HashBlock, out List <OnBlockDownloadedCallback> callbacks);

                    if (!blockAlreadyAsked)
                        callbacks = new List <OnBlockDownloadedCallback>();
                        this.callbacksByBlocksRequestedHash.Add(chainedHeader.HashBlock, callbacks);
                        this.logger.LogTrace("Registered additional callback for the block '{0}'.", chainedHeader);


                    bool blockIsNotConsecutive = (previousHeader != null) && (chainedHeader.Previous.HashBlock != previousHeader.HashBlock);

                    if (blockIsNotConsecutive || blockAlreadyAsked)
                        if (request != null)
                            request = null;

                        if (blockAlreadyAsked)
                            previousHeader = null;

                    if (request == null)
                        request = new BlockDownloadRequest {
                            BlocksToDownload = new List <ChainedHeader>()

                    previousHeader = chainedHeader;

                if (request != null)

                lock (this.peerLock)
                    foreach (BlockDownloadRequest downloadRequest in downloadRequests)

